北京版六下UNIT SIX REVISION-Lesson 21-Think and write Read and choose Read and write-ppt课件-(含教案+音频)(编号:80d04).zip

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Review of grade six Part one Tense and Writing 时态时态 与写作 一般将来时时与写作 学习习目标标 : 1.通过过听力复习习交通工具,食物等词词 汇汇,做到准确,无误误。了解著名城市 的名胜胜,做到熟悉。 2.复习习将来时时的结结构功能句型,能够够 表达个人的旅行计计划。 3.在听说说的基础础上,能够够的写出一篇 游记记的小作文,做到清晰的表达思想 ,准确无误误。 Part one warming up 1. Write the correct number. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 123456 Part two words and phrases Part three sentences and dialogue A.Wow, how wonderful. I hope you are going to have a good time. B.Who are you going with. C.What are you going to do in Beijing? D.How are you going there? E.Where are you going to this summer vocation? Hi, lingling. Summer vocation is coming. Yes, Baobao. ________________________________________________ I am going to Beijing. _________________________________________________ I am going there with my best friend Jack. _________________________________________________ We are going there by car. Its fast. _________________________________________________ We going to visit Tian An Men, the Great Wall, and we are going to eat Beijing ducks. __________________________________________________ Thank you. E B D C A Part three sentences and dialogue Hi, Lingling. Summer vocation is coming. Yes, Baobao. Where are you going to this summer vocation? I am going to Beijing. Who are you going with. I am going there with my best friend Jack. How are you going there? We are going there by car. Its fast. What are you going to do in Beijing? We going to visit Tian An Men, the Great Wall, and we are going to eat Beijing ducks. Wow, how wonderful. I hope you are going to have a good time. Thank you. Wher eare you going to? Who are you going with? How are you going there? What areyou goingto do there? How will you feel? Summervacation 暑假要到了,请根据 提示写一篇介绍你暑假 的短文。写出意思连贯 、符合逻辑、不少于5 句的短文。 Part four letswriteyourarticle Where did you go? Who did yougo with? How did yougo there? What did youdo there? How did you feel? Lastsummervocation 请根据提示写一篇介绍 你春游的短文。写出意思 连贯、符合逻辑、不少于5 句的短文。 Part five homework I am going to Beijing this summer vacation. I am going to Beijing with Jack. I am going there by train. I am going to visit Tian An Men, the Great Wall. I am going to eat Beijng duck. I will have a good time. I went toBeijing this summer vacation. I went to Beijing with Jack. I went there by train. I went to visit Tian An Men, the Great Wall. I went to eat Beijng duck. I had a good time.1 教学设计个人信息 姓名单位联系方式 设计者 教学基本信息 课题六年级下册 Unit Six Read and Write 学科英语学段高年级年级六年级 相关 领域 教材书名:英语 出版社:北京出版社 出版日期:2015 年 1 月第 1 版 1.指导思想与理论依据 本节课在复习交通工具、食物、北京著名游览胜地引导学生写出等基础上,通过 合作组织教学,最终引导学生写出游记作文。 小学英语新课程标准中提到:基础教育阶段英语课程的基本任务是激发和培养学 生学习英语的兴趣,使学生树立自信心,养成良好的学习习惯和形成有效的学习策略, 发展自主学习的能力和合作精神。因此在教学中采用多种活动形式激发学生的兴趣是 非常必要的。 在本课的教学中,我以激发学生兴趣为出发点,在教学过程中设计了大量的图片、 音频和小组活动,营造出一种自主、合作、创新的课堂教学情境,寓教于乐,让学生 在听、说、做、演、小组讨论等活动体验中,激发学生学习英语、运用英语的兴趣, 最终将所学知识形成系统,完成写作的目的。 2.教学背景分析 1.教材分析: 本课教材是北京版小学英语六年级下 Unit 6 review 第三课的作文教学。主要是在 复习食物、交通工具、将来时句型和风景名胜等知识的基础上,完成一篇通顺、语法 正确的游记作文。是对以前食物、交通工具和语法知识的融合,故而难度较大,在完 成作文的过程中,学生难免会发生错误,因此要教师在学习过程中耐心指正。 2.学生分析: 这个班由 10 名学生组成。大部分学生学习态度端正,学习兴趣浓厚,有强烈的学 习愿望。 他们课上够能主动参与,积极发言,具有初步的合作欲望和能力。但是一部 2 分学生由于各方面原因不能很好的完成听磁带、朗读课文等作业。造成基础知识不扎 实,从而不能很好的融入课堂。因此,教师本节课要关注全体,树立孩子的自信心, 使他们在课上尽可能的收获更多的知识。 3.教学目标(含重、难点) 1.知识目标: 1.通过听力复习交通工具,食物等词汇,做到准确,无误。了解著名城市的名胜,做到 熟悉。 2.复习将来时的结构功能句型,能够表达个人的旅行计划。 3.在听说的基础上,能够的写出一篇游记的小作文,做到清晰的表达思想,准确无误 3. 4.学生能够在轻松、自然的学习氛围中积极参与活动,提高英语学习兴趣;能够在活动 中,敢于思考、积极合作、自主学习。 教学重点: 在 教学难点: 能够在情景交流中正确运用将来时进行问答,并将所复习的知识进行整合,完成游记 的小作文。 3 教学流程示意 结束 互动 小结 引导 ppt 听力排列顺序 ppt 复习食物、交 通、著名景点。 ppt 排序练习 ppt 组织对话 ppt 拓展提高练习 ppt 板书出示重点 作业 开始 完成听力内容 回忆所学词汇 思考回答 在活动中竞争 练习比赛 说出课堂收获 4 4.教学过程 分为五步:复习引入、操练新知、练习巩固、练习巩固、拓展提高、小结作业。 Teaching steps Teachers activityStudents activityPurpose design Step 1 听力引入 (3 分钟) 1. T: Before our study, lets listen to a dialogue and write the correct number: Before listen, lets look at the pictures, who can tell me: What are these pictures? 2. T: OK,lets listen for two times, and then write the correct number? S1:By train. S2: With parents. S3: The Birds Nest S4: Beijing Duck S5:The Great Wall Students answer the correct answer after listening. 复习、检测学 生对词汇的掌 握情况。为词 汇的学习提供 语境,激活与 本课有关的知 识和学习体验。 以旧带新为复 习进行铺垫, 。 利用学生对已 有知识的记忆, 不断巩固,同 时为学生将单 词复习做铺垫。 既烘托了课堂 的气氛,又使 学生能够意识 到本节课将要 学习的内容。 以旧代新,将 单词的复习引 入进来 Step 2 复习词汇 (10 分钟) 1. T: show students some food pictures on the ppt, ask students what are these food. Then ask students what food do you know. 2. T: show students some transportation pictures on the ppt, ask students what are these transportation. Then ask students what transportation do you know. 3. T: elicit the famous places in 1. Ss will answer the food”s name Students show the foods name they know. 2.Ss answer the transportation name. Ss answer other transportation they know. 复习单词的同 时,将句型We are going to 融入到教学中, 使学生明白新 单词的运用, 让学生更好的 掌握新学习的 单词和句型。 强化单词短语 学习。充分的 知识输入才能 够产生成功 有 5 Beijing. What famous do you know in Beijing? 3. Ss answer the places they know. Such as: the Forbidden City, the Birds Nest, the Great Wall 效的知识输出。 Step 3 练习巩固 (15 分钟) 1.practice time T: we are going to have a dialogue to see which group is excellent. Here I have a dialogue, lets see which group can use the least time to finish it. Call each group come to do the game and count their time. At last, give the prize to the winner. 2. play the dialogue. T: lets practice the dialogue and see which group will do the best work. 3.show their works 1. Students from each group come to finish the dialogue work. 2. S: Finish the dialogue with their partner. 3. Each group practice their work to show which group will win the dialogue. 合作微对话是 学生们最喜闻 乐见的一种学 习方式,通过 对话练习既能 使课堂气氛活 跃,又可以巩 固学生所学单 词和词组。 通过小组合作, 增强学生们的 合作精神。同 时模拟英语环 境,更好的学 习英语 本课中出现的 对话是对照当 前的听力趋势, 稍显复杂,但 是这一环节绝 对不可缺少。 故在此第一环 节听力基础上 又设计了对话 环节。在设计 过程中是对上 一环节的加深 与巩固,有时 对下一环节写 作的铺垫。 Step 4 拓展提高 (10 分钟) 1.T: Here, we have a summer vocarion soon, think about where are you going to visit, who are you going to with, how are you going there and what are S: write the article by their own. 通过写作,将 本课复习的句 型与单词融合, 更好的掌握课 6 you going to do there. Give students more clues to finish the work. 2.Then give five minutes to have students to write their article. 3.Then call students to walk in front of the class to show their writing an give them advices. S: show their articles in front of the class. 的内容,同时 通过教师修改, 加深了学生对 错误的认知, 是学生更好的 掌握游记作文 的写法。 Step 5 小结作业 举一反三 (1 分钟) Ask the Ss to talk about what they have learnt in this lesson. T: Homework for today. 1.write a article about about last summer vocationt Talk about what they have learnt. Write down the homework and finish the homework after class. 让学生自己小 结可以使其反 思自己本节课 的得与失。布 置作业巩固新 知。 5.学习效果评价设计 1.教师对小组的评价(贴画奖励) 2. 教师对学生个人的评价 (1). 在教学过程中教师采用不同层次的口头评价: 如 good, great, super, excellent 等对学生及时表扬, 帮助学生树立自信心。 (2). 在竞赛,游戏中,对于表现突出的学生给予贴画和徽章奖励。 3. 生生评价(课后完成) 采用学生自评与互评相结合的评价方式,评价者在相应的选项中画相应的标识。 等级 评价内容 (一般) (良)(优) 自评互评 积极主动参 与学习活动 不太动脑,不举 手发言 能动脑,能举手发 言(4 次以内) 积极动脑、举手发 言次数多 交流中表现基本能表达自 己见解 能完整、清楚表达 自己的见解 发言有独道见解, 思路清晰 小组讨论中 的表现 不太动脑、 不参与讨论 听取他人发言,能 表达自己看法 有合作意识,积极 发表自己的看法 6.本教学设计与以往或其他教学设计相比的特点(300-500 字数) 1. 板书清晰美观、重难点突出 7 2. 融入生活,学以致用。本节课所出示的食物及名胜和交通工具都是生活中常见的, 与学生的联系紧密。教师组织的对话与练习十分的生活化,因此学生在对话练习对语 言的使用有了更加深刻的认识,明白了英语知识如何在现实生活中使用,达到学以致 用,体验成功的目的。 3. 小组合作, 听力教学和对话练习相结合。本节课中设计了大量的游戏活动和小组合 作,并将而这结合起来,不仅在教学中烘托了学习气氛,而且激发了学生的学习兴趣, 使学生喜欢学习,主动学习,在交流、讨论与合作中巩固了课堂所学 4.评价方式多样,新颖,有童趣,更激发起学生们学习英语愿望。生生评价从课上延 伸到课后更能发现学生在学习过程中出现的困难和不足,帮助其改进缺点。
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