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1、西南大学培训与继续教育学院 课程代码:0089学年学季:20211 单项选择题单项选择题 1 1、WhichWhich companycompany isis thethe largestlargest E-businessE-business dominatordominator inin China?(China?( ) ) 1.PDD 2.Alibaba 3.Tencent 4.JD 2 2、A A VPNVPN isis physicallyphysicallybutbut virtuallyvirtually。 1.none of the above 2.public; hybrid

2、 3.private; public 4.public; private 3 3、( () ) isis a a softwaresoftware systemsystem basedbased onon graphics,graphics, whichwhich cancan runrun underunder MS-DOSMS-DOS 1.mouse 2.windows 3.os 4.office 4 4、TheThe mostmost importantimportant systemsystem softwaresoftware programprogram isis thethe (

3、 () ) 1.application software 2.operating system 3.word processor 4.database management system 5 5、TheThe mostmost commoncommon inputinput devicesdevices areare thethe mousemouse andand thethe ( () ) 1.monitor 2.keyboard 3.display screen 4.printer 6 6、TheThe ( ( ) ) isis thethe partpart ofof thethe c

4、omputercomputer wherewhere programsprograms andand datadata areare stored.stored. 1.CU 2.CPU 3.Memory 4.Input device 7 7、AIAI cancannotnot applyapply forfor thethe followingfollowing field(field( ) ) 1.gave birth tobaby 2.Computer vision 3.Auto driving 4.Natural language processing 8 8、ByBy adding(a

5、dding()to)to youryour programs,programs, youyou cancan makemake computerscomputers moremore interestinginteresting andand muchmuch moremore funfun forfor thethe user.user. 1.Picture 2.Text 3.Multimedia 4.Music 9 9、WormWorm spreadspread itselfitself exceptexcept byby ( ( ) ) 1.hardware 2.email 3.prog

6、ram work 1010、FollowingsFollowings areare somesome imageimage datadata filefile formats,formats, whichwhich isis wrong?(wrong?() ) 1.*.bmp 2.*.gif 3.*.tif 4.*.doc 1111、TheThe purposepurpose ofof thethe ( () ) isis toto provideprovide fullyfully integratedintegrated analoganalog servicesservices toto

7、 users.users. 1.E. WWW 2.ISDN 3.HTTP 4.FTP 1212、( () ) refersrefers toto anyany machinemachine capablecapable ofof representingrepresenting informationinformation fromfrom a a computercomputer 1.output device 2.storage 3.cpu 4.input device 1313、( () ) isis a a wordword processingprocessing tooltool

8、thatthat helpshelps youyou toto createcreate qualityquality documents.documents. 1.Word 2.Access 3.Outlook 4.Excel 1414、thethe corecore elementelement ofof thethe firstfirst generationgeneration computercomputer isis asas follows:(follows:( ) ) 1.IC 2.Vacuum tube 3.Electronictube 4.Chip 1515、A(n)A(n

9、) ( (),also),also calledcalled a a datadata bus,bus, connectsconnects thethe partsparts ofof thethe CPUCPU totethertotether 1.serial port 2.bus line 3.PCI 4.parallel port 1616、A(A()copy)copy isis a a copycopy ofof a a currentcurrent filefile mademade inin orderorder toto protectprotect aganistaganis

10、t lossloss oror damagedamage 1.file 2.soft 3.hard 4.backup 1717、wordword processing,processing, ofof course,course, reliesrelies onon thethe perhapsperhaps thethe mostmost basicbasic computercomputer ( ():): thethe keyboardkeyboard 1.input device 2.CPU 3.output device 4.storage 1818、TheseThese progr

11、amsprograms guardguard youryour computercomputer aganistaganist maliciousmalicious programsprograms thatthat maymay invadeinvade youryour computercomputer system(system( ) ) 1.antivirus program 2.backup program 3.trobleshooting program 4.file compression program 1919、(、()isis anan electronicelectron

12、ic paymentpayment systemsystem developeddeveloped byby Dr.DavidDr.David Chaum,Chaum, whowho isis widelywidely regardedregarded asas anan inventorinventor ofof digitaldigital cash.cash. 1.DigiCash 2.E-cash 3.A and B 4.A or B 2020、GernallyGernally softwaresoftware cancan bebe divideddivided intointo t

13、wotwo types:types: softwaresoftware systemsystem andand ( () ) systemsystem 1.DOS 2.hardware 3.application 4.windows 2121、TheThe acronymacronym DBMSDBMS standsstands forfor what?()what?() 1.databasemanagement system 2.double-blind managment setup 3.document binder managment system 4.data binding and

14、 marketing structure 2222、ManyMany individualsindividuals createcreate theirtheir ownown personalpersonal sitessites calledcalled WebWeb logslogs oror ( () ) 1.buds 2.blogs 3.fellows 4.flobs 2323、WhichWhich oneone isis notnot a a computercomputer languages?(languages?( ) ) 1.C 2.C+ 3.Python 4.word 2

15、424、PrimaryPrimary memorymemory whichwhich isis storedstored onon chipschips locatedlocated ( () ) 1.on the motherboard 2.on the CPU 3.outside 4.inside the processor 2525、WindowsWindows givesgives youyou moremore controlcontrol overover thethe ( () ) youryour work.work. 1.Way 2.Wisdom 3.Energy 4.Ope

16、ration 2626、VirusVirus isis a a ( () ) 1.Beast 2.Program 3.Bad man 4.Computer 2727、The(The() ) isis thethe smallestsmallest unitunit onon a a diskdisk whenwhen a a computercomputer writeswrites thethe datadata toto thethe disk.disk. 1.Cluster 2.Sector 3.DISK 4.Track 2828、thethe origionorigion ofof I

17、nternetInternet isis from?(from?( ) ) 1.WAN 2.LAN 3.ARPNET 4.LRN 2929、A A commoncommon termterm thatthat describesdescribes thethe combinationcombination ofof traditionaltraditional computercomputer andand communicationcommunication technologiestechnologies isis ( () ) 1.information technology puter

18、 competency 3.management of information system 4.information superhighway 3030、TheThe satndardsatndard protocolprotocol forfor thethe InternetInternet isis ( ( ) ) 1.B. DSL 2.OSI 3.TCP/IP 4.RS-232C 3131、(、( ) refersrefers toto datadata storagestorage equipmentequipment thatthat allowsallows thethe s

19、toredstored datadata ttotto bebe accessedaccessed radomlyradomly ratherrather thanthan justjust inin sequencesequence 1.rom 2.magnetic tapes 3.random access memory 4.disks 判断题判断题 3232、StoreageStoreage devicesdevices compreisecompreise twotwo type:type: mainmain memorymemory andand hardhard memorymem

20、ory 1.A. 2.B. 3333、O2OO2O ModelModel refersrefers toto onlineonline toto offlineoffline 1.A. 2.B. 3434、CD-ROMCD-ROM isis rewritablerewritable 1.A. 2.B. 3535、JackJack MaMa isis thethe founderfounder ofof AlibabaAlibaba GroupGroup 1.A. 2.B. 3636、WeWe cancan useuse multimediamultimedia inin Education,E

21、ducation, EntertainmentEntertainment andand andand soso on.on. 1.A. 2.B. 3737、A A successfulsuccessful testtest isis toto exhibitexhibit thethe absenceabsence ofof errorserrors inin thethe programsprograms beingbeing testedtested 1.A. 2.B. 3838、TheThe founderfounder ofof TeslaTesla isis SteveSteve J

22、obsJobs 1.A. 2.B. 3939、HomeHome pagespages forfor a a WebWeb useruser oror a a WebWeb sitesite developerdeveloper havehave thethe samesame meanings.meanings. 1.A. 2.B. 4040、TheThe homehome pagepage displayeddisplayed onon a a WebWeb browserbrowser isis usuallyusually prestedprested byby thethe brows

23、erbrowser manufacturermanufacturer 1.A. 2.B. 4141、JackJack MaMa isis thethe founderfounder ofof JD.COMJD.COM 1.A. 2.B. 4242、Ubber,Ubber, APPLE,APPLE, INTELINTEL andand GoogleGoogle areare thethe BigBig 4 4 TechTech 1.A. 2.B. 4343、VirusesViruses cancan causecause programsprograms crashingcrashing but

24、but cantcant causecause entireentire hardhard diskdisk deletingdeleting 1.A. 2.B. 4444、ISDNISDNdoesdoes notnot includeinclude thatthat elementelement thatthat providesprovides oneone kindkind ofof serviceservice 1.A. 2.B. 4545、AlphaGoAlphaGo isis anan sucessfulsucessful AIAIresultresult 1.A. 2.B. 46

25、46、RAMRAM cancan storestore datadata permantelypermantely 1.A. 2.B. 4747、TCP/IPTCP/IP isis importantimportant protocolprotocol forfor InternetInternet 1.A. 2.B. 4848、WhenWhen youyou sendsend anan emailemail youyou shouldshould provideprovide thethe senderssenders emailemail addressaddress 1.A. 2.B.

26、4949、WithWith thethe developmentdevelopment ofof computer,computer, thethe physicalphysical sizesize ofof storeagestoreage devicedevice hashas oftenoften becomebecome biggerbigger andand biggerbigger 1.A. 2.B. 5050、AlibabaAlibabaisis onlyonly operatedoperated inin ChinaChina 1.A. 2.B. 5151、YourYour

27、computercomputer usesuses twotwo typestypes ofof memory:memory: primaryprimary meorymeory andand secondarysecondary memorymemory 1.A. 2.B. 5252、JDJD isis thethe largestlargest ChineseChinese E-commerceE-commerce companiescompanies 1.A. 2.B. 5353、MemoryMemory isis thethe heartheart ofof computercompu

28、ter systemsystem 1.A. 2.B. 5454、YouYou havehave toto enterenter oror selectselect WebWeb addressesaddresses everyevery timetime withwith a a blankblank spacespace onon youryour WebWeb browserbrowser 1.A. 2.B. 主观题主观题 5555、ComputerComputer memorymemory isis divideddivided intointo mainmain (or(or prim

29、ary)primary) memorymemory andand ( ()memory)memory 参考答案:参考答案: auxiliary (or secondary) 5656、PleasePlease translatetranslate thethe followingfollowing intointo ChineseChinese GoogleGoogle reorganizedreorganized itselfitself inin AugustAugust 20152015 toto becomebecome a a subsidiarysubsidiary ofof th

30、ethe holdingholding companycompany AlphabetAlphabet Inc.Inc. InternetInternet search,search, advertising,advertising, apps,apps, andand maps,maps, asas wellwell asas thethe mobilemobile operatingoperating systemsystem AndroidAndroid andand thethe video-sharingvideo-sharing sitesite YouTube,YouTube,

31、remainedremained underunder Google.Google. 参考答案:参考答案: Google 于 2015 年 8 月进行了重组,成为控股公司 Alphabet Inc.的子公司。互联网搜索,广告,应用程序和地图以及移动操作系统 Android 和视频共享网站 YouTube 仍归 Google 所有。 5757、PleasePlease translatetranslate thethe followingfollowing intointo ChineseChinese Database,Database, alsoalso calledcalled elect

32、ronicelectronic database,database, anyany collectioncollection ofof data,data, oror information,information, thatthat isis speciallyspecially organizedorganized forfor rapidrapid searchsearch andand retrievalretrieval byby a a computercomputer 参考答案:参考答案: 数据库,也称为电子数据库,是专门为计算机的快速搜索和检索而组织的任何数据或信息集合 585

33、8、PleasePlease translatetranslate thethe followingfollowing intointo ChineseChinese MagneticMagnetic tape,tape, similarsimilar toto thethe tapetape usedused inin tapetape recorders,recorders, hashas alsoalso beenbeen usedused forfor auxiliaryauxiliary storage,storage, primarilyprimarily forfor archi

34、vingarchiving datadata 参考答案:参考答案: 与磁带录音机中使用的磁带类似,磁带也已用于辅助存储,主要用于归档数据 5959、PleasePlease translatetranslate thethe followingfollowing intointo EnglishEnglish WebWeb 浏览器(通常称为浏览器)是一种用于访问万维网上的信息的软件应用程序浏览器(通常称为浏览器)是一种用于访问万维网上的信息的软件应用程序 参考答案:参考答案: A web browser (commonly referred to as a browser) is a soft

35、ware application for accessing information on the World Wide Web 6060、PleasePlease translatetranslate thethe followingfollowing intointo EnglishEnglish 大多数辅助存储设备(例如大多数辅助存储设备(例如 CD-ROMCD-ROM 和和 DVDDVD 驱动器,闪存驱动器和外部磁盘驱动器)也可用作输入驱动器,闪存驱动器和外部磁盘驱动器)也可用作输入/ /输出设备输出设备 参考答案:参考答案: Most secondary storage devices (such as CD-ROM and DVD drives, flash drives and external disk drives) can also be used as input / output devices


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