(广东)粤人版四年级下册-Unit 8 Weekend Fun-Lesson 3-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:a1478).docx

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1、1 Unit 8 Unit 8 Weekend FunWeekend Fun ( (Lesson 3Lesson 3) ) 教材简析教材简析 本单元来自粤人 2011 课标版(三年级起点)四年级下册第八单 元。主题为通过“What do you want to do? ”句型询问学生。该话 题十分贴近生活,学生能将其应用到生活中。目标词汇为动作短语的 英文表达。 目标句型为 “What do you want to do?” “Do you want to?” , 以及字母组合 un 的发音。 学情分析学情分析 四年级的学生喜欢自己动手去感受,丰富有趣的活动和图画能调 动起他们的好奇心和学习兴

2、趣。 他们在前三年的英语学习中已经初步 积累了一定的语言基础,对英语有较浓厚的兴趣。在课堂中,他们已 经能较好地完成两人和小组合作, 能够在老师的引导下完成小组合作 的任务。此外,在知识上,学生基本能掌握本单元动词短语的英语表 达,对于本单元的重点句型初步熟知,但仍需进一步掌握、巩固。 教学目标教学目标 1. Knowledge objectives a. Students can master the following action phrases: go to the park/ see a movie/play outside read a story/ make a snowman/

3、 surf the Internet b. Students can master the sentence structures: 2 What do you want to do? I want to What does he/she want to do? He/She wants to Do you want to ? Yes, I do. / No, I dont. 2. Ability objectives a. Ss can talk about what they want to do on Childrens Day. b. Ss can correctly use the

4、target questions to interview others. c. Ss can listen to the materials and match the right pictures. d. Ss can describe what they want to do on Childrens Day . e. Ss can develop their abilities of communication and corporation in pair work and group work. 3. Emotional objectives Students can develo

5、p awareness that we should make a plan and cherish time. 4. Learning strategy objectives a. Ss can use the target language to communicate with classmates and apply it in class activities. b. Ss can master the target language from the perspective of listening, speaking, reading and writing. 5. Cultur

6、e objectives Ss can understand and know more about holiday plans. 教学重教学重点点 1. Master target action phrases. 3 2. Ask and answer about what people want to do with the target structures: What do you want to do? I want to What does he/she want to do? He/She wants to Do you want to ? Yes, I do. / No, I

7、dont. 教学难点教学难点 1. Discuss in groups and write down more fun things. 2. Write about what friends want to do according to the surveys. 教学准备教学准备 PowerPoint and worksheet. 教学过程教学过程 Step1. Greetings Say hello to students and get them ready for the following lesson. Step 2. Warming up 1. Free talk: Ask st

8、udents where they are going this weekend and what they want to do. 2. Have Ss sing the song Lets See a Movie. (设计意图:通过问答和歌曲,提高学生的兴趣,并引出接下来的 复习内容。同时介绍本节课的评价方式,激发学生的学习兴趣,调动 学生积极性。) Step3. Revision of Action Phrases 1. Have Ss look at the screen and shout out the phrases. 4 T:Lets see a movie and shout

9、 out the phrases. (设计意图: 通过这一环节,帮助学生回顾所学过的动词短语,为 接下来的句型操练做铺垫。 ) Step 4. Phonics teaching of “un” 1. Have Ss read out the words “sun”and “fun”according to the pictures. 2. Have Ss watch the video and read words with sound of “un”. 3. Have Ss chant with the video. (设计意图:1. 让学生通过多个单词,观察发现字母组合“un” 在单词中的

10、基本读音。2. 通过视频的跟读, 加强学生对于字母组合 “un”的理解和运用。 ) Step 5. Brain Storm 1. Have students discuss in groups and think about more things that 5 are fun and write down the phrases. 2. Share the fun things with other students. (设计意图:通过头脑风暴,让学生以小组讨论的形式回顾更多之 前学过的短语,将旧识和新知有效结果,同时锻炼学生的小组合作能 力。 ) Step 6. Revision of t

11、arget patterns 1. Have students look at the pictures and fill in the blanks. (设计意图:通过看图填空,帮助学生复习本单元重点句型。 ) Step 7. Practice about Childrens Day 1. Introduce to students that Childrens Day is coming and ask about what they want to do. 6 2. Listen and match: Find out what Tony and his friends want to

12、do on Childrens 3. Do a survey: Have students ask around and fill in the chart about what their friends want to do on Childrens Day.) 4. Make a report: Have students share their surveys results with the pattern: _ wants to _ and work in pairs. (设计意图: 1.通过听力连线配对, 加强学生对于重点句型的巩固, 为接下来的练习做脚手架。2.学生根据表格,运

13、用句型“What do you want to do on Childrens Day?”询问其他同学儿童节的计划并填 写表格,以此锻炼学生的口语交际能力。3. 通过让学生与同桌分享 调查结果,巩固第三人称目标句型的运用。) Step 8. Writing exercise 7 1. Have students complete the passage according to their survey Childrens Day is coming. Im going to the _. I want to _. _ is going to the _. He/She wants to _.

14、 _. _. 2. Share some writings with the students. (设计意图: 1. 在情景中结合旧知, 检测学生书写运用表达能力, 进一步巩固本课的重点知识,扩展运用。2. 通过邀请学生上台介绍 自己的文章,给学生展示的平台和机会,锻炼学生的口语表达及表现 力。) Step 8.Moral Education 1. Inspire Ss that there are many fun ways to spend Childrens Day. Lets spend more time with friends and parents instead of com

15、puters and phones. (设计意图: 1.通过学生们的计划分享,引导孩子们思考如果度 过一个快乐而有意义的儿童节,多花一些时间和家人或朋友相处,少 玩一些电脑游戏和手机。) Step 9.Homework(作业) Share your plan about Childrens Day with your parents and discus with them. 板书设计板书设计 8 教学反思教学反思 本节课通过创设儿童节的情境,设置听说读写各方面的活动和 任务,让学生在观察思考、发散思维和交流讨论的过程中,复习本单 元的目标知识,提高综合语言运用能力,锻炼学生的思维能力,培养

16、学生的核心素养。 本节课有以下几处优点: 1. 教学目标明确,重难点突出,围绕教学目标,从学生的能力 和发展出发,通过清晰明了的情景主线,开展了一系列丰富 有趣、符合学生实际的教学活动,极大程度地调动了学生的 学习积极性,有效地帮助学生复习巩固本课的重难点知识。 2. 教学过程中将英语教学和信息技术的充分结合,音频,整合 多种学习资源,有效地激发学生学习兴趣,提高学生的学习 效率。 3. 本节课注重培养学生的核心素养。通过融合多学科的知识, 9 设计一系列丰富的游戏和两人或小组任务,锻炼学生的发散 思维, 发散思维和想象力, 培养学生的动手能力和合作精神。 本节课的不足之处在于,课堂的活动形式可以更加多彩有趣, 扩展的知识可以更加丰富;时间的把控上存在不足,另外如果能让学 生在课堂上更直接地参与信息技术的运用, 会更能激发学生的学习热 情,给学生新的体验。


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