2019新人教版高中英语必修第二册unit2 Wildlife Protection单元知识清单 短语句式作文 单词串记作文.docx

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2019新人教版高中英语必修第二册unit2 Wildlife Protection单元知识清单 短语句式作文 单词串记作文.docx_第1页
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2019新人教版高中英语必修第二册unit2 Wildlife Protection单元知识清单 短语句式作文 单词串记作文.docx_第3页
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1、1 M2 Unit2 Wildlife Protection I. II. Expressions 1. on earth 究竟 到底 2. die out 灭亡 逐渐消失 3. be aware of 意识到 知道 4. on average 平均地 5. make rapid progress 取得快速地进步 6. be concerned about 对关切的 为担忧的 7. adapt to 适应 8. under pressure 在压力下 承受压力 9. make out 看清 听清 分清 10. remind sb.of sth. 使某人想起某事 11. watch over 保

2、护 照管 监督 12. due to=because of 由于 因为 13. search for 寻找 14. stir up 激起 15. be struck by the beauty 被美打动; (迷恋) 16. make profits 获利润 17. in harmony with 与和谐相处 18. a threat to sth.对的一种威胁 19. save endangered wildlife 拯救濒危野生动植物 20. illegal hunting 非法狩猎 21. end up within 以告终 22. make a prediction 进行预测 23. a

3、t an alarming rate 以一种惊人的速度 24. mass extinction 大规模的灭绝 25. preserve the natural habitats 保护天然栖息地 26. stand for 代表 支持 27. stressed syllable 重读音节 28. recover from 从中恢复过来 29. reserve a table 预定一张桌子 30. observe doing sth. 观察某事 31. observe the school rules 遵守校规 32. observe the Spring Festival 庆祝春节 33. on

4、 the plain 在平原上 34. keep them safe from attacks 让他们免受攻击 35. removefrom 把某物从中移除 36. intend to do sth. 打算做某事 37. day and night 日夜 昼夜 整天 38. come into existence 形成 存在 =come into being 39. under pressure 在压力下 承受压力 2 40. bird field guide 鸟类图鉴 41. primarysecondary stress 主次重音 42. a herd of graceful Tibeta

5、n antelopes 一群形体优美的藏羚羊 III. Important sentences 1. When the buying stops, the killing can too. 没有买卖,就没有伤害。 2. Our biology teacher always makes his lesson lively.Thats why he is so popular with his students.我们生物老师一直使他的课堂充满趣味。这就是为什么他很受学生的欢迎。 3. Only by joint efforts can we make a difference in keeping

6、 the balance of nature. 只有通过共同的努力,我们才能在保持大自然的平衡方面产生影响。 4. When it comes to wildlife protection, all species-the good, the bad, and the ugly- should be treated equally. 当涉及野生动物保护时, 所有物种-好的、坏的和丑的-都应该被平等对待。 5. The question is being discussed.= The question is under discussion. 这个问题正在在讨论中。 6. Young peop

7、le prefer to buy things online so that they can save a lot of money. 年轻人更喜欢网上购物以便省下很多钱。 7. Its high time that we should take actionmeasures to protect the endangered animals. 该是我们采取行动措施来保护这些濒危动物了。 IV. Compositions 假如你是李华,想邀清你的朋友 John 在周六晚上去观看科幻电影流浪地球( The Wandering Earth),请用英语给他写一封邮件, 内容包括: 1.发出邀请;

8、2.介绍电影(主题:保护人类共同的地球家园;观众评价等); 3.请求回复。 Dear John, Knowing that you are interested in science fiction, Id like to invite you to see a film this weekend. The Wandering Earth is being shown these days,whose theme is to save the earth and protect our common home. Viewers describe it as a breakthrough of

9、the Chinese film industry and it has received a wide range of good reviews so far. Shall we go to watch the film if you are available? How about this Saturday evening? Please contact me at your earliest convenience so that I can book the tickets in advance. 3 Looking forward to your reply. Yours, Li

10、 Hua In recent years, creatures such as whales,sharks, dolphins, deer, kangaroos and Tibetan antelopes have faced a threat and its difficult for them to exist. Now their numbers are reducing due to too much hunting. As a result, they have to search for new habitats and try to adapt to new environmen

11、ts. This problem has concerned people very much, and stirred up emotions of alarm. At present, many volunteers join in the protection of wild animals. In the habitats they observe the daily activities of wild animals and watch them over day and night. They remove traps and nets placed by hunters to

12、protect animals and insects like butter flies from attack. In addition, these volunteers help to recover the lost animals. They remind people in the neighbourhood of the importance of harmony between man and nature. 近年来,鲸鱼,鲨鱼,海豚,鹿,袋鼠和藏羚羊等生物生物面临威胁威胁,它们很难生存生存。由于由于 过度捕猎捕猎,它们的数量正在减少。因此,它们不得不寻找寻找新的栖息地栖息地

13、,并努力适应适应新的环 境。这个问题已经引起了人们的极大关注关注,并且激起激起了人们的惊慌情绪惊慌情绪。目前目前,许多志愿者 加入了保护野生动物的行列。在栖息地,他们观察观察野生动物的日常活动,并日夜日夜监视它们。 它们拆除拆除猎人放置的陷阱和网网,以保护动物和昆虫昆虫,如蝴蝶免受攻击攻击。此外,这些志愿者帮 助找回找回失踪的动物。他们提醒提醒邻近地区的人们人与自然和谐和谐相处的重要性。 There is a poster in the nature reserve that says, The authorities demand that all illegal hunting shoul

14、d be stopped immediately to protect the species that are endangered. Recently, some hunters have been illegally hunting wild animals, leading to a mass extinction of them, and their habitats have been threatened, too. According to WWF, an average of 75 species become extinct every day in the world.

15、Some wild animals are dying out at a very fast rate. This is an alarming number. Many people are aware of the problem and are concerned about the endangered wildlife. Some countries have taken effective measures to protect these creatures. Why on earth do the hunters shoot these animals? Some intend

16、 to sell them as goods to make a profit, others to make a living. For example, antelopes are hunted for their skin and fur. But, to our delight, we have made great progress in wildlife protection. 在自然保护区自然保护区有一张海报海报上写着:当局当局要求立即停止所有非法狩猎,以保护濒危濒危物种物种。最近, 一些猎人猎人非法捕猎野生动物,导致它们大量灭绝,它们的栖息地栖息地也受到威胁威胁。根据世界自然基金会 的数据,世界上平均平均每天有 75 种物种灭绝。一些野生动物正在以非常快的速度灭绝。这是一个惊惊 人的人的数字。许多人意识到了这个问题,并且担心濒临灭绝的野生动物。一些国家已经采取了有效措有效措 施施来保护这些生物。到底到底为什么猎人要射杀这些动物?有些人打算打算把它们当商品卖掉赚钱赚钱,有些人 则是为了谋生。例如,猎杀羚羊是为了它们的皮毛。但是,令我们高兴的是,我们在野生动物保护 方面取得了巨大的进步取得了巨大的进步。


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