九年级英语Unit 12 Life is full of the unexpected(Section A 1a-2d)教案-新版人教新目标版.doc

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1、=【 ;精品教育资源文库 】 = Unit 12 Life is full of the unexpected. Section A 1a 2d 一、【教材分析】 教 学 目 标 知识 目标 1. 能听、说、读、写 下列 词汇 : unexpected, backpack, oversleep-overslept-overslept, ring-rang-rung 2. 能正确使用 下列 常用表达 : by the time, go off, wake up, put on, rush out, give? a lift, at least, be full of 3. 能掌握并熟练运用下列重

2、点句式,谈论过去发生的事情: ( 1) By the time I got up, my brother had already gotten in the shower. ( 2) But before I got to the bus stop, the bus had already left. ( 3) Well, at least by the time you got to school, you were only five minutes late for class. 能力 目标 通过学习 1a-2d, 了解过去完成时,并运用目标语言谈论 过去发生的事情,特别是意想不到的事情

3、。 情感 目标 通过本课的学习,学会合理安排时间,养成良好的学习习惯,增强做事的计划性。 教学重点 熟练运用所学句型谈论过去发生的事情。 教学难点 能正确使用有 when、 by the time 等引导的时间状语从句表示过去发生的事情。 教学方法 情景教学法;任务型教学法 二、【教学流程】 环节 师生活动 二次备课 I. 复习 热身 1. 检查生词预习。 1). Preview the new words. ? Students read new words by themselves. ? Read and remember new words. 2). 在学生预习单词的基础上完成下列练习

4、: 根据汉语完成句子 (1). 走的时候我会叫醒你。 I ll_ _ _when it s time to =【 ;精品教育资源文库 】 = leave. (2). John 顺便用车送我回家。 John _ _ _ _ home. (3). 至少要花费 100 万美元。 It would cost 1 million dollars _ _ . (4). 我的闹钟出毛病了,它没有响。 Something was wrong with my alarm clock and it didn t _ _. (5). 他穿上大衣走了出去。 He_ _ his coat and went out. 答

5、案: (1) wake you up (2)gave me a lift (3)at least (4) go off (5) put on 2. Free talk: ? What do you usually do in the morning before school? ? Do you like mornings? Why or why not? ? Are you ever late for school? What happened? II. 感知 体验 1. PPT 呈现图片, let students look at the pictures and discuss what

6、 happened in the past. 1)I overslept. 2)The bus left. I missed the bus. 3)The bus was too crowded to get on. 4)I left my backpack at home. Teacher says “ Life is full of the unexpected.” Learn the new word “ unexpected” . 2. 1a Have students look at the five pictures and guess what happened to Mary.

7、 Teacher gives the key words to help students understand the pictures. 1) wake up late =【 ;精品教育资源文库 】 = 2) use the bathroom but someone in it 3) catch the bus 4) had just left 5) get to school, realize ? had left ? Give students some time to prepare. Then ask some students to describe the pictures.

8、III. 强化 巩固 1. Activities 1b1c (1) Listen to Mary talking about her morning. Complete the sentences. Before listening, go through the three sentences. Answers: 1.had, gotten 2. Had, left 3.had left After checking the answers, ask students to read the sentences carefully, and then tell the structure o

9、f past perfect tense: “ had+过去分词 ” . 过去完成时用法: ( 1)构成:由助动词 had(用于各种人称和数) +过去分词 ” 构成 否定式: had not+过去分词 ( 2)用法: 过去完成时表示在过去某一时间或动 作之前已经发生或完成了的动作或状态。 ( 3)它所表示的动作发生的时间是 “ 过去的过去 ” ,表示过去某一时间可用 by , before 等短语来表示,也可用 when, before等引导的时间状语从句来表示。 例如: By the time I came in, Tom had written his name on the blackb

10、oard. =【 ;精品教育资源文库 】 = 当我进来时,汤姆已经把他的名字写在黑板上了。 When I got there, you had already eaten your meal. 当我到达那里时,你已 经开始吃了。 练习: 1.By the time I got up, my mother _ already _ (cook) breakfast yesterday morning. 2.When Jack got home, his sister _(wash) the clothes. (2) Role-play Look at the pictures in 1a and

11、talk about what happened to Mary this morning. A: Hi, Mary. You look so tired. B: I am. I had a bad morning. A:Really? What happened? B:. 2. Activities 2a 2b 2c Before listening: Look at the four pictures in 2a; guess what happened next? While listening 1).Listen to the tape for the first time and f

12、inish 2a. Listen to Mary continue her story. Number the pictures 1-4 in the correct order. Answers: 右上 1 左下 2 左上 3 右下 4 2).Listen to the tape for the second time and finish 2b. Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets. Then listen again and check your answers. Answers: 1. g

13、ot, had left 2. got, had rung 3. walked, had started After listening 3).Work on 2c Teacher: Make up an ending for the story and share it with your partner. Sample: The teacher looked at Mary and asked her if she had =【 ;精品教育资源文库 】 = finished the homework. Mary told her the unexpected things she met

14、with this morning but they sounded like excuses to the teacher. Therefore, Mary was asked to finish the homework in the class. What an unforgettable day it was for Mary. 3. Activity 2d Role-play the conversation. 1).Listen to the conversation for the first time, and then answer the questions. What h

15、appened to Kevin today? Why was Kevin late for school? How did Kevin get to school? 2). Listen again and fill in the chart. Alarm clock Time to wake up So The bus How to get to school 8:00 put on? not? brush? had already left Carl s dad kept sleeping Check the answers together. 3). Ask students to t

16、alk about Kevin according to the chart. 4).Pair work. Role-play the conversation in 2d. IV. 实践 应用 1. Group work Look at the nine pictures in 1a and 2a, and then retell the whole story about Mary . 2. Writing According to Mary s and Kevin s stories, make up your own story, and write it down using the

17、 following words and phrases. =【 ;精品教育资源文库 】 = By the time, when, go off, wake up, realize, oversleep, give? a lift V. 总结 反馈 1. 结合板书 和课件 , 归纳所学词汇用法 。 1)words 2) phrases 2. 结合板书 和课件 , 归纳过去完成时的构成及用法。 过去完成时用法: ( 1)构成:由助动词 had(用于各种人称和数) +过去分词 ” 构成 否定式: had not+过去分词 ( 2)用法: 过去完成时表 示在过去某一时间或动作之前已经发生或完成了的动

18、作或状态。 ( 3)它所表示的动作发生的时间是 “ 过去的过去 ” ,表示过去某一时间可用 by , before 等短语来表示,也可用 when, before等引导的时间状语从句来表示。 3. Exercises 当堂检测学生对本课知识的掌握情况。 4. Emotional education VI.作业 布置 1. Master the structure and usage of past perfect tense. 2. Make up your own story according to Mary and Kevin s stories. 3. Preview the new

19、words of 3a-3c. 三、【板书设计】 Unit12 Life is full of the unexpected. Section A 1a 2d Words and phrases oversleep-overslept-overslept by the time give? a lift ring-rang-rung when be full of put on go off rush out at least =【 ;精品教育资源文库 】 = Sentences (1 ) By the time I got up, my brother had already gotten

20、in the shower. ( 2) But before I got to the bus stop, the bus had already left. ( 3) Well, at least by the time you got to school, you were only five minutes late for class. 四、【教后反思】 本单元主要学习如何讲述过去发生的事情。能够了解过去完成时 ,能够正确使用有 when, before, by the time 引导的时间 状语从句表示过去发生的事情。话题是 unexpected events,贴近学生生活实际,能引

21、起学生的学习欲望。本节课是本单元第一节课,在整个单元中起着话题导入的作用。 本节课的设计体现了任务型教学的特点,整堂课的设计注重了由易到难,逐层推进,逐步完成各个任务的顺序安排。整堂课学生进行了听、再听、反复听,读、复述、角色扮演训练,学生参与度高,参与面广。所学功能句型都是日常生活语言,因此课堂任务侧重了语言实际应用能力。作为一节听说课,注重 听前预测方法的指导。同时注重启发想象力,进行口头表达思维能力的训练。自主学习和合作学习相结合,充分调动学生学习的积极性。 【 163 文库:各类精品优质课,公开课课件 ppt;教案,教学设计,各类试题复习资料,工作文档等上百万资源。】 【平台地址: 】


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