教科版(广州)六下Module 1 Stories-Unit 2 Waiting for another hare-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:c5efd).zip

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义务教育教科书英语(广州版)义务教育教科书英语(广州版) 六年级六年级下下册册 ModuleModule 1 1 StorieStories s Period 1 Lets guess. What story is this? Lets learn. The man is waiting for a bus. wait for hare rabbit Lets learn. Look and say. Waiting for Another Hare is a story about a _ and a _.harefarmer Listen and number. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Read and order. All day long he sat in the field and waited for a hare to appear. One day a farmer was working in the field. Suddenly a hare ran very fast and crashed into a tree. It fell to the ground and died. The farmer picked up the hare and took it back home. He cooked it and had a delicious meal. From then on, the farmer stopped working. (7) All day long he sat in the fields and waited for a hare to appear. (1) One day a farmer was working in the field. (2) Suddenly a hare ran very fast and crashed into a tree. (3) It fell to the ground and died. (4) The farmer picked up the hare and took it back home. (5) He cooked it and had a delicious meal. (6) From then on, the farmer stopped working. Read and check. Read and answer. (1) How did the hare die? (2) What did the farmer do with the hare? (3) Why did the farmer sit in the field all day? (4) What happened to the farmers vegetables and animals? (5) What did you learn from this story? Do you think the farmer could pick up another hare? Lets read and know more details, please underline the key sentences. (1) How did the hare die? Read and answer. The hare _and _ a tree. It _ and_. ran very fast crashed into fell to the ground died Do not brake(刹车刹车)suddenly, the car behind may crash into you. Lets learn. (2) What did the farmer do with the hare? Read and answer. The farmer _ the hare and _. He _ it and _. picked up took it back home cookedhad a delicious meal Read and answer. (3) Why did the farmer sit in the field all day? Because he wanted to _ another hare to _. wait forappear Read and answer. (4) What happened to the farmers vegetables and animals? All his vegetables died. All his animals ran away. Lets discuss. What can we learn from this story DontDont waitwait forfor anotheranother hare.hare. GoGo forfor it!it! NoNo pains,pains, nono gains!gains! What should the farmer do if he wanted to get another hare? Lets read. Read by following the tape. Read in groups. Read together. Lets correct. One day a farmer was working in the garden. Suddenly a cat ran very fast and crashed into a car. It fell to the river and died. field hare treeground The farmer was very excited. He washed the hare and took it back home. He saved it and fed it a delicious meal. happypicked up had cooked “ Working in the garden every day is hard work. But feeding a hare is so easy ,”he said to his wife. Lets correct. in the field pickinghimself From now on, the farmer started working. All day long he sat in his garden and waited for a cat to appear. thenstopped field hare All his trees died. All his animals went away. And the other hare never came. So the farmer had nothing to do. vegetablesran another eat Dont be like the _. Dont_ another hare. _! wait for farmer Go for it Lets learn. Lets recite. One day a farmer was _. Suddenly a hare _ and _ a tree. It_ and died. working in the field crashed into ran very fast fell to the ground Lets recite. The farmer was _. He_ and _. He cooked it and _ _. picked up the hare took it back home had a delicious meal happy Lets retell. “ _ every day is hard work. But _ a hare is so easy ,”he said to himself. Working in the field picking up Lets retell. _, the farmer _. _ he sat in the field and _ a hare to appear. From then on stopped working All day long waited for All his vegetables _. All his animals _. And _ never came. So the farmer had _. Lets retell. diedran away another hare nothing to eat Dont be like the _. Dont_ another hare. _! wait for farmer Go for it Lets retell. Retell the story. working in the fieldcrashed into a tree fell to the ground picked up the hare took it home had a delicious meal from then on stopped working all day long waited for go for it ran away had nothing to eat Lets practise. Write down the past tense of the following words. run- take- fall- have- say- sit- come- pick- crash- cook- wait- stop- die- ran took fell had said sat came picked crashed cooked waited stopped died Lets practise. Working in the field every day is hard work. But picking up a hare is so easy. Saying is easy, but doing is hard work. Playing the piano is esay for me, but practising it every day is so hard. Make your own sentences: _. Lets practise. From then on, the farmer stopped working. The baby stopped crying when his mum came. Stop talking. Its time for class. Make your own sentences: _. Lets practise. So the farmer had nothing to eat. He is so bored because he has nothing to do now. Im so thirsty, but there is nothing to drink. Make your own sentences: _. Homework. 1. Listen and read the text; 2. Look at the pictures and try to retell the story in your own words. 课题 U2 waiting for another hare.1 新授课执教者 教 材 分 析 本课承接第一课的一个寓言故事,进行了寓言故事的正式学习。因为寓言故事 都是过去发生的故事,所以都使用一般过去时。 ,但是引号里的语言要另当别论。 目 标 表 达 (知识、技能和情感目标) 1、 “四会”掌握单词和词组 2、掌握句型:stop doing sth. 3、能用正确的语音语调朗读课文。中上生要求能背诵课文,中下生要提示词下 背诵或重现课文。 4、通过本节课的学习,提高学生的学习兴趣和参与课堂活动的积极性,养成良 好的学习习惯。 5、no pains, no gains.培养学生通过努力去实现自己的目标,任何投机取巧 都是不可取的!用社会主义核心价值观指导自己的方向。 学生已掌 握了什么 1、 本科生词不算生,有部分单词在五年级已经学过。 2、 已经了解了过去时的使用环境。学 情 分 析学生还未 掌握什么 1、寓言故事的故事开头方式,语言故事的一般过去式和引号 里的特殊时态要区别。 2、本课句型 stop doing sth 3、新单词的记忆和课文的朗读; 重 点 1、本课单词和课文的朗读 2、本课短语和句型:crash into Fall to Pick up From then on. Stop doing. Have nothing to eat. 难 点 Stop doing Have nothing to eat/ say/drink/ 方 法 手 段 ppt 教学过程 (主要教学流程、重难点处理过程与方法、教学亮点/精彩片段) 四个环节设计意图 和达成目标的表述 教学过程(教师教什么、怎么教?)学生学习过程(学生学什么、 怎么学?) 预习质疑 1、科代表组织课 前纪律,读书,能 唤起学生的回忆, 让学生集中注意力, 做好课前的准备。 2、由 T-P 会话引 出学习知识。 一、热身、复习 Revision 展示本课的学习目标。 学生课前读书,听清本课的 学习目标,以导学习活动。 分层导学 1、检查个别预背 诵课文的效果,起 到榜样作用。 2、利用多种形式 操练课文,达到熟 透课文的层次。 二、呈现 Presentation 1、. 放课文录音,留意停顿及连读课文录音,留意停顿及连读 并用符号标示出来。并用符号标示出来。 2 2、让学生模仿录音熟读课文,特别、让学生模仿录音熟读课文,特别 是划线及标示部分要多读。是划线及标示部分要多读。 3、把学生分成一对一的形式。 展示关键词。 1、 跟读课文,纠正自己的 发音。 2、 自己试读课文,寻找朗 读难点,举手等候老师 和同学的帮助。 3、 和组长一起读,尽快熟 悉课文的读法。 4、 4、尝试使用黑板的关 键词进行课文复读。 练习交流 1.划出重点、难点, 学生尝试解释。如 果无法理解,老师 进行及时帮助。 归纳巩固:老师等候学生的质疑,并 板书黑板上。由学生逐一解答。如果 无法解答,由老师解答。1、 学生提出自己在学习文 章中的疑问。 2、 认真听别个同学和老师 的讲解。 反思提升 通过口头语言表达 来反思。 五、小结 老师写下本课的寓言意义:no pains, no gains. 学生回顾目标,检查自己 本节课的学习所得和需要课 后补充内容。并记忆本课的 寓言意义:no pains, no gains. 课后安排1、背诵课文。 2、抄写本课新单词,准备明天听写。
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