人教版八下-Uuit 3 Could you please clean your room -Section A Grammar focus 4a—4c-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-省级优课-(编号:c0038).zip

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Unit 3 Could you please clean your room? Grammar focus4c 学案学案 (Boys and girls, could you please try your best to finish these tasks?) Task 1: Lets enjoy a video and complete the conversation! Girl: Could I have dinner now? Im hungry. Mom: Sorry, you cant. Please wait for some minutes. _me the salt? Girl: Yes. Here you are. Mom: Thank you. Could you please _? Girl: _. I cut my finger and Im trying not to get it wet. Mom: Be careful next time. Girl: Could you lend me some money? I want to buy some snacks. Mom: How much do you need? Girl: Twenty yuan. Mom: Here you are. Girl: Thank you. _your mobile phone? Mom: Sorry, you cant. Im watching how to cook fish. Girl: All right. Mom: Could you please_? Girl: _. Task2: Lets look and say! When you see such a classroom, how will you request your classmates to clean it up? 1. _ 2. _ 3. _ . Task 3: Lets speak together! Work in groups to have a discussion about your group preparation for the trip, then act it out. _ _ _ _ _. Task 4: Lets write! 动动手,写一写动动手,写一写 这个周末你们组要去野外露营, 你想请求你妈妈允许你去参加,同时要借她 的帐篷并且借些钱去超市买些食物和饮料。请你用委婉的语气和下面的提示词 给你妈妈写份留言。 this weekend, borrow your tent, lend me some money, food and drinks Dear Mom, _ _ _ _ _. Task 5: Lets have a summary! 1. 委婉而有礼貌地请求别人做某事:_ 肯定回答:_ 否定回答:_ 2. 礼貌地请求别人允许你做某事:_ 肯定回答:_ 否定回答:_ 教学课后反思 本节课是新目标八年级下册 Unit 3 Could you please clean your room? Grammar focus-4c,是一节语法课,主要是让学生总结如何 提出委婉的请求和征求别人的许可,即句型:Could you please.? 和 Could I .? 以及相应的答语。虽然是语法课,但这节课的设计并 没有讲解很多的规则,而是创设了三个主要的情境:家庭、学校、 课外活动。家庭的情境结合 4a 的句子看视频听对话;学校情境是 Free talk;课外活动是采用小组讨论和写作的形式。整节课通过听、 说、读、写让学生在真实的情境中使用目标语言,并且在情境教学 中融入思想情感教育。在实际教学中,学生思考积极、参与面广, 能进行归纳总结并运用目标语言进行交流,但表达能力还有待提高。 新目标新目标Go for it 八年级下册八年级下册 Could you please answer my questions loudly? Yes, sure./ Yes, I can. / No problem. / Certainly Sorry I cant Could you please be active in the class? Girl: Could I have dinner now? Im hungry. Mom: Sorry, you cant. Please wait for some minutes. _me the salt? Girl: Yes. Here you are. Mom: Thank you. Could you _? Girl: _. I cut my finger and Im trying not to get it wet. Mom: Be careful next time. Girl: Could you lend me some money? I want to buy some snacks. Mom: How much do you need? Girl: Twenty yuan. Mom: Here you are. Girl: Thank you. _your mobile phone? Mom: Sorry, you cant. Im watching how to cook fish. Girl: All right. Mom: Could you please_? Girl: _ Girl: Could I have dinner now? Im hungry. Mom: Sorry, you cant. Please wait for some minutes. _me the salt? Girl: Yes. Here you are. Mom: Thank you. Could you please _? Girl: _. I cut my finger and Im trying not to get it wet. Mom: Be careful next time. Girl: Could you lend me some money? I want to buy some snacks. Mom: How much do you need? Girl: Twenty yuan. Mom: Here you are. Girl: Thank you. _your mobile phone? Mom: Sorry, you cant. Im watching how to cook fish. Girl: All right. Mom: Could you please_? Girl: _. Could you please pass do the dishes No, I cant Could I borrow take out the rubbish No problem When you see such a classroom, how will you request your classmates to clean it up? What things do you need to prepare for the trip? tent sleeping bag flashlight lighter food and drinks . . . Could you please bring a tent ? ? Sure Could I take? Work in groups to have a discussion about your group preparation for the trip, then act it out. 这个周末你们组要去野外露营这个周末你们组要去野外露营, , 你想请求你妈妈允许你去参你想请求你妈妈允许你去参 加,同时要借她的帐篷并且借些钱去超市买些食物和饮料。加,同时要借她的帐篷并且借些钱去超市买些食物和饮料。 请你用委婉的语气和下面的提示词给你妈妈写份留言。请你用委婉的语气和下面的提示词给你妈妈写份留言。 this weekend, borrow your tent, lend me some money, food and drinks Dear Mom, _ _ _ _ _. 4 Choose one box and do the task in it. You can get different points for your group. No.3 No.4No.5 No.1 No.2 1.1.委婉而有礼貌的请求委婉而有礼貌的请求他人做某事他人做某事( (request):): 2.2.礼貌礼貌地地请求他人允许请求他人允许自己做某事自己做某事( (permission):): Its important to be a polite person in daily life! 1.Make polite requests to your teachers and ask them for permission. 2.Recite the sentences in grammar focus. Thank you Sweep the floor, Peter! (改成有礼貌的请求)改成有礼貌的请求) Could you please sweep the floor, Peter? 请你带着大家读请你带着大家读: : 1.-Could you please take the dog for a walk? -OK, but I want to watch one show first. 2. -Could I get something to drink after the movie? -No, you cant. You have a basketball game tomorrow. 当你到图书馆借一本书时,当你到图书馆借一本书时, 你会和图书管理员说:你会和图书管理员说: _ 你还可说:你还可说:_ Could I borrow this book? Could you lend me this book? -Could you please clean the living room, Tom? -Sorry, Mom, I _. Im doing my homework. A. cant B. mustnt C. neednt 当你请你的同学帮忙家庭作业时,当你请你的同学帮忙家庭作业时, 你会说:你会说: _ _ Could you please help me with my homework? .Teaching aims: 1.Knowledge aims: 1).Words and phrases:pass, finger, lend, borrow 2).Target language: .-Could you please .? -Yes, sure. / Yes, I can. / No problem. / Sorry, I cant . -Could I.? -Yes, you can. / Sure. /No, you cant 2. Ability aims: 1. Students will be able to make polite requests and ask permission politely in different situation. 2. Develop students summarizing skills. 3Emotional aims: Students will be polite and share chores in daily life. .Teaching important and key points: How to make polite requests and ask for permission. .Teaching methods:,创设情境法,创设情境法, 合作探究法合作探究法, 归纳总结法归纳总结法 .Teaching procedures: Step 1. Warming-up 1). Greet Ss as usual and divide them into two groups to PK. 2). T: Boys and girls in the class could you please answer my questions loudly? Ss: Yes, sure./ Yes, I can. / No problem. / Certainly/ Sorry I cant T: Could you please be active in the class? Ss: T: Thank you for your cooperation. S1, could I use your pencil? S1: Yes, here you are. Step 2. Lets watch a video and complete the conversation! 1). Ss look through the conversation quickly and watch the video. 2). Ss complete the conversation on the sheets. 3). Check the answers one by one. 4). Teacher ask Ss to distinguish the sentences that make requests and ask for permission.(板书) R: Could you please .? P: Could I ? Step 3. Lets look and say! 1). Show a picture of a classroom and ask if Ss like it or not. Then ask why they dont like it. 2). Give Ss two minutes to request different classmates to clean up the classroom. 3).Ask several Ss who they talk to and what they said just now. (T: I think we should not only clean up our classroom every day, but also keep it clean and tidy, do you think so?) Step 4. Lets speak together! 1).T: On weekdays, you all work hard at school, so do you want to have a relaxing weekend? Ss: Yes, of course. T: Do you want to have such a camping trip? (show the picture of the camping) Ss: Good idea. T: What things do we need to prepare for the camping trip? 2). Ss list what things they need to prepare. 3). Ss work in groups to have a discussion about the preparation for their camping trip. 4). Ask two groups to act out their discussion. (T: I want to remind you one thing: after the trip dont forget to take away the rubbish, we should protect our environment, remember it?) Step 5. Lets write! 1).Ss write a note on their sheets using the information: 这个周末你们组要去野外露营, 你想请求你妈妈允许你去参加, 同时要借她的帐篷并且借些钱去超市买些食物和饮料。请你用委婉 的语气和下面的提示词给你妈妈写份留言。 this weekend, borrow your tent, lend me some money, food and drinks Dear Mom, _ _ _. 2). Use the display instrument to show some Ss notes. Step 6. Lets play a game to do exercise! Ss choose one box and do the task in it, they can get different points for their groups. (超链接) 1Sweep the floor, Peter! (改成有礼貌的请求) Could you please sweep the floor, Peter? 2请你带着大家读: 1.-Could you please take the dog for a walk? -OK, but I want to watch one show first. 2. -Could I get something to drink after the movie ? -No, you cant.You have a basketball game tomorrow. 情境交际题:当你到图书馆借一本书时, 你会和图书管理员说:Could I borrow this book? 你还可说:Could you please lend me this book? 选择题-Could you please clean the living room, Tom? -Sorry, Mom, I _A_. Im doing my homework. A. cant B. mustnt C. neednt 情境交际题:当你请你的同学帮忙家庭作业时,你会说: Could you please help me with my homework? Step 7. Lets have a summary! 1) .委婉而有礼貌的请求他人做某事(request): A: Could you please +v. 原形? B: Yes, sure. / Yes, I can. / No problem Sorry, I cant 礼貌地请求他人允许自己做某事(permission): A: Could I +v. 原形.? B: Yes, you can. / SureNo, you cant 2) . Conclusion words: No matter we make requests or ask for permission we should be polite. Its important to be a polite person in daily life. Step 8. Homework. 1).Make a polite request to your teachers and ask them for a permission. 2).Recite the sentences in grammar focus ( check which group is the winner). .Blackboard design: Unit 3 Could you please clean your room? Grammar focus-4c A: Could you please? B: Yes, sure./ Yes, I can. / No problem. / Sorry, I cant. A: Could I ? B: Yes, you can. / Sure/ No, you cant.
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