人教版八下-Unit 4 Why don't you talk to your parents -Section A 3a—3c-ppt课件-(含教案+音频+素材)-市级优课-(编号:30bea).zip

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人教版(Go for it!) 八年级下 Type of lesson: Reading Learning aims: After this lesson, students will be able to: 1. get some reading skills, like getting information according to key words and guessing meanings of some words in the context 2. understand family problems and give advice to solve these problems 3. understand keys to build up a happy family Dear Mr Hunt, Sad and Thirteen Whatsbetweenthe womanandSadandThirteen? father mother kid kid the relation MyproblemisthatIcantgeton withmyfamily.Relationsbetween myparentshavebecomedifficult. Theyfightalot,andIreallydont likeit.Itstheonlycommunication theyhave.IdontknowifIshould sayanythingtothemaboutthis. Whentheyargue,itslikeabig, blackcloudhangingoverour home.Also,myelderbrotherisnot verynicetome.Healwaysrefuses toletmewatchmyfavoriteTV show.Insteadhewatches whateverhewantsuntillateat night.Idontthinkthisisfair.At homeIalwaysfeellonelyand nervous.Isthatnormal?WhatcanI do? What is Sad and Thirteens problem? Starter&Pre-teachStarter&Pre-teachStarter&Pre-teachStarter&Pre-teach DearMr.Hunt, MyproblemisthatIcantgetonwithmyfamily. Relationsbetweenmyparentshavebecomedifficult. Theyfightalot,andIreallydontlikeit.Itstheonly communicationtheyhave.IdontknowifIshouldsay anythingtothemaboutthis.Whentheyargue,its likeabig,blackcloudhangingoverourhome., myelderbrotherisnotverynicetome.Healways refusestoletmewatchmyfavoriteTVshow.Instead hewatcheswhateverhewantsuntillateatnight.I dontthinkthisisfair.AthomeIalwaysfeellonely andnervous.Isthatnormal?WhatcanIdo? SadandThirteen Also Gist-readingGist-readingGist-readingGist-reading Relationsbetween hisparentsdifficult elderbrothernot nicetohim Does he like his parents fighting? _ What is it like when they argue? _ How can we know STs brother is not nice to him? _ Who watches TV? _ What program (节目) does he watch? _ No,hedoesnt Itslikeabig,blackcloudhangingover thehome. Whateverhewants Elderbrother HealwaysrefusestoletSTwatch hisfavoriteTVshow. HowdoesS.Tfeelathome? specific-readingspecific-readingspecific-readingspecific-reading “They fight a lot, and I dont like it. Its the only communication they have.” 1. What does “it” mean? Fighting. 2. Please guess the meaning of “communication” here. A. the way of talking B. fighting C. feeling Further-reading(togetreadingskills)Further-reading(togetreadingskills)Further-reading(togetreadingskills)Further-reading(togetreadingskills) “He always refuses to let me watch my favorite TV show. Instead he watches whatever he wants until late at night.” Please give the best translation for Instead here. A. 所以 B. 并且 C. 相反 D. 或者 Further-reading(togetreadingskills)Further-reading(togetreadingskills)Further-reading(togetreadingskills)Further-reading(togetreadingskills) “They fight a lot, and I really dont like it. Its the only communication they have. I dont know if I should say anything to them about this.” What might Sad and Thirteen say to his parents? Further-reading(todevelopthinking)Further-reading(todevelopthinking)Further-reading(todevelopthinking)Further-reading(todevelopthinking) Please offer (give) some advice to help Sad and Thirteen. I think he should / could Follow-upFollow-upFollow-upFollow-up Love (爱) Forgive (原谅) Admire (赞美) Merry (欢笑) Interest (兴趣) Yearn (思念) When your family make you unhappy, forgive them, cos theyll feel sad if youre not happy. 当你的家人令你不开心时,原谅他们,因为他们会因你的难过而 悲伤。 When your family have done something good, please put up your thumbs and say “great” to them. Theyll feel happy. 当你的家人做了非常棒的事情时,竖起你的大拇指赞美他们。他 们会很开心。 Never argue with your family, instead, smile to them often. Hope your home full of laughter. 永远不要和家人争吵,相反,经常对他们微笑。希望你的家充满 欢声笑语! We may feel bored sometimes, so try to find something interesting and share it with your family. 有时我们会觉得很无聊,去找一些有趣的事情,并和你的家人分 享。 Love your family forever, no matter how old they are, or how poor they are. 永远爱你的家人,无论他们多老,多贫穷。 If youre away from your family, please call them often, and let them know you miss them. 如果你不在家人身边,经常给他们打电话,告诉他们你对他们的 思念。 Please write something to one of your family members (father, mother, brother, sister) Tell him or her whatever you want to say. Dear _, _ _ Yours Write a letter to Sad and Thirteen. In your letter, please give him two pieces of advice to help him. please use “I think you should or why dont you? 60-80 words. 一、教材内容分析一、教材内容分析 本课是一堂阅读课,阅读材料的内容是一个自称为 Sad and Thirteen 的男孩父母总 是吵架,且哥哥对自己也很不友善,为此 Sad and Thirteen 感到非常孤独,忧虑。因此, 他写了一封给 Mr. Hunt 的求助信。 二、学习者特征分析二、学习者特征分析 八年级的学生通过将近两年的英语学习,已初步具备了一定的英语听说读写能力, 也积累了一定的英语语言知识和应用语言的能力。但是学生不擅长表达自己的想法和观 点。因此,敢张嘴说,敢于表达自己的想法是现阶段的教学目标。 另外,学生平日缺乏英语语言环境,英语课成为他们听英语、用英语的主要渠道。 因此,学生运用英语思维的能力比较弱。为此,老师需要创设情境,让学生在情境中去 理解、体会英语语言。 三、教学目标(知识与技能、过程与方法、情感态度与价值观)三、教学目标(知识与技能、过程与方法、情感态度与价值观) After this lesson, students will be able to: 1. get some reading skills, like getting information according to key words and guessing meanings of some words in the context 2. understand family problems and give advice to solve these problems 3. understand keys to build up a happy family 四、教学重点、难点分析四、教学重点、难点分析 本节课的教学重点是通过一篇阅读材料探讨家庭矛盾,并能根据具体问题给出一些建 议。 对于初二的学生来说,从文章中提取相关信息相对容易,但学生在猜词技巧方面仍很 欠缺,因此通过本堂课,希望能够引导学生根据篇章、句意猜词。另一个阅读技巧的难 点是关于指示代词(it, they)在句中的重要作用。 此外,关于针对家庭矛盾给出建议这一点,大多数同学还是很难给出自己的观点,为 了让多数学生参与课堂,有话可说,我提供了一些建议供学生选择。学生既可以探讨这 些建议的可行性,也可以适当改变,或是形成一些新的观点。这样一来课堂的难点就解 决了。 五、教学策略选择与设计五、教学策略选择与设计 这是一堂阅读课,因此本节课我采用任务教学法,设置不同层次的任务,让学生在任 务中理解本课的内容、掌握重难点。为了降低学习难度,我在设计该课时尽量做到简化 问题,设置梯度。 其次,设置情境,elicit 新单词,让学生在情境中感受体会,而不是填鸭式教学。 此外,给学生自主学习、思考、合作讨论的时间,将课堂还给学生,让他们在思辨 的火花中迸发新的想法,让他们真正的用语言去交流。 六、教学过程设计六、教学过程设计 Step One Lead-in Show a picture of a letter, and ask some questions to help students understand something about the letter: T:Whats this? Ss: A letter T: Who is the letter to? Ss: Mr. Hunt. T: Who is the letter from? Ss: Sad and Thirteen. T: Do you think Sad and Thirteen is a real name? What can we get from his name? Ss:. T: Can you guess why he wrote a letter to Mr. Hunt? Ss:. T: What happened to Sad and Thirteen? (show a picture) Step Two Pre-teach read the picture and help students know some information about the letter, and to elicit the new words “ relation, get on with, argue” in a context ( (情境教学情境教学- -和学生共同解读图片和学生共同解读图片, ,并设置情并设置情境境引出本节课的三个重要的引出本节课的三个重要的 且影响学生阅读障碍的三个词汇:且影响学生阅读障碍的三个词汇:relation,relation, getget onon with,with, argue)argue) T:This is a photo from Sad and Thirteens family. Guess who is the man? S: Father. T: Youre right. So the relation between the man and Sad and Thirteen is Father and Kid. Whats the relation between ST(Sad and Thirteen) and the woman? Ss:. T:Look at the picture, are they friendly to each other? S: No. T: Youre right, they dont get on with each other. T: What are they doing? S: . T: .(elicit the word argue according to Ss answer) Step Three Gist reading Read the letter and find out Whats Sad and Thirteens problem? Check answers T: How many problems are there at his home? Ss:. (ask students to read and find out the two problems) Peer check Check in open class Step Four Specific Reading (Part One) Listen, read, and then discuss the specific questions in pairs 1. Does he like his parents fighting? 2. What is it like when they argue? 3. How can we know Sad and Thirteens brother is not nice to him? 4. Who watches TV? 5. What program does his brother watch? check answers in open class (Part Two) “They fight a lot, and I dont like it. Its the only communication they have.” 1. What does “it” mean? 2. Please guess the meaning of “communication” here. A. the way of talking B. fighting C. feeling “He always refuses to let me watch my favorite TV show. Instead he watches whatever he wants until late at night.” Please give a best translation for Instead here. A. 所以 B. 并且 C. 相反 D. 或者 “They fight a lot, and I really dont like it. Its the only communication they have. I dont know if I should say anything to them about this.” What might Sad and Thirteen say to his parents? ( (在在 SpecificSpecific readingreading 这一环节中,我设计了两大部分,这一环节中,我设计了两大部分,PartPart OneOne 针对本课内针对本课内 容理解设定了五个小问题。五道题目因为分别是涉及到容理解设定了五个小问题。五道题目因为分别是涉及到 STST 的两个问题,所的两个问题,所 以我将他们分开来做,以降低难度。学生通过以我将他们分开来做,以降低难度。学生通过“自主读问题自主读问题- -听原文听原文- -合作讨合作讨 论论”来完成这些问题。来完成这些问题。 紧接着从阅读技巧层面,我设计了几个问题紧接着从阅读技巧层面,我设计了几个问题, ,培养学生的阅读技巧培养学生的阅读技巧如找如找 主旨句、词义推测、细节理解、代词指代等。主旨句、词义推测、细节理解、代词指代等。 此外,最后加入了一点不太成熟的此外,最后加入了一点不太成熟的 CriticalCritical thinkingthinking 的想法的想法, , 让学生自己去让学生自己去 猜测猜测 whatwhat mightmight STST saysay toto hishis parents?parents?在这点上学生需要去思考,表达自己的在这点上学生需要去思考,表达自己的 想法。)想法。) Step Five Follow up 1. Please offer some advice to help Sad and Thirteen (GROUP WORK) (read the list, discuss and tick the advice they like,or they could offer their own advice) 2. Explain keys to make a family full of love and happiness- 3.Ask student to write whatever they want to one of their family members (write on the sticker, and then stick them on the blackboard) ( (我设置的活动是让学生给我设置的活动是让学生给 STST 一些建议来帮助他。为了降低难度,且使学一些建议来帮助他。为了降低难度,且使学 生有话可说,我设置了一张生有话可说,我设置了一张 sheetsheet,上面给学生提供了各种建议。他们通过,上面给学生提供了各种建议。他们通过 讨论选出他们认为可以帮到讨论选出他们认为可以帮到 STST 的建议,同时还可以提出一些新的建议。的建议,同时还可以提出一些新的建议。) ) 接着,解读接着,解读 FAMILYFAMILY 的含义,帮助学生理解该如何做才能使得家人相处融的含义,帮助学生理解该如何做才能使得家人相处融 洽洽, ,充满欢乐。充满欢乐。 F-forgiveF-forgive A-admireA-admire M-merryM-merry I-interestI-interest L-loveL-love Y-yearnY-yearn Step Six Homework Write a letter to Sad and Thirteen. In your letter, please give him two pieces of advice to help him. please use “I think you should” or “why dont you?” 60-80 words. 七、板书设计七、板书设计 八、教学反思及总结八、教学反思及总结 对于这堂课,我觉得自己做的还不错的地方有: 1.教学内容设置要简单,有梯度,循序渐进。 2.坚持新理念,不能因觉得学生程度不好,而放弃新理念,拾起老套路。是否能 够让学生融入你的新理念的关键在于教师对课程内容的把握以及问题设置。再 简单的课文也可以讲复杂,在复杂的课文也可以讲简单。 3.真实情境的设置会让学生感受到这不是在学习语言点而是真正的语言学习。没 有了真实情境,在美得语言也会变得乏味。 4.给学生思考的机会,让他们学会思考,而不是机械的接受。让他们在思辨的火 花中迸发新的想法,让他们真正的用语言去交流。 当然,这堂课也有美中不足的地方。 在和学生互动环节,其中有个学生跟我分享他的 idea, 他认为 ST 可以向他的父母 告状,告诉他们他的哥哥对他的态度。就这这个问题我问他是否有一个哥哥,他回答 说自己有一个弟弟,接着我问他是否经常 refuse his brother to do something, 他的回答 是,而且他的弟弟就是向父母告状。然后我就结束了这次谈话。但是现在想来,我意 识到在这一环节我应该继续追问下去以后如何对待自己的弟弟。而这正是我本堂课的 一个教学目标。反思,我还是过于关注这堂课的流程环节,而忽略了真正的心灵成长。 所以,这将是我以后教学的一个重要关注点多关注学生,及时正取引导,散播正能 量。
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