北京版三下-UNIT TWO I LIKE THE SHAPE-Lesson 7-ppt课件-(含教案+视频)-公开课-(编号:62f6f).zip

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  • 北京2011课标版一年级起点_三年级下册_小学英语_UNIT TWO I LIKE THE SHAPE_Lesson 7_ppt课件_(含教案+视频)_县级优课_(编号:62f6f)
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Unit2 Lesson7 跳跃 What shape is it? What shape do you see? I see a. rectangle What shapes do you see? I see a rectangle and two triangles. a ship . There are many shapes in What shapes do you see in the ship? I see . What shapes do you see in the house? I see . Who? Where? What? Art class What shapes do they see in the house? Lingling sees a triangle. Guoguo sees a square. Yangyang sees two squares. Lets listen and read it together. Watch a movie and answer some questions. We know people make Mr. Shapey with these shapes. Now lets go back to their Art class again. There are many shapes on the desk . What shapes do they have? Their Art teacher wants them to make a with these shapes . Now try to make a ship with these shapes, please. What does teacher say to them? Now lets listen and read . What shapes can you see in the picture? What things can you make with these shapes? I can see . I can make . What shapes can you see in the picture? What things can you make with these shapes? I can see . I can make . I show you some shapes now. What can I make with these shapes? Shapes Time Game Time: Now try to make things with these shapes please. What shapes do you have? What can you make with these shapes? We have . We can make a with these shapes. What shapes can you see in the picture? Lets see the shapes in our life(生活). What shapes can you see in the pictures? I can see . What shapes can you see in the pictures? I can see . What shapes can you see in the picture? I can see . Reading Time Three little mice and the shapes. Three little mice see some shapes. And they have an idea. Tom makes a house with a triangle and a square. Lily makes a tree with a triangle and a rectangle. Jack makes the sun with a circle. “Look, we have a home now.” Lily says. Tom makes a book with two diamonds. “Lets read at home.” But Jack wants to go for an outing. So he makes a wagon with a rectangle and two circles. “Watch out! The cat is nearby. The little mice make a cat with . “Dont worry. I can make a fish for the cat.” Jack makes a with. And they make. 1.1. ListenListen andand readread thethe dialogue.dialogue. 2.2. MakeMake somethingsomething withwith thesethese shapes.shapes. Home work: See you ! Thank you! Look and match! square circle triangle rectangle Look and choose! A. a square B. a circle C. a triangle D. a rectangle E. a diamond F. an oval ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )课程说明(信息技术与学科教学内容结合方面的指导思想与理论依据): 图像动画制作,利用计算机制作房子图形;网络视频的插入,利用计算机技术插入网络资源 歌曲 What shape is it? 利用计算机技术制作转盘让学生说形状, 信息技术环境软硬件要求及搭建环境情况 Windows XP 系统, Office 办公软件 PPT 在课堂教学中的应用 教学背景分析 一、一、教材背景和学情分析教材背景和学情分析 (一)本单元的主要话题以及相关话题的上位知识 本单元的主要话题是形状。在本单元将出现:有关形状 (flag, yellow, star, watch, from, square, shape, black, round, circle, now, try, ship)13 个四会单词,和询 问物品数量答句 How many stars are there? There are five yellow stars, one big star and four small ones.;询问物品形状问答句 What s your watch like? Its square and its black.;以及有关用形状拼图 What shapes do you see in the house? I see a triangle.的句型。 对于词汇,学生在一、二、三年级对颜色,数字,文具的单词已经深入学 习过,这些词汇的积累为本单元第五课对物品外观的描述打下了良好的基础。 此外,学生在三年级上学期学习过 my, your 等形容词性物主代词,本单元将强 化这些形容词性物主代词在语境中的使用。 对于句型,学生在二年级学习有关动物话题的时候学过 I have句型,在 二年级上学期学习星期和二年级下学期学习季节的时候都接触过 How many 和 There be 句型,学生能够听懂会说这些句型,以上的上位知识都对新知学 习起到加强和巩固作用。 (二)各单元、各课知识点之间的联系、整合、铺垫与延伸 本单元的第五课主要通过情景谈论国旗的图案,颜色和形状,来引出本单 元的主要话题形状,从而学习各形状的表达;第六课是针对具体物品来询问形 状;第七课通过拼图活动要求学生对句型的灵活运用。本单元中的前一课都是 为后一课做铺垫,从易到难,层层递进,逐渐延伸。 教学目标 教学目标:(一)知识与技能目标 1、学生能熟练说出有关形状的词汇 square,circle,star,rectangle。 2、学生能够听,说,读本课单词 shape,bird,ship,triangle。 3、学生能听懂,会说本课功能句型:What shapes do you see in the .? I see a . 4、学生能正确朗读课文。 (二)过程与方法目标 1、通过 shapes 的动画导入,复习之前所学的形状。 2、学生通过 chant、课文学习,动手制作,角色扮演等方式,引导学生积极参 与到课堂教学中来,培养学生的创新精神和交流能力,提高学生的观察及英语 听说读能力。 3、通过用形状来制作活动,使学生对语言的认知能力逐步提高,提高学生的语 言表达能力。 (三)情感态度价值观目标 1、通过多种活动培养学生对英语的兴趣,使其获得成就感,体验英语学习的乐 趣。 2、在活动中实际体验创造的快乐,培养学生的创新意识和合作能力。 教学重点:What shapes do you see in the.? I see.的应用。 教学难点:Now try to make a . with these shapes, please. 的语言表达的学习。 教学过程 教学阶段教师活动学生活动设置意图技术应用时间安排 Warming up Before our new class, lets sing a song. Ok? 教师播放视 频 What shape is it? 学生一起齐 唱 What shape is it? 热身活动,激 发学生已经认 识的形状。 多媒体视频3 分钟 Now, lets read these 学生齐说: circle, 热身活动,激 发学生已经认 运用多媒体 转动转盘显 2 分钟 shapes together. What shape is it?教师转 动转盘,学 生说出显示 出来的形状。 square, rectangle, star, triangle, heart, oval, diamond 识的形状。示不同的形 状 Presentation and practice 利用 PPT 动画显示一 个长方形图 案,并问学 生 What shape do you see? There are many shapes in a ship. What shapes do you see in the ship? Here is a house. What shapes do you see in the house? I see . 学生在物体 中找出,并 说出自己看 到的形状, 为学习新知 做迁移。 利用图示和 动画效果让 学生找形状 3 分钟 What shapes do they see in the house? 播放录音 Lingling sees a triangle. Guoguo sees a squarYangy ang sees two squares. e. 帮助学生学习 和理解课文 利用计算机 播放录音 5 分钟 教师播放视 频,并提问: What shape is his head? His head is a circle. His hat is a 为学习场景 2 课文做铺垫 利用计算机 播放 Mr. Shapey 5 分钟 What shape is his hat? What shape is his body? What shapes are his arms? What shapes are his hands? triangle. His body is a square. His arms are rectangles. His legs are rectangles, too. His hands are diamonds. 教师先示范 I show you some shapes now. What can I make with these shapes? Now try to make things with these shapes please. What shapes do you have? What can you make with these shapes? We have. We can make . with these shapes. 让学生在真 实的语言情 境中对语言 进行应用。 同时为学习 场景二内容 做铺设和过 渡。 把用彩纸剪 裁好的图形 发给学生 10 分钟 T:Now lets go back to their Art class again. There are many They have. Their Art teacher wants them to make a. 帮助学生学习 和理解场景二 课文内容 多媒体 PPT2 分钟 shapes on the desk . What shapes do they have? What does teacher say to them? with these shapes. Now try to make a ship with these shapes, please. 播放录音 学生逐句跟 读录音两遍。 分角色表演 课文对话。 操练与实践课文视频5 分钟 Production What shapes can you see in the picture? What things can you make with these shapes? I can see. I can make. 拓展练习 利用计算机 创设各种形 状 3 分钟 Lets see the shapes in our life(生活). What shapes can you see in the picture? I can see. 联系学生生活 说一说看到的 形状。 从网络上搜 索一些带有 图形的建筑、 轮船。 2 分钟 学习效果评价 评价方式: 口头表扬:You are good! Good job! Wonderful! You do it very well. 本教学设计与以往未使用信息技术教学设计相比的特点(300-500 字数) 本次教学与以往教学相比,利用多媒体计算机技术,把生动形象的图画展示给学生, 让学生更容易理解所学知识内容。利用网络搜索相关图片,让学生更观察和查找相关图形。 通过网络资源,搜找有关形状的歌曲和视频。让学生学起来更轻松更有趣。形状歌曲让学 生在唱歌过程中,掌握所学形状。利用动画、触发器设计转盘,转动转盘,让学生说出看 到的形状。这样设计让学生觉得更有趣。学生更乐学爱学。观看 Mr. Shapey 让学生更形象 的看到了形状可以组合成机器人。 信息技术的应用,改变了以往单一,枯燥乏味的学习。信息技术把抽象的学习变成了 更直接更具体的学习。信息技术方便了学生的学习。改变了我们的课堂。信息技术让学生 更想去学习,更乐意参加英语教学活动。 教学反思 优点:在本次课堂学习中,学生的英语思维逻辑得到了很好的发展。学生的综合语言应用 能力有了相应的提高。 不足:个别学生参与活动还不够积极 改进措施:采取多种形式的评价,充分调动学生学习的 积极性。
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