(广东)粤人版四年级下册-Unit 3 Bank or Beach -Lesson 2-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)--(编号:c003f).zip

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  • 粤人2011课标版三年级起点_四年级下册(2013年12月第2版)_小学英语_Unit 3 Bank or Beach _Lesson 2_ppt课件_(含教案+素材)__(编号:c003f)
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1、Choose the best answer.(选出答案,写编号) A. hospital B. bank C. swimming pool D. restaurant E. school 1.There is a lot of(许多) money in the ________. 2.Her mother is a doctor(医生) , she works in a _________. 3.I can swim in the ___________. 4.We can eat in the _________. 5.The students go to _______ from Monday to Friday. (从星期一到 星期五) 二、Look at the pictures and answer the questions.(看图回答问题) 1. Are they going to the park? _________, they _________. 2. Where is he going? ________________________________ 3. Is he going to the movie theater? _______________________________ 4. Are you going the swimming pool? ________________________________ 5. Where is she going? ___________________________________Lesson 2 EnglishEnglish BookBook 4 4 Groupwork Look at the pictures , ask and answer. Where are they going? Theyre going to the park. Are they going to the shopping mall? No, they arent.Theyre going to the supermarket. Where are they going? Theyre going to the hospital. Where are they going? Theyre going to the restaurant. Where are they going? I m going to the beach. The first reading Look and match : beach hospital restaurant bank shopping mall Think and answer: Where is Gogo now? Where is Gogo going? The second reading 1.Read the story with your partner. 2.Ask and answer the question. Where is the bus going ? Is the bus going to the beach at first? Its going to the beach. No,it isnt. The third reading 1.Read the story in groups. 2.Show time. Look at the pictures and make a new story. Homework: 1. Read the story three times. 2. Tell the story to your parents. Thank you! & Goodbye!Unit 3 Bank or Beach 第二课时 一、教学目标:一、教学目标: 1、知识目标:通过学习,可以运用 Vocabulary 的词汇操练 target 所有句型, 学 生能理解句型 Where is he/she going? / Is he/she going to the ? /Are they going to the .?并作出相应回答。 2、能力目标:学生能够用目标句型来表达自己或询问他人正在去的地方并作出 正确的回答。 3. 情感目标:主动,积极参与学习和交际活动,从中获得学习的乐趣和提高人 际交往的能力。通过学习树立学生学习英语的信心和提高用英语 进行会话的兴趣。 二、教学重点和难点二、教学重点和难点 1、教学重点:运用 vocabulary 的词汇和重点句型来表达自己或询问他人正在去 的地方并作出正确的回答。 2、教学难点: 第三人称的特殊疑问句与一般疑问句的变化。 三、教具准备:三、教具准备:Unit3 教学卡片,教学卡片,PPT 等。等。 四、教学过程四、教学过程 Step 1 Warm-up 1、Free talk. 2、Game:Sharpeyes(快速闪过地点图片)复习旧知识。 【设计意图:由旧知引出新知,提高学生学习的自信心,激发学生学习的兴趣。 】 Step 2 Presentation 1、Weekend is coming. Tony and his friends are going to some places. Where are they going? Lets watch and fill in the table. 2、Take out the table, 观看 PPT 展示: Tony:Weekend is coming. Where are you going , Jenny? Jenny: Im going to the shopping mall with Lisa on Saturday. On Sunday, Im going to the restaurant. And you, Tony? Tony: On Saturday, Im going to the hospital. On Sunday, Im going to the park. What about you on Sunday, Lisa? Lisa: On Sunday, Im going to the movie theater with Ben. Tony: Ben, where are you going on Saturday? Ben: Im going to swim. Maybe Im going to the swimming pool. What about you, Gogo? Gogo: Im going to the bank on Saturday. On Sunday, Im going to the supermarket. Tony: Oh, thats great. Have a good time! 3、 Check the answers. NameOn SaturdayOn Sunday Tonythe hospitalthe park Jennythe shopping mallthe restaurant Lisathe shopping malthe movie theater Benthe swimming poolthe movie theater Gogothe bankthe supermarket 【设计意图:设置情境,以 Tony 和他的朋友的周末计划引入,将上一节的单 词和句型结合在一起, 通过对话及表格的形式呈现,进行系统的复习的同时也 为新课做好铺垫。 】 4、T: Now, look at your table and answer these questions. (1) Wheres Tony going on Saturday? Hes going to the hospital. (2) Wheres Jenny going on Sunday? Shes going to the restaurant. (3) Where are Jenny and Lisa going on Saturday? They are going to the shopping mall. (4) Is Gogo going to the bank on Saturday? Yes, he is. (5) Is Jenny going to the park on Sunday? No, she isnt . (6) Are Lisa and Ben going to the movie theater on Sunday? Yes, they are. (7) Wheres Gogo going on Sunday? Hes going to the supermarket. 【设计意图:通过问答的方式直接引入第三人称的句型变化,让学生可以直观 地比较不同人称的句型变化,但是也会容易引起混淆,需要教师加强引导。 】 Step 3 Practice 1、Practice 2 T: Tony has his plan. Jenny has her plan, too. Do you have a plan? Lets talk. First, lets make two models, who wants to be my partner? Model 1: T: Hello, Tony. Where are you going? S1: Im going to the restaurant. S2: Are you going to the movie theater, Tony? S3: No, Im not. Model 2: T: Where is Tony going? S1: Hes going to the restaurant. S2: Is he going to the shopping mall S3: Yes, he is. 2)Group work (四人小组选择一个例子进行操练) 3)Show time. 【设计意图: Practice2 提供的信息比较固定,参考学习的句型跟单词,增加其 他人称及一般疑问句的操练,小组分角色口头阐述,并让部分小组在班级上展 示。此环节要求学生把此课的知识综合运用和输出,未掌握的学生可在其他同 学的指导下完成,使学生在输出知识的同时学会同学间的互帮互助与互相学习。 】 Step 4 Extension 1、 Do a survey: 发给学生每人一张调查表,如下: 第一行先写自己要去的地方名称,然后去问两个同学 Where are you going?根据 他们的回答填表 I am going to. 然后再根据表格向全班汇报: I am going to . XX is going to the. 教师先做好示范,学生明白如何做了再开始活动。 【设计意图:通过任务型的活动来提高学生的积极性,互相询问对方想去的地 方,生活情景的创设达到“学以致用”的效果。也可以把新知识记得更加牢固并 有所拓展,为下一课时做铺垫。 】 2、Practice 1 1)Lets look at the pictures and talk about the pictures. 2)Listen and finish the exercise. 3)Listen again, repeat the sentences and check the answers. 【设计意图:这部分是对于输入与输出的结合,学习了两节课,可以作为小测 检查学生对知识的掌握情况】 Step 5 Emotional education T:No matter where you are going, observe public order and protect the environment. 【设计意图:结合本课出游的话题对学生进行相应的情感教育,教育学生遵守 公共秩序和保护环境。 】 Step 6 Summary T:What did we learn today? S: 询问他人去某地的特殊疑问句及一般疑问句及回答 Where is he/ she going? Hes / Shes going to Is he / she going to? Yes, he / she is. No, he/she isnt. Where are they going? They are going to . Are they going to ? Yes, they are. No, they arent. Name places Me Step 7Homework 1、 用第三人称说说你朋友的计划。 2、 Try to write a plan about a whole day or a weekend. 设计意图:在小组合作完成计划的前提下,学生对语篇有一定的掌握和了解, 鼓励学生自己尝试独立完成一篇关于自己的计划,升华此课的知识学习。 五、教学板书五、教学板书 Where is he/ she going? Hes / Shes going to Is he / she going to? Yes, he / she is. No, he/she isnt. Where are they going? They are going to . Are they going to ? Yes, they are. No, they arent.
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