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1、Unit 1 Women of achievement 精美语篇: Born into a rich family in Shanghai, Song Qingling not only got a good education but also went to study in the USA. In 1915, she married Dr Sun Yatsen, /who had a great influence on China. Later, she was made an honorary president of the Peoples Republic of China. B

2、eing kindhearted and easy- going for her whole life, she devoted herself to the welfare of women and children / in later years. She started the China Welfare Institute, / which is intended to serve women and children now Whats more, she also led the Womens Federation and worked hard / for civil righ

3、ts, democracy and peace. Having made great contributions to the welfare of women and children in China, she is highly thought of by the world. In a word, she is such a great woman that I think we all should learn from her. 1.教材原句:许多人瞧不起穷人。 Many people look down upon poor people.(P4) look down upon/o

4、n 蔑视;轻视;瞧不起 知识梳理: look 尊敬;仰视 look 盼望;期待 look 调查;审查 look 抬头看;查阅 look . . 把看作 look (for . )注意;留意;留神() look 浏览;翻阅 up to forward to into up on/upon out through as 即时练 Do not _him! I am sure he is a diamond in the rough. 别小看他!我坚信他是一个外粗内秀的人。 Ive always _ Tom for his courage and determination. 我一向佩服汤姆的勇气和决

5、心。 The police have received the complaint, and they are _it. 警方已经收到投诉,他们正在进行调查。 We _ a member of the family. 我们把你当作家人。 I _todays newspapers but I found nothing important. 我翻阅了今天的报纸,但没有发现什么重要消息。 look down upon looked up to looking into look upon/on you as looked through 2.教材原句 :如果单词“group”指不同的成员,谓语动词

6、 用复数。 If the word group refers to different members,use a plural verb. (P5) refer to 查阅;参考;提及;指的是 知识梳理: (1)refer to . . 把称作 refer sth. sb. 把某物提交给某人(解决) refer sb. sth. (正式说法)叫某人去某处(查阅资 料) (2) n. 涉及;提及;参考;查阅 in/with to 关于 as to to reference reference cYou should refer this question to our teacher for

7、an answer._ dShe always refers to Ben as that nice man._ 写出下列句中 refer to 的含义 aIf you dont know the exact meaning of the word, you may refer to the dictionary._ bWhen giving the lecture, he referred to his note from time to time._ 查阅 参考 提交 把称作 即时练: The scientist _the discovery _ the most exciting new

8、 development in this field. 这位科学家把这一发现称作是这个领域中最令人兴奋 的新发展。 You should _this matter _the head office for a decision. 你应把这事提交总部去决定。 The result of the research is for _only. 这个研究结果仅供参考。 _your question about cost, the tickets for the film are 35 yuan each. 关于你咨询的费用问题, 这部电影的票价是每张 35 元。 referred to as refe

9、r to reference With/In reference to 3.carry on 继续;坚持继续;坚持(P6) 单句写作单句写作 不管困难如何,他决定继续实施“乡村振兴计划” Whatever the difficulty, he decided to_ the “Rural Rehabilitation Programme”. 一旦计划制订出来,什么也不能阻止它的实施。 Once the plan is drawn up, nothing will stop it from_. carry on with being carried out 知识梳理: carry on /doi

10、ng sth. 继续某事/做某事(相当 于go on with/doing) carry 执行;实施 carry (克服困难后)把进行到底;完 成 carry 成功地进行(某事);赢得;获得 with out through off 热点句型 1“only状语”置于句首的倒装句 _ after her mother came to help her for the first few months _ (使她得以 开始自己的计划). (教材 P2) 2once 引导的条件状语从句;现在分词短语作伴随状 语 _ (一旦我停下来), it all comes_ (涌上心头) and I remem

11、ber the chimps in laboratories. (教材 P2) Only was she allowed to begin her project Once I stop crowding in 3it 作形式主语的主语从句 Suddenly _ (我忽然想起) how difficult it was for a woman to get medical training at that time. (教材 P6) 4It is/was . that/who . 强调句 Further reading made me realize that _ _ (是苦干、决 心和善良的

12、天性) got her into medical school. (教材 P6) it hit me it was hard work and determination as well as her gentle nature that 5形容词短语作状语 There was story after story of how Lin Qiaozhi, _ (在劳累一天之后), went late at night to deliver a baby for a poor family who could not pay her. (教材 P6) tired after a days work

13、 Only after her mother came to help her for the first few months was_she_allowed_to_ begin her project.(P2) 她母亲头几个月来帮她的忙,这才使她得以开始自己的计 划。 (1)该句为“only状语”置于句首时,句子使用部分 倒装的用法。only置于句首修饰作状语的副词或介词短 语时,句子要 。only置于句首修饰状语从句 时, 句要用部分倒装语序, 句不 用倒装语序。only在句首修饰主语 。 部分倒装 主 从 无须倒装 (2)含有否定意义的副词或连词,如never, not, not on

14、ly, little, seldom, hardly, not until, neither, nor, no sooner 等放在句首时,句子要用部分倒装形式,即把助动词、 情态动词或系动词置于主语之前。需要注意的是,在no sooner . than . 和hardly . when . 引导的句子中,主句 常用 时,从句常用 时。 过去完成 一般过去 单句写作单句写作 一个人只有在离开家时,才会意识到家的温暖。 one is away from home how nice home is. 他不仅读了这本书,而且他还记住他所读的内容了。 , but he also remembered

15、what he had read. 铃一响,学生们就冲出了教室。 the students rushed out of the classroom. Only when does one realize Not only did he read the book Hardly had the bell rung when Suddenly it hit me how difficult it was for a woman to get medical training at that time. P6 我突然想起在那个年代,一个女子去学医是多么困难 啊。 本句中,it是形式主语,how di

16、fficult引导的主语 从句作真正的主语。It hit/hits sb. that . 是一个固定句 型,意为“某人突然想到”,that引导的主语从句 作真正的主语。类似的句式还有: (1)It occurs/ sb. that . 某人突 然想到 (2)It strikes/ sb. that . 某人突 然想到 (3)It happens/ that . 碰巧 occurred to struck happened 即时练2 (1)单句语法填空单句语法填空 had never hit him that he might be falling in love with her. It oc

17、curred to me I had ever seen him before. 一句多译 他突然想到第二天上午他要参加一个重要的会议。 _ he had an important conference to attend the next morning. (occur) _ he had an important conference to attend the next morning. (hit) _ he had an important conference to attend the next morning. (strike) It occurred to him that I

18、t hit him that It struck him that It that .单句语法填空 1_when I left my brother to go to college did I realize how much I loved him. Only 解析:根据句子中“did I realize”可知,句子进行了部分 倒装,并结合句意表示“只有当时候,”可知, 此处为“onlywhen”引导的时间状语从句置于句首,引 起句子的倒装。 2 _the rivers are polluted, it takes many years for the ecosystem in them

19、to recover. Once 解析: 根据句意可知, 此处表示条件, once 意为“一 旦”。 3It is not when to do it but how to do it _ is of great importance. that 解析: 此句为强调句。强调的是句子的主语,且主 语被“not . but .”连接。 4Mr Black came back _ (drink) that night. drunk 解析: drunk 此处可视为形容词在句中作伴随状语。 句意:布莱克先生那晚上醉醺醺地回来。 5_ occurred to him that he had an impo

20、rtant conference to attend the next morning. It 解析: It occurred to sb. that 是固定句式,意为“某人 突然想到”。句意:他突然想到第二天上午他要参加一个 重要的会议。 21 板块一板块一 板块三板块三 板块二板块二 高考一轮总复习高考一轮总复习 英语英语(R) (经典版)(经典版) 板块四板块四 基础自主检测基础自主检测 考点步步冲关考点步步冲关 基础达标演练基础达标演练 配套课时作业配套课时作业 .单句语法填空 1Do you want to get this book _ (deliver) to your hous

21、e or would you prefer to come to the shop for it yourself? 答案:delivered 答案答案 22 板块一板块一 板块三板块三 板块二板块二 高考一轮总复习高考一轮总复习 英语英语(R) (经典版)(经典版) 板块四板块四 基础自主检测基础自主检测 考点步步冲关考点步步冲关 基础达标演练基础达标演练 配套课时作业配套课时作业 2He has decided to get a look at the house and see if it might be worthwhile _ (buy) it. 答案:to buy/buying

22、答案答案 23 板块一板块一 板块三板块三 板块二板块二 高考一轮总复习高考一轮总复习 英语英语(R) (经典版)(经典版) 板块四板块四 基础自主检测基础自主检测 考点步步冲关考点步步冲关 基础达标演练基础达标演练 配套课时作业配套课时作业 3I _ (intend) to take a holiday last year, but wasnt able to get away. 答案:had intended 答案答案 24 板块一板块一 板块三板块三 板块二板块二 高考一轮总复习高考一轮总复习 英语英语(R) (经典版)(经典版) 板块四板块四 基础自主检测基础自主检测 考点步步冲关考点

23、步步冲关 基础达标演练基础达标演练 配套课时作业配套课时作业 4He made such an _ (inspire) speech that everybody got excited. 答案:inspiring 答案答案 25 板块一板块一 板块三板块三 板块二板块二 高考一轮总复习高考一轮总复习 英语英语(R) (经典版)(经典版) 板块四板块四 基础自主检测基础自主检测 考点步步冲关考点步步冲关 基础达标演练基础达标演练 配套课时作业配套课时作业 5He gave up the plan chiefly because it _ (support) by none of them. 答

24、案:was supported 答案答案 26 板块一板块一 板块三板块三 板块二板块二 高考一轮总复习高考一轮总复习 英语英语(R) (经典版)(经典版) 板块四板块四 基础自主检测基础自主检测 考点步步冲关考点步步冲关 基础达标演练基础达标演练 配套课时作业配套课时作业 6Joanna left her husband because of his unacceptable _ (behave) 答案:behaviour 答案答案 27 板块一板块一 板块三板块三 板块二板块二 高考一轮总复习高考一轮总复习 英语英语(R) (经典版)(经典版) 板块四板块四 基础自主检测基础自主检测 考点

25、步步冲关考点步步冲关 基础达标演练基础达标演练 配套课时作业配套课时作业 7Gun control is a subject _ which Americans have argued for a long time. 答案:about 答案答案 28 板块一板块一 板块三板块三 板块二板块二 高考一轮总复习高考一轮总复习 英语英语(R) (经典版)(经典版) 板块四板块四 基础自主检测基础自主检测 考点步步冲关考点步步冲关 基础达标演练基础达标演练 配套课时作业配套课时作业 8He was observed _ (follow) her closely yesterday. 答案:to fo

26、llow 答案答案 29 板块一板块一 板块三板块三 板块二板块二 高考一轮总复习高考一轮总复习 英语英语(R) (经典版)(经典版) 板块四板块四 基础自主检测基础自主检测 考点步步冲关考点步步冲关 基础达标演练基础达标演练 配套课时作业配套课时作业 9There is no doubt that flying across the Atlantic for the first time was a great _ (achieve) 答案:achievement 答案答案 30 板块一板块一 板块三板块三 板块二板块二 高考一轮总复习高考一轮总复习 英语英语(R) (经典版)(经典版) 板

27、块四板块四 基础自主检测基础自主检测 考点步步冲关考点步步冲关 基础达标演练基础达标演练 配套课时作业配套课时作业 10Only later did _ hit me that I shouldnt have told her the story. 答案:it 答案答案 31 板块一板块一 板块三板块三 板块二板块二 高考一轮总复习高考一轮总复习 英语英语(R) (经典版)(经典版) 板块四板块四 基础自主检测基础自主检测 考点步步冲关考点步步冲关 基础达标演练基础达标演练 配套课时作业配套课时作业 .教材微写作 A根据提示完成句子 1戴西一生都奉献给了无家可归的儿童。(devote) _ _

28、 答案:Daisy has devoted all her life to the homeless children. 答案答案 32 板块一板块一 板块三板块三 板块二板块二 高考一轮总复习高考一轮总复习 英语英语(R) (经典版)(经典版) 板块四板块四 基础自主检测基础自主检测 考点步步冲关考点步步冲关 基础达标演练基础达标演练 配套课时作业配套课时作业 2她的行为赢得了所有人的尊重。(behaviour; respect) _ _ 答案:Her behaviour has won everyones respect. 答案答案 33 板块一板块一 板块三板块三 板块二板块二 高考一轮

29、总复习高考一轮总复习 英语英语(R) (经典版)(经典版) 板块四板块四 基础自主检测基础自主检测 考点步步冲关考点步步冲关 基础达标演练基础达标演练 配套课时作业配套课时作业 3我碰见了戴西,她应邀发表演讲。(come across; deliver) _ _ 答案:I came across Daisy, who was invited to deliver a speech. 答案答案 34 板块一板块一 板块三板块三 板块二板块二 高考一轮总复习高考一轮总复习 英语英语(R) (经典版)(经典版) 板块四板块四 基础自主检测基础自主检测 考点步步冲关考点步步冲关 基础达标演练基础达标演

30、练 配套课时作业配套课时作业 4她认为照顾孩子是平凡的工作,但是不要瞧不起平凡的工作。(look down upon) _ _ 答案: She holds the belief that caring for children is an ordinary job, but dont look down upon ordinary jobs. 答案答案 35 板块一板块一 板块三板块三 板块二板块二 高考一轮总复习高考一轮总复习 英语英语(R) (经典版)(经典版) 板块四板块四 基础自主检测基础自主检测 考点步步冲关考点步步冲关 基础达标演练基础达标演练 配套课时作业配套课时作业 5 一旦开

31、始做一件事情, 你就必须坚持下去, 否则你将一事无成。 (carry on) _ _ 答案:Once you begin to do something, you must carry on with it or you will never achieve anything. 答案答案 36 板块一板块一 板块三板块三 板块二板块二 高考一轮总复习高考一轮总复习 英语英语(R) (经典版)(经典版) 板块四板块四 基础自主检测基础自主检测 考点步步冲关考点步步冲关 基础达标演练基础达标演练 配套课时作业配套课时作业 B将以上句子连成一篇逻辑严密的短文,注意书写规范 _ 答案:Daisy ha

32、s devoted all her life to the homeless children. Therefore, her behaviour has won everyones respect. Recently, I came across Daisy, who was invited to deliver a speech. She holds the belief that caring for children is an ordinary job, but dont look down upon ordinary jobs. Once you begin to do something, you must carry on with it, or you will never achieve anything. 答案答案


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