冀教2011课标版一年级起点-五年级下册(2014年12月第1版)-小学英语-Unit 2 School in Canada-Lesson 7 Here Comes the School Bus-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)--(编号:927c2).zip

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  • 冀教2011课标版一年级起点_五年级下册(2014年12月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 2 School in Canada_Lesson 7 Here Comes the School Bus_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+音频+素材)__(编号:927c2)
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    • Here Comes the School Bus.ppt--点击预览
    • 学生活动.mp3
    • 学生活动.mp4
    • 学生活动2.mp3
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    • 学生活动4.mp3
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Lesson 7 Here Comes the School Bus 黄河路小学黄河路小学 郭媛郭媛 Mon day Tues day Wedne sday Thurs day Friday My niece goes to school by bus every day. My niece ________ goes to school by bus. always always 总是,一直 Mon day Tues day Wedne sday Thurs day Friday My nephew _____ goes to school by bus. He _________ goes to school by bike. often sometimes often 时常,经常时常,经常 sometimes 偶尔,有时偶尔,有时 Do you go to school by boat? No, I _______ go to school by boat. Never 从不从不,从未从未 never Do you go to school by _____? near always/often/sometimes /never 等词在英文中被称等词在英文中被称 为为“频度副词频度副词”,是用来表,是用来表 示动作频率的,但示动作频率的,但出现频出现频 率率有别。有别。 Ask and answer: . 1. Does Jenny always go to school by bus? often sometime s never ride her bicycle walk to school 2. Why does she never walk? Because she lives too far from school. by bus Where do you want to go? I want to go to ___. How do you go to ____? I go to _____by ____. Do you always go to___ by__? Yes, I always go to ____by __. /No, not always. I _____go to ____by____. always often sometimes never have breakfast in the morning wash face and hands everyday 每天洗手洗脸 read books on Sundays plant flowers 种花 help out at home 在家帮忙 do my homework after school play computer games at night 晚上玩游戏 drink coffee 喝咖啡 eat hamburgers and hot dogs for lunch watch TV看电视 play football 踢足球 draw on the wall 在墙上涂鸦 I Hello! My name is Lily. I always like to plant flowers. Tree - planting Day is a big festival for me. Hi, guys. Im Amy. I like drawing. I sometimes have drawing lessons after class. I often draw pictures in the park. Who has the same hobby(爱好)with me? Spring is coming. Lets draw pictures to Australia. My name is Bob. I am a good basketball player. I always get up early and play basketball with my father. Today I will go to America to watch NBA. Look, this is me. Im Peter. I like to eat delicious food. But I never eat dumplings. I often taste(品尝) good food with my parents. I will go to China today. at the airport Homework: Write more sentences about your daily life with always often sometimes never ,and then communicate with your partners. praise课题课题Lesson 7 Here comes the school bus 重、难重、难 点点 把握把握 重点:理解 always, often, sometimes, never 这几个词,并能 正确的运用。 难点:能够用四个频率副词描述日常生活,流利地交际,能 够问答 How do you go to ____? Do you always go to ____ by _____? 描述你想去的地方,乘坐的交通方式。 教学过程设计教学过程设计 1.1.教学目标教学目标: : 知识目标:能听说读写 always, often, sometimes, never, Ms , driver. 能力目标:能用频率副词描述自己做事情的频率,旅行和 at the airport 创设的两个情景,旨在让学生能够将英语用于实际情镜中。 情感目标:本课将频率副词与日常生活短语相结合,描述自己每日生 活,旨在教育孩子们养成良好的习惯 2.2.学情分析学情分析: : 本课是冀教版英语课本五年级下册 Here comes the school bus 本课主要学习四个频率副词, 能够运用这几个频率副词描述日常生活, 并且学会问答 Do you always go to _____ by bus? 五年级学生掌握 了不少的英语词汇,基本能将四个频率副词和词组结合来进行交际。 3.3.教学方法教学方法: : 1、情景教学法。 2、任务型教学法。 3、小组合作教学法。 4、交际性教学法。 4.4.重点难点重点难点: : 重点:理解 always, often, sometimes, never 这几个词,并能正确的运用。 难点:能够用四个频率副词描述日常生活,流利地交际,能够问答 How do you go to ____? Do you always go to ____ by _____? 描述你想去的地方,乘坐的 交通方式。(解决方案:教师创设多种情境,让学生在感受体会中学会运用频率副词。 ) 5.5.教学过程教学过程 活动 1【问好】Step1:Greeting and sing a song:The Wheels On the Bus 展示本课标题 lesson 7 Here Comes the School Bus 【设计意图:本节课是一堂与交通方式有关的课文,选这首歌有利于引出本课标题 “Here Comes the School Bus”,边唱边做动作也有利于活跃课堂气氛】 活动 2【导入】Step2:Leading-in:Free talk on the topic “How do you go to school?” 【设计意图:谈话式导入,既能测试下学生们的先知,也能为接下来的教学带来预测和参 考,同学们自然而然的进入 How does my niece/nephew go to school?】 活动 3【新授】Step3:Presentation: 学习新单词学习新单词: : (1)教学单词: always often sometimes never 利用 PPT 和单词卡片同时进行 1. Learn always My niece always goes to school by bus. The teacher says the sentences with actions to help the students to know the word. Show the picture of traffic instructions and read the sentence together so that the students can understand the word. al+ways 分音节领读 Read it group by group. Let Ss make up sentences with “always” 2. Learn often Show the picture of traffic instructions and present the sentence My niece often goes to school by bus. o+ ften 拼读法 强调 t 不发音. Read it two by two . Let Ss make up sentences with “often”. 3. Learn sometimes My nephew sometimes goes to school by bus. some+times 分音节领读 Read it one by one. Let Ss make up sentences with “sometimes” 4. Learn never I never go to school by______. Do you go to school by ship? (body language) Do you go to school by bullet train? (body language) Do you go to school by plane? (body language) We live near the school, so we never go to school by ship/bullet train/plane.( 因此课文 当中的 near 也体现出来了,为听力做准备) 【设计意图:用分音节教学法教单词帮助学生记忆,让学生现学单词现造句体现了词不离句】 活动 4【知识拓展】Step4:观看微课 watch a short video and put the cards on the right place 【设计意图:将微课融入教学,提高了效率,也加深学生对四个频率副词的认识和区分】 活动 5【回归课本】Step5:listening to text 1. Fist time: listen and answer the questions 2. Second time: Read the text 【设计意图:读前出示听音任务,学生目的明确,之后小组合作讨论答案,团队合作】 活动 6【口语交际】Step6: practice 1.pair work -a trip to cities of China How do you go to ______? I go to _____ by ______. Do you always go to _____by ___? Yes, I always go to ____by____. No, not always. I _____go to ____by ___. 【设计意图:创设情景,让学生以旅行为话题,相互讨论彼此想去的地方,乘坐的交通方式, 也是对刚才课文教学的一个练习】 2.group work-talk about my daily life 观看视频 Example: I always do my homework and I often help out at home! 【设计意图:学生不但能用四个频率副词表达乘坐某种交通方式,这个环节也是将英语生活化, 能用频率副词描述你的日常生活起居或生活习惯,情感教育:我们应该从小养成良好的生活习 惯。 】 活动 7【创设情景,小组表演】Step7: Group work and show time 1.who do you want to be (PPT 出示照片,猜想每个小朋友的爱好,放语音核实猜想, 同学们听完语音后复述,选择有相同爱好的小朋友作为创设情景中的自己) 2.At the airport 创设情境, 四个小朋友在飞机场相遇,他们之间会有什么交流?Four or two Ss work together to Make up a dialogue and show 【设计意图: 创设情景,学生将交通方式与日常生活表达都融入于此,身临其境,更有利于表 达】 活动 8【总结】Step8: Summary and Homework 【设计意图: :督促学生课下复习所学知识,体现新课标要求,发展式教学】 奖励性评价 板书设计 Lesson 7 Here comes the school bus always often sometimes never How do you go to ______? I go to _____ by ______. Do you always go to _____by ___? Yes, I always go to ____by____. No, not always. I _____go to ____by ___.
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