辽宁师大版六下英语Unit 10 A family sports day-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:40031).doc

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1、单元教学设计单元教学设计 第十单元第十单元 Unit 10 A family sports day. 教材分析教材分析: 本单元室辽师大版快乐英语六年级下册第十单元。本单元的话题是谈 论有关活动、文体活动的简单描述。功能是用现在进行时描述人物的行 为, 通过本单元教学使学生熟练掌握表示人物行为方面的动词或动词短 语的运用;能用现在进行时描述此刻正在发生的事情;从中国历史小故 事中体会中华文明和古代人民的聪明智慧;培养学生热爱祖国得瑟情 感,增强民族自豪感。 教学目标教学目标: 一知识目标 1.表示任务行为方面的动词或动词短语的运用。 2.现在进行时的陈述句、疑问句及其回答。 二能力目标 1.能

2、用现在进行时描述此刻正在发生的事情。 2.能用现在进行时的疑问句对某人的行为提出疑问并做出回答。 3.能运用所学知识,在图片的帮助下,听懂、读懂本单元出现的小短文, 并按照要求完成任务。 4.能仿照课文内容与同伴进行信息交流与沟通。 5.能听、说、读、写本单元出现的动词和动词短语。 三情感、文化、策略目标 1.激励学生积极参与课堂活动,积极与他人合作,尊重他人。 2.从中国历史小故事中体会中华文明和古代人民的聪明智慧,培养学生 热爱祖国的情感,增强民族自豪感。 3.在阅读过程中学会根据图片及上下文猜测词义。 教学重点教学重点: 1.能够听、 说、 读、 写现在分词: having, jumpi

3、ng, doing, running ,taking 2.能听、 说、 读、 写重点句型 “Im doing Hes / Shes doing Whats he/ she doing? What are they / you doing?”等句型, 并能在实际情境中正确 使用。 3.能读懂、会说、会填写 Read, write and say 中的内容。 教学策略:教学策略: 通过图片提示,运用所给单词,完成短文填写任务的方式对现在进行时 进行复习,也可以鼓励学生将课文进行改变,以提高写作能力。利用情 境或肢体语言来帮助学生理解。 教师再准备一些图片或者安排几个真实 情景让学生练习。同时以小组

4、讨论的方式培养学生的合作能力。 单元备课主要学习内容单元备课主要学习内容: 课时分配:课时分配: 第一课时:1. Read, write and say 6. Look, think and write 第二课时:2. Read, and put the pictures in order 4. A guessing game 第三课时:3. Look, write and say 5.Look and write 7. Reward time 教学教学 目标目标 Aims on the knowledge: To master the four-skill words “having, do

5、ing, running, taking, clapping, reporting, giving” and so on: To master the important sentences” Im doing Hes / Shes doing Theyre / Were doing” and use them in the real situations; To understand and speak “Read, write and say”. Aims on the abilities: To use present progressive to describe what is ha

6、ppening; To train the ability of working in groups. Aims on the emotion: Encouraging the students to participate in classroom activities actively. 教学教学 重点重点 To use present progressive to describe what is happening. 教学教学 难点难点 To use the important sentences skillfully. 核心核心 问题问题 To use present progres

7、sive to describe what is happening in real situations. 教学教学 方法方法 “Situational” Teaching Method 教学教学 环节环节 教学内容及教师活动教学内容及教师活动学生活动学生活动设计意图设计意图 Step1 (5) Warming up 1.Greetings. T: Hello, everyone! How are you today? Ss: Hello, teacher! Im fine, thank you. 2.Free talk T: What time do you get up / go to

8、school? Ss: I 3.PPTshowsthewords“have-having, Greetingto each other. Freetalkto reviewthe knowledge. Read after the teacher. 通过对日常 活动进行提 问,复习所 学,了解学 生的知识储 备情况。 PPT 复习单 词,吸引学 jump-jumping, do-doing, run-running, take-taking” 生注意力。 Step2 16 Presentation and drills 1. T: Today lets meet a new family. L

9、ead the Ss to describe the picture. “What can you see in the picture? Where are they? What are they doing?” Write the questions and answers on the blackboard. 2. Show the words in “Word Bank” 3. Lead the Ss to fill in the blanks by using the words in “Word Bank”. 4. Check the answers. Encourage the

10、Ss by “Excellent!” Pay attention to the meaning and writing of “do Tai Chi”. 5. Play the recorder to read the text. Correct the wrong pronunciation. 6. Lead the Ss to recite the text. Lookatthe picture. Describethe picture. Readthe sentences after the teacher. Readand discussin groups. Read and fill

11、 in the blanks. Discussand checkthe answers. Read the text after the tape. Try to recite. 通过情景和 图片的方式 展示新单词 和新句型, 给学生一种 耳目一新的 感觉,同时 更易理解和 记忆。 学生自主探 究,完成任 务。 教师时常给 予 学 生 肯 定,激发学 生学习的积 极性。 听音跟读, 培养学生听 说能力。 培养学生综 合运用语言 的能力。 Step3 16 Consolidation 1.A guessing game. Playthegametopracticethenew sentences

12、“Whatshe/shedoing?Hes/ Shes ” 2.Make funny sentences. Divide the Ss into four groups. Show four boxes. Write the words and sentences on the paper. Then fill them into the boxes. At last, make funny sentences. 3. Lead the Ss to complete “Look, think and write”. Taking out of the photos. Play the game

13、 to practice the sentences. Play the game ingroups. Consolidate thenew knowledge. Describeand writethem down. 利用游戏的 方式吸引学 生 的 注 意 力,把新句 型融入到游 戏中来,让 学生在愉快 的同时巩固 了新知。 训练学生书 写的能力。 Step4 3 Summary 1. Ask several Ss to sum up what we have learnt today. 2. Ask the Ss to recite the main knowledge. 3. Homew

14、ork: a. Read the part of “Read, write and say” skillfully. b.Try to describe your favorite photo. Sum up. Completethe homework. 学生总结, 了解学生对 只是掌握的 情况。 板板 书书 设设 计计 Unit 10 A family sports day. Q1: What can you see in the picture? Q2: Where are they? Q3: What are they doing? 反反 思思 升升 华华 课题课题 Unit10 A f

15、amily sports day. 课型课型New课时课时2 教学教学 目标目标 Aims on the knowledge: To master the four-skill phrases “have an idea, weigh the stones, this way, makeamark”andusethemcorrectly;Tomastertheimportant sentence“Hes doing” and use them in real situations; To understand and speak“Read and put the pictures in ord

16、er”. Aims on the abilities: Using the pictures to understand and speak the story; To train the ability of working in groups. Aims on the emotion: To train the Ss to love the motherland. 教学教学 重点重点 To understand the story and complete the task. 教学教学 难点难点 To use present progressive skillfully in real s

17、ituations. 核心核心 问题问题 To use present progressive to describe what is happening. 教学教学 方法方法 “Situational and Task-base” Teaching Method 教学教学 环节环节 教学内容及教师活动教学内容及教师活动学生活动学生活动设计意图设计意图 Step1 (5) Warming up 4.Greetings. 5.Show some photos. Let the Ss chose and describe. 6.Play the recorder. Enjoy the song “

18、What Are You Doing?” Greetingto each other. Choseand describe. Sing the song together. 口语练习, 复习已学知 识。 利用英文歌 曲,营造轻 松愉快的教 学气氛。 Step2 16 Presentation and drills 1.Show the pictures of “Read and put the pictures in order”. 2.Teach the new words and phrases “bank, weigh the stones, this way, put stones i

19、nto the boat, weight” Correct the wrong pronunciation. 3.Write the important words and phrases on the blackboard. Practice in different ways. 4.Let the Ss underline the present participle of the verb and write down the base form. 5.Let the Ss read and put the pictures in order themselves first. Then

20、 discuss and answer. 6.Read the text. Practice reading in different ways. Read the text and guess the meaning. Readand learn the new wordsand phrases. Readand write. Checkthe answer. Think, discuss and answer. Read the text. 学生通过图 片感知,默 读课文的方 式猜测短文 内 容 及 词 义,培养学 生自主探究 的能力。 运用多种方 式 练 习 新 知,避免枯 燥乏味。 小

21、组合作讨 论的方式完 成 排 序 任 务。培养学 生 合 作 意 识。 Step3 16 Consolidation 1.A guessing game. Divide the Ss into several groups. Have a race to play the game. 2.Look and say. Show some answer “What is he/she doing? What are they doing? He/She is /They are” Play the game in the class. Lookatthe pictures.Ask and answ

22、er. 通过游戏和 小组比赛的 方式进行巩 固练习,激 发学生学习 兴 趣 的 同 时,加深对 所学知识的 印象。 Step4 3 Summary 1. Ask several Ss to sum up what we have learnt today. 2. Ask the Ss to recite the main knowledge. 3. Homework: a. Read the part of “Read and put the pictures in order” b.Describeaphotowiththepresent progressive. Sum up. Compl

23、etethe homework. 学生总结, 锻炼学生的 总结能力并 巩固所学知 识点。 板板 书书 设设 计计 Unit 10 A family sports day. put puttinglead leading weigh weighingmake making have an ideaweigh the stonesmake a mark 反反 思思 升升 华华 课题课题 Unit10 A family sports day. 课型课型New课时课时3 教学教学 目标目标 Aims on the knowledge: To master the four-skill words “c

24、amping, fishing, wearing, taking, playing, climbing, swimming, eating, singing, lying”; To master the important sentences“He/She is doingThey are doing” and use them in real situations; To understand and finish “Look and write” correctly. Aims on the abilities: To train the ability of using language

25、. Aims on the emotion: To guide the Ss to communicate with others in English and experience the fun of learning English. 教学教学 重点重点 To master and use the important sentences. 教学教学 难点难点 To master and use the important sentences skillfully. 核心核心 问题问题 To use present progressive to describe what is happe

26、ning. 教学教学 方法方法 “Situational and Task-base” Teaching Method 教学教学 环节环节 教学内容及教师活动教学内容及教师活动学生活动学生活动设计意图设计意图 Step1 (5) Warming up 7.Greetings. 8.Sing an English song “What Are You Doing?” Greetingto each other. Sing the song. Imagineand saywiththe present 通过欢快的 歌曲创设愉 悦的课堂氛 围。 用“想象游 9.Lead-in with “imagi

27、nary play”. T: Close your eyes. Now you are in a zoo. What can you see? What are they doing? progressive.戏”引入本 课,激发学 生求知欲。 Step2 16 Presentation and drills 1.Show the pictures of “Look, write and say” T: What can you see in the picture? What are doing? 2.Divide the Ss into four groups. Have a race t

28、o complete the task of “Look, write and say”. 3.Show the pictures of “Look, write and say”. Ask and answer. Then practice the sentences. 4.Show the picture of “Look and write”. Lead the Ss to complete. Check the answers in class. Lookand answer with “I cansee someThey are” Look, write and say. Pract

29、icethe sentences. Readand complete. Checkthe answers. 利用图片引 出新句型, 更直观,易 理解。 比赛的形式 激发学生竞 争意识的同 时,加深对 所学知识的 印象。 训练学生的 观察力和运 用语言的能 力。 Step3 16 Consolidation 1.A guessing game. Show some photos. Ask and answer with “What is it/ he/ she (are they) doing?” 2.Expanding sentence game: Eg: I am swimming. I a

30、m swimming happily. I am swimming happily in a pond. Lookand answer. Play and say. 设计各种游 戏,使学生 在游戏的同 时,巩固知 识,达到寓 教于乐的效 果。 Step4Summary 31. Ask several Ss to sum up what we have learnt today. 2. Ask the Ss to recite the main knowledge. 3. Homework: a. Read the part of “Look and write”. b. Write the important words and phrases. Sum up. Completethe homework. 学生总结, 锻炼学生的 总结能力并 巩固所学知 识点。 板板 书书 设设 计计 Unit 10 A family sports day. campingfishingwearing takingplayingclimbing swimmingeatingsinging 反反 思思 升升 华华


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