教科EEC版四下-Unit4 This Is Really Fun -Class 1 Textbook p.28-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)--(编号:d04d7).zip

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  • 教科EEC2011课标版三年级起点_四年级下册_小学英语_Unit4 This Is Really Fun _Class 1 Textbook p.28_ppt课件_(含教案+素材)__(编号:d04d7)
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Unit 4 This Is Really Fun ( Part 1 ) Check Up 参照例句,在规定的时间内比比哪个队伍说的句子多。参照例句,在规定的时间内比比哪个队伍说的句子多。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112131415161718192021222324252627282930 例句:例句: I want to read a book. 备选栏:备选栏: play computer games make a snowman play the violin draw a picture watch TV ride a bike read books go home skate sing a song. swim Check Up 1Lets make a sentence! Lets chant! What do you want to do? I want to cook. What do you want to do ? We want to eat. What do they want to do ? They want to dance. I want to swim. She wants to swim. Check Up 2 Lets write ! He/She/ wants to + Check Up 3 Lets learn roller coaster Lets learn coaster /k/ car circle cake camera ride the Lets learn roller coaster Lets learn It looks exciting. Im scared . Lets learn Work in pairs A: Wow, thats a roller coaster. It looks exciting ! B: Come on. I want to ride the roller coaster. C: Ooh.Im scared. ( horse 马马 ) Lets write Wow! Its an elephant. It looks _. Oh, Im_. 三人一组三人一组,小组合作。小组合作。 看图写话。看图写话。 exciting scared Lets write I want to_. ride this elephant Lets write I like _. Do you want to ride it? _ riding it No, I dont Lets write What do you want to do? I want to_. sleep Wow! Its an elephant. It looks exciting. I want to ride this elephant. I like riding it. Do you want to ride it ? Oh, Im scared. What do you want to do? I want to sleep. No, I dont. Come to the text 1 Listen to the tape and answer the question: What does Jimmy want to do ? 2 Listen and speak. He wants to_. A. ride a bike B. ride the roller coaster C. go home B 选择填空选择填空 1. He _ (look, looks) sick. looks 2. We want _ to the park. (go, to go) to go 3. It looks _. (excited, exciting) exciting Lets do the exercise 仿写句子仿写句子 1. I want to ride the roller coaster. I want to play soccer. 2. I want to make rice dumplings. He wants to ride a bike. 1 2 homework (你可以任选一种作业哦!你可以任选一种作业哦!) 1. Make sentences: I/We want to +V原原 She/ He wants to +V原原 2. Make a dialogue (编对话编对话) : A:What do you want to do on Sunday? B:I want to ride the roller coaster. It looks exciting. A: Im scared. I want to play soccer. Lets make sentences! 1. I /We/They 2. He/She/ want to + V原 (1、2中各造两句话) It looks _ I want_. I like _. Do you want toride it? Im_. What do you want to do? I want_. Lets write Lets make sentences! 1. I / We/They want to + V原 Work in pairs A: What do you want to do ? B: I want to ride a bike. Lets make sentences! 2. He/She/ wants to + V原 Unit 4 This Is Really Fun 一、一、Teaching Aims: 1. Knowledge aims: Four-skill words and phrase: roller coaster, exciting, scared. Key structures:want to + V 原 2. Ability aims: (1) To develop Ss abilities of listening , speaking , reading, and writing . (2) To train the Ss ability of working in groups. (3) To foster Ss abilities of communication and their innovation. 3. Emotion goals: Student should give the advice to their friends who has the problems. 4. Focus of the lesson: (1)学生能够运用以下句型对应该做的事情进行问答。 A: What do you want to do ? B: I want to (2)学生能够通过学习自己仿写对话。 (3)大部分学生能够读创编的故事。 二、二、Teaching methods: Task-based teaching approach, TPR, Situational language teaching , 三、三、Teaching aids: tape, cards 四、课前录制微视频四、课前录制微视频 在微课教学中,学习者学习差异问题是通过观看微视 频的时间调节来解决的。但是,怎样才能使学生乐此不疲 地反复观看微视频来学习呢?我在录制微视频的时候注意 了两个问题。 1.声音清晰,语言亲切,语速适中 在录制微视频时,我想象与一位学生面对面交流的情 境,声音要清晰,不使用“boys and girls”之类的课堂用语。 同时录制时,语速要适中,并且加以停顿,方便给学生思 考的时间。如果教师的语速过快,经由耳朵传至大脑的信 息间隔过短,会使听者不自觉的处于一种高度紧张状态。 语速适中,再在适当地方加以停顿,甚至提醒学生在需要 的地方按下暂停键,就会让学生在较轻松的状态下,有条 不紊地开展自学。 2.情境中教学,让微视频更显趣味性 本节微视频的主要内容是 want to +V 和 A: What do you want to do ? B: I / We want to 的用法。微课的设 计也要循序渐进,让学生在情境中体会它们的用法。 五、课堂教学五、课堂教学 Teaching Procedures: Step I : Greetings and assessment introduction 【设计意图:通过两组学生以 PK 的形式进行教学,并以此 贯穿全课,通过此评价方式激发学生的学习兴趣。 】 Step II: Check up 1. Lets make a sentence. 【设计意图:检测学生对 I want to + V 原的句型是否掌握. 】 2. Lets chant. 【Chant 既能检测学生对 want to +V 原的掌握情况,又能激 发学生的学习兴趣。 】 3. Lets write. 【设计意图: 用写的形式,来检测学生是否掌握对拓展人称 句型的变化。 】 Step III: Learn the new knowledge. 1. Learn the news words: T: Look! Its a roller coaster. (Write the new word on the blackboard and practice reading. ) 2. Sounds and letters: coaster /k/ : car, circle, cake, camera. 【设计意图:对新授单词进行语音教学。 】 3. Learn the news words: exciting, scared T: Look ! They ride the roller coaster. It looks exciting. T: I dont like riding the roller coaster. Because Im scared. (Write the new word on the blackboard and practice reading. ) 【设计意图:教师借助情景讲授 exciting, scared, 便于学生 更好的理解和掌握 exciting, scared。 】 4. Work in pairs: A: Wow, thats a roller coaster. It looks exciting! B: Come on. I want to ride the roller coaster. A: Ooh.Im scared. 【设计意图:用仿写的形式让学生学会应用本课重点内容。 】 5. Lets write. (三人一组三人一组,小组合作小组合作, 看图写话。看图写话。) 看图写话:三人一组,小组合作进行讨论编写故事。 【设计意图:创编故事中包含了本课的重点知识,让学生 在语境中理解运用。小组合作的学习方式能让学生在同伴 互助中提高自我,同时也扩大了学生交流面,能让更多的 学生参与到课堂中,实现语言学习的实践性;】 6.Come to the text. Listen and answer the question. 【设计意图: 利用听力的形式,让学生回归课文。从而培养 和提高学生听的能力。 】 7. Do the exercises. 【设计意图:通过习题的方式巩固本课所学知识。 】 StepIV: Homework. 【设计意图: 进行情感教育】 六、六、Blackboard design Unit 4 This Is Really Fun A: Wow, thats a roller coaster. It looks exciting! B: Come on. I want to ride the roller coaster. A: Ooh.Im scared. 七、七、Teaching reflection: 首先我想谈一下我对微课的理解。微课颠覆了传统意 义上的课堂教学。由完全的老师教到学生自己先学,老师 再教。学生把自己不理解的通过课堂与老师,同学交流, 进一步掌握和巩固。 微课的核心是先学后教。根据本课的重点句型,我选 择录制 should 及 shouldnt 的用法。微课的设计也要循序渐 进,先让学生在语境中体会 I should 及 I shouldnt 的用法,在 短短几分钟的微课中我通过大量的例句帮助学生形成语感, 最后在进行知识点的总结,学生就更加明白了 should 和 shouldnt 的用法。 而接下来的课堂回收部分我通过设计有效地课堂活动 来检测学生对微课的学习效果,那么我设计了 4 个课堂活 动。1、Lets Chant!2、Show your sentence!3、Make funny sentences!4、I can write!我感觉学生对微课的学习掌握很好。 紧接着处理了课文中没有处理的教学内容,我觉得比较满 意的内容有本着从儿童立场出发的原则,根据英语课程标 准要让学生在真实的情景中体验和学习语言,设计了多样 的教学活动,激发了学生的学习兴趣。同时根据我校学生 特点,在文本的基础上创编故事,学生很感兴趣,激发了 学生学习语篇的欲望。
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