教科EEC版五下Unit6 How's the Weather in Your Country -Class 1Textbook p.54-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:b0196).doc

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1、 1 2017 年年 5 月师徒听课教案月师徒听课教案 EEC 五年级下册五年级下册 Unit 6 : Hows the weather in your country? (Period One) 一、Teaching Aims: 1. Knowledge aims: Four-skill words: clouds, warm, in a minute, in the rain, dr Three-skill words: hard, a drop of rain, Two-skill words: feel-felt Key structures:How is the weather+ 季

2、节/地点? Its . 2. Ability aims: By the end of the lesson, the students should be able to: 1. get to know the meaning of “in a minute, hard, clouds” both in spoken and written forms, and pronounce them clearly; 2. guess the meaning of the word “go out, too far” from the text; 3. use the words “in a minu

3、te, go out, a drop of rain, weather” write a simple dialog. 4. use structures like “How is the weather? Its” talk about the weather in English. 3. Focus of the lesson: 1. understanding the dialogue as a whole; 2. How to ask and answer about weather. 4. Predicted area of difficulty: 1. Ss to feel and

4、 say the sentence“I felt a drop of rain.” Know “feel-felt” 二、Teaching methods: Task-based teaching approach, Situational language teaching , 三、Teaching aids: pictures, tape recorder 2 四、Teaching Procedures: Step I : Greeting Step II : Presentation 1. Introduce the assessment. Group 1 PK Group 2. Try

5、 their best to get more drops of rain. (设计意图:介绍评价主线,分组 PK,激发学生的学习热情。) 2. Let the students enjoy some beautiful pictures and think about the question: How many seasons are there in a year? What are they? (设计意图:以欣赏美图的方式,引出四个季节并加以复习,从视觉上吸引学生注 意力,让学生快速进入学习状态。) 3. Show the new sentences: Hows the weather

6、 in spring? And teach the pronunciation of / e / . Then teach the synonymous sentence: Whats the weather like? (设计意图:教授本课新授句型,同时讲授 ea 组合发/e/ 的读音,并拓展同义句。) 4. Show some pictures and practice the dialogue: Hows the weather in_? Its_. At the same time talk about the things that the children do in the se

7、ason. 5. Practice in pairs: Hows the weather in_? Its_. 6. Show a picture and teach the new word: dry. Then teach / dr /. 7. T: Hows the weather today in Zhangjiakou? S: Its _. (设计意图:让学生讨论张家口的天气,从而引出新授词汇:cloudy-cloud-a cloud-clouds。) 8. Show a picture and teach the sentence: Its going to rain in a m

8、inute. We cant go too far. Then teach the new phrase: a drop of Let the students speak more. 9. Show a picture: T: Look its raining very hard. But I like playing in the rain. Then teach the synonymous sentence: I like to play in the rain. (设计意图:处理文本中的细节。) 10. Practice the dialogues in pairs: A: What

9、 do you like to do in the rain? B: I like to_ in the rain. Check some groups. 11. Practice the dialogues in pairs: A: Hows the weather in_? B: Its_ and _. A: What do you like to do in the rain? B: I like to_ in the rain. Check some groups. 12. Come to the text: Listen and answer: Is it going to rain

10、 in a minute? Who felt a drop of rain? (设计意图:以听力的形式处理文本中的细节:feel 过去式 felt。) 3 13. Speak more: A: What do you like to do in the rain? B: I like to_ in the rain. A: What does she/he like to do in the rain? B: She/He likes to_ in the rain. (设计意图:拓展第三人称单数句型。) 14. Do some exercise. StepVI: Homework.(可以任选

11、一项) A: Write the words twice: (a drop of rain) a cloud, clouds, rain, too far, a drop of rain, in a minute. B: Write the short passage: (two drops of rain) “My favorite(最喜爱的最喜爱的) season. 五、Blackboard design Unit6 Hows the weather in your country? (Period One) spring Group One A: Hows the weather in + summer ? fall winter warm and sunny. hot and sunny. B: Its + cool and windy. cold and cloudy. 六、Teaching reflection 由于季节,天气以及现在进行时的知识均属于旧知,所以本课教学设计我将 文本中的 P54 和 P56 进行了整合。 分组 PK 的评价方式激发了学生的学习热情, 课 堂气氛活跃。本课设计练习形式多样,学生对重点句型和词汇能够达到灵活运用, 提高了语言技能和交际能力。但对话练习环节设计的偏多,对话形式有些重复, 可以加以整合,听力环节设计的还不够,需要加以改进。


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