教科EEC版五下Unit6 How's the Weather in Your Country -Class 2 Textbook p.55-ppt课件-(含教案)-市级优课-(编号:20ed2).zip

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Its hot. She goes go the beach. She likes swimming. What season is it? Its cool. She can fly a kite. What season is it? Its very cold. She wants to make a snowman. What season is it? Its warm. Theyre riding a bike. What season is it? come out The sun is coming out. It often rains. The red apple is the best. She likes summer best. Its pouring now. The shirt is wet. The shirt is dry. She got very wet. Is the sun coming out? Does it often rain in Billys country? Whats wrong with Sandy? Which season does Sandy like best? Lets have a PK match A: Which season do you like best? B: I I like best . Which _ do you like best? The sun is Does it Whichdo you like ? Its ing now. I Lets have a challenge match(挑战赛)(挑战赛) Listen and Imitate(听音模仿听音模仿) Lets play a passing sentence game. seasoncolornumbercountry A: Which do you like best? B: I I like best . Lets have a championship match. (争霸赛)(争霸赛) 询问最喜欢的季节,该怎样表达? 1/3 Unit6 Hows the Weather in Your Country?(II) 教学设计教学设计 【内容来源内容来源】教育科学出版社(三起点)五年级下册 Unit6 【主主 题题】Hows the Weather in Your Country? 一、学习目标一、学习目标 FunctionFunction:能够听懂并能问答最喜欢的季节。 VocabularyVocabulary:come out, often, best, pour, got, wet ExpressionExpression:- Which season do you like best? - I like summer best. EmotionalEmotional educastion:educastion: Unity is strength. 二、教学步骤与建议二、教学步骤与建议 Warm-upWarm-up T:Hello, everyone. Im Ms.Dong. Nice to meet you. Ss:Hello, Ms.Dong. Nice to meet you, too. (教师与学生互相问候。) RevisionRevision 2/3 T:Lets play a guessing game. T:Its hot.She goes to the beach.She likes swimming. What season is it? S1:Its summer. T:Its cool.She can fly a kite.What season is it? S2: Its fall. T: Its very cold.She wants to make a snowman. What season is it? S2: Its winter. T:Its warm.Theyre riding a bike.What season is it? S3:Its spring. T: Its spring now. How is the weather in spring in our country? S3: Its warm and dry. (教师与学生利用猜谜游戏,描述复习四季。为这节新课教 3/3 学做好铺垫。) T:Today we have a match.(采用游戏教学法,贯穿整节课, 调动学生的积极性,让学生有合作意识,竞争意识。) ListenListen andand SpeakSpeak 1.T:Open your books to page 55.Look and listen to the story.Please underline on your textbook.(第一遍听录 音,找出本页重点单词。) Ss:come out, often, best, pour, wet 词汇教学:come out, often, best, pour, wet come out,意为“出来” , The sun is coming out。 (利用课件动画展示太阳出来了) often,意为“经常” , (语音教学) Ss:It often rains. Ss:She often rides a bike. (课件下雨图,女孩骑自行车的图片引导学生练习) T:I go to school on foot.What about you? 4/3 (让学生说生活中的英语) pour,在课文中表示大雨倾盆而下。 (语音教学) T:Its pouring now.(用课件下大雨) wet,湿的。 (教学生发音,让学生正确掌握 wet 的正确 发音口形。 ) Ss:WetThe shirt is wet. Ss:dryThe shirt is dry.(对比教学) Ss:She got very wet.(用课件图片引向课文中的句子) best,意为“最” 。 Ss:The red apple is the best.(用三个苹果比出最好的 句型) Ss:She likes summer best.(引出本课时的重点句型) 2.listen again and answer the questions(在听录音之前, 教师先简单明了地以预设问题的形式提示学生关注重点学习目 标,然后让学生们带着问题有针对性地听录音。) Is the sun coming out? Does it often rain in Billys country? 5/3 Whats wrong with Sandy? Which season does Sandy like best? 3.Which season do you like best? I like summer best.(板书重点句型,同桌练读) T:Lets have a PK match. Ask and answer in pairs,one by one. Ask and answer in groups.(用手指表示四个季节,抓 住学生的注意力。 ) Which_do you like best?(用 PK 的比赛,调动学 生的积极性,练习更多的知识内容。 ) ListenListen andand Repeat(Repeat(教师再次播放教科书第 55 页课文的录 音,让学生进行跟读训练。) ConsolidasionConsolidasion ListenListen andand ImitateImitate (1)Listen and imitate together.(全体同学模仿读) T:Lets have a challenge match. Listen and imitate,one by one.(用挑战赛的方式, 教师鼓励学生模仿,练习学生的听力,角色表演,说一口流利 6/3 的纯正的英语。 ) Lets play a passing sentence game.(通过这个游戏, 体现学生的合作意识。 ) QuestionnaireQuestionnaire T:Use these words to ask and answer. season color number country S1: Which _do you like best? S2: I like _best. (活动目的:通过调查问卷的活动,使学生了解同学们最喜 欢的事物,同时充分练习表达本课重点的问答。教师让同桌学 生汇报调查结果。 ) SummarySummary 词汇教学:come out, often, best, pour, wet 能够听懂并能问答最喜欢的季节。 Which season do you like best? I like summer best. HomeworkHomework 7/3 Make new dialogues and write down.
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