教科版(广州)五下Module 3 Invitations-Unit 6 See you at the party-Fun with language-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-市级优课-(编号:008d3).zip

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1 Module 3 Invitation ( 4th Period ) Lets invite (综合运用课综合运用课) 教学反思教学反思 本节课以发展学生学生核心素养的四项能力为着眼点,设定教学目标;模 块统整,对模块内容进行整合,语境带动,活动推进;将传统和现代教学手段 相结合建构学习支架 ,使学生在语言能力、思维品质、学习能力等方面获得不 同程度的发展。 1.语境带动,搭建语用支架语境带动,搭建语用支架 本课时由荔城二小结对的姐妹学校香港福德小学邀请荔城二小的师生参加 他们的 School Play,与此同时,荔城二小的学生也邀请他们来增城参加活动为 主线索。通过创设这一语境,让学生从感知、到理解,再运用,层层递进,帮 助学生有效掌握邀请函的相关知识。教师先构建整体情境框架,再进入各部分 的教学。第一部分:热身部分,吟唱歌谣,复习巩固已学的邀请知识;第二部 分:听福德学校的邀请函,感知邀请函的相关要素;第三部分阅读课本的 Fun with Language 的邀请函及教师的重构文本(an Invitation Card about Food Party), 帮助学生理解邀请函的框架;第四部分,写一封邀请函给香港福德学校的学生, 提升学生的运用语言的综合能力。这四部分,从听说读写的相关环节,不断拓 宽学生学习语言的途径,提升学生自主学习,善于合作,积极表达的语言素养。 2.活动推进,撬动思维发展活动推进,撬动思维发展 本课通过写邀请函给“香港福德小学”来增城参加活动这一真实任务来驱 动学生的语言学习,它最终指向的是学生语用能力的培养。为实现成这一教学 目标,通过设置不同活动,让学生在活动中有话可说,有话想说,有话会说。 在热身部分,通过老师抛出问题“The weekend is coming. But I have nothing to do this weekend. Please give me some ideas.” 引导学生邀请老师参加周末活动, 激活学生对邀请别人参加活动的生活经验和只是储备;又如感知邀请函这一环 节,创设 Danny 写了一封邀请函给老师,老师通过问题“What do you want to 2 know about this invitaton?”引导学生思考邀请函的五个要素,发散学生思维, 培养学生多思、善问、敢于表达的好习惯;再如香港福德学校邀请荔城二小师 生参加戏剧表演,老师通过“They invite us to their school play. We can also invite them to Zengcheng”,引导学生思考:香港福德学校来增城,我们可以邀请他们 参加一些什么活动,让学生用英语做事情,发展思维能力;再如老师通过问题 “How to invite friends ?”,让学生联系生活,对邀请别人的方式进行归纳与整 理。以上一系列活动,有效促进了学生思维的发展。 3.整合资源,多维互动,发展学习能力整合资源,多维互动,发展学习能力 本节课,合理整合和开发课程资源,听过视频,自编文本,帮助学生感知 邀请函、到理解邀请函,再书写邀请函,层层递进,帮助学生有效掌握邀请函 的相关知识。考虑到小学五年级学生的学情,教师制作了香港福德学校邀请荔 城二小师生参加戏剧表演的微信相册,丰富了学习资源。教师除了使用课本 资源,另外还自编了三篇文本。这三篇文本,贴近学生生活,滚动随学知识, 是对教材内容合理有效的补充,拓宽了学生视野。 此外本节课以师生互动、生生互动、生本互动等互动方式,促进学生学习 能力的发展。利用师生互动,帮助学生理解所学内容,建构意义,;同时重视 生本互动,引导学生观看视频,阅读文本,感知邀请函的框架;鼓励生生互动, 在语言操练、研究问题等活动中,实现互助,大胆开口,积极表达。 义务教育教科书英语(教科版义务教育教科书英语(教科版 ) 五年级下册五年级下册 Hello,hello,boys and girls. Hello,hello,Amy. Its a happy day. Yes,yes, a happy day. Would you like to play? Yeah,yeah, go to play. Lets cycle on the Green Way. Ok,ok ! Shall we visit Gualv Lake? Hurray,hurray ! Lets chant Would you like to? Do you want to? Shall we? Lets Id like to invite you to A:What shall I do this weekend? fly a kite have a picnic play football play outdoors go camping play basketball see a film go to the beach with my parents A:Hi. Good afternoon. Im going to / I plan to play footall. Would you like to come? B:Yes, Id love to. Where shall we meet ? A: Lets meet at the school gate. B: OK. When shall we meet? A: At 8:00 a.m. this Saturday. B:See you then. A:See you. Lets talk in pairs Yes,Id love to. OK./ Great. /Good idea. Im sorry but Im going to Id like to, but Im busy. Id love to,but I have something else to do. Would you like to? Do you want to? Id like to invite you to Shall we? Lets Word bank play chess go shopping have a party . Living in Zengcheng is so colourful and happy ! Message I have a message from wechat. . Wechat This is my friend Danny. He teaches English in Fude School in Hong kong. Danny is from Hong kong. Who invites To whom What When Where Invitation To whom (What) Activity (When) Time (Where ) Place Who invites Who invites To whom What When Where Invitation To whom ActivityTimePlaceWho invites children of Fude School in Hong Kong Fude School this Sunday, April 2nd school play us Lets think A:What will you invite them to do in Zengcheng? B:I will invite them to Zengcheng Lychee Festival. A:What will you invite them to do in Zengcheng ? B: I will invite them to go mountain climbing in Baishui Waterwall have a picnic have a reading party ride a bike visit Gualv Lake play games in the Childrens Park How to invite friends ? write an invitation card an invitation card call use QQ write an e-mail send a message use wechat invite face to face Sally John Lets read Lily Dear John, I would like to invite you to my birthday party at my home. Its next Sunday, March 12th. If you can come, I will be happy. Thanks. Jiamin 1.What party is it ? 2.Where is the party ? 3.When is the party? Its Jiamins birthday party. Its at Jiamins home. Its next Sunday, March 12th. To whom Activity Time Place Who invites Sally Dear Sally, I would like to invite you to visit my school on January 4th. Its the school open day. If you can come, please call me. Thanks. Xiaoling Xiaolingvisit Xiaolings school January 4th Xiaolings school To whom Activity Time Place Who invites LilyTom The food party May 1st At Toms home Dear Lily, I would like to invite you to the food party. The party will be at my home on May 1st. It will begin at 5:00 pm. At the party, we will eat lots of delicious food. My mother is going to make a big banana cake. My aunt will make some dumplings and Sichuan food. Mike will bring some western food. If you can come, please bring some food. I hope you will enjoy this food party. Look forward to seeing you. Tom Invitaton * Dear John, I would like to invite you to my birthday party at my home. Its next Sunday, March 12th. If you can come, I will be happy. Thanks. Jiamin Format (格式格式) of invitations LookLook forwardforward toto seeingseeing you.you. HopeHope toto seesee youyou soon.soon. If If youyou cancan comecome , , I I willwill bebe happy.happy. If If youyou cancan comecome , , pleaseplease callcall me.me. * Dear John, I would like to invite you to my birthday party at my home. Its next Sunday, March 12th. If you can come, I will be happy. Thanks. Jiamin Format of invitations * Tips of invitations An invitaton to the children Of Fude School Invitation Dear friends, I would like to invite you to _.(Activity) Hope to see you in Zengcheng. _.(Place) _.(Time) _.(Notice) Yours, _ Thanks for your invitation. I will come to your school play this Sunday. * Keep in touch. Friendship lives forever. Lets Know more Dear Jiamin, I would like to invite you to my birthday party at my home.Its next Sunday, April 16th. At my birthday party, we can sing a birthday song and eat a birthday cake. In our America, people often spank(打打) the hip(屁屁股股) at the birthday party. At my birthday party, please spank(打打) my hip(屁屁股股). That means(意意味味着着) bad luck go away.( 交交好好运运) If you can come, I will be happy. Thanks Mike If Jianmin come to Mikes party,What will he do? Jianmin will sing a birthday song ,eat a birthday cake and spank Mikes hip. We can design our party and make our life colourful ! 1.Finish the exercises at the page of35 and the workeet; 2.Write an invitations card to your friends and invite them to your family day. 小朋友们在家庭日有什么好的活动,请邀请你的朋友参加。遇到不会写的单词,小朋友们在家庭日有什么好的活动,请邀请你的朋友参加。遇到不会写的单词, 小朋友可以查字典、向亲朋好友请教。注意:组织的活动要健康。小朋友可以查字典、向亲朋好友请教。注意:组织的活动要健康。 E-mail address: QQ: 546938910 Wechat:sure068 五年级下 册Module 3 Invitation ( 4 th Lets invite (综合运用 课) 教学流程图 Period ) Begin Pre- task Chant Free talk An invitation from Fude School L e t s t h i n k:W h a t w i l l y o u invite them to do in Zengcheng? Sum up:the ways of invitations. Lets read Read t wo invit at ions and writ e down some information about 5 facts. Read two more invitations (Time permits) Sum up: the f ormat of invitations. Lets write: write an invitation card to our friends-the children of Fude School Tips of invitations Lets write Share the invitation cards with classmates. Post-task Summary: Lets be friends forever. Summary Homework End Sum u p what w e have learned Unit 6 练习 班级: 姓名: 1.Read and write Invitation 3 Invitation 4 Module 3 Invitation ( 4th Period ) Lets invite (综合运用课综合运用课) 教学设计教学设计 一、教学内容分析一、教学内容分析 本课是本单元的第四课时,内容是 Unit 6 Fun with language 部分。学生在 前三个课时的学习中,已初步感知邀请的相关知识。 本课时由荔城二小结对的姐妹学校香港福德小学邀请荔城二小的师生参加 他们的 School Play,与此同时,荔城二小的学生也邀请他们来增城参加活动为 主线索。通过创设这一语境,让学生从感知、到理解,再运用,层层递进,帮 助学生有效掌握邀请函的相关知识。教师先构建整体情境框架,再进入各部分 的教学。第一部分:热身部分,吟唱歌谣,复习巩固已学的邀请知识;第二部 分:听福德学校的邀请函,感知邀请函的相关要素;第三部分阅读课本的 Fun with Language 的邀请函及教师的重构文本(an Invitation Card about Food Party), 帮助学生理解邀请函的框架;第四部分,写一封邀请函给香港福德学校的学生, 提升学生的运用语言的综合能力。这四部分,从听说读写的相关环节,不断拓 宽学生学习语言的途径,提升学生自主学习,善于合作,积极表达的语言素养。 二、教学对象分析二、教学对象分析 本节课,我们选用荔城二小的学生,该校的学生具备一定的听、说、读、 写的良好基础。但本设计并不只是面向荔城二小的学生,而是为增城区大部分 学校的老师提供一个案例。基于这一观点,本设计的教学难度适中,以扩大其 推广范围。本课通过引导学生在充分运用前三课时的核心词汇和相关句型,进 一步促进学生的口头表达能力,提高学生的写作水平。 三、教学目标三、教学目标 【知识与技能目标知识与技能目标】 1. 通过感知、理解三封邀请函,帮助学生构建邀请函的框架; 2. 初步尝试写简单的邀请函。 【文化情感文化情感】 在香港福德学校、荔城二小两所姐妹学校的相互邀请中,感受到情谊可贵, 交流不止,友谊长存。 【学习策略学习策略】 自主学习,善于合作,积极学习,乐于分享。 四、教学重、难点四、教学重、难点 1. 了解邀请函的相关要素, 并能获取邀请的相关信息; 2. 初步尝试写简单的邀请函。 五、教学内容:五、教学内容: (一)教材(一)教材 Fun with Language (二)自编文本(二)自编文本 自编文本 1: Dear friends, We are going to have a school play in our school. I would like to invite you to our school play in our school. Its a wonderful party. Its this Sunday, April 2nd . If you can come, we will be happy. Yours, Children of Fude School in Hong Kong 自编文本 2: Dear Lily, I would like to invite you to our food party. The party will be in our school on June 3rd. If you can come, please bring some food. I hope you will have fun here. Look forward to seeing you. Tina 自编文本 3: Dear Mike, I would like to invite you to our pet party. The party will be in the Childrens Park. The party will be on April 10th. If you can come, please bring your pets. I hope you will enjoy this special party. Bill 六、教学媒体六、教学媒体 课件,学案,音频。 七、教学过程七、教学过程 StagesTeaching Activitiess 2. Write an invitation card to your friends. 八、板书设计:八、板书设计:
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