教科EEC版六年级下册Unit4 We Usually Eat Pizza on Sundays-Class 2 Textbook p.35-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:80042).zip

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Unit 4 We Usually Eat Pizza on Sundays Would you like to eat? 1.Where is it? 2.Whos talking? 3.What does the clerk say? 4.What does Xiaoxiao answer? 1.How do I ask the address? 2.Whats Xiaoxiaos address? road 1、How to ask phone number? 2、How does Xiaoxiao answer the phone number? Listen and repeat: Practice:改错,将错误的单词改正过来写在:改错,将错误的单词改正过来写在 后面的横线上。后面的横线上。 ()()1、How about play basketball?_ ()()2、How can I helping you? _ ()()3、Id like ordering a hamburger._ ()()4、Whats she phone number? 315-9076._ ()()5、Its already a quarter in twelve._ playing help to order her to Fill in the form: Asking for classmates address and phone number. nana meme addadd ressress PhoPho nene numbernumber Homework: Make a survey of your friends address and phone number. 做一份关于朋友的地址及电话号码的调查 。 UnitUnit 4 4 WeWe UsuallyUsually EatEat PizzaPizza onon Sundays.()Sundays.() 教学设计教学设计 UnitUnit 4 4 WeWe UsuallyUsually EatEat PizzaPizza onon Sundays.()Sundays.()教学设计教学设计 一、教材分析: 本课选自 EEC 小学英语三年级起点六年级下册第四单 元中的第二课时。EEC 教材在设计中充分考虑到小学儿童的 年龄与学习特点,每个年级的教学内容都是围绕一个故事 展开。本册教材主要以主人公参加的一些活动,以及在活 动过后的一些生活小故事为线索。本课以 Xiaoxiao 订餐为 主线,开展了针对地址和电话号码的问答练习。以故事为 主线,使学生真切地感受到真实的生活场景。以学生“能 做某事”的描述方式设定学习内容,为任务型教学的开展 提供了最直接的活动素材。在听、说预先的前提下,进一 步发展学生听、说技能,加强读、写技能。四项技能综合 安排,促进学生全面发展。 二、学情分析: 学生知识形成的特点是:通过亲自动手实践,体验感 知,形成表象,构成新知。学生是独立的个体,有独立的 情感体验。本节课的授课对象是小学六年级的学生,对已 有一定英语基础的六年级学生而言,他们的听、说、读的 能力已经很不错了,小组间已有了些合作的默契,能够相 互帮助学习。很大程度上提高了他们的英语水平。 三、教学目标: 1、知识与能力:能听懂并会问答电话号码和地址, 能在适当的情景中运用。学习 5 个新单词 order ,phone number address ,road ,could 。 2、过程与方法:通过图片,实物和多媒体辅助将所 学内容生动的展现给学生。再通过创设情境法,游戏法, 小组合作等多种多样的教学方法巩固加深所学新知。 3、情感态度与价值观:注重孩子的综合发展,学会 相互沟通,合作互助等品质。学会交流及用委婉的语气询 问他人。并鼓励学生养成良好的日常饮食习惯。惯。 四、教学重、难点: 1、能听懂会说 Could you tell me your address ? 及回答地址的方式。 2、能听懂并学会询问对方电话号码 Whats your phone number ,please?及回答电话号码的方式。 3、能在适当情景中灵活运用所学句式,会填写调查表 并制作通讯录。 4、强调说明地址时,应先说街道号再说街道名。 说电话号码时,应单独说出每个数字。 六、教学准备: 多媒体课件、卡片、人物头像(肖肖、店员、唐老鸭、 米老鼠、喜洋洋、灰太狼)调查表、实物(电话)。 七、教学流程: Step Leadingin 1、Greeting: T:Hello,boys and girls! Ss:Hello,Miss Cheng! T:Whats the weather like today? Ss:Its rainy/sunny/cloudy/windy. T:Very good! 2.Warm up: T:Lets Sing an English song together:“If youre happy”Ok? Ss:Ok. (学生跟随 ppt 边唱边跳,节奏欢快的歌曲可以使学生们 很快融入轻松的学习氛围,为快乐学习奠定良好基础。) T:Well done! Step Revision: T:Look these pictures and answer :Would you like to eat?(ppt 出示一些食物图片 cake、hamburger、sandwich、pizza、bread、egg、meat 、hot dog 等,让学生根据实际回答) Ss:Id like some. T:Youre very clever! Step Presentation . Xiaoxiao and Qiaoqiao cant make pizza.They must order a pizza from Happy Day Pizza.Today Lets continue to study Unit 4 We Usually Eat Pizza on Sundays.Turn to page 35,please! 1、Hello!Im a clerk.Nice to meet you.(How do you do?)(边说边戴上店员头像和学生打招呼,让学生理解 clerk) 2、Look at the picture and listen to the tape . Answer the questions: (1) T:Where is it?Whos talking?What does the clerk say?(ppt 出示问题并播放录音) T:I like pizza very much .Do you like pizza? Ss:. T:Now let me order a pizza.(边说边做打电话动作, 帮助学生理解词汇 order 后板书) T:Whats meaning?(order)Who can tell me? S1:. T:Good!Read the word one by one.When he speaks loudly.You speak quietly. Do you understand?(大小 声及小组式操练单词) T:Ok!Youre great! T:Listen again:What does Xiaoxiao answer?Whats meaning? S2、S3:. (2)T:Now,look!Whats this?(出示连衣裙卡片) Ss:Its a dress.(在 dress 前面再加上“ad”结合图片 引出单词 address,对比学习并把卡片贴在黑板上操练) Ss:. T:Excellent! (3)T:Listen and answer:How to ask the address?Whats Xiaoxiaos address?(ppt 播放第六幅 图两句录音内容) S4:Could you tell me your address? T:Youre wonderful! T:Whats meaning:Could you tell me your address?(生答后板书句式,领读并操练) T:Whats Xiaoxiaos address? S5:201 Zhongshan Road. T:Great!Whats this?(ppt 显示 road 图片,板书 road 并操练) Ss:. T:The boys read!The girls read! T:Answer my question:Could you tell me your address?In fact. Ss:. T:Thank you! T:Good job! (4)T:Look!Here is the phone number. Guess:Which one is my phone number,A 2895417 or B 6721439?(卡片出示两个电话号码,引出词汇 phone number 并操练) T:Who can guess? S6: S7: T:Youre very clever.Im proud of you! T:Congratulations!Youre all right!Because these two phone numbers are all mine. Now keep listening:How do I ask phone number ? (ppt 播放第七幅图两句录音内容) S8:Whats your phone number,please?(师板书句式 并操练) T:Well done! T:How does Xiaoxiao answer the phone number? S9:. T:Supper! T:Next ask and answer.(学生一问一答练习句式) 3、Listen and repeat . Step Practice 1、Now free practice:Practice to read and role play the dialogue. 2、改错,错误的词写在括号里,并在后面的小横线上改正 过来。 ( )1、How about play basketball?_ ( )2、How can I helping you?_ ( )3、Id like ordering a hamburger._ ( )4、Whats she phone number? 345- 9076._ ( )5、Its already a quarter in twelve._ Step Consolidation Do some exercises to consolide the language points.(巩固练习,拓展提高) 1、Fill in the form。Asking for classmates address and phone number.Take out your paper. 2、Dialogue show .(自编对话进行情景表演) Step Summary 3、Lets play a game:I will divide you into two teams.Youre the apple team.Youre the banana team. Remember your number. Call who ,who will stand up. I want to see which group finished the fastest and the best. Do you understand? Ok! Lets start! Listen carefully. (the apple team win. Youre the winner. Congratulations!) T:Now , lets sum up .What do you learn ? Ss:. T:We learned the new words:order、address、road and phone number. We learned these new sentences:Could you tell me your address?Whats your phone number,please? (学生们畅所欲言地说一说自己学会了什么?教师以此得到 了教学反馈,学生也对知识进行了再巩固。) name address Phone number Step Homework Make a survey of your friends address and phone number. 做一份关于朋友的地址及电话号码的调查。 Step I Blackboard writing: Unit 4 We Usually Eat Pizza on Sundays. order Could you tell me your address? dress address 图片 road Phone number 图片 Whats your phone number,please?
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