(新教材)高中英语人教版选择性必修第二册课件:Unit 1 Period 2 Reading and Thinking (Ⅱ).ppt

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1、Unit 1 Science and Scientists Period 2 Reading and Thinking () 要点内化课要点内化课 自主素养储备 . 根据语境及首字母提示写出单词根据语境及首字母提示写出单词 1. You have failed to do what you were expected to and Im afraid the teacher will b_ you. 2. I s_ this book will have the widest appeal of all. 3. We should pay more attention to the i_ of

2、 young people with dangerous thinking. 4. Its believed that there is a l_ between smoking and lung disease. 5. People planted trees on the waste hills to d_ water and soil loss. lame uspect nfection ink ecrease 6. We must learn to h_ conflicts calmly and wisely. 7. All scientists s_ to the view that

3、 the increase in the earths temperature is due to the burning of fossil fuels. 8. He lost his job and we can infer from his expression that he is f_. andle ubscribe rustrated . 根据语境及汉语提示写出单词根据语境及汉语提示写出单词 1. There is no _(证据证据)that he was on the crime site. 2. Harry has _(矛盾的矛盾的) feelings about his n

4、ew life. 3. Some researchers believe infected pets may _(传染传染) their owners. 4. Water can _(使改变使改变)a desert into a garden. 5. They are all made of one hundred percent _(纯粹的纯粹的) silk. 6. She makes use of people she meets as _(原始的原始的) material for her fiction. proof contradictory infect transform pure

5、 raw 7. An average US _(家庭家庭)produces about 150 pounds of carbon dioxide a day during driving cars. 8. At the farm there was an old-fashioned _(抽水机抽水机)for drawing water from a well. household pump 词汇微空间词汇微空间 动词动词+-tion 名词名词 infect v. 使感染使感染; 传染传染 infection n. 感染感染; 传染传染 explain v. 解释解释; 说明说明 _n. 解释解

6、释; 说明说明 pollute v. 污染污染_n. 污染污染 predict v. 预言预言; 预测预测_n. 预言预言; 预测预测 collect v. 搜集搜集; 收藏收藏_n. 搜集搜集; 收藏收藏 explanation pollution prediction collection . 用适当的介词或副词填空用适当的介词或副词填空 1. We prefer to subscribe _ another explanation. 2. _ general, a healthy skin is a reflection of good health. 3. He left becaus

7、e he had some other business to attend _. 4. A new report from WHO says millions of people die _ air pollution every year. 5. Success came quickly, thanks _ a mixture of talent, enterprise, and luck. 6. Jenny nearly missed the flight as a result _ doing too much shopping. to to from to of In 7. To b

8、uy a press of our own is the only way to get rid of trouble once and _ all. 8. Some scientists made efforts to find _ whether life of some kind exists on Mars. for out 1. attend to 照料照料; 护理护理 【观察观察悟悟】 In time, he rose to become a famous doctor, and even attended to Queen Victoria when she gave birth

9、. (教材典句 教材典句) 后来他成了一名著名的医生后来他成了一名著名的医生, 甚至在维多利亚女王分娩时护理她。甚至在维多利亚女王分娩时护理她。 To my delight, I was chosen from hundreds of applicants to attend the opening ceremony. 令我高兴的是令我高兴的是, 我从数百名申请者中被选出来参加开幕式。我从数百名申请者中被选出来参加开幕式。 知识素养积淀 We must attend on the people who are in poor health. 我们必须照顾那些身体不太好的人。我们必须照顾那些身体

10、不太好的人。 She didnt attend to what I was saying. 她对我所说的话未加注意。她对我所说的话未加注意。 I may be lateI have one or two things to attend to. 我可能会迟到我可能会迟到, 我还有一两件事要处理。我还有一两件事要处理。 【生成生成得得】 attend to sb. /sth. _ _ 照顾照顾; 伺候某人伺候某人 attend the opening ceremony _ 处理处理; 专心于专心于 attend on/upon sb. 参加开幕式参加开幕式 【内化内化用用】用含有用含有atten

11、d的词块填空。的词块填空。 Mary often _(照看我的商店照看我的商店) for me while I am away. He _(一直服侍一直服侍) his sick mother for many years. I have some personal business _. 我有一些私事要处理。我有一些私事要处理。 attends to my shop has been attending on to attend to 2. blame vt. 把把归咎于归咎于; 责怪责怪; 指责指责 n. 责备责备; 指责指责 【观察观察悟悟】 Lots of people find it

12、hard to get up in the morning and put the blame on the alarm clock. 很多人发现早晨起床很难很多人发现早晨起床很难, 就把责任推到闹钟上。就把责任推到闹钟上。 Behind the mindset of “always blame China” is a kind of dirty politics, championed by a few people who shift the spotlight for political gain. “逢中必反”逢中必反” 的背后是肮脏的政治的背后是肮脏的政治, 反映了一小撮人通过转移焦

13、点来追逐政治利益的企图。反映了一小撮人通过转移焦点来追逐政治利益的企图。 Who is to blame for the fire? 谁应该对这场火灾负责谁应该对这场火灾负责? While we cant change the body type we are born with, we cant blame our genes for making us fat. 尽管我们无法改变与生俱来的体型尽管我们无法改变与生俱来的体型, 但我们也不能把肥但我们也不能把肥 胖归咎于自己的基因。胖归咎于自己的基因。 You should take the blame for failure. 你应该为失败

14、承担责任。你应该为失败承担责任。 【生成生成得得】 _ 为某事责备某人为某事责备某人/责备某人做了某事责备某人做了某事 blame. . . _. . . 把某事归咎于把某事归咎于 _ 应承担责任应承担责任, 应负责应负责 put the blame on. . . _ _. . . 对对负责负责; ; 为为承担承担责任责任 blame. . . for sth. /doing sth. on be to blame 把把归咎于归咎于 take the blame for 【点拨迷津点拨迷津】 be to blame (for sth. )(对对)应应负责负责, 应受责备应受责备; 此结构中不

15、定式的主动形式此结构中不定式的主动形式 表示被动的意义。类似的结构还有表示被动的意义。类似的结构还有be to let(在出租在出租)。 【内化内化用用】语法填空。语法填空。 Many children are afraid of _(blame)for making mistakes in speaking English. Its no use blaming our defeat _ him. You are a real loser if you often blame somebody or something else _ a bad situation. The children

16、 were not _. 那次事故怪不着孩子们。那次事故怪不着孩子们。 being blamed on for to blame for the accident 3. decrease n. 减少减少; 降低降低; 减少量减少量 vt. 减小减小; 降低降低 反义词反义词 increase n. 增加增加; 提高提高 vt. 增加增加; 提高提高 【观察观察悟悟】 Through Snows tireless efforts, water companies began to sell clean water, and the threat of cholera around the wor

17、ld saw a substantial decrease. (教材典句 教材典句) 经过斯诺的不懈努力经过斯诺的不懈努力, 供水公司开始销售清洁水供水公司开始销售清洁水, 而且霍乱对全世界的威胁也而且霍乱对全世界的威胁也 大幅度降低。大幅度降低。 The number of new students decreased from 210 to 160 this year. 今年新生的数量从今年新生的数量从210降低到降低到160。 The price of wheat decreased by 15% last year. 去年小麦的价格下降了去年小麦的价格下降了15%。 The new t

18、reatment led to a huge decrease in the number of deaths. 新的疗法新的疗法 使死亡人数急剧下降。使死亡人数急剧下降。 The demand for tea in this country is on the decrease each year. 这个国家茶这个国家茶 叶的需求量逐年递减。叶的需求量逐年递减。 【生成生成得得】 _ 从从降低到降低到 a decrease _ 在在方面的减少方面的减少 decrease _ 降低了降低了 _ 在减少在减少; 在降低在降低 decrease from. . . to. . . in by on

19、 the decrease 【内化内化用用】用适当的介词填空。用适当的介词填空。 There has been a steady decrease _ the population of the village. They decreased the size of the group _ 30 _ 15. The traffic accidents in this city decreased _ 30% last year. The number of visitors to the museum is _ the decrease. in from to by on 4. thanks

20、to 幸亏幸亏; 由于由于; 因为因为 【观察观察悟悟】 Fortunately, we now know how to prevent cholera, thanks to the work of John Snow. (教材典句 教材典句) 幸运的是 幸运的是, 由于约翰由于约翰 斯诺所做的工作斯诺所做的工作, 我们现在知道如何我们现在知道如何 去防范霍乱。去防范霍乱。 The mine was closed owing to exhaustion. 这个煤矿因矿源枯竭而被关闭。这个煤矿因矿源枯竭而被关闭。 Due to ill health, he could not attend th

21、e meeting. 由于健康不佳由于健康不佳, 他不能参加会议。他不能参加会议。 (2020 全国全国卷卷)“Nicolo, ” whose real name cannot be exposed to the public because of Italys privacy laws, finished working the whole night at a factory in Turin. (高考典句 高考典句)“Nicolo”, 因为意大利的隐私法他的真实名字不能被透露给公众 因为意大利的隐私法他的真实名字不能被透露给公众, 在都灵的一家工厂结束了一整夜的工作。在都灵的一家工厂结束

22、了一整夜的工作。 As a result of the timely rain, all the crops are growing well. 因为这场及时雨因为这场及时雨, 庄稼长势非常好。庄稼长势非常好。 The ship was unable to set sail on schedule on account of the gale. 风太大风太大, 船船 无法准时出航。无法准时出航。 【联想空间联想空间】表示原因的短语有表示原因的短语有: owing to, due to, because of, as a result of, on account of等。等。 【点拨迷津点拨迷

23、津】 thanks to多用于表达正面意思多用于表达正面意思, 相当于感谢相当于感谢, 在句中作状语在句中作状语; because of 在句中在句中 仅作状语仅作状语; due to 在句中作表语和状语在句中作表语和状语, 与与owing to和和on account of 用法相同。用法相同。 【内化内化用用】 _(多亏了你们的帮助多亏了你们的帮助), many people survived the earthquake. The accident was _(因为他开车疏忽大意因为他开车疏忽大意). 句型转换。句型转换。 The meeting was postponed becaus

24、e the chairman was ill. 同义句同义句: _. The traffic was very heavy and as a result we didnt arrive on time. 同义句同义句: _ Thanks to your help due to/owing to his careless driving The meeting was postponed because of the chairmans illness As a result of the heavy traffic, we didnt arrive on time. 5. handle n.

25、 把手把手; 拉手拉手; 柄柄 vt. 处理处理; 搬动搬动; 操纵操纵(车辆、动物、工具等车辆、动物、工具等) 【观察观察悟悟】 Tea in China was traditionally drunk from cups without handles. (高考典句 高考典句) 中国的茶传统上是用无柄杯喝的。中国的茶传统上是用无柄杯喝的。 Wash your hands before you handle food. 拿食物之前要洗手。拿食物之前要洗手。 Priced at over 120, 000 dollars, the car handles perfectly well and

26、has great speed acceleration. 这辆车售价超过这辆车售价超过120 000美元美元, 非常好操控非常好操控, 加速性能也很好。加速性能也很好。 Some preteens are able to handle a good deal of responsibility. 有些有些10岁出头的儿童能够承担很多责任。岁出头的儿童能够承担很多责任。 (2020 全国全国卷卷)The ecosystem down there cant handle this non-native species. (高考典句 高考典句) 那里的生态系统无法应对这些外来物种。那里的生态系统无

27、法应对这些外来物种。 【生成生成得得】 【内化内化用用】用含有用含有handle的词块填空。的词块填空。 Hes a very good teacherhe knows how to _(对待孩子对待孩子). I _(转了转门把手转了转门把手)and opened it. We really dont know how _(操作这台机器操作这台机器). handle children turned the handle of the door to handle the machine 6. He discovered that in two particular streets the ch

28、olera outbreak was so severe that more than 500 people died in ten days. 他发现有两个特殊的街道霍他发现有两个特殊的街道霍 乱爆发得如此严重以至于在十天之内就死了乱爆发得如此严重以至于在十天之内就死了500多人。多人。 【观察观察悟悟】 句中句中so. . . that. . . 为固定句式为固定句式, 表示表示“如此如此以至于以至于”。 I got to the station so hurriedly that I could catch the early bus. 我匆匆忙忙赶到车站我匆匆忙忙赶到车站, 因此赶上了

29、第一班公交车。因此赶上了第一班公交车。 He earned so little money that he couldnt support his family. 他挣的钱如此少他挣的钱如此少, 以至于不能养家糊口。以至于不能养家糊口。 It was so fine a day yesterday that we all went out for a picnic. 昨天天气很好昨天天气很好, 我们都出去野餐了。我们都出去野餐了。 So honest a worker is Mike that we all believe him. 迈克是如此诚实的一个工人迈克是如此诚实的一个工人, 所以我们

30、都相信他。所以我们都相信他。 【生成生成得得】 so. . . that. . . 结构中结构中that引导的是引导的是_。其句型结构有以下几种形式。其句型结构有以下几种形式: so+_+that从句从句; so+_+that从句从句; so+many/much/few/little(少的少的)+_+that从句。从句。 若将若将so+形容词形容词/副词置于句首副词置于句首, 则其后的主句要用则其后的主句要用_。 结果状语从句结果状语从句 形容词形容词/副词副词 形容词形容词+a/an+可数名词单数形式可数名词单数形式 名词名词 倒装语序倒装语序 【知识延伸知识延伸】 such. . . th

31、at. . . 结构中结构中that引导的也是结果状语从句引导的也是结果状语从句, 其意义与其意义与so. . . that. . . 一一 样。句型结构可分为以下三种样。句型结构可分为以下三种: such+a(n)+形容词形容词+单数可数名词单数可数名词+that从句从句; such+形容词形容词+复数可数名词复数可数名词+that从句从句; such+形容词形容词+不可数名词不可数名词+that从句。从句。 【内化内化用用】语法填空。语法填空。 Table tennis is _ interesting a game that people all over the world play

32、it. This is such _ interesting book that I want to read it once again. So cold _(be) the weather that we had to stay at home. 一句多译。一句多译。 她是一位很好的老师她是一位很好的老师, 我们都敬爱她。我们都敬爱她。 _ =_ =_ =_ so an was Our teacher is so good that all of us love and respect her. She is such a good teacher that all of us love

33、and respect her. She is so good a teacher that all of us love and respect her. So good a teacher is she that all of us love and respect her. 7. It seemed that the woman liked the water from the pump so much that she had it delivered to her house every day. 好像这位妇女特别喜欢从那个水泵里抽好像这位妇女特别喜欢从那个水泵里抽 上来的水上来的水

34、, 每天都每天都(要让人要让人)把水运到她家。把水运到她家。 【观察观察悟悟】 句中结构句中结构It seemed that. . . 意为“看起来意为“看起来; ; 似乎似乎 ” ”。 It seems that no one knows what has happened in the park. 似乎没有人知道公园里发生了什么事。似乎没有人知道公园里发生了什么事。 The girl listened quietly and it seemed as if she had been turned into a stone. 那个女孩静静地听着那个女孩静静地听着, 她似乎已经变成了石头。她似

35、乎已经变成了石头。 It seems as if our team is going to win. 看来我们队要胜了。看来我们队要胜了。 It looks as if it might snow. 看来好像要下雪了。看来好像要下雪了。 【生成生成得得】 It seemed that. . . 中中It是代词是代词, 无实意无实意, 指某种情况指某种情况, seemed为系动词为系动词, that引导引导 _, 也可用也可用_替代。替代。 【内化内化用用】语法填空。语法填空。 _ seems that it is more difficult for women to get to the t

36、op of society. She knows the novel well. It seems as if she _(read) this novel. It sounds as if someone _(knock) at the door. _she has fallen in love with him. 看来她已经爱上他了。看来她已经爱上他了。 表语从句表语从句 It seemed/looked/sounded as if. . . It has read is knocking It seems that/as if 8. Accordingly, he had the han

37、dle of the pump removed so that it could not be used. 于是于是, 他让人把水泵的把手拆掉他让人把水泵的把手拆掉, 这样它就不能用了。这样它就不能用了。 【观察观察悟悟】 句中句中had the handle of the pump removed是“是“have+宾语宾语+过去分词”结构过去分词”结构, 表表 示“请示“请(让让)别人做某事”。别人做某事”。 We have had everything prepared beforehand. 我们已事先把一切都安排好了。我们已事先把一切都安排好了。 He had his finger c

38、ut. 他的手指被划破了。他的手指被划破了。 Visitors still need to wear face masks and have their body temperatures checked before admission. 游客仍需佩戴口罩游客仍需佩戴口罩, 入场前要接受体温测量。入场前要接受体温测量。 【生成生成得得】 “have+宾语宾语+过去分词”这一结构中过去分词作宾语补足语。与宾语是过去分词”这一结构中过去分词作宾语补足语。与宾语是_ _关系关系, , 表示“请表示“请( (让让) )某人做某事”某人做某事”, , 也可以表示“也可以表示“_”; “_”; “_ _

39、”_”或“或“_” _” 被动被动/ 动动宾宾 完成某事完成某事 遭遭 遇某种不好的事情遇某种不好的事情 不允许不允许; ; 不让不让 【知识延伸知识延伸】 “have+宾语宾语+动词”这个结构中的动词有多种形式动词”这个结构中的动词有多种形式, 且表示的含义也各不相同。且表示的含义也各不相同。 (1)have+宾语宾语+不定式。动词不定式作定语修饰其前面的名词不定式。动词不定式作定语修饰其前面的名词, 表示“表示“有有 要要; ; 有有的的” (2)have+宾语宾语+动词原形。动词原形作宾语补足语动词原形。动词原形作宾语补足语, 表示“表示“(使使)某人做某事”某人做某事”, 其其 中的中

40、的 have 是使役动词。是使役动词。 (3)have+宾语宾语+现在分词。现在分词作宾语补足语现在分词。现在分词作宾语补足语, 表示“使某人或某物一直不表示“使某人或某物一直不 停地做某事”。停地做某事”。 【内化内化用用】语法填空。语法填空。 We must have the work _(finish) by Tuesday. She didnt really have the courage _(refuse) his invitation. He told some funny stories and had us _(laugh) all through the meal. The

41、y _last week. 他们上周请人粉刷了房子。他们上周请人粉刷了房子。 finished to refuse laughing had their house painted 【备选要点备选要点】 1. die from/of 死于死于(疾病、饥饿等疾病、饥饿等) 【观察观察悟悟】 In the early 19th century, when an outbreak of cholera hit Europe, millions of people died from the disease. (教材典句 教材典句) 19世纪初欧洲爆发了一场霍乱世纪初欧洲爆发了一场霍乱, 当时有数百万

42、人死于这种疾病。当时有数百万人死于这种疾病。 What is more, in another part of London, a woman and her daughter had died of cholera after moving away from Broad Street. (教材典句 教材典句)另外 另外, 在伦敦的另在伦敦的另 一个地方一个地方, 一位妇女和她的女儿从宽街搬走之后也死于霍乱。一位妇女和她的女儿从宽街搬走之后也死于霍乱。 As a result, many species are quickly dying out. (高考典句 高考典句) 结果结果, 许多物

43、种正在迅速灭绝。许多物种正在迅速灭绝。 When the applause had died down, she began her speech. 掌声渐渐变小之后掌声渐渐变小之后, 她开始她的演讲了。她开始她的演讲了。 The breeze has died away. 微风渐渐止住了。微风渐渐止住了。 【生成生成得得】 【内化内化用用】用含有用含有die的词块填空。的词块填空。 The sound of the car _(渐渐消失渐渐消失)in the distance. With the development of new society, many old customs _(灭

44、绝灭绝; 绝迹绝迹). Some animals _. 有些动物在雪地里饿死了。有些动物在雪地里饿死了。 Up to now, more than 100, 000 people in America _COVID-19. 迄今为止迄今为止, 十多万美国人死于新冠肺炎。十多万美国人死于新冠肺炎。 died away are dying out died of starvation in the snow have died from 2. infect vt. 使感染使感染; 传染传染 派生词派生词 infection n. 感染感染; 传染传染 【观察观察悟悟】 The truth was

45、that the water from the Broad Street pump had been infected by waste. (教材典句 教材典句) 事实是宽街水泵里的水被粪便污染了。事实是宽街水泵里的水被粪便污染了。 Officials say that few people are infected with the virus owing to the effective prevention. 官员说由于有效的防护官员说由于有效的防护, 很少有人感染这种病毒。很少有人感染这种病毒。 A good teacher should be able to infect his s

46、tudents with his own keenness for his subject. 一个好教师应能以自己对本学科的热爱来感染学生。一个好教师应能以自己对本学科的热爱来感染学生。 【生成生成得得】 _ 使使充满充满( (感情感情) be infected with/by _ _ adj. 受感染的受感染的 infect. . . with. . . /be infected with 被被传染传染/ /感染感染 infected 【内化内化用用】语法填空。语法填空。 Im not quite sure if there is danger of _(infect). Sometimes _(infect) chickens may possibly di


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