(2021新教材)牛津译林版必修第一册英语复习 ppt课件.pptx

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1、Revision of Book 1 Topics Theme Unit Topic Passage Teenage experiences Unit 1 Back to school Realizing your potential (School life) School life in the UK Unit 2 Lets talk teens Strangers under the same roof? (Parent-child relationship) Mama and her bank account Unit 3 Getting along with others Frien

2、dship on the rocks: please advise! (Friendship) Of friendship Unit 4 Looking good, feeling good Teen faints after skipping meals (Physical appearance stress) Dont judge a book by its cover 苏州线上教育中心 知识梳理 Topic 1: Topic-related words & phrases Write the correct forms of the following words: 1 challeng

3、e n. 挑战 _ v. 挑战 _adj. 2 _ n. 信心 confident adj. 3 _ n. 努力,试图 make efforts to do sth. 4 _ vt.获得,得 到 acquisition n. 获得 5 _ adj. 负责的 responsibility n. Be_ for 对-负责 6 _ v. balance n. 平衡 7 _ n. 潜力 potential adj. 潜在的 8 _ adj. 自主的 independence n.独立、自主 Be independent of独立于 9 _ adj. 个体的n. 个人 Individually v. 1

4、0 _ adj.积极乐观 的 negative adj. 消极负面的 have a positive attitude towards Topic 1: Topic-related words & phrases Write the correct forms of the following words: 1 challenge n. 挑战 challenge v. 挑战 challenging adj. 2 confidence n. 信心 confident adj. 3 effort n. 努力,试图 make efforts to do sth. 4 acquire vt.获得,得到

5、 acquisition n. 获得 5 responsible adj. 负责的 responsibility n. Be responsible for 对-负责 6 balance v. balance n. 平衡 7 potential n. 潜力 potential adj. 潜在的 8 independent adj. 自主的 independence n.独立、自主 Be independent of 独立于 9 individual adj. 个体的 n. 个 人 Individually v. 10 positive adj.积极乐观的 negative adj. 消极负面的

6、 have a positive attitude towards Topic 1 : Topic-related words & phrases 充分利用,尽情享受 起作用, 有影响 坚持,固守, 维持 参加 迫不及待 能够处理 存在于, 在于 期盼,期待 利用 简单来说= To put it simply 同样重要的是 提醒某人某事 最后但同样重要的 及时;最后 由于 Write the phrases according to the Chinese : Topic 1 : Topic-related words & phrases make the most of 充分利用,尽情享受

7、make a difference 起作用, 有影响 stick to 坚持,固守, 维持 take part in 参加 cant wait to 迫不及待 rise to 能够处理 lie in 存在于, 在于 look forward to 期盼,期待 take advantage of 利用 put simply 简单来说= To put it simply of equal importance 同样重要的是 remind sb. of 提醒某人某事 last but not least 最后但同样重要的 in time 及时;最后 as a result of 由于 苏州线上教育中

8、心 复习巩固 Topic 1 : Revision of the passage _ _ (简单来说), p_is your natural ability that can be developed when you try hard enough. I _ _ _(对-有信心)your ability to _ _ _ _(产生影 响)your family and to the world. To fully realize your potential, it is important for you to _ _ _ _(充分利用)our school resources. _ _

9、_(利用)your classes and make use of school facilities(设施). _ _ _ (同样重要的)_ (be) good study habits, useful skills and a _ _(积极的心态). Set clear _(目标)and _(平衡) your schoolwork with other activities. Make efforts to improve your communication and problem-solving skills. _ _ _ _(最后但同样重要的), always look on the

10、 bright side and never _ _ (灰心)._ _(最终)you will grow into a _ _(全面发展的个人). Senior high school will help you learn and grow, yet you alone _ _ _(对-负责) realizing your great potential. Put simply potential have confidence in make a difference to make the most of Take advantage of Of equal importance are

11、 positive attitude goals balance Last but not least lose hope In time well-rounded individual are responsible for 苏州线上教育中心 知识梳理 Topic 2 : Topic-related words & phrases Write the correct forms of the following words: 1 _ adj. 焦虑的 anxiety n. 焦虑 2 _ (关系)破裂, 故障 Break down 拆解,坏掉 3 _ n. 争论,争吵 argue v. 争论

12、4 stress n. 压力 _ adj. 令人紧张的 5 concern n.担心, 忧虑,关心 concern vt. 涉及,使担忧 _ prep.关 于 6 _ vi.&n. 奋斗,搏 斗 7 _adj. 思想的,精神 的,智力的 physical adj. 身体的 8. _ vt.vi.自愿做, 主 动建议告知 volunteer n. 志愿者 voluntary adj. 志愿的 9 _ adj. 灵活的,可变 动的 flexibility n. 灵活性 Topic 2 : Topic-related words & phrases 1 anxious adj. 焦虑的 anxiet

13、y n. 焦虑 2 breakdown (关系)破裂, 故障 Break down 拆解,坏掉 3 argument n. 争论,争吵 argue v. 争论 4 stress n. 压力 stressful adj. 令人紧张 的 5 concern n.担心, 忧虑,关心 concern vt. 涉及,使担 忧 concerning prep.关于 6 struggle vi.& n. 奋斗,搏斗 7 mental adj. 思想的,精神的,智力的 physical adj. 身体的 8. volunteer vt.vi.自愿做, 主动建议告 知 volunteer n. 志愿者 volu

14、ntary adj. 志愿的 9 flexible adj. 灵活的,可变动的 flexibility n. 灵活性 Topic 2 : Topic-related words & phrases 1 平静,镇静 2 经历 3 充分考虑, 想透 4 承认错误,认输 5 从某人的角度、观点出发 6 依靠,依赖 7 快速长高,蹿个儿 8 相处 9 结果是 10 在某事上与某人看法一致 11 缠磨,烦扰 12 (使)变得高兴, 振奋起来 Write the phrases according to the Chinese : Topic 2 : Topic-related words & phras

15、es Write the phrases according to the Chinese : 1 calm down 平静,镇静 2 go through 经历 3 think through 充分考虑, 想透 4 back down 承认错误,认输 5 from ones point of view 从某人的角度、观点出发 6 depend upon 依靠,依赖 7 shoot up 快速长高,蹿个儿 8 get along 相处 9 turn out 结果是 10 see eye to eye with sb. on sth. 在某事上与某人看法一致 11 be on ones back

16、 about sth. 缠磨,烦扰 12 cheer up (使)变得高兴, 振奋起来 苏州线上教育中心 复习巩固 Strangers under the same 1._(屋顶) You may find you can 2._ _ _ _(看法一致) with your parents on nothing. 3._(guard) conversations, 4._(heat) 5._(争论) or even a battle are common in your family. You are not alone(你不是个例、这是司空见惯的) and its a common phen

17、omenon(现象) between teenagers and their parents. roof see eye to eye Guarded heated arguments Topic 2 : Revision of the passage Revision of the passage Several factors 6._ _/_ _(导致) such family 7._(紧张关系)/the family 8._(关系破裂). During adolescence(青春期), teenagers 9._ _(经历) great 10._ _ _(身心的) changes. 1

18、1._ _(窜个儿) at a different 12._(速度)to others, 13._ _ _(落后、被拉下), changing voices or spots on face make them 14._(焦虑) about themselves. When it gets too much(当这一切不 堪 重 负 ), parents become their 15._( 目 标 对 象 ) to let out ( 发 泄 、 释 放 )their 16._(angry). During this period, teenagers enter a middle groun

19、d(中间地带、过渡期) and its a headache to 17._(平衡) their mental needs. On the one hand, teenagers feel they are mature(成熟) enough to make decisions and they 18._ _ _ _ _(渴望独立) and wish their parents to 19._ them_(放手). Therefore, they often wonder why their parents treat them like a child. On the other hand,

20、 teenagers find themselves 20._ _(努力、挣扎) control their feelings and 21._(渴望) their parents to show 22._(关心) for them. 23._(不幸的是), parents often forget that growing up is a 24._(艰难的) ride. Instead, they expect too much from their kids and even 25._ too much _ _(对-施加压力) their kids all the time(一直). re

21、sult in lead to tensions breakdown go through physical and mental shooting up rate getting left behind anxious targets anger balance have a desire for independence let go struggling to desire concern Unfortunately rough put stress on Revision of the passage While it seems impossible to 26._ _(相处) we

22、ll with parents, teenagers can still 27._ _(采取行动) to 28._(改善) the situation. 29._ _ _(-的关键)30._(keep) the peace is 31._(频繁的、有规律的) and honest communication. To begin with, teenagers should try to see the situation 32._ _ _ _ _(从父母的角度) for they might have had similar experiences and wish their kids no

23、t to 33._ _(经历) the same pain. In the meantime, when an 34._(argue) is likely to happen, teenagers are supposed to 35._ _(冷静下来), 36._ the whole thing _(想透、充分考虑), explain feelings to parents 37._(calm) and 38.a_(solve/handle) their 39._(忧虑、担心). Last but not least, its a must for teenagers to learn wh

24、en to 40._ _(认输、示弱) and when to make parents 41._ their _(放松 掌控). get along/on take action/steps improve The key to keeping regular from parents point of view go through argument calm down think through calmly address concerns back down relax control 42._ _ _ _(说实话), all these challenges and hardshi

25、ps 43._ teenagers _(帮-为-做好准备) adulthood. The good news is that the 44._(storm) period will not 45._(持续) and everything will 46._ _(结果) all right/everything will return to 47._(正常) in the end with combined efforts. To tell the truth prepare for stormy last turn out normal Revision of the passage 苏州线上

26、教育中心 知识梳理 Topic 3 : Topic-related words & phrases 1 apologize v. _ n.道歉 2 _ v. respectful adj. 尊敬的 respectable adj. 值得尊敬 的 3 _ v. ignorant adj.无知的 4 _ v. response n. 回应 In response to 5 horrible adj. _ n. 恐惧 6 _ adj. generosity n. 慷慨 7 _ n. accompany v. 陪伴 In ones company 8 _ v. recognition n. 识别,认可

27、 9 _ n. reflect v. 反射,反思 10 seek(_, _) v.寻求 11 benefit v. /n. _ adj. be beneficial to 对-有利 Topic 3 : Topic-related words & phrases Write the correct forms of the following words: 1 apologize v. apology n.道歉 2 respect v. respectful adj. 尊敬的 respectable adj. 值得尊 敬的 3 ignore v. ignorant adj.无知的 4 respo

28、nd v. response n. 回应 In response to 5 horrible adj. horror n. 恐惧 6 generous adj. generosity n. 慷慨 7 company n. accompany v. 陪伴 In ones company 8 recognize v. recognition n. 识别,认可 9 reflection n. reflect v. 反射,反思 10 seek (sought, sought) v.寻 求 11 benefit v. /n. beneficial adj. be beneficial to 对-有 利

29、Topic 3: Topic-related words & phrases Write the phrases according to the Chinese : 1 (关系)陷于困境 2 脱离某人的视线 3 亲身、亲自 4 在某人看来 5 有错, 应承担责任 6 无论如何 7 同甘共苦 8 不知所措,困惑 9 克服 10 使显现、使表现出 11 消除问题 12 注定要做某事 13 呈现 14 能够出席,准时到达;获得成功 15 放弃、摈弃 16 依赖、依靠 17 腐蚀、侵蚀 Topic 3 : Topic-related words & phrases Write the phrases

30、 according to the Chinese : 1 on the rocks (关系)陷于困境 2 out of ones sight 脱离某人的视线 3 in person 亲身、亲自 4 in ones opinion 在某人看来 5 in the wrong 有错, 应承担责任 6 in any case 无论如何 7 through thick and thin 同甘共苦 8 at a loss 不知所措,困惑 9 get over 克服 10 bring out 使显现、使表现出 11 smooth out 消除问题 12 be meant to do sth. 注定要做某事

31、 13 take on 呈现 14 make it 能够出席,准时到达;获得成功 15 let go of 放弃、摈弃 16 count on 依赖、依靠 17 eat away at 腐蚀、侵蚀 苏州线上教育中心 复习巩固 Topic 3 : Complete the sentences with the given phrases 1. We will make an apology for not being able to _to the meeting on Sunday. 2. You can always _Mary when you are in trouble. She is

32、 very reliable. 3. She was completely _when she learnt her son had left home. 4. It is believed that a difficult situation can always _the best and the worst in a person. 5. Many failures _his confidence. 6. Carrie holds herself to high standards and cant _perfection. 7. Unwilling to let her daughte

33、r leave, Mrs. Brown waved until the car was_. 8. The experts sees his team as a family because they support him_. make it count on at a loss bring out ate away at let go of out of sight through thick and thin on the rocks bring out in any case let go of out of ones sight smooth out through thick and

34、 thin count on in person be meant to do sth. at a loss eat away at in ones opinion take on get over in the wrong make it 苏州线上教育中心 知识梳理 Topic 4 : Topic-related words & phrases Write the correct forms of the following words: 1 concentrate v. 专注 _ n. concentrated adj. 2 _ n. proof n. 3 _ adj. energy n.

35、 3 _ conj. 一-就 immediately adv. 立刻 4 _ adj. 担心的,关 切的 concern n. /v. 5 schedule n.日程表 v.安排日程 be _ to do sth. 6 _ v. 个性 individual adj. / n. 7 talent n. 天赋,天才 _ adj. 有天 赋的 Topic 4 : Topic-related words & phrases 1 concentrate v. 专注 concentration n. concentrated adj. 2 prove n. 证明 proof n. 3 energetic

36、adj. 精力充沛的 energy n. 3 immediately conj. 一-就 immediately adv. 立刻 4 concerned adj. 担心的,关切的 concern n. /v. 5 schedule n.日程表 v.安排日程 be scheduled to do sth. 计划做某事 6 individuality v. 个性 individual adj. / n. 7 talent n. 天赋,天才 talented adj. 有天赋的 Topic 4 : Topic-related words & phrases Write the phrases acc

37、ording to the Chinese : 1 昏迷,失去知觉 2 变苗条,减肥 3 摄入,吸收 4 强身健体 5 促成,造成 6 使忧心忡忡, 担心可能发生 7 防范, 提防 8 打一场无望取胜的仗 9 达到,符合,不辜负 10 最终成为, 最终处于 11 显示, 炫耀,卖弄 12 为-自豪/骄傲 13 从短期看 14 此外 Topic 4 : Topic-related words & phrases Write the phrases according to the Chinese : 1 pass out 昏迷,失去知觉 2 slim down 变苗条,减肥 3 take in

38、摄入,吸收 4 get into shape 强身健体 5 contribute to 促成,造成 6 hang over 使忧心忡忡, 担心可能发生 7 guard against 防范, 提防 8 fight a losing battle 打一场无望取胜的仗 9 live up to 达到,符合,不辜负 10 end up 最终成为, 最终处于 11 show off 显示, 炫耀,卖弄 12 take pride in 为-自豪/骄傲 13 in the short term 从短期看 14 in addition 此外 苏州线上教育中心 复习巩固 Topic 4 : Revision

39、 of the passage “Dont _a book by its cover,” the old saying_. Unfortunately, dark thoughts about physical appearance can _teenagers like a rain cloud. These thoughts can have a _effect on people of any shape and size and it is important to _the causes behind them. Teens who try to copy the looks of

40、their favorite stars are _-these_(标准)are simply impossible for most of the population to_(达到). They will only _(结果)feeling worse about themselves. Your friends also influence the way you view your physical appearance. If you have friends who look good and dress fashionably, they may _(炫耀)their dress

41、es, which makes you feel like you are living in their_(阴影). However, like a book, your _(内在,内容)are much more important than your cover. If you can see the good things about yourself-your_(个性), your value to others, your achievements- you will begin to love yourself just the way you are. judge goes h

42、ang over negative guard against fighting a losing battle standards live up to end up shadow contents individuality show off 苏州线上教育中心 拓展提高 1._, you will have more confidence in yourself. 2. You should try to _every learning opportunity. 3._, students need to develop good study habits. 4. It is _to se

43、t clear goals. 5. This photo _the details of that game. 6._, try to take much exercise and stay healthy. 7. Her advantage _ her ability to communicate with others effectively. 8. If you make a promise, you should _it. 9. Whatever happens, we will work together and _this challenge. 10. I really _hear

44、ing from you as soon as possible. make the most of take advantage of cant wait to last but not least make a difference put simply rise to in time stick to of equal importance lie in as a result of take part in remind sb. of look forward to In time take advantage of Put simply of equal importance rem

45、inds me of Last but not least lies in stick to rise to look forward to Topic 2 : Complete the sentences with the given phrases calm down shoot up back down see eye to eye with sb. on sth. go through get along from ones point of view be on ones back about sth. think through turn out depend upon cheer up 1


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