(2021新教材)牛津译林版必修第一册英语Unit1 reading language pointsppt课件.pptx

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1、Unit 1 Back to school Reading Language points +译文译文 Realizing your potentialRealizing your potential Language points Useful expressions 1.1. a promising futurea promising future 2.2. cant wait tocant wait to 3.3. a way of doinga way of doing 4.4. lie inlie in 5.5. rise torise to 6.6. have the opport

2、unity tohave the opportunity to 7.7. most importantlymost importantly 8.8. put simplyput simply 9.9. have confidence inhave confidence in 10.10.make a difference (to)make a difference (to) 11.11.make the most ofmake the most of 12.12.take advantage oftake advantage of 1.1. 美好未来美好未来 2.2. 迫不及待地要迫不及待地要

3、 3.3. 的方式的方式 4.4. 在于在于 5.5. 能够处理能够处理 6.6. 有机会做有机会做 7.7. 最重要的是最重要的是 8.8. 简而言之简而言之 9.9. 对对充满信心充满信心 10.10.对对起作用,有影响起作用,有影响 11.11.充分利用充分利用 12.12.利用利用 Useful expressions 13.13.learn fromlearn from 14.14.make use ofmake use of 15.15.take an active part intake an active part in 16.16.set (clear)goalsset (c

4、lear)goals 17.17.make efforts to make efforts to 18.18.last but not least last but not least 19.19.look on the bright sidelook on the bright side 20.20.lose hopelose hope 21.21.a wella well- -rounded rounded individualindividual 22.22.be responsible forbe responsible for 13.13.向向学习学习 14.14.利用利用 15.1

5、5.积极参加积极参加 16.16.树立(明确)目标树立(明确)目标 17.17.努力做努力做 18.18.最后但同样重要的是最后但同样重要的是 19.19.看到光明的一面看到光明的一面 20.20.失去希望失去希望 21.21.全面发展的人全面发展的人 22.22.对对负责负责 Important sentences 1.1.(L4)I cant wait to describe to you (L4)I cant wait to describe to you what senior high school life is likewhat senior high school life i

6、s like. . 我迫不及待地要向你们描述高中生活是我迫不及待地要向你们描述高中生活是 什么样的。什么样的。 cant wait to do cant wait to do 迫不及待地想做某事迫不及待地想做某事 我迫不及待地想知道我的新英语老师是谁。我迫不及待地想知道我的新英语老师是谁。 I cant wait to know who my new English I cant wait to know who my new English teacher is.teacher is. whatwhat 引导宾语从句,充当动词引导宾语从句,充当动词describe describe 的宾语。

7、的宾语。 2. 2. (L5L5)The path before youThe path before you leads toleads to a world a world full of full of challengeschallenges 你们面前的道路会通向一个充满挑战的世界。你们面前的道路会通向一个充满挑战的世界。 lead to lead to 通往通往; ;导致导致 All roads lead to Rome.All roads lead to Rome. Eating too much salt can lead to health problems.Eating to

8、o much salt can lead to health problems. 同:同:result inresult in challenge n./v.challenge n./v.挑战挑战 Face/accept a challengeFace/accept a challenge This job offers her a real challenge.This job offers her a real challenge. challenge sb.to do sth.challenge sb.to do sth. 要求要求/ /激励某人做激励某人做 某事某事 challengi

9、ng challenging adj. adj. 挑战性的;挑起争挑战性的;挑起争 论的论的 Important sentences 3.However, for those of you with a 3.However, for those of you with a positivepositive mind, opportunity mind, opportunity lies in lies in each each challenge.challenge. positive positive 积极的;拥护的积极的;拥护的 反:反:negative negative lie in l

10、ie in 在于;睡懒觉在于;睡懒觉 lie n./v. lie n./v. 谎言,撒谎谎言,撒谎 tell a lietell a lie Important sentences 4.When you rise to the challenges, you will have the opportunity to acquire great knowledge and enjoy personal growth. (para. 2) 当您迎接挑战时,您将有机会获得丰富的知识并享受当您迎接挑战时,您将有机会获得丰富的知识并享受 个人成长。个人成长。 rise v./n. The sun ris

11、es in the east. rise against 起义,反抗起义,反抗 rise in costs/prices/ taxes acquire获得获得 e.g. How long will it take to acquire the necessary skills? Important sentences 5. Most importantly, your time and effort at senior high school will open the door to your potential. (para. 2) it takes effort to do sth ma

12、ke an effort to do sth spare no effort to do sth 最重要的是,您在高中最重要的是,您在高中花费花费的时间和精力将为您的时间和精力将为您 发掘潜能打开大门。发掘潜能打开大门。 It takes effort to get the first prize in the competition. All the students should make an effort to pass the exam. The shopping mall spares no effort to attract more customers. Important s

13、entences 6. 6. (L14L14) Put simplyPut simply, , potential is your natural potential is your natural ability that can be developed when you try hard ability that can be developed when you try hard enough. enough. 简而言之,潜能是你与生俱来的能力,当你足够努力简而言之,潜能是你与生俱来的能力,当你足够努力 时,潜能就能得到开发。时,潜能就能得到开发。 put simply put sim

14、ply 简单地说,简而言之简单地说,简而言之 类似的表达还有类似的表达还有 to put it simplyto put it simply。 put put 说,表达说,表达 搭配:搭配: put sth. well/cleverly put sth. well/cleverly 巧妙地表达巧妙地表达 as sb.puts it as sb.puts it 正如某人所说正如某人所说 to put it another way to put it another way 换句话说换句话说 定语从句定语从句 Important sentences 7.what medical advances

15、you will make or what amazing things you will discover! advance 进步 in advance 提前;预先 advance on/towards 朝前进 advanced adj. 高级的;先进的 amazing 令人惊讶的;令人惊讶的; amazed感到惊讶的感到惊讶的 His _ face showed that he didnt know anything about the _ news (amaze). amazed amazing Important sentences 8. 8. (L17L17) The possibi

16、lities are endless, and I The possibilities are endless, and I have confidence inhave confidence in your ability to your ability to make a make a difference to difference to your family, to your community your family, to your community and to our country. and to our country. 一切皆有可能,我相信你们有能力影响你们的家庭、一

17、切皆有可能,我相信你们有能力影响你们的家庭、 你们的社区和你们的国家。你们的社区和你们的国家。 have confidence in have confidence in 对对有信心有信心 make a difference to make a difference to 对对产生影响产生影响 Important sentences 9. (L19)Over the next three years,9. (L19)Over the next three years, , you will you will discover your potential discover your poten

18、tial whilewhile you develop as a you develop as a student and as a person.student and as a person. 在今后的三年里,你们作为学生和个体成长的同时,将会在今后的三年里,你们作为学生和个体成长的同时,将会 发现自己的潜能。发现自己的潜能。 复合句,复合句,whilewhile引导时间状语从句,当引导时间状语从句,当的时候的时候 10.10. To fully realize your potential, To fully realize your potential, it is it is imp

19、ortant for you toimportant for you to make the most of make the most of our school our school resources. resources. 为了充分发挥你们的潜能,对你们来说充分利用学校为了充分发挥你们的潜能,对你们来说充分利用学校 的资源是很重要的。的资源是很重要的。 to fully realize your potential to fully realize your potential 目的状语目的状语 It is +It is +adj.adj. (for sb./sth) to do st

20、h.(for sb./sth) to do sth. Important sentences 10.To fully realize your potential,it is important for you to make the most of our school resources. make use of 利用;使用 make good/full/little use of 好好/充分/不充分利用 make the best of 充分利用 take advantage of 利用 Important sentences 11.(L25) Of equal importance a

21、re good study 11.(L25) Of equal importance are good study habits, useful skills and a positive attitude.habits, useful skills and a positive attitude. 同样重要的还有良好的学习习惯,实用的技能和积极的同样重要的还有良好的学习习惯,实用的技能和积极的 态度。态度。 =Good study habits, useful skills and a positive =Good study habits, useful skills and a posi

22、tive attitude attitude are of equal importanceare of equal importance. . be of +be of +n.n. =be +=be +adj.adj. 完全倒装句完全倒装句: :当作表语的“介词短语当作表语的“介词短语/ /形容词形容词/ /分词”置于分词”置于 句首时,句子要用全部倒装,构成“表语句首时,句子要用全部倒装,构成“表语( (介词短语介词短语/ /形容形容 词词/ /分词分词) )连系动词主语”结构。连系动词主语”结构。 e.g.On the desk are some books.e.g.On the des

23、k are some books. Important sentences 12.Carefully plan your study,set clear goals and balance your schoolwork with other activities. balance vt.同等重视;(使)保持平衡;权衡重要性 n均衡,平衡;平衡能力 (1) balanced adj. 平稳的;安定的;和谐的 (2) balance A with/and B 使A和B处于平衡状态 Keeping a _ (均衡饮食) is important to our health. It is not e

24、asy for a woman to _(保持家庭和工作的平 衡). balanced diet balance her career and/with family Important sentences 13.(L33) Senior high school will 13.(L33) Senior high school will help you learn help you learn and growand grow, yet you alone , yet you alone are responsible for are responsible for realizing yo

25、ur great potential.realizing your great potential. 高中可以帮助你们学习和成长,然而只有你们自己才能高中可以帮助你们学习和成长,然而只有你们自己才能 挖掘你们的潜能。挖掘你们的潜能。 help sb. (to) do sth. help sb. (to) do sth. 帮助某人做某事帮助某人做某事 be responsible for sb./sth. be responsible for sb./sth. 为某人为某人/ /某事负责某事负责 你应该为自己的选择负责。你应该为自己的选择负责。 You should You should be

26、responsible for be responsible for your own choice.your own choice. n.responsibilityn.responsibility take responsibility for take responsibility for 对对负责负责 Important sentences 14.(L31) 14.(L31) As LaoAs Lao- -Tzu wisely saidTzu wisely said, “A journey of a , “A journey of a thousand miles begins wit

27、h a single step.”thousand miles begins with a single step.” 老子说得好:“千里之行,始于足下。”老子说得好:“千里之行,始于足下。” 众所周知,一个好的学习环境是很重要的。众所周知,一个好的学习环境是很重要的。 As we all know/As is known to allAs we all know/As is known to all, a good , a good learning environment is of great importance.learning environment is of great imp

28、ortance. 俗话说得好,“世上无难事,只怕有心人”俗话说得好,“世上无难事,只怕有心人” As an old saying goesAs an old saying goes, “Where there is a will, , “Where there is a will, there is a way.”there is a way.” asas引导非限制性定语从句引导非限制性定语从句 Important sentences A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Be confident, do your b

29、est and make us proud. 认识到你自己的潜力认识到你自己的潜力 大家好!欢迎来到高中!今天是新学期的开始,是三年大家好!欢迎来到高中!今天是新学期的开始,是三年 旅程的开始,也是美好未来的开始。旅程的开始,也是美好未来的开始。 我迫不及待地向您描述高中生活的样子。您面临的道路我迫不及待地向您描述高中生活的样子。您面临的道路 通往充满挑战的世界:新环境,新知识和新的思维方式。通往充满挑战的世界:新环境,新知识和新的思维方式。 但是,对于那些拥有积极思想的人来说,每一个挑战都但是,对于那些拥有积极思想的人来说,每一个挑战都 蕴藏着机遇。当您迎接挑战时,您将有机会获得丰富的蕴藏着

30、机遇。当您迎接挑战时,您将有机会获得丰富的 知识并享受个人成长。最重要的是,您在高中的时间和知识并享受个人成长。最重要的是,您在高中的时间和 精力将为您发掘潜能打开大门。精力将为您发掘潜能打开大门。 参考译文:参考译文: “潜力是什么?“你可能会问。简而言之,潜力是您在潜力是什么?“你可能会问。简而言之,潜力是您在 努力尝试时可以发挥的天生能力。谁知道您将创造什么努力尝试时可以发挥的天生能力。谁知道您将创造什么 精美的艺术品,您将取得什么样的医学进步或您将开发精美的艺术品,您将取得什么样的医学进步或您将开发 出哪些惊人的技术!可能性无穷无尽,我相信您有能力出哪些惊人的技术!可能性无穷无尽,我相

31、信您有能力 为您的家庭,社区和国家带来改变。在未来三年中,您为您的家庭,社区和国家带来改变。在未来三年中,您 将在成为学生和一个人的过程中发现自己的潜力。将在成为学生和一个人的过程中发现自己的潜力。 要充分发挥您的潜力,对您来说,充分利用我们要充分发挥您的潜力,对您来说,充分利用我们 的学校资源非常重要。利用您的课程,向您的老的学校资源非常重要。利用您的课程,向您的老 师和同学学习,并利用我们的学校设施。加入一师和同学学习,并利用我们的学校设施。加入一 两个俱乐部,并积极参加不同的运动。两个俱乐部,并积极参加不同的运动。 同样重要的是良好的学习习惯,有用的技能和积同样重要的是良好的学习习惯,有

32、用的技能和积 极的态度。仔细计划您的学习,设定明确的目标,极的态度。仔细计划您的学习,设定明确的目标, 并使您的学业与其他活动保持平衡。作为一名高并使您的学业与其他活动保持平衡。作为一名高 中生,您必须努力提高沟通和解决问题的能力。中生,您必须努力提高沟通和解决问题的能力。 最后但同样重要的是,即使在困难的情况下,也最后但同样重要的是,即使在困难的情况下,也 要始终保持乐观的态度,永远不要失去希望。随要始终保持乐观的态度,永远不要失去希望。随 着时间的流逝,您会发现自己成长为一个全面的着时间的流逝,您会发现自己成长为一个全面的 人。人。 正如老子明智地说的:“千里之行正如老子明智地说的:“千里之行, ,始于足下。”始于足下。” 您需要不断努力来训练自己的思维并发展自己的您需要不断努力来训练自己的思维并发展自己的 性格。高中将帮助您学习和成长,但只有靠您自性格。高中将帮助您学习和成长,但只有靠您自 己才能发挥自己的巨大潜力。要有信心,尽力而己才能发挥自己的巨大潜力。要有信心,尽力而 为,并让我们感到骄傲为,并让我们感到骄傲! !


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