陕旅版五年级下册英语Unit 8 Have a Good Habit!-Part A-ppt课件-(含教案+视频)-公开课-(编号:703f9).zip

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Unit8Unit8 HaveaGoodHaveaGood Habit!Habit! TheFirstperiod 教学目标 1.能听、说、读、写以下词汇: litteronthefloor,talkloudlyinclass,speakwithmouthfull, makeanoise,keepquiet,waitinline 2.能熟练运用以上词汇。 新课展示PartALetslearn 新课展示PartALetslearn 新课展示PartALetslearn litteronthefloorlitteronthefloor talkloudlyinclass speakwithmouthfullspeakwithmouthfull makeanoisemakeanoise keepquietkeepquiet waitinlinewaitinline a.Readandwrite shouldshouldnt We_litteronthefloor. We_makeanoise. We_speakwithmouthfull. We_talkloudlyinclass. You_keepquietinclass. We_waitinline. should should shouldnt shouldnt shouldnt shouldnt 1、litteronthefloor 2、speakwithmouthfull 3、talkloudlyinclass 4、makeanoise 5、keepquiet 6、waitinline b.Trytomatch 上课大声说话 随地乱扔垃圾 满嘴吃着东西说话 保持安静 制造噪音 排队等候 用Weshould_.We shouldnt_.的句型总结我们今天的学 习内容。 我们今天学习了什么? 1.Custommakesallthingseasy. 有个好习惯,事事皆不难。 2.Itisnevertoolatetolearn. 活到老,学到老。 Homework 1.Toreadandrememberthephraseswhat welearnedtoday. 2.Doasurvey:调查班上同学的习惯,并帮助 他人改掉不好的习惯。 Thank you! 小学英语陕旅版五年级下册小学英语陕旅版五年级下册 UnitUnit 8 8 HaveHave a a GoodGood Habit!Habit! 一、学情分析 1、学习兴趣不是很高,部分学生甚至有厌恶感,同时,许多学生还是为学习而学习,谈不上兴趣 问题; 2、回家不会学习,无正确的学习方法,不知如何看书.学习态度谈不上十分端正,回家以后巩固 时间很少,且缺乏有效的巩固手段,练的机会明显不足。 3、部分学生学习的目的性不是很强,导致学习习惯不好,学习无明确的计划,有作业就写,无作 业就玩。 二、教学目标 1. Knowledge:To learn six phrases about peoples behavior. litter on the floor,t alk loudly in class, speak with mouth full, make a noise, keep quiet, wait in lin e. 2.Ability: To evaluate the habits of good or bad. 3. Emotion: To guide students develop good habits of life styles. 三、重点难点 1.Key Points: To learn six phrases about peoples behavior. 2.Difficult Points: Tell the difference between quiet and quite 能运用 We sh ouldntWe should谈论和评价习惯的好坏。 四、教学过程 StepStep I I LeadingLeading 1. Class greetings. 创设情境教师进去之后给地板上丢垃圾,让学生自己发现 T: What do you find? Ss: You litter on the floor.如果不会说让学生用汉语阐述。 观看小视频,让学生自己找出里面的好习惯与坏习惯。 2. Warming up. T: Yeah. Sit down, please Itstoday, The weather isAre you feeling happy now? Ss: Yes. Im feeling happy now. T: OK. Now lets watch the video.(播放“乱扔垃圾,危害无穷”的视频,学生观看。) T: Well. After you watch the video, What do you want to say? If you couldnt speak in English, you may speak in Chinese. S1: S2: T: Wow! You give us a good suggestion. That is “Dont litter on the floor. W e should pick the rubbish up and put the litter into the trash can. We should hav e a good habit!” 教师板书课题教师板书课题 UnitUnit 8 8 HaveHave a a GoodGood Habit!Habit! 带领学生朗读一遍,特别强调“habit”的发音 StepStep IIII NewNew Presentation.Presentation. 1.出示 PPT 图片让学生先浏览一遍,观察学生对各种行为的态度和反应。 2. 教师再出示一遍图片,并在出示扔纸屑行为时讲授: T: Whats she doing? Ss: She is T: She is littering on the floor. Is it a good habit? Ss: No, it isnt .Its a bad habit. 教师板书教师板书, ,领读词组领读词组 litterlitter onon thethe floor.floor. 3.教师播放学生上课时大声说话的视频,让学生更直观地学习词组 talk loudly in class. 讲解 loudly- quietly Such as:big- small long-short, fat-thin 板书并领读词组板书并领读词组 talktalk loudlyloudly inin classclass 4.出示嘴里含着满满的食物说话的场景,让学生形象地感知词组 speak with mouth full. 利用实物:空瓶子和装满水的瓶子讲解单词 full 老师板书领读词组老师板书领读词组 speakspeak withwith mouthmouth full.full. T: We cant speak with mouth full. Its a bad habit. 5.同理讲授 make a noise, 并解释单词 noise, nose-noise T: Dont make a noise in class. 板书并领读词组板书并领读词组 makemake a a noisenoise 并补充并补充 makemake a a noise=makenoise=make noises.noises. SuchSuch as:as: flyfly a a kite=flykite=fly kites,kites, rideride a a bike=ridebike=ride bikes.bikes. 6.教师突然将手指竖放在嘴巴上,示意学生安静下来之后,引出词组 keep quiet. T: Please keep quiet in class. Is it a good habit? Ss: Yes, it is. ie-quiet i-quite quite=very 7.出示人们一个接一个排队候车的图片,引出最后一个动词短语 wait in line.并讲解 line. 板书并领读词组板书并领读词组 waitwait inin line.line. T: Is it a good habit or a bad habit? Ss: Its a good habit. StepStep IIIIII Practise.Practise. 1. Play the VCD, 让学生模仿其语音语调并跟读。 2. I say you do.教师说词汇,学生做动作。 a.litter on the floor. 假装往地上扔纸屑。 b.talk loudly in class.在教室里大声说话。 c.speak with mouth full.假装嘴里面有食物,边吃边说。 d. make a noise. 拿个东西敲击某物故意发出噪音。 e.keep quiet.把手放在嘴上发出嘘的声音。 f. wait in line. 几个学生站成一行排队等候。 让大家看图片说词汇,请几位同学上台做动作。如此反复练习,加深学生的印象。 3. Play a game: play the piano. 把词汇卡片分发给学生,教师读到哪个词组,拿着该词组的学生就要拍一下手并且说出自 己手中所拿的词组。 Such as: T: litter on the floor. A: (拍手) litter on the floor. T: make a noise. B: (拍手)make a noise. 4. Do some exercises: a. Read and write should shouldnt We _ litter on the floor. We _ make a noise. We _ speak with mouth full. We _ talk loudly in class. You _ keep quiet in class. We _ wait in line. b. Try to match 1、litter on the floor 上课大声说话 2、speak with mouth full 随地乱扔垃圾 3、talk loudly in class 满嘴吃着东西说话 4、make a noise 保持安静 5、keep quiet 制造噪音 StepStep IV.IV. MakeMake a a summary.summary. 用 We should_. We shouldnt_.的句型总结我们今天的学习内容。 Sing a song. We shouldnt litter on the floor. We shouldnt talk loudly in class. We shouldnt speak with mouth full. We shouldnt make a noise. We should keep quiet. We should wait in line. 要求学生做着动作跟老师学唱歌曲,加深印象,增加课堂的趣味性。 演唱歌曲时时渗透情感教育:在我们日常生活中,有许多的规章制度要求大家去遵守。希望同 学们都能养成良好的学习生活习惯,做一个受欢迎的小学生。 向学生介绍两句和习惯有关的俗语。 1.1. CustomCustom makesmakes allall thingsthings easy.easy. 有个好习惯有个好习惯, ,事事皆不难。事事皆不难。 2.2. ItIt isis nevernever tootoo latelate toto learn.learn. 活到老活到老, ,学到老。学到老。 StepStep V V Homework.Homework. 1. To read and remember the phrases what we learned today. 2. Do a survey: 调查班上同学的习惯,并帮助他人改掉不好的习惯。 板书设计板书设计: Have a good habit. Good habits: keep quite wait in line. Bad habits litter on the floor speak with mouth full talk loudly in class. make a noise
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