北京版三下-UNIT FIVE CHILDREN'S DAY-Lesson 16-ppt课件-(含教案)-公开课-(编号:12887).zip

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  • 北京2011课标版一年级起点_三年级下册_小学英语_UNIT FIVE CHILDREN'S DAY_Lesson 16_ppt课件_(含教案)_县级优课_(编号:12887)
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Unit 5 Childrens Day Lesson 16 Lets review Do you want to ? Childrens Day Party dance Listen, look, and learn play the piano Listen, look, and learn sing a song You have a beautiful voice. questions? What will Lingling do? What will Guoguo do? What will Mike do? Listen and say Lingling will sing a song. Guoguo will dance. Mike will play the piano. Childrens Day is coming. We will have a party on that day. Lingling will . Mike will . And Guoguo will _______ ___.How about you? make a dialogue sing a song play the piano dance Name What will you do on Childrens Day? investigation Homework 1. 抄写单词。 2. 熟读课文。 Thanks! 谢谢!UNIT FIVE CHILDRENS DAY city Lesson 16 一、教学内容:一、教学内容: 1.课文内容: - Lingling, what are you going to do at the party? - I am going to sing a song. - You have a beautiful voice. -Thank you. -What will you do, Guoguo? - I will dance. How about you, Mike? - I will play the piano. 2.功能句型: - I will dance. How about you? - I will play the piano. 3.词汇: song voice dance 二、学生情况分析:二、学生情况分析: 在此版本教材中接触最多的时态是一般现在时, 在三上简单接触一般过去时, 和由 be going to 表示的一般将来时,在本课内容中继续学习用 will 表示的一般 将来时。 三、教学目标:三、教学目标: (一一)知识与技能目标知识与技能目标 1、学生能听、说、读 song, voice, dance 等单词。 2、学生能听懂、会说 I will dance.等谈论打算做的事情。 3、能正确、流利地朗读课文。 (二)过程与方法目标:二)过程与方法目标: 1、通过关注语音操练单词,在语境中理解运用单词。 2、通过观察图片、操练句型的方法,使学生能够巩固掌握谈论打算做 的事情的句型:What will you do on? 3、通过跟读录音,pair wok 使学生能够正确朗读课文,表演对话。 (三)情感态度价值观目标:(三)情感态度价值观目标: 能够主动与人沟通并用恰当的语言赞美他人。 四、教学重难点:四、教学重难点: (一)重点(一)重点: 1、学生能听、说、读 song, voice, dance 等四会单词。 2、能听懂、会说询问 What will you do on? 及回答 I will。 (二二)难点难点: 能够正确在实际情景中对于谈论打算做的事情进行交际。 五、教具准备:五、教具准备: PPT 录音机 光盘 单词卡 六、教学过程:六、教学过程: (一)(一)Review 活动一:活动一:Do you want to.? 活动目标:活动目标:通过师生对话,复习巩固旧知。 实施方法及师生预设语言:实施方法及师生预设语言: T: Firstly Lets do the review. Do you want to.? S: fly a kite. (2)Warming up 活动一:活动一:Invitation card 活动目标:活动目标:教师带领学生进入情景。 实施方法及师生预设语言:实施方法及师生预设语言: T: Boys and girls, do you know when is Childrens Day? S: Its on June 1st. T: I will sing a song on that day. What will you do on Childrens Day? S: I will. T: Everyone, Lets ask her/him together.( T:Ok, now look at the screen, here is an invitation card. It is a party, What kind of party? S: Childrens Day party. T: Yes, That means We will have a party on Childrens Day. Can you tell me whats the date of the party? S: June 1st. T: Whats the time of the party? S: at 7 oclock in the afternoon. T: Where do we have the party? S: At LingLings home. T: So Lingling will have a party on Childrens Day, and so many friends will come to her home on that day. (二)(二)Presentation and practice: 活动一:活动一:导入新知 活动目标活动目标:通过师生问答形式,引出本课所学词组。 实施方法及师生预设语言:实施方法及师生预设语言: T: So Iwill go to the party, too. And I will do something. Can you guess what wil I do? Please ask me together! S: What will you do at the party? T: I will (做动作) 1.Dance 教学 (在之前接触过,较为熟悉,强调读音) 2.Play the piano 3.Sing a song 教学 Do you like English songs or Chinese songs? Can you tell me the name of your favourate song? T: So if you sing a song, you must have a beautiful voice. Now listen, do I have a beautifu voice? Yes or no (教师演示不好和好的声音, 帮助学生理解 beautiful voice 的意思。 ) T:Who has a beautiful voice in our class! Everyone together! You have a beautiful voice. T:(唱 twinkle )Who can sing this? 学生唱完,教师让所有人说:you have a beautiful voice. 活动二:活动二:学习课文 活动目标活动目标:通过听课文的录音,大致了解课文内容,在情境中理解 How about you?的含义。 实施方法及师生预设语言实施方法及师生预设语言: 1.观察主题图: T:Ok, now here we are at the party. Who are they? S: They are Lingling and Mike. T: What can you see in this picture? S: colourful balloon. Flowers. Bench, and piano. 2.播放对话录音,让学生带着问题听课文。 T: they all will do something at the party.l Now Lets listen to the computer, and find out what will Lingling do? What will Guoguo do? What will Mike do? (教师板书) S: Lingling will sing a song. Guoguo will dance. Mike will play the piano. 2.教师再次播放录音,让学生听清并初步理解对话内容。 设计意图设计意图:通过看图听录音,学生能够理解课文的意思,并能熟练地掌 握课文。 活动三:活动三:操练对话。 活动目标:活动目标:通过练习,能够正确地、熟练地朗读对话。 实施方法及师生预设语言:实施方法及师生预设语言: 1.播放录音,学生跟读 1-2 遍,纠正单词的不准确读音。 2.开展 pair work ,进行模仿对话练习。 3.请学生模仿对话,师生共同评价。 4. 分角色练习. 5. 角色表演(给予奖励) (三三)Production 活动一活动一:创编对话 活动目标:活动目标:能灵活运用所学单词和语言,创编一个新对话。 实施方法及师生预设语言:实施方法及师生预设语言: 1模仿课文内容,可根据幻灯上的提示创编对话。 2. 幻灯上的内容: Childrens Day is coming. We will have a party on that day. Lingling will . Mike is going to do . And Guoguo will __________.How about you? 1. 学生回答,并两人一组练习。 活动二活动二:调查问卷 活动目标活动目标:通过表格对学生进行采访,提高语言运用能力,拓展练习。 实施方法及师生预设语言:实施方法及师生预设语言: NameWhat will you do on Childrens Day? (五)(五)Homework: 1. 朗读背诵课文 2. 抄写单词 七、板书设计七、板书设计 Lesson 16 What will you do? I will play the piano.
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