湘少版三年级下册-Unit 8 I like a sunny day.-教案、教学设计-公开课-(配套课件编号:802b5).doc

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1、教学内容:教学内容:Unit 8 I like a sunny day. 教学目标:教学目标: 一、语言能力一、语言能力 1. 掌握本单元 6 个描述天气的形容词发音,理解含义并能熟练运用。 2. 能熟练运用以下句型进行表达: a. Do you like? Yes, I do. / No, I dont. (旧知) b. I like a day. / I dont like a day. (新知识) 二、学习能力二、学习能力 本课为听、说课,结合词汇教学,重点关注说。 1. 学生能够积极、自信的参与课堂口语活动。 2. 学生能运用认知、复述、精细加工等策略进行学习。 3. 学生能基于自己的

2、生活经验正确表达。 三、思维品质三、思维品质 1. 通过对文本的理解和口语输出表达,培养学生识别、理解文本和 语言知识点的能力。 2. 通过小组合作等教学环节设计, 让学生对 I like/dont like 句型有初 步认知,借此发展学生英语思维。 四、文化品格(意识)四、文化品格(意识) 1. 学生有将所学知识在生活(情境)中进行实践运用的意识。 2. 通过课外绘本拓展阅读,让学生将之前主观认识的“I dont like a rainy day.” 转变为 “I like a rainy day.” ,并且升华单元主题 We like every day. We are happy eve

3、ry day. 教学重点、难点:教学重点、难点: 重点: 1. 理解掌握 6 个表示天气的形容词: warm, hot, cool, cold, sunny, rainy。 2. I like a day. / I dont like a day. 难点: 结合情境, 运用天气形容词正确合理表达 I like a day. / I dont like a day. 学习内容及导学流程学习内容及导学流程 方法指导或方法指导或 行为提示行为提示 一、一、Warm up. / Lead in. 1. 实物展示 T: Do you like this banana? Ss: Yes, I do. T:

4、 Do you like juice? Ss: Yes, I do. T:Lets sing a song about food. 2. Sing a song Do you like broccoli ice cream? 3.课题导入 T: Look at the kids. Who are they? Ss: He is Peter. / Linging. She is Mingming. / Anne. T: Yes. They talked about the food just now. And look here. What are they talking about now?

5、 二、二、Presentation 1.词汇学习 a. Review the words that have learned. warm T: Who is she? Ss: She is Lingling. T: Look at this photo. Its beautiful. It is a warm day. Do you like a warm day? Ss: Yes. I do. I like a warm day. T: Warm, warm. I like a warm day. Students read the chant after the teacher. hot

6、T: Oh, this is Mingming. 实物展示水果单 词并提问, 激活学 生对旧知的认识 Do you like? Yes, I do. PPT 示图, 通过提 问, 展示单元情景 的主人公。 提问设疑, 激发学 生兴趣进入下一 步单词教学。 看 PPT 图,提问, 和学生互动, 引入 学习今天的句型。 启发式教学, 引导 学生说出完整的 句子 Yes. I do. I like a warm day. T: Look at this photo. What is it? Ss: It is the sun. T: Yes, it is. And the sun is very h

7、ot. Do you like a hot day? Ss: No, I dont. I dont like a hot day. T: Hot, hot . I dont like a hot day. Students read the chant after the teacher. (The revision of the other two words, cool and cold are the same as warm and hot.) b. Learn the new words. sunny T: Look at this. Can you spell it? Ss: S-

8、u-nn-y. T: Lets listen. Students read after the audio and try to spell the word again. T: Look at this picture. What is this? Ss: It is the sun. T: Yes, it is a sunny day. Do you like a sunny day? Ss: Yes, I do. I like a sunny day. T: So, what is sunny? Students say the meaning of the word sunny. T:

9、 Sunny, sunny. I like a sunny day. Students read the chant after the teacher. rainy T: Look at this word. Who can spell it? Ss: R-ai-n-y. T: Lets listen. Students read after the audio and try to spell the word again. T: Look. Is it a sunny day? 提问引导学生自 己说出 hot. 做出 天气很热, 流汗夸 张的表情, 让学生 体会 hot。 其他两个单词

10、cool 和 cold 的复 习和前两个类似。 鼓励学生利用自 然拼读法试拼单 词。 听音正音,再次让 学生拼读单词。 通过师生对话互 动,以及图片展 示, 让学生感知单 词的含义。 (sunny and rainy) 此处可以鼓励学 生自己拍手有节 奏的说出 chant. Ss: No, it isnt. It is a rainy day. T: Yes, it is a rainy day. Do you like a rainy day? Ss: No, I dont. I dont like a rainy day. T: So, what is rainy? Students sa

11、y the meaning of the word rainy. Teachers claps hand and Ss say the chant. Ss: Rainy day, rainy day. I dont like a rainy day. 2. 操练词汇 a. Lets chant. Ask students read the chant all together. And then read it in groups. Lastly, make a group/team show to the class. b. Read and match. Read the words (s

12、ilent reading) and match the words with correct pictures. Check the answers at last.Ask students to do the exercises in front of the blackboard. 3. 课文呈现讲解 a. Look and listen. T: Look. What is it? Ss: It is the sun. T: There are six children. Who are they? Ss: He is ./She is . T: What are they talkin

13、g about? Listen. b. Look and write. T: Now, lets listen and write the missing words. Students listen to the audio and do the exercises by themselves. Check the answers with teammates. c. Listen and repeat. T: Listen again and read after the audio. d. Work in groups. 通过 chant 歌谣进 行单词操练, 结合 小组合作开展活 动,

14、最后再选 2-4 组上台展示, 及时 给予评价。 单词连线练习时, 培养学生静默读 词的习惯, 并完成 练习。 完成练习后 组内学生两两核 对答案。 如果时间 有余, 叫学生上台 展示答案。 PPT 示图, 和学生 对图片进行单间 的提问互动交流。 然后听录音, 初步 理解课文。 听力填词练习, 通 过组内合作核对 答案, 进一步理解 课文。 听录音模仿, 纠正 读音错误。 小组合 After repeating the context, read the context in groups and then show to the class. 1)Read together. 2)Read

15、 one by one. 3)Read together again. 三、三、Practice Lets act. 1.Teacher holds the picture cards show to the Ss and say the sentences below. I like a sunny day. I dont like a rainy day. I like a sunny day, too. What do you like, Mingming? I like ice cream. 2.Group show. T: Who want to have a try? Ask 3-

16、4 groups to have a group show. 四、四、Production Picture book reading: A rainy day. 1. T: Is it a sunny day? Do you like a rainy day? Ss: It is a rainy day. I dont like a rainy day. T: Look at the two children. They are very happy. Do you know happy? Why are they so happy? Do you want to know? 2. Look

17、and listen to the picture book: A rainy day. Ask students to answer the question: Why are they happy? 3. T: What do they do on a rainy day? Look and listen to the picture book again. Ask students answer the question: What do they do on a rainy day? 作练习,上台展 示,及时评价。 小组操练课文内 容, 按照既定的流 程完成操练。 在学生上台展示 表演

18、前, 老师拿道 具做示范。 鼓励学 生上台表演。 鼓励学生利用道 具上台展示, 让班 级学生参与评价, 调动学生上台表 演的积极性。 绘本阅读要登录 进行, PPT 中只涉 及到了绘本的封 面。 结合 PPT, 读绘本 封面,设置悬疑, 激发学生阅读兴 趣。 初读绘本, 师生交 流,引起情感共 鸣。 4. T: Now. Do you like a rainy day? Ss: Yes, I do. I like a rainy day. T: Wonderful. We can do many things on a rainy day. We like everyday! 五、Summar

19、y T: Do you like a sunny day? Ss: Yes. I like a sunny day. T: Do you like a rainy day? Ss: Yes. I like a rainy day. T: Yes. We like every day. We are happy every day. 六、Homework. 1. Listen and say. 听读 Unit 8 A、B 部分录音。 2. Read and practice. 线上听读绘本A rainy day.完成对应练习。 3. Promote and prepare. 看 P18-C 说话、预习 P19-D 部分。 细读绘本, 师生交 流,谈论绘本细 节。 (学生可以用 中文表述) PPT 示图提问, 对 课文的主题升华。 学后反思学后反思 教后反思教后反思


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