(广东)粤人版四年级下册-Unit 4 Free Time-Lesson 3-ppt课件-(含教案+视频)--(编号:500a8).zip

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  • 粤人2011课标版三年级起点_四年级下册(2013年12月第2版)_小学英语_Unit 4 Free Time_Lesson 3_ppt课件_(含教案+视频)__(编号:500a8)
    • U4 Free Time Sounds and words.mp4
    • U4 Free Time Sounds and words.ppt--点击预览
    • 教案500a8.doc--点击预览


Unit 4 Sounds and words B is b,b,b C is k,k,k,k D is d,d,d F is f,f,f G is g,g,g H is h, h,h K is k,k,k L is l,l,l M is m,m,m N is n,n,n,n P is p,p,p Q is q,q,q R is r, r,r S is s,s,s T is t,t,t . Listen,read and judge Rules(游戏规则): You say “yeah yeah yeah”,if you think it is true. You say “no ,no, no”,ifyou think it is false. I am a teacher. Yeah,yeah,yeah I can read. Yeah,yeah,yeah I like meat. Yeah,yeah,yeah Look and guess Rules(游戏规则): Girls say “yeah yeahyeah”,if you think it is true. Boys say “no ,no, no”,if you think it is false. I am at the beach. Yeah,yeah,yeahYeah,yeah,yeah I am eating ice cream. Yeah,yeah,yeah I am in the movie theater. Yeah,yeah,yeah Read the sentence I am a teacher. I can read. I I am at the beach. I I like meat. I I am eating ice cream . I I am in the movie theater. Find the same letter teacher meat read beach eating theater tips:找 出相同 的字母 ea ea e and a Sounds /i: / /i:/ , /i:/ , /i: / Learn and chant ea eaea eaeaea r t f b ea cr s l p ea Blend the letter ea ead eak d eak eat eat Blend the letter ead eak eat ea ean eam n eam each each read eard peach eapch clean eacln speak easpk cream eacrm cream Can you try? read clean peach speak Lets chant: You and me I eat, you eat We eat ice cream. I read,you read. We read books about tea. I clean,you clean. We clean the room for Mr.Lee. I speak,you speak. Please speak English to me. Fill the blank.看图填空 1.The girl is__________ about_______. 2.The boy is______________ the bedroom. readingtea cleaning pea seat meat flea speak tea peach eat Read and jump Pick the peaches摘桃子 /i:/ 其他音其他音 节节 LetsLets readread the pea Narrators Tip: 选择自己喜欢的角色,合作表演故事。 语音语调正语音语调正 确确 表演者有感 情,有动作 有创造性 小组评价表 Homework Read the words to your friends. Draw a picture book of “ea”.课文标题:U4 Free Time sounds and words 教材版本: 广东人民出版社四年级下册 一、教学目标 知识与能力目标: 1. 学生能够感知并归纳字母组合 ea 在单词中的发音规则 2. 学生能够逐步读出符合 ea 发音规则的单词,并能初步根据 单词 读音拼写出符合 ea 发音规则的单词 情感态度、文化意识、学习策略目标: 1. 学生能够提高合作意识和进行自主探究、归纳的能力 2. 学生能够逐步做到见到符合 ea 发音规则的单词能拼读, 听到符合 ea 发音规则的单词能拼写 二、教学重点和难点 1. 重点:学生能够感知并归纳字母组合 ea 的发音规则,能够 逐步根据 该发音规则读出单词,并能根据发音写出符合该 规则的单词。 2. 难点:ea 的两种发音规则的归纳和使用。 三、教学过程 Step1: 1.Sing a letter sound “A to Z” 2.Review consonant 3.Lead-in:Listen , read and judge;Look and guess. Step 2: Presentation & Practice (一)发音规则一的教学(ea 发成/ i:) 1.Find out the same sound *同桌讨论:Whats the same? 学生自主体会,发现 ea 发 成/i:/的规则。 *巩固发音:看 ea 发音视频,教师用夸张的形式引导学生模 仿跟读。 2. Make up letter 拼音游戏(关注音素意识的培养,训练学生“见词能读”的 能力) 教师示范: 教师利用字母卡,随意组合字母,如:f +ea=fea 小组合作,用分组教具随意拼读,最后展示几组成果, 请人来读。 教师示范: 教师利用字母卡,随意组合字母,如: ea+f=eaf 小组合作,用分组教具随意拼读,最后展示几组成果, 请人来读。 教师示范将所有字母混合,让学生在小组内组合拼读, 展示。 最后教师呈现几个真实的单词,请学生试读。引出 tea,read,etc.本节课的重点单词 3. Try to read the new words 4. Lets chant. 5.设置 Monkey 的任务闯关游戏 Monkey is going to pick up the peaches in the forest.Can you help him? (设置闯关游戏) Round1.Read and jump 见词能读,(小猴子过河) Round 2. listen and judge 区分含有 i:和不含 i:的单词 Round3. Listen and write 6.Picture book reading 7.Act out the story 8.Homework: 1. Read the text with your friends.
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