教科EEC版四下-Unit3 What's the Matter -Class 1 Textbook p.20-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:c0401).doc

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1、Unit 3 Weather 第四课时第四课时 一、教学目标:一、教学目标: 1、听说认读单词和短语:degree,how about,New York 2、能用本节课所学英语和同伴进行对话交流。 3、能准确使用表示天气的形容词和询问天气的句型:Whats the weather like in New York? How about Beijing? 二、教学重点:二、教学重点: 1.正确认识本课单词。 2.运用所学单词和句式完成对话。 正确使用表示天气的形容词和句型: Whats the weather like in New York? How about Beijing? 三、教学难点

2、:三、教学难点: Its .degrees.的表达。 四、教具准备:四、教具准备: 教学课件、头饰、单词卡片。 五、教学过程:五、教学过程: Step 1 warm up 1、 师生问候: -Good morning boys and girls. -Good morning teacher. -How are you today? -I am fine,thanks.And you? -I am fine,too.thank you. Whats the weather like today? -Its sunny. 2、学生唱歌曲“Thunder”;说唱第 25 页的 Lets chant

3、 部分歌 谣。 3、启发学生将歌谣中的 warm、hot、cool、cold 根据后一句 话的内容替换为:sunny、windy、snowy、cloudy。改编儿歌。 Step 2 reaview lead in 1.首先复习形容天气的单词 warm、 hot、 cool、 cold, sunny、 windy、 snowy、cloudy。利用课件图片让学生练习说句子。 2.教师播放世界城市天气预报的录像,然后提问:Whats the weather like in ?学生根据实际内容回答It is(学生既可以从气 温的角度回答,也可从气候特征的角度回答,此项活动主要是巩 固 Whats th

4、e weather like in ?的功能结构。) 3.教师让同学间提问句型: Whats the weather like in ?并作出回 答。 4.找同学上台表演充当天气预报员来预报天气。 Step 3 preantitain 1.由上面的回答导入到今天的所学内容 Lets talk 内容。 T:now,our good friends-Chen Jie and Mark are talking on the phone . What are they talking about Lets listen what do they say? 2 课件播放 Lets talk 内容,让学生

5、认真听两遍,并对最后的温 度提出疑问给予回答。 3.Listen again.Please answer:Where is Mark?what is the weather like in Beijing? What is the weather like in New york? 引导好学生回答上面的问题。 T:Do you know what is the meaning of “New York”? S:纽约 T:Yes,(点击课件)Follow me: New York S:New York T:What is the weather like in New york? S:It is

6、 rainy. 教师在黑板上分别展示出 Mark 和 Chen Jie 的对话内容, 并带领 学生朗读几遍。 4 教师引导学生说出每句的中文意思。并给学生以奖励。 Step 4 practise 1. 分组学生进行操练此句型,让学生自由读一会,老师再找同 学分组对话。并给表现好的学生以奖励。 2. 播放课文录音,学生跟读, ,然后找读的较好的同学领读,老 师给予指导,以培养学生的朗读水平。 3. 老师利用课件和同学们一起做游戏。老师点击课件的某一句 话,让学生抢答。用英语规范的读出来,并给予小苹果奖励。 4. 把本课的句子写在卡片上,分小组让学生读,看哪一组读的 又快又好,给予小组奖励。 St

7、ep 5 Summing up Review the words and sentences in this class. The important word and phrase: rainy ,degree, how about, New York, warm ,cool, hot。 The important sentences: what is the weather like in New York? How about Beijing?that is cold. Step 6 Homework (1)Listen to and repeat “Lets talk” . (2)Try to make a new dialogue to talk about the weather with your partner. (3)Write a letter to your pen pal to introduce the weather where you are 六、板书设计 Unit 3 Weather Whats the weather like in New York? Its rainy. How about Beijing? Is it cold? No ,it isnt. Its 26 degrees. 七、教学反思


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