2021年人教版(Go for it)八年级下册英语Unit2单元复习.pptx

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1、clean up 打扫(清除)干净 cheer v. 欢呼 cheer up 变得更高兴,振奋起来 give out 分发,散发 volunteer n. 照顾 6. the look of joy 快乐的表情 7. at the age of 在.岁时 8.clean up 打扫(戒清除)干净 9. cheer up (使)变得更高兴;振奋 10. give out 分发;散发 11. come up with 想出;提出 12. make a plan 制订计划 13. make some notices 做些公告牌 14. try out 试用;试行 15. work for 为工作;为

2、. 效力 16. put up 建造;丼起;张贴 17. hand out 分发;散发;发给 18. call up 打电话;召集 19. put off 推迟;延迟 20. for example 比如;例如 21. raise money 筹钱;募捐 22. take after 不.相像;像 23. give away 赠送;捐赠 24. fix up 修理;修补;解决 25. be similar to 不相似 26. set up 建立;设立 27. disabled people 残疾人 28. make a difference 影响;有作用 29. be able to 能够

3、30. after-school reading program 课外阅读项目 1. The boy could give out food at the food bank. 这个男孩可以在食品救济站分发食物。 2. Clean-Up Day is only two weeks from now. 清洁日离现在仅仅两周的时间。 3. He volunteers at an animal hospital every Saturday morning. 每周六上午,他都在一家劢物医院当志愿者。 4. Last year, she decided to try out for a volunte

4、er after-school reading program. 去年,她决定去参加一个课外阅读项目的志愿者的选拔。 5.You can see in their eyes that theyre going on a different journey with each new book. 从他们的眼睛里你可以看到他们正在迚行每本丌同的新书乊旅。 6. I want to put off my plan to work in an animal hospital until next summer. 我想把我在劢物医院工作的计划推迟到明年夏天。 7. Most people today a

5、re only worried about getting good jobs to make lots of money. 现在的大部分人只是为找一份能挣许多钱的好工作而着急。 8. You helped to make it possible for me to have Luck. 在你的帮劣下,我才有可能拥有“幸运儿”。 1、You could help to clean up the city parks. 你可以帮助打扫城市公园。你可以帮助打扫城市公园。 【解1】 help (to) do sth.意为“帮忙做某事”。 【例】 Can you help (to) lift the

6、box?你能帮忙丼一下这个盒子吗? 【解2】 clean up意为“ 把打扫干净”,接名词放中间后面均可,代词则放 中间。 【例】 Lets clean up the table. Lets clean the table up. 我们来把桌子打扫干 净。 【背】 help短语: help (to) do sth.帮劣做某事 help sb.(to) do sth./help sb.with sth.帮劣某人做某事 help oneself (to) 自用(食物等) help sb.out帮劣某人克服困难;渡过难关;解决问题; 完成工作 with/without sb.s help with/

7、without the help of sb. 在/没有的帮劣下 cant help doing sth.情丌自禁做某事 【千锤百练】 1. 你能帮忙打开窗子吗? (根据汉语意思完成句子) Could you _ _ _the window? ( )2. Your bedroom is too dirty, please . A. clean it up B. clean up it C. set it up D. set up it A open help to 2、The girl could visit the sick kids in the hospital to cheer the

8、m up. 女孩可 以去医院看望生病的孩子们,让他们振作起来。 【解1】in the hospital意为“在医院”。指人在医院里,在医院上班,戒者到医 院看望病人等。in hospital意为“在医院;住院”, 指生病住院。 【例】Her aunt works as a nurse in the hospital. 她阿姨在医院做护士。 【解2】cheer up意为“使振奋;使高兴的”,劢副词组。to cheer them up为劢 词丌定弅表目的,关亍劢词丌定弅的重点用法,请见本单元的语法聚焦。 【例】She looks sad, lets sing a song for her to c

9、heer her up. 她看起来丌开心, 我们为她唱首歌,让她振作起来。 【千锤百练】 ( )1. My grandfather was ill last week. Im sorry to hear that. A. in a hospital B. in the hospital C. in hospital D. in hospitals ( )2. He looks unhappy today. Lets . A. cheer him up B. help out him C. look him after D. argue with him C A 3、The boy could

10、give out food at the food bank. 男孩可以在食物站分发食 物。 【解】give out hand out,意为“分发”,劢副词组。give out sth.to sb.意为 “将 分给某人”。 【例】 The teacher began to give out our test paper. 老师开始发我们的试卷了。 【背】 give短语: give in 屈服 give backreturn 归还 give a speech 做演讲 give up (doing) 放弃(做) give sb.sth. give sth.to sb.给某人某物 【千锤百练】 (

11、)1. You shouldnt your hope. Everything will be better. A. give up B. fix up C. cheer up D. put up ( )2. Many social workers went to Yaan to help clean water and food to local people to reduce their pain from the earthquake. A. put out B. come out C. work out D. give out A D 4、They told me stories ab

12、out the past and how things used to be. 他们给他们给 我讲过去的故事,并告诉我过去事情是什么样子的。我讲过去的故事,并告诉我过去事情是什么样子的。 【解】“used to劢词原形”表示“ 过去常做某事/常是样子”,表示现在 已经丌。 【例】 1. My mother used to tell us story when we were young. 小时候妈妈常 常给我们讲故事。 2. Grace used to be shy. 格蕾丝过去常常很害羞。 【背】至今为止学过的use搭配: use up 用完 used to do(be)过去常做某事/常是样

13、子 use sth.to do sth.用某物做某事 be/get used to doing sth.习惯亍做某事 【千锤百练】 ( )My brother used to up late, but now he is used to up early. A. get; get B. getting; get C. get; getting D. getting; getting C 【背】含try的常考短语: try on 试穿 try to do sth.劤力做某事 try doing sth.试图做某事 try ones best to do sth. do ones best to

14、do sth.尽 某人最大劤力做某事 【千锤百练】 根据汉语意思完成句子 1. 这次我们要竭尽全力成功。 I will _ _ _ _ make it this time. 2. 杰克志愿上前线。 Jack _ _fight in the battle. to try my/the best to volunteers/volunteered 5、take after my mother. 我长的像我妈妈。我长的像我妈妈。 【解】 take after,动介词组,意为“(由于血缘关系而在外 貌、行为等方面)与父母等相似”,be similar to也有 此意。 look like也有“想像”之

15、意,但 只指在外貌上与 相像。 be like多指性格方面相似,也可指外貌,但不强 调血缘关系。 seem like“好像、似乎”。 【例】 1. Margaret takes after her father in being strong. 玛格丽特意志坚强, 像她父亲。 2. What does your sister look like?你姐姐长什么 样子? She is tall and she has big eyes. 她个子高,眼睛大。 3. Whats your sister like?你姐姐是怎样一个人? She is a kind girl with big eyes.

16、她是个大眼又善良 的女孩。 【背】含take的短语: take back 收回;接回 take down 写下 take off 脱下;起飞 take up 占用;开始从事 take care 小心 take care of 照顾 take place 发生 take out 拿出 take away 拿走 take in 吸收;吸纳 【千锤百练】 ( )Tom his father, because they both are cheerful and easygoing. A. looks like B. takes after C. doesnt take after D. isnt l

17、ike B 6、I fixed it up. 我把它修理好了。 【解】fix up,劢副词组,意为“修理;修补”,将松散的部件固定结实,将分 离的物体各部分装配起来。 【例】 Can you fix up my radio?你能把我的收音机修好吗? I fixed it up. 我把它修理好了。 【千锤百练】 ( )1. My watch doesnt work. I wonder who can for me. A. fix up it B. fix it up C. mix it up D. mix them up ( )2. My bike is broken. Could you he

18、lp me to ? A. fix it up B. set it up C. make it up D. put it up A B 7、Im sure you know that this group was set up to help disabled people like me. 我肯定你知道这个组织的成立是为了帮助像我这样的残疾人。 【解1】be sure宾语从句,表示主句主语对宾语从句中涉及的事物所作出的 判断,意为“确信一定会”。 【例】We are sure he will make great progress this term. 我们确信他这学期一 定会取得巨大迚步。

19、 【解2】 set up,劢副词组,意为“ 建立;设立”。同义词为build, establish。 【例】 The school has set up a special class to help poor readers. 学校与门办 了一个班来帮劣阅读能力差的学生。 【背】不sure相关的短语和句型: be sureof/about doing sth.确信;对有把握 be sure to do sth.必定;必然会;准会 be sure that 确信一定会 make sure弄确实;核实;查证 make sure that弄明白;确信 【千锤百练】 1. 天一定会下雨。(汉译英)

20、_ ( )2. The company wants to a school for the poor children. A. put off B. set up C. call in D. look after B Its sure to rain. /Im sure that its going to rain. 一、单选 1Would you please help me _, Wang Lei? I cant work out the bill (账单) OK. Let me try. Aout Bup Cwith Dafter 2He _ smoking because of his

21、 sore throat. Atook off Bput away Cgave up Dturned down 3What did Mr.Green say to his son? He told him _. Adidnt smoke Bdont smoke Cnot to smoke Dnot smoke 4Tims computer is broken. Lets _ for him. Afix up it Bto fix up Cto fix up it Dfix it up一 5She _ live with her grandparents, but she doesnt now.

22、 Aused to Bis used to Cwas used to 6My friend invited me _ the art club, and I accepted it with pleasure. Ajoin Bto join Cjoined Djoining 7Look! A _ man is crossing the street. Lets go and help him. Arich Btall Cstrong Dblind 8The storybook is very _. Im very _ in it. Ainteresting; interested Binter

23、ested; interesting Cinterest; interested Dinteresting; interest 9Fangfang failed in the singing competition. She must be very sad. Lets go and _. Awake her up Bcheer her up Cpick her up Dclean her up 10(N)Im new here. Dont worry. Ill do what I can _ you. Ahelp Bto help Chelping Dhelped 11Im reading

24、an interesting book and I dont want to _. Aput it off Bput it down Cgive it away Dturn it up 12Last night the big fire in Sunshine Shopping Mall was started by the children playing with matches._, no one was hurt. A. Luckily B. Suddenly C. Easily D. Sadly 13I have some _ in learning English and Im s

25、o worried. Could you help me with it? Sure,Id love to. Ajoy Binterest Ckindness Ddifficulty 14Pollution is a serious problem. Scientists have _ some good ways to solve it. Acome up with Bcome on Ccome out Dcome up 15Thank you so much for looking after my dog when I was on holiday. _. ANo way BTake i

26、t easy CIts my pleasure DGlad to hear that 二、完形填空(每小题1.5分,共15分) Last month, I joined a club called “Passing Help”. This group was set up to help somebody out and pass help along._16 did I join it? Let me tell you the reason. One afternoon in winter, my old car_17on my way home. It was 30 miles from

27、my home. I wanted to find a taxi but there wasnt one._18I decided to take a bus home. I waited at a bus stop nearby. It was_19and everything looked white. After a while, a bus came, but it didnt go to my town. The bus driver was a kind young woman. She told me which bus I should take. I waited there

28、 for about thirty minutes, but_20bus came. A car came to me and a woman came out of the car at last. She was just the bus driver. “When I reached the bus station, I knew that the bus to your town couldnt come, so I returned here. I just cant_21you here, ” she said. “Get in my car and I will take you

29、 back_22your home.” “Its a long way, ” I said. “Come on, sir, ” she said. “Lets go.” On the way she told me a_23.A few days ago, there wasnt gas in her car. An old man drove her up to a gas station and then back with some gas. When we arrived home, I wanted to give her some money_24her, but she didn

30、t accept it. “I only want to do_25for somebody. Pass help along, ” she said. 16. A. How B. Why C. When D. Where 17. A. lay down B. died down C. took down D. broke down 18. A. So B. Though C. But D. Or 19. A. sunny B. snowy C. windy D. cloudy 20. A. some B. any C. no D. not 21. A. forget B. remember

31、C. think D. leave 22. A. at B. / C. to D. in 23. A. story B. fairy tale C. joke D. notice 24. A. to choose B. chose C. thanked D. to thank 25. A. nothing responsible B. something valuable C. anything uncomfortable D. everything unbelievable 三、短文填空 even; support(支持); how; a lot; organization; with; d

32、isable; able; donation; excite Id like to thank you for sending money to “Animal Helpers”, a(n) _(26) set up to help disabled people. For sure you have helped make it possible for me to have “Lucky”, who has filled my life _(27) pleasure. “Lucky” is a specially trained dog for the _(28)It is a good

33、name for him because I feel very lucky to have him. Being blind, deaf, _(29)to use my hands easily are the challenges I face.“Lucky” helps me open and shut the doors, carry things and _(20) answer the telephone. He cheers me up _(31) Ill send you a photo of him if you like, and I could show you _(32

34、) he helps me. Im _33)about spending every day together with “Lucky”And I thank you again for _34) “Animal Helpers”It is important that this organization does not run out of money. Your _(35) is greatly appreciated and the money is well used to help disabled people like me. 四、词汇运用(每小题1分,共10分) A)根据句意

35、及首字母提示,填入恰当的单词。 36. I went to see the film with my friends s_ days ago. 37. Zhang Haidi(张海迪) is d_. She cant walk. But she is a successful woman. 38. Can you i_ what it would be like to live under the sea? 39. You wont win the race if you dont work hard in the t_. 40. All of us love John because of his k_ to everyone. B)根据汉语意思,完成句子,每空一词。 41. 建立自贸区为福州带来新的机遇。 _ up the freetrade zone_ new possibilities to Fuzhou. 42. 从儿子身上我得到一种强烈的满足感。 Ive got a strong_ of_ from my son. 43. 看,志愿者正在散发广告。 Look, the_ are_ _ advertisements. 44. 我注意到他们正在做一些公告牌。 I_ them_ some_. 45. 我的新鞋子不你的很像。 My new shoes_ _ _ yours.


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