接力版五年级下册英语Lesson 1 My favourite season is spring.-ppt课件-(含教案+视频)-市级优课-(编号:10518).zip

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Lesson1 教案 教材分析教材分析 本节课接力教材五年级下册 Lesson1 部分内容,本单元主要学习关 于最喜欢季节的描述并陈述原因。本课是读写课,主要内容是四篇配图 的小短文。在四幅图片的帮助下描述了四个季节的特点,以及机器人 Robin 表达的对四季的喜好之情。本部分概括了本单元学习的核心句型: I like .Because.和部分核心词组。 学情分析学情分析 五年级学生已学习两年多的英语,在听说读写方面具有一定能力, 但让学生将本单元所学的简单表达连贯的完成一篇写作,对学生来说有 一定难度,需在本课中进一步引导、练习。 设计思路设计思路 本节课是一节阅读写作课,由歌曲 If you know all the seasons 导入,设计读前,读中,读后三大主要环节。通过 Free talk 激活学生 旧知,调动学生学习的积极性,主动性,和专注性,学会聆听,为新课 做铺垫,同时抛出疑问,引出新课。通过任务型阅读,帮助学生掌握阅 读技巧。通过模仿录音,提高学生口语。通过思维导图,复数课本内容。 通过提炼重点句型,为写作做准备。最后通过小组合作完成写作任务并 评价,引导学生热爱大自然,走进大自然。 知识和能力目标:知识和能力目标: 学生能用英文表达四个季节以及每个季节可以做的事情,按照正确 的意群及语音、语调朗读相应对话及短文,并能将所学内容应用于实际 生活。本节课的教学目标如下: 1、知识与能力目标:能够正确听说读写单词 spring、summer、autumn(fall)、winter、because 等;能够听懂、读 懂并内化 Read and write 的内容,并能够介绍自己最喜欢的季节和原 因。 2、学习策略目标:能够在教师的引导下再次谈论最喜欢的季节,掌握 良好的阅读策略,提高自主学习能力并能积极大胆的尝试写作。 3、情感态度目标:能够培养热爱生活的积极态度和情感价值观。 教学重点、难点分析教学重点、难点分析 教学重点: 1、能够听懂、读懂并内化 Read and write 的内容,并掌握基本的阅读 策略; 2、能够在实际语境中交流运用关于喜好的句型“I like.because.”等; 3、能够简单介绍自己最喜欢的季节及原因并尝试简单写作,培养基础 英文写作能力。 教学难点: 能够提高阅读技巧,掌握基本阅读策略,并进行大胆思考和尝试英文写 作。 教学方法教学方法 任务型教学、PWP 阅读教学模式、思维导图教学。 教学过程教学过程 Step 1 Warm-up 1.Free talk. What day is it today? Whats the weather like today? Its warm and sunny. Because spring is coming. 2.Review. How many seasons are there in a year? They are. (学生说出四个季节名称) Yes. We also call “autumn” “fall”. 3.Lets sing. (If you know all the seasons.) (设计意图:通过问候和歌曲,拉近师生距离;通过歌唱,既活跃了课 堂气氛,又让学生在歌唱中初步感知每个季节的感受和能做的事情。 ) Step 2 Pre-reading 1、Ask and answer: T: Which season do you like best? (贴板书) S:I like _best. T: Why? (贴板书 Why do you like _?) S: Because I can_. (设计意图:通过问答复习本单元重点句型,为本课学习铺垫。 ) Step 3 While-reading 1、General reading (1)Listen and answer 让学生带着问题 Which season does Robin like ? 听音频,让学生在书上画出答案,教师在平板上订正答案。 总结出 Robin likes them all. (2)Read and tick: Let the students read the passage quickly and tick.平板统计正 确率。 (设计意图:让学生有针对性地粗读课文,初步感知文本,获取关键信 息,做到去伪存真,从而了解阅读整体。 ) 2、Detailed reading 通过四个问题设置,引导学生细读,然后一一解读。 Why does Robin like spring? Whats the weather like in summer ? What can Robin do in fall? Why does Robin like winter? (1)Get the Ss to read Paragraph 1 and answer the question: Why does Robin like spring? T: Yes. The spring is very beautiful. 出示春天的图片,T:What colour is spring?(贴板书) Ss: Its blue/pink/red/colourful. (2)Read Paragraph 2 and answer the question: Whats the weather like in summer? T: Yes. The summer is hot. T: What can you do in summer?(贴板书) S: I can . T: Can Robin swim? S: No. T: Why? (3)Read Paragraph 3 and answer. T: What can Robin do in fall ? He can paint a picture .讲练 paint T:What can you see in fall? 讲练 leaves 和 leaf T:What colour are they? 引出 What lovely colours! (讲解 lovely) (4)Read Paragraph 4 and answer. T: Why does Robin like winter? Ss: Because he can play in the snow. T: What colour is winter? Ss: White. T: What can you see in winter? I can see white. (设计意图:学生通过自主阅读课文,根据关键词口头回答教师的问题, 对文本信息进行筛选分析,充分了解文本细节,从而清楚地掌握所学内 容。 ) Step 4 Post-reading 1、Listen and repeat. (1)播放录音学生逐句跟读(提醒学生注意重音) 。 (2)学生齐读课文。 (提醒学生注意语音语调) 。 (设计意图:通过跟读模仿,培养学生的语感,形成正确的语音、语调, 促进学生更流畅的表达。 ) 2、Lets retell. (设计意图:通过角色扮演和课文思维导图复述,不但对学生是否掌握 了语篇内容起到了较好的检测、反馈作用,还有意识地引导学生走出文 本,培养其语篇运用能力。 ) 3、展示老师的最喜欢的季节的描述. (把每个板书反过来,组成老师 的作文。 ) 4、提醒学生写作文时需要注意的首字母大写,单词拼写,书写等 5、让学生选择 A 或 B 的作文完成,并小组评价。 (设计意图:通过教师展示自己的最喜欢季节的描述,让学生了解作文 书写很容易,只是把 6 个问句的答案连接起来就可以了。培养和提升学 生的写作技能。 ) 6、学生展示,教师点评。 (设计意图:通过让学生仿写作文,提高学生的语言综合运用能力,达 到学以致用的目的) Step 5 Summary T: Different seasons have different scenes.Get close to nature and enjoy them. (适时进行小结,并进行德育渗透,使学生的情感得以升华。 ) Step 6 Homework Describe your favourite season. 板书设计: My favourite season Read and write Which season do you like best? Whats the weather like in ? What colour is ? What can you see in ? What can you do in ? Why do you like ? Unit 2 My favourite season Read and write Listen and underline. Which season does Robin like ? (Underline the sentences on your book.) (在书中用(在书中用“”划出关键句。)划出关键句。) 1.The last “fall” means _. autumn pretty cute cool 2. Which season does Robin like? Spring. Autumn. Summer. All the four seasons. Read and tick 请认真阅读文章,完成下面练习请认真阅读文章,完成下面练习 1.The last “fall” means _. autumn pretty cute cool 2. Which season does Robin like? Spring. Autumn. Summer. All the four seasons. The leaves fall and fall and fall. I love fall. Read and tick 秋天秋天 落下落下 Tip:Read and underline the main sentences on your book. (提示:读并在书中用“”划出关键句。) 3.What can Robin do in fall? 2.Whats the weather like in summer ? 1.Why does Robin like spring? 4.Why does Robin like winter? 1.Why does Robin like spring? green pink colourful 2.Whats the weather like in summer ? 3.What can Robin do in fall? a leaf many leaves paint rainy 可爱的,美丽的可爱的,美丽的 4.Why does Robin like winter? Look at the green trees and pink flowers. The weather is hot, hot, hot! What lovely colours! The leaves fall and fall and fall. I love fall! There is lots of snow. It is white everywhere. I like spring because there are beautiful flowers everywhere. I like summer, but I cant swim. Wow! I want to paint a picture, too! I like winter because I can play in the snow. Robin likes them all! (跟读课文,并注(跟读课文,并注 意句子中的重读单意句子中的重读单 词。)词。) Listen and repeat. Lets read! Tip:Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation. (请注意朗读句子的发音和语调。) Robin likes them all! trees flowers beautiful flowers everywhere hot cant swim lovely colours leaves paint a picture lots of snow white everywhere play in the snow Lets retell (请小组合作,根据思维导 图复述课文) My favourite season (请选择一篇作文完成,并拍照提交。 ) Lets write AB My favourite season (请选择一篇作文完成,并拍照提交。 ) Lets write AB Different seasons have different scenes. 四季流转,风物成诗。 Get close to nature and enjoy them. 两相望, 心悦之。 Homework 1.Describe your favourite season. (描述你最喜欢的季节描述你最喜欢的季节) Talk about the weather, the colours,the things, and the activities of four seasons,etc. 谈一谈此季节的天气、颜色、事物谈一谈此季节的天气、颜色、事物 、活动等。、活动等。 Please tell us the reason. 请告诉大家自己最喜爱这个季节的请告诉大家自己最喜爱这个季节的 原因。原因。 Describe your favourite season (描述你最喜欢的季节描述你最喜欢的季节) Tip1: 条理清楚条理清楚 ,语句通,语句通 顺。顺。 Tip2: 标点正确标点正确 ,书写规,书写规 范。范。 Please tell us the reason. 请告诉大家自己最喜爱这个季节的请告诉大家自己最喜爱这个季节的 原因。原因。 Talk about the weather, the colours,the things, and the activities of four seasons,etc. 谈一谈此季节的天气、颜色、事物谈一谈此季节的天气、颜色、事物 、活动等。、活动等。 Homework (今日作业)(今日作业) green trees blue sky birds butterflies Tips: warm colourful lovely birds wear the T-shirt hot green butterflies eat ice cream go swimming cool golden pick apples eat fresh fruit colourful leaves lovely fly kites go on a picnic cold white white houses play in the snow make a snowman trees grass flowers lovely vacation stay at home go on a trip colourful beautiful pretty great I like winter because there is winter vacation . Winter is cold. It is white everywhere in winter. I can see white houses and trees . I can make a snowman and play in the snow . My favorite season is winter . How to describe My favourite season? 怎样写描绘自己最喜爱的季节? 1.Put the answers together. (保留答句。) 2.Put them in order. (把季节特点按顺序排列。) My Favourite Season I like winter Winter is cold It is white everywhere in winter. I can see white houses and I can make a My favorite season is winter. trees. snowman and play in the snow . because there is winter vacation . and beautiful. Im happy in winter. 3.Add some more. (加些点缀。) Dont forget the title. (不要忘记标题哦 。) My Favourite Season My favorite season is . I like because . Read your composition. (读一读你的作文。) 1.Why does Robin like spring? 2.Whats the weather like in summer ? 3.What can Robin do in fall? 4.Why does Robin like winter? Tip:Read and underline the main sentences on your book.(提示:读并在书中用“”划出关 键句。) Robin likes them all! paint a picture green trees pink flowers beautiful flowers everywhere hot swim cant lovely colours leaves love lots of snow white everywhere play in the snow Robin likes them all! Lets retell (请小组合作,根据(请小组合作,根据 思维导图复述课文)思维导图复述课文) springsummer fall winter green trees pink flowers beautiful flowers everywhere hot swim cant lovely colours leaves paint a picture love white (everywhere) play in the snow Robin likes them all!
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