(广东)粤人版四年级下册-Unit 6 Jobs-Lesson 3-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:325ac).zip

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  • 粤人2011课标版三年级起点_四年级下册(2013年12月第2版)_小学英语_Unit 6 Jobs_Lesson 3_ppt课件_(含教案)__(编号:325ac)
    • Unit6 Jobs巩固练习课件.ppt--点击预览
    • 教案325ac.doc--点击预览


What does he do? Hes a police officer. What does she do? She is a writer. Hes a doctor. What does he do? What does she do? She is a nurse. What do they do? Where do they work? They are office workers. They work in the office . What does he (she) do? He (She) is a (an) . taxi driver doctor fire fighter nurse teacher office worker police officer writer jobs a taxi driver a firefighter a police officer a writer an office worker a teacher er or a doctor a nurse fathermother sisterbrother er weather together What does he do ? He is a magician. maiangic Do you want to be a magician? Yes, I do. / No, I dont. What do you want to be? I want to be a/an ______. What do you want to be? I want to be a police officer. What do you want to be? I want to be a teacher. What do you want to be? I want to be an office worker. actor 演员演员 reporter 记者记者 singer 歌手歌手 其他:lawyer(律师) scientist (科学家) pilot (飞行员 )cook(厨师) housewife(家庭主妇) postman(邮递 员) manager(经理) accountant(会计) artist(艺术 家) magician (魔术师) businessman(生意人) clerk(职员;售货员) seller(销售员) engineer(工程师 ) dancer 舞者舞者 Im ______. I want to be a/an __________. What do you want to be? I want to be a . What does she want to be? She wants to be a . What does he want to be? He wants to be a .教学教学 目标目标 语言知识目标:全体学生会认,会读语音模块里的词汇。 语言技能目标:复习掌握句型 What do you do? What do you want to be?及其答语。 情感态度目标:鼓励学生勇敢、正确地讲出自己的理想工作,热爱生 活,体会父母的艰辛。 学习策略目标:通过拓展的词汇帮助学生多练习重点句型。 文化意识目标:让学生明白:三百六十行,行行出状元。平等的对待 身边的人,使社会更加和谐。 重点重点 难点难点 教学重点:er 组合的发音,及其相关 词汇。 教学难点:Is she a/an.? What does he/she.? What do you want to be? 教学教学 准备准备 CD,words cards,PPT. 教教 学学 过过 程程 (一)(一)Warming-upWarming-up All students and teacher sing a song:What does he do? (2 2)ReviewReview thethe story.story. 1.Sounds and words. 2.Listen and chant:My family 3. Follow the tape to repeat the story. (三)(三)PracticePractice 1.接龙传单词卡片,被卡到的学生大声读其单词或短语。 2.全体跟读 Target 句型,分男生、女生 PK 朗读。 (4 4)ProductionProduction(PPTPPT 课件)课件) 1.重点词汇和句型的套用; 2.创设情境,练习重点句型。 3.提供拓展词汇,学生自愿摘抄。 (5 5)SummarySummary 1.重点词汇: 2.重难点句型的问答。 (6 6)HomeworkHomework 完成 Unit6金牌学案笔试部分。 板书板书 设计设计 er/ / What does he/she.? What do you want to be? an. doctor/nurse What does he do? Whats.? weather 教学教学 反思反思 (后记)(后记)
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