(广东)粤人版四年级下册-Unit 7 Hobbies-Lesson 2-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)--(编号:b00be).zip

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  • 粤人2011课标版三年级起点_四年级下册(2013年12月第2版)_小学英语_Unit 7 Hobbies_Lesson 2_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+素材)__(编号:b00be)
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    • Unit 7 Hobbies.pptx--点击预览
    • Unit 7 Hobbies(vocabulary).mp4
    • 教案b00be.docx--点击预览


PPT制作:小鱼 Unit 7 Hobbies 广东开心版四年级下册 PPT制作:小鱼 Content of Unit 7 Sing a song / Review Words / Structures Game / Practice Lets sing! Anna likes ______________. Mermaid likes ____________. Who are they? TiantianShitouKimi CindyAngela What do they like doing? Hello, Angela. Hello , Gogo. What do you like doing ? I like listening to music. My hobby is listening to music. Music,music. Listening to music. I like listening to music. What do you like doing? I like listening to music. Hello, Kimi. Hello , Gogo. Whats your hobby? My hobby is watching TV. TV, TV. Watching TV. My hobby is watching TV. Whats your hobby? My hobby is watching TV. Hello, Cindy . Hello , Gogo. Do you like singing ? My hobby is riding a bike. What s your hobby? Yes, I do. Does she like riding a bike? Yes, she does. Hello, Tiantian. Hello , Gogo. Do you like watching TV? My hobby is playing cards. What s your hobby? No, I dont. Cards, cards. Playing cards. They like playing cards What do they like doing? They like playing cards. Hello, Shitou . Hello , Gogo. My hobbies are ice-skating and making models. What s your hobby? My hobbies are making models and ice-skating. ice creamskating making models Task 1: Lets read. PPT制作:小鱼 Book P51 Task 2: Lets play. ice-skating making models listening to musicriding a bike playing cardswatching TV ice-skating making modelslistening to music riding a bike playing cards watching TV ice-skating making models listening to musicriding a bike playing cardswatching TV ice-skating making models listening to musicriding a bike playing cards watching TV Whats your hobby? / What do you like doing? My hobby is. / I like . I like ridding a bike. He likes riding a bike. I like ice-skating. She likes ice-skating. Say the sentence one by one. But the second one should repeat the first ones. The same as the third one. 各自说出自己的爱好,后面的同学需先介绍前面同学的爱 好,再说自己的,以此类推。 Task 3: Game. I have many hobbies. I like watching TV. I like ice-skating. I have many hobbies. I like riding a bike. I like playing cards. I like listening to music. I have many hobbies. I like reading books. Do you like reading books? Lets point and read. P51 Group Work Task 4 Miss Ou Show time! 我校博文电视台正在招募节目主持人,请同学们自我推荐,或推荐你的好朋友。 Bowen TV need a host, please recommend yourself or your firend like this: Example 1: Hello, Im ______. Im ____ years old. Im from class___ Grade____. I like _____ . My hobby is (My hobbies are) _____. I can ______ very well. Example 2: Hello, She/ He is ______. She/ He is ____ years old. She/He is from class___ Grade____. She/He likes _____ . Her/ His hobby is (hobbies are) _____. She /He can ______ very well. Task 5 What we have learned today? ice-skating riding a bike playing cards Whats your hobby? My hobby is riding a bike. Do you like reading books? Yes, I do. listening to musicmaking modelswatching TV 1.Remember the words and structures in unit 7. 记住unit 7的单词、句型。 2.Ask your parents about their hobbies. 询问父母的爱好。 Thank you!Unit 7 Hobbies 1、教学内容与分析教学内容与分析 1. Lets sing!通过歌曲的导入,激发学生兴趣,从而引出本课单词与句型。 2. Lets read 和 Lets play. 通过一系列的 tasks 让学生巩固所学。 3. Group work.和 Show time. 通过这一系列的小组讨论为基础,后面为参选主 持人做准备,让学生结合本课所学有拓展。 二、学情分析二、学情分析: 本单元的学习对象是我校四年级的学生。年龄在 10 岁左右。他们大多好 动,对知识的接受以直观接受为主。大部分学生对英语学习有浓厚的兴趣,表 现为爱读、爱表演,也爱说。上课能积极参与到英语学习中来,在图片及教师 的引导下,大部分同学的口语表达流利,能用所学知识进行简单的交流。但对 英语写及自由表达的能力还有待加强。 三、教材分析:三、教材分析: 本单元学习的主要内容是有关爱好词组的学习和爱好的询问及应答。涉及 的时态有一般现在时(包括第三人称单数) 。在本单元学习之前,学生已经掌握 了一些有关爱好的单词,如 swimming, running, fishing, playing basketball 等。 而句型“What do you like?” 学生也已学过。 本单元的话题贴近学生生活实际,话题内容信手拈来,学生喜闻乐见,话 题展开时学生有话可说,有话想说,符合四年级学生的认知水平。 四、教学方法:四、教学方法: 本单元以英语课程标准理念为依托,根据任务型语言教学(Task- based language teaching)理论,运用交际法、比较法、情境法、活动教学法、 游戏教学法等教学方法,并借助多媒体技术来计划和组织课堂教学,引导学生 合作学习、自主探究。 五、教学手段:五、教学手段: 观看多媒体课件、形式多样的讨论和游戏、情景对话、小组合作交流。 借助多媒体,帮助学生复习所学习的词汇并运用新句型,然后进行说唱歌 谣,做游戏,情景对话,比赛等各种教学活动,这样会使学生的观察、合作、 创造等多方面的能力得到提高和发展。 六、重点、难点:六、重点、难点: 1.教学重点: 掌握 Vocabulary 的六个新单词 ice-skating, listening to music, watching TV, riding a bike, playing cards, making models 在一定的情境中能结合新词汇灵活运用 Target 句型: What do you like doing? I like (ice-skating). Whats your hobby? My hobby is (ice-skating). Do you like (ice-skating)? Yes, I do. / No, I dont. 2.教学难点: 让学生了解第三人称的爱好询问与表达: What does she/he like doing? She/He likes 能运用所学句型,能简单写写自己的爱好。在交流中调查他人的爱好,并做 简单的口头汇报; 七、教具准备:七、教具准备: 本课的单词图片,磁铁,多媒体课件,苍蝇拍等。 八、教学过程八、教学过程 Step 1 Revision / Lets sing! 1. sing a song: What do you like doing? 2. Ask and answer T: What does Anna/ Mermaid like doing? Ss: Anna / Mermaid likes . Step 2 Presentation 1.(出示爸爸去哪儿几个孩子图片) T: Who are they? Ss:They are . 2.T:What do they like doing? 以 Angela 和 Gogo 对话,引出 Angela 的 hobby: listening to music. E.g. Gogo: Hello, Angela. Angela:Hello, Gogo. Gogo: What do you like doing? Angela: I like listening to music. My hobby is listening to music. 3.Lets chant: Music,music. Listening to music. I like listening to music. 4.T: What do you like doing? S: I like listening to music. 5.Follow the same procedures above to teach the new words. Kimi: watching TV. Cindy: riding a bike (video: how to ride a bike safety) Tiantian: playing cards Shitou: ice-skating (video: Doras ice-skating) and making models 6.Task 1: Lets read! Read the words together. Read again: Open your books-Use your fingers to point while reading. 7.Task 2: Lets play! (打地鼠游戏) 8.Learn the Target. With several Ss practice. (第三人称单数的用法与训练) 9.Task 3: Game. Happy Conveyor.(快乐传送带) Say the sentence one by one. But the second one should repeat the first ones. The same as the third one.(各自说出自己的爱好,后面的同学需先介 绍前面同学的爱好,再说自己的,以此类推。) 10.Lets sing! (Open your books) 11.Task 4: Group Work. (Do a survey 4 in a group) 12.Task 5: Show time! Bowen TV need a host, please recommend yourself or your friends. Example 1: Hello, Im ______. Im ____ years old. Im from class___ Grade____. I like _____ . My hobby is (My hobbies are) _____. I can ______ very well. Example 2: Hello, She/ He is ______. She/ He is ____ years old. She/He is from class___ Grade____. She/He likes _____ . Her/ His hobby is (hobbies are) _____. She /He can ______ very well. Step 3 Summary Sum up what we have learn today. Step 4 Homework 1.Remember the words and structures in unit 7. 记住 unit 7 的单词、句型。 2.Ask your parents about their hobbies. 询问父母的爱好。 九、教学反思九、教学反思 本课例是开心学英语第四册 unit7 Hobbies 的第二课时, 主要目标是解决 vocabulary 和 target 的句型。重点学习和巩固第 一人称有关爱好的各种询问与表达:What do you like doing? I like Whats your hobby? My hobby is Do you like? , 同时让学生了解第三人称的爱好询问与表达:What does she/he like doing? She/He likes 另外拓展了一些常用实用的动词短 语,在教学过程中适时渗透一些良好行为习惯的教育,最后是完成 小调查以及汇报:介绍自己以及朋友的爱好。 教学结束之后,我对整个教学过程进行了反思: 1、与时俱进,新颖导入。用简洁的语言 帮助学生进行回顾上 次课所学后,展示当下最流行的爸爸去哪里几个小伙伴,让学 生猜猜 GOGO 好朋友的兴趣爱好。这大大地激发了学生的学习欲望, 为开心学英语做了良好的铺垫。 2、讲练结合,整体呈现。将新知识与练习有效地结合在一起, 利用爸爸去哪里的五个小主人翁整体呈现句型与词组。边学边 练,边练边学。使学生学到新知识后马上能投入使用,增强了英语 作为一种语言的工具性。在这一部分中,我能采用多种多样的练习 形式,让学生们爱练乐练,学生在这样的过程中,没有感到读的单 调,反而把这一过程当成享受。 3、整合教材,合理利用。按照预设的教学目标,重新整合教材, 合理运用多媒体教学手段,充分利用 practice 1 和 activity 的图 片,进行听说读写的有效训练,进了学生听、说、读、写能力的培 养。 让学生在看,听,读的同时,会说,敢说,能灵活的运用所学 知识。设计可行易操作的小调查和汇报,注意引导学生的口语表达 能力,使学生的创新能力,合作探究能力得到发展。 4、不足之处,且教且进步。 在激励学生方面,我只关注了个别孩子的表现,更多孩子的踊 跃发言不能一一让他们尽情表达,有点遗憾。在板书方面,不够对 称,影响了整体美观。从最后小组活动的巡查和学生的汇报来看, 部分学生的单独表达还不是很流利,还需要跟进。在今后我将多备 学生,更关注学生,关注他们在每一节课的学习过程中投入了多少 情感,使学生收获更多。
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