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1、Unit 4 Exploring literature Integrated skills (II) 一、写作常用词汇一、写作常用词汇 1consider vt. 考虑;认为考虑;认为 2definitely/certainly adv. 一定一定 3enrich vt. 丰富丰富 4develop v. 发展;培养;冲洗发展;培养;冲洗 5recommend vt. 推荐;建议推荐;建议 6recommendation n. 推荐;建议推荐;建议 7stress vt. 强调强调 8enable vt. 使能够使能够 9take .into account/consideration 考虑考

2、虑 10have a great fancy for 喜爱喜爱 11have a gift for 在在方面有天赋方面有天赋 12easy to get along with 容易相处容易相处 13be skilled in . 精通精通 14graduate from 毕业于毕业于 15offer my recommendation 提供我的建议提供我的建议 How to write a formal letter Formal letters A formal letter can refer to any written letter for a formal purpose, whet

3、her that be a recommendation letter, an invitation letter, a complaint letter and so on. It is usually meant to be addressed to the heads or managers of civil, public organizations or private companies. Follow a certain structure Make the message to the point and short Use polite and formal language

4、 写一封推荐信写一封推荐信 写作指津写作指津 推荐信是向收信人推荐人或事物推荐信是向收信人推荐人或事物(包括人文历史、旅游观光包括人文历史、旅游观光 和文体娱乐等和文体娱乐等)的书信,推荐物品等时应写清物品的好处或优的书信,推荐物品等时应写清物品的好处或优 点,用词简洁明了。点,用词简洁明了。 从推荐者的情况来分析,推荐信可以分为从推荐者的情况来分析,推荐信可以分为“自荐信自荐信”和和 “推荐信推荐信”两种。具体写作步骤一般是两种。具体写作步骤一般是“三段式三段式”结构:结构: 1首段:说明写信的目的并自我介绍及所推荐人、物;首段:说明写信的目的并自我介绍及所推荐人、物; 2主体段落:介绍推荐

5、人、物的理由;主体段落:介绍推荐人、物的理由; 3尾段:表达愿望,期待对方回复,并表示感谢。尾段:表达愿望,期待对方回复,并表示感谢。 Structure of formal letters Salutation Body Closing Name and signature Salutation It is a greeting to whom the letter is addressed. Dear Sir/Madam This is used when you do not know the name of the person you are writing to. Dear Mr/

6、Mrs/Ms . This is used when you know the receivers name. In case of a woman, use Ms if you are not sure whether the woman is married or unmarried. Body Your message or the purpose of writing the letter comes in this part. So, it must be drafted carefully so as to create a convincing and appealing imp

7、act on its readers. Introductory paragraph: State the purpose of writing. Information paragraph: Give details of the issue or problem (causes, effects, solutions, etc.) Concluding paragraph: State your hopes, requests, comments, etc. Closing It is a polite way of ending the letter. Yours sincerely,

8、Yours faithfully, Yours truly, Respectfully yours are commonly used. It is written just below the closing. Sometimes the senders designation (职位,头衔) may be added in brackets. Name and signature 写作常用句式写作常用句式(注意蓝体表达注意蓝体表达) 1Learning that you are coming to visit China, I d like to recommend several pla

9、ces of interest to you. 得知您将要来中国游玩,我向您推荐几处名胜。得知您将要来中国游玩,我向您推荐几处名胜。 2Hearing that you are going to learn English, I m writing to offer my recommendation. 听说您要学英语,我写信提供我的建议。听说您要学英语,我写信提供我的建议。 3 Having learnt that our library is planning to buy new books, I m willing to recommend some books to you. 得知我

10、们图书馆准备买新书,我很乐意向您推荐一些书。得知我们图书馆准备买新书,我很乐意向您推荐一些书。 4I m more than glad/pleased/delighted to learn that you are going to Beijing, and I d like to offer my recommendation. 得知您要去北京我很高兴,我想提供我的建议。得知您要去北京我很高兴,我想提供我的建议。 5Glad/Pleased/Delighted to know that you are travelling in Shanghai, I think it a good cho

11、ice to visit Huangpu River. 很高兴得知您在上海旅游, 我认为去黄浦江游玩是个不错的很高兴得知您在上海旅游, 我认为去黄浦江游玩是个不错的 选择。选择。 主体常用语主体常用语 1The reason why I recommend this book is that it stresses the importance of good habits. 我推荐这本书的原因是它强调好习惯的重要性。我推荐这本书的原因是它强调好习惯的重要性。 2It offers you an opportunity to do something interesting and creat

12、ive.Meanwhile, it provides you a source of pleasure. 它提供给您一个做有趣且富有创意的事情的机会, 同时也是它提供给您一个做有趣且富有创意的事情的机会, 同时也是 您快乐的源泉。您快乐的源泉。 3It makes me delighted that you show great interest in .and that you want to know something about . 你对你对很感兴趣,并且想知道关于很感兴趣,并且想知道关于的一些情况,这让的一些情况,这让 我感到很高兴。我感到很高兴。 4I recommend it m

13、ainly for the following two reasons. 我推荐它主要有以下两个原因。我推荐它主要有以下两个原因。 5I recommend that you sleep in a tent at night so that you can get close to nature. 我建议您晚上在帐篷中睡觉以便您可以亲近大自然。我建议您晚上在帐篷中睡觉以便您可以亲近大自然。 6There are all kinds of courses for you to choose from, so you can visit the website for detailed infor

14、mation. 有各种各样的课程可供你选择, 因此你可以访问网站了解详有各种各样的课程可供你选择, 因此你可以访问网站了解详 细的信息。细的信息。 结尾点睛句结尾点睛句 1I do hope you can take my recommendations into account/ consideration and make a final decision. 我真希望您能考虑我的建议并做出最后的决定。我真希望您能考虑我的建议并做出最后的决定。 2If you have any question/need further information, don t hesitate to cont

15、act me. 如果您有任何问题如果您有任何问题/需要更多信息,请及时联系我。需要更多信息,请及时联系我。 3I ll be more than happy if you can take my recommendations/ ideas into consideration. 如果您能考虑我的建议如果您能考虑我的建议/想法,我会非常高兴。想法,我会非常高兴。 4Whenever you need help, please don t hesitate to let me know. 无论何时你需要帮助,请及时让我知道。无论何时你需要帮助,请及时让我知道。 5If there still e

16、xist further questions, please contact me without hesitation. 如果仍有问题,请立即同我联络。如果仍有问题,请立即同我联络。 A letter to the librarian to recommend books Dear Librarian, Salutation I am writing to recommend two types of books that I think the library should buy. Introductory paragraph The first type is fantasy nove

17、ls. I think the library needs more fantasy novels because they are very popular with students. Some examples of good fantasy novels for the library would be The Lord of the Rings series and the Harry Potter series. Information paragraph A letter to the librarian to recommend books Information paragr

18、aph The second type of book I would like to recommend is biographies. Although they are one of the least popular types of books in our library, students should be encouraged to read more of them. Good biographies such as Marie Curie: A Life will inspire students to study harder and reach their goals

19、. In addition to biographies of historical figures, I believe our school library could buy some biographies of contemporary figures, like Steve Jobs. Closing Name and signature I look forward to reading more of the librarys fantasy novels and biographies soon. Yours faithfully, Edward Zhang Edward Z

20、hang Concluding paragraph Language of formal letters 1. Avoid contractions. This isnt what wed expect from a professional service. This is not what we would expect from a professional service. 2. Do not use abbreviations. I got the info from your ad in the newspaper. I got the information from your

21、advertisement in the newspaper. 3. Limit the use of active verbs with the first person singular pronoun. I will send you all the relevant information asap. All the relevant information will be forwarded to you as soon as possible. 4. Avoid the use of informal degree modifiers. This is really annoyin

22、g for me. This is extremely/highly/entirely annoying for me. 5. Avoid using idioms and slang. Im not losing any sleep over that. That does not worry me at all. He really gets on my nerves. He irritates me. 6. Do not leave out words. Look forward to hearing from you. I look forward to hearing from yo

23、u. 7. Avoid informal discourse markers. By the way, the wine was in poor quality either. The wine, incidentally, was in poor quality either. 8. Limit the use of phrasal verbs. We will make up for the money youve spend. We will compensate you for your expenses. 9. Use sophisticated transitions. And t

24、here is another point to make. There is, in addition, one further point to make. Salutation Body Introductory para. Information para. Concluding para. Closing Name and signature Language Structure Formal letters Avoid contractions. Do not use abbreviations. Limit the use of active verbs with the fir

25、st person singular pronoun. Avoid the use of informal degree modifiers. Avoid using idioms and slang. Do not leave out words. Avoid informal discourse markers. Limit the use of phrasal verbs. Use sophisticated transitions. 即时演练即时演练 假定你是学生会主席张凡,学校安排你给即将到你校任教假定你是学生会主席张凡,学校安排你给即将到你校任教 的外籍教师约翰逊推荐一名学生助手的

26、外籍教师约翰逊推荐一名学生助手(assistant)。请根据以下要。请根据以下要 点给他写封推荐信。点给他写封推荐信。 1欢迎约翰逊的到来;欢迎约翰逊的到来; 2推荐李华为学生助手推荐李华为学生助手(高一年级学生,高一年级学生,16 岁岁); 3介绍李华当帮手的优势介绍李华当帮手的优势(电脑、沟通能力、英语水平等电脑、沟通能力、英语水平等 方面方面)。 注意:注意:1.词数词数 80 左右;左右; 2可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3信的开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数。信的开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数。 参考范文:参考范文: Dear Johnson

27、, I m Zhang Fan, chairman of the Students Union.It s great to learn that you are coming to teach in our school next term. I was asked to write to you, recommending Li Hua, a Senior 1 student, aged 16, to be your assistant.He is a diligent student and can use the computer skillfully.What s more, he has a gift for communicating with others, ready to help others in need and is expert at spoken English and always ready to help others in need.I am confident that he can be helpful in your work and life in China. Looking forward to your coming soon. Yours sincerely, Zhang Fan


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