教科版(广州)五下Module 4 Travel-Unit 8 Ben’s first trip to Beijing-Did you know& Self-assessment-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-公开课-(编号:1071b).zip

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五年级下册五年级下册 Module 4 Travel Period 6 famous places in China 综合拓展课综合拓展课 First, We read the aims together. Ok Learning aims: Lets play a game: Sharp eyes. Lets read together. Ready? go! take photos take a walk go to the parkvisit Window of the world play outdoors go mountain climbing fly a kite go swimming play on the beach go camping take a boat trip visit Happy Vally go shopping have a picnic go skiing visit the museum the Great Wall T: Today we will talk about famous places in China. Did you know these places. Did you know? the Summer Palace Temple of Heaven Sculpture of the Five Rams West Lake Oriental Pearl Tower travel where how when who T: There are so many famous places in China. Where will you travel? Who will you travel with? How will you travel? When will you go there? What will you do there? If we talk about travel, we must think about these questions. Children, do you know where I will travel? Oh,you are so smart. Lets watch a video about Sanya, Pay more attention to the places and activies. wha t Watch a video 1.What do you think of Sanya? 2. What are the famous places in Sanya? T: Do you like it? The Nanshan Temple 南山寺 Fairyland Park 大小洞天 Tianya-Haijiao 天涯海角 Luhuitou Park 鹿回头 enjoy the sunset and the beautiful night of Sanya Wuzhizhou Island 蜈支洲 go diving 1. What do you think of Sanya? 2. What are the famous places in Sanya? 3. What can we do in Sanya? play on the beach go diving watch the sea animal take a boat for fun This time I want you to read my trip to Sanya, and finish the mind map. Sanya What is the weather like? What is Sanya like? famous for _ and coconut trees What to do? 1st day: Da Donghai 2nd day: 3rd day: blue sea, _air _ on the beach _ in the sea Luhuitou : _the beautiful night of Sanya Wuzhizhou Island go_, watch_ take a boat_ taste_ Tianya- Haijiao: _ for sightseeing visit _ The only season: _ _ hot ? enjoy summer beach fresh walk swim diving sea animals to go fishing good seafood take a car Nanshan Temple、The Fairyland Park T: You have to find out What is the weather like ? What is Sanya like? What will I do? Make your travel plan in the group. How ? Where? When ? What ? Our trip to_ We are going to leave We will come back Sanya I am going to _ We are going to/ We will We will Da Donghai I will visit Dear _, The summer holiday is coming. I plan to go to _ with _. Would you like to _ _ _ _ Please tell me your answer soon. Hope to see you. Yours, _ Invite your friend to travel together ! 自我评价自我评价小组评价小组评价 学习任务学习任务 达到程度(请填达到程度(请填 涂)涂) 本节课未明白 还可加强的地 方 小组学习表现小组学习表现 1.1. 我能读并完成我能读并完成 思维导图思维导图 【Task 1】 2.2. 我能小组合作我能小组合作 制定旅游计划制定旅游计划.【 Task 2】 3.3. 我能写邀请函我能写邀请函 邀请朋友一起旅邀请朋友一起旅 游。游。【Task 3】 Assessment 1. 写一个邀请函邀请你朋友一起旅游。写一个邀请函邀请你朋友一起旅游。 2. 上网搜集一个你喜欢的旅游景点的信息上网搜集一个你喜欢的旅游景点的信息。 Homework: Thank you! 课例 题目:Module4 Travel 第六课时 Famous Places in China 综合拓展课 教学反思 教材版本:教科版 年级学期:五年级下册 教科版小学英语五年级下册 Module4 Travel 第六课时 Famous Places in China 综合拓展课 教学反思 本节课是义务教育教科书小学英语五年级下册 Module4 第 六课时,子话题是: Famous places in China,课型为综合拓展课。 Module4 的话题是 travel,主要是围绕旅游计划为主线,语言重点 是一般将来时的句式:will/be going to,本课的教学内容是 教材 Did you know?和自编文本 A trip to Sanya,阅读材料在主 题、语言形式等方面与本模块的主题相符,学生通过阅读有关旅游 景点的文章,运用一般将来时态及本课题相关的语言点,以问题为 中心设计旅游攻略,根据旅游攻略写邀请函。现从以下方面进行反 思: 一、运用 ppt 图片进行热身,吸引学生的注意力。 本课首先运用游戏 sharp eyes 以及图片,活跃课堂气氛,复习 旧词组,为下面写旅游计划积累语言。 本课在 Presentation 以半遮盖的形式呈现 the Great Wall,the West lake 和 Oriental Pearl Tower 等著名景点,从熟 悉的景点带出新的地方,通过图片让学生了解中国一些著名城市的 代表性景观,激发学生旅游的兴趣。把学生的注意力都集中在著名 景点学习中,取得了很好的效果。 二、运用视频辅助教学,让学生从感官上了解一个地方,大大提 高学习兴趣。 本课插入两个视频,一个三亚的介绍,学生通过看视频,对即 将要阅读的文章 A trip to Sanya 有大概的了解,同时学生的兴趣浓厚, 迫不及待阅读文章。这样的设计激发了学生学习的主动性,活跃了 课堂气氛。最后一个关于中国其他著名景点的简短视频,启发了学 生的思维。 三、运用思维导图解决问题。 在设计阅读文章 A trip to sanya 的任务时,我运用了思维导图的 方式帮助学生整体把握文章的结构,用思维导图帮助学生获取信息, 取得了很好的成效。接着在设计旅游计划的时候,也用到思维导图 帮助学生了解安排旅游计划的几个要点,突破了难点,让学生轻松 地完成一个旅游计划。 四、本节课的研学味道浓厚。 整节课运用了“先研后教”的教学模式,鼓励学生积极参与课 堂的每一环节,学会了独立思考,积极参与了小组合作。通过本节 课,学生在小组合作研学中学会制定旅游计划并写邀请,达到了预 期的教学目标。 1 义务教育教科书小学英语 (三年级起点)五年级下册 Module4 Travel 第六课时第六课时 FamousFamous PlacesPlaces inin ChinaChina 综合拓展课综合拓展课 教学设计教学设计 一、一、教学内容分析教学内容分析 本课时是义务教育教科书小学英语五年级下册 Module4 第六课时,子 话题是: Famous places in China,课型为综合拓展课。Module4 的话题是 travel,主要是围绕旅游计划为主线,语言重点是一般将来时的句式: will/be going to,本课的教学内容是教材 Did you know?和自编文本 A trip to Sanya,阅读材料在主题、语言形式等方面与本模块的主题相符,学生 通过阅读有关旅游景点的文章,运用一般将来时态及本课题相关的语言点,以 问题为中心设计旅游攻略,根据旅游攻略写邀请函。 二、教学对象分析二、教学对象分析 五年级的学生已经掌握了一定的学习方法,能从听说读写中提取有效信息, 能通过自主、合作、探究的学习方法去互帮互学中解决问题。学生在前三个模 块学习中已掌握了天气、季节、日期计划活动、邀请用语等知识,在本模块中 学生对旅游计划和日程安排有一定的理解。本课时通过读写结合的方式,帮助 学生梳理知识重难点,能更有条理地运用知识。通过本节课的内容,掌握阅读 技能,提高阅读写作能力。 三、教学目标三、教学目标 (一)语言能力目标(一)语言能力目标 1、知识与技能目标 1)能运用与本模块相关的话题及词汇等语言知识,如日期、季节、天气、交通 工具和活动词组等。 2)能正确使用一般将来时的 will 及 be going to 进行表达。 3)设计一个旅游计划并邀请朋友参加。 2.语用目标 能整合本模块和第三个模块相关的语言知识及话题,设计一个旅游计划并邀请 2 朋友参加。 (二)学习能力目标(二)学习能力目标 1.掌握一定的阅读技巧,如在文中找关键信息。 2.学会从听、说、读到写的知识迁移,形成良好的写作策略。 3.学会与人合作,共同完成学习任务。 (三)思维品质目标(三)思维品质目标 能读懂与课文难度相当的有关旅游安排的文段,阅读有关旅行的文章,整合一 般将来时及本话题相关的语言点,表述一个详细的旅游计划。 (四)文化品格目标(四)文化品格目标 通过了解中国的风景名胜,培养学生的爱国情怀,培养旅游兴趣,关注旅游信通过了解中国的风景名胜,培养学生的爱国情怀,培养旅游兴趣,关注旅游信 息。息。 四、教学重难点四、教学重难点 (一)教学重点(一)教学重点 1.正确理解文本内容,完成相关的阅读任务。 2.能就旅游话题提出问题。 (二)教学难点(二)教学难点 综合运用语言制定旅游攻略并写邀请。 五、教学策略五、教学策略 这是一节综合拓展课,围绕话题 travel 使用自编文本“A trip to Sanya” , 结合我校科组的课题“基于研学后教理念的小学英语课堂提问 IC 策略的案例研 究”设计阅读拓展活动,让学生以问题为中心设计旅游计划,根据旅游计划写 邀请。 六、教学媒体六、教学媒体 多媒体课件,视频,研学案 七、教学过程七、教学过程 PreparationPreparation 1. Game: Sharp eyes. 3 【设计意图:以 game 的形式活跃课堂气氛,激活旧知,复习前两个模块的活动 词组,为之后写旅游计划做铺垫。 】 2. Did you know the places 【设计意图:通过图片让学生了解中国一些著名城市的代表性景观,激发学生 旅游的兴趣】 InputInput andand internalizationinternalization 1.Lead-in:1.Lead-in: T: There are so many famous places in China. Summer holiday is coming.Where will you travel? How will you go there?. 【设计意图:创设情景,引出旅游的话题】 2.Watch a video of Sanya.(pay more attention to the places and activities) 【设计意图:通过视频对三亚有个感官的认识,吸引学生阅读下面关于三亚的 文本。 】 3.Free talk: What do you think of Sanya? Whats the famous place in Sanya? What can you do in Sanya? 4.Read the text: A trip to Sanya, Finish the mind map. 5.Retell in groups. 【设计意图:通过阅读文本,找出旅游的相关信息,创设语言输出任务,为下 面写作做铺垫】 OutputOutput 1.T: There are so many famous places in China. Where would you like to go? Discuss in groups,and make a travel plan. 4 【设计意图:让学生通过设计旅游计划,了解安排旅游计划的几个要点,为接 下来的写作集中素材打好基础。 】 2. Students show the plan. 3. Write an invitation card 4. Teacher corrects the paper. 【设计意图:利用投影仪展示作品,教师当众展示并且指导学生批改,同时给 予评价。 】 八、八、 HomeworkHomework 1.Write an invitation card. 2.Search some information of your favourite place. 九、板书设计九、板书设计 Travel Where will you travel? Who will you travel with? How will you travel? When will you go there? What will you do there? 五年级下册 Module 4 Travel Module 4 Travel PeriodPeriod 6 6 FamousFamous placesplaces inin ChinaChina 综合拓展课综合拓展课 研学案研学案 班级:_ 姓名:_ 使用时间:_ 【研学目标研学目标】 1、我能读并完成思维导图 【Task 1】 2、我能小组合作制定旅游计划.【Task 2】 3、我能写邀请函邀请朋友一起旅游。 【Task 3】 【研学路线图研学路线图】 【研学过程研学过程】 【Task 1】I can read and fill in the mind map. 我能读并完成思维导图。 A trip to Sanya Sanya is different from many other cities in China. There is only one season in Sanya. The season is summer. It is usually hot. I am going to travel to Sanya in summer holiday for three days. On the first day, I will fly there early in the morning. Sanya is famous for its beach and coconut trees. I am going to Da Donghai. I will walk on the beach and swim in the sea. In the evening, I will enjoy the beautiful night of Sanya in Luhuitou Park.(鹿回头). On the second day, I am going to Wuzhizhou island(蜈支洲). I will go diving. I can watch the sea animals.I think it will be very exciting. In the afternoon, I will take a boat to go fishing. Then I am going to taste good seafood. The seafood in Sanya is fresh and cheap! On the third day, I am going to Tianya-Haijiao. I will take a car for sightseeing(观光). The sea is blue, and the air is fresh. In the afternoon, I will visit The Nanshan Temple and The Fairyland Park(大小洞天). That evening I will fly back home. 五年级下册 Module 4 Travel 【Task 2】Choose a place and make a travel plan in your group. 小组为单位选定一个地 方制定旅游计划。 【Task 3】I can write an invitation card 我能写邀请函邀请朋友一起旅游。 Assessment(自我评价) 自我评价自我评价小组评价小组评价 学习任务学习任务 达到程度(请填涂)达到程度(请填涂)本节课未明白 还可加强的地方 小组学习表现小组学习表现 1.1. 我能读并完成思维我能读并完成思维 导图导图 【Task【Task 1】1】 2.2. 我能小组合作制定我能小组合作制定 旅游计划旅游计划.【Task.【Task 2】2】 五年级下册 Module 4 Travel 3.3. 我能写邀请函邀请我能写邀请函邀请 朋友一起旅游。朋友一起旅游。【Task【Task 3】3】 五年级下册五年级下册 Module 4 Travel Period 6 famous places in China 综合拓展课综合拓展课 罗家桥虹小学罗家桥虹小学 江洁梅江洁梅 First, We read the aims together. Ok Learning aims: Lets play a game: Sharp eyes. Lets read together. Ready? go! take photos take a walk go to the parkvisit Window of the world play outdoors go mountain climbing fly a kite go swimming play on the beach go camping take a boat trip visit Happy Vally go shopping have a picnic go skiing visit the museum the Great Wall T: Today we will talk about famous places in China. Did you know these places. Did you know? the Summer Palace Temple of Heaven Sculpture of the Five Rams West Lake Oriental Pearl Tower travel where how when who T: There are so many famous places in China. Where will you travel? Who will you travel with? How will you travel? When will you go there? What will you do there? If we talk about travel, we must think about these questions. Children, do you know where I will travel? Oh,you are so smart. Lets watch a video about Sanya, Pay more attention to the places and activies. wha t Watch a video 1.What do you think of Sanya? 2. What are the famous places in Sanya? T: Do you like it? The Nanshan Temple 南山寺 Fairyland Park 大小洞天 Tianya-Haijiao 天涯海角 Luhuitou Park 鹿回头 enjoy the sunset and the beautiful night of Sanya Wuzhizhou Island 蜈支洲 go diving 1. What do you think of Sanya? 2. What are the famous places in Sanya? 3. What can we do in Sanya? play on the beach go diving watch the sea animal take a boat for fun This time I want you to read my trip to Sanya, and finish the mind map. Sanya What is the weather like? What is Sanya like? famous for _ and coconut trees What to do? 1st day: Da Donghai 2nd day: 3rd day: blue sea, _air _ on the beach _ in the sea Luhuitou : _the beautiful night of Sanya Wuzhizhou Island go_, watch_ take a boat_ taste_ Tianya- Haijiao: _ for sightseeing visit _ The only season: _ _ hot ? enjoy summer beach fresh walk swim diving sea animals to go fishing good seafood take a car Nanshan Temple、The Fairyland Park T: You have to find out What is the weather like ? What is Sanya like? What will I do? Make your travel plan in the group. How ? Where? When ? What ? Our trip to_ We are going to leave We will come back Sanya I am going to _ We are going to/ We will We will Da Donghai I will visit Dear _, The summer holiday is coming. I plan to go to _ with _. Would you like to _ _ _ _ Please tell me your answer soon. Hope to see you. Yours, _ Invite your friend to travel together ! 自我评价自我评价小组评价小组评价 学习任务学习任务 达到程度(请填达到程度(请填 涂)涂) 本节课未明白 还可加强的地 方 小组学习表现小组学习表现 1.1. 我能读并完成我能读并完成 思维导图思维导图 【Task 1】 2.2. 我能小组合作我能小组合作 制定旅游计划制定旅游计划.【 Task 2】 3.3. 我能写邀请函我能写邀请函 邀请朋友一起旅邀请朋友一起旅 游。【游。【Task 3】 Assessment 1. 写一个邀请函邀请你朋友一起旅游。写一个邀请函邀请你朋友一起旅游。 2. 上网搜集一个你喜欢的旅游景点的信息。上网搜集一个你喜欢的旅游景点的信息。 Homework: Thank you!
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