(2021新牛津译林版)高中英语选择性必修一Unit3Reading Language points.pptx

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1、 1. As I wandered through the Impressionist gallery, I appreciated masterpieces like The Ballet Class and The Card Players. 漫步于印象派展馆漫步于印象派展馆, 我欣赏着像我欣赏着像舞蹈课舞蹈课和和玩纸牌者玩纸牌者 这样的杰作。这样的杰作。 wander v. to walk slowly around or to a place, often without any particular sense of purpose or direction 闲逛闲逛, 漫步漫步 e

2、.g. She wandered around the shopping mall for half an hour before she entered the cinema. v. to move away from the place where you ought to be or the people you are with 偏离偏离(正道正道); 走失走失; 离散离散 e.g. The child wandered off and got lost. v. to stop being directed on something and to move without contro

3、l to other ideas, subjects, etc. 走神走神; 神志恍惚神志恍惚; (思想思想)开小差开小差 e.g. Try not to let your mind wander during class. His thoughts wandered back to his youth. 【运用运用】英汉互译。英汉互译。 1) 学习时思想不能开小差学习时思想不能开小差。 Dont let your mind wander while studying. 2) While waiting for Jenny, I had a bit of a wander round the

4、shops. 等等詹尼时,我在商店里逛了一会儿。詹尼时,我在商店里逛了一会儿。 3) We spent the morning wandering around the old part of the city. 我们我们整个上午都在城市的老城区闲逛整个上午都在城市的老城区闲逛。 2. Even though I had admired them hundreds of times on my computer screen, nothing could have prepared me for the wonder I felt when I finally laid eyes on the

5、 real thing. 尽管我在电脑屏幕上已经欣赏过数百次尽管我在电脑屏幕上已经欣赏过数百次, 但当我终于亲眼见但当我终于亲眼见 到实物时到实物时, 还是觉得猝不及防还是觉得猝不及防, 惊叹不已。惊叹不已。 lay eyes on sb./sth. to see somebody or something, especially for the first time e.g. I loved that book the moment I laid eyes on its cover. Finally, he laid eyes on the painting and appreciated

6、it for a long time. similar phrases clap/set eyes on sb./sth. 遇见遇见某人某人/看见某看见某物物 e.g. I hope I never set eyes on this kind of film again. I havent clapped eyes on John for weeks. 3. When I saw it up close, I was struck by the small areas of light across the painting, and the way the soft edges of the

7、 figures seemed to mix together. 近距离观赏近距离观赏, 画面上遍布着小面积的光斑画面上遍布着小面积的光斑, 人物柔和和轮廓似人物柔和和轮廓似 乎融为一体乎融为一体, 令我大为震惊。令我大为震惊。 strike v. to hit sb./sth. hard or with force 撞撞; 碰碰 to hit sb./sth. with your hand or a weapon 打打; 击击 to come into sbs mind suddenly 突然想到突然想到 to happen suddenly and have a harmful or da

8、maging effect on sb./sth. 侵袭侵袭; 爆发爆发 to refuse to work, because of a disagreement over pay or conditions 罢工罢工 to rub sth. such as a match against a surface so that it produces a flame; to produce a flame when rubbed against a rough surface 划划(火柴火柴); 击出击出(火星火星) to show the time by making a ringing no

9、ise, etc 敲敲; 鸣鸣; 报时报时 to give sb. a particular impression 给给(某人以某人以) 印象印象 e.g. The child ran into the road and was struck by a car. He stuck the table with his fist. An awful thought has just struck me. The area was struck by an outbreak of cholera. The union has voted to strike for a pay increase o

10、f 6%. The matches were damp and he couldnt make them strike. The clock has just struck three. She strikes me as a very efficient person. n. 罢工;军事罢工;军事进攻进攻, 袭击袭击, (尤指尤指)空袭空袭 e.g. Half the workforce are now (out) on strike. They made an air strike on the enemys position. 【运用运用】写出下面句子中划线单词的词性及中文释义。写出下面

11、句子中划线单词的词性及中文释义。 1) The boy struck the man with a stick. _ _ 2) The disease has struck the whole community, sometimes wiping out whole families. _ _ 3) The strike ended when the pay demands were met. _ _ 4) Her car went out of control and struck an oncoming vehicle. _ _ 5) The clock struck just as w

12、e left. _ _ 动词;动词; 敲敲, 鸣鸣, 报时报时 动词;动词; 打打, 击击 动词;动词; 侵袭侵袭 名词名词; 罢工罢工 动词动词; 碰撞碰撞 4. Monet and Renoir, along with other like-minded artists, sought liberation from the rules of the old style. 莫奈和雷诺阿莫奈和雷诺阿, 以及其他志趣相投的艺术家以及其他志趣相投的艺术家, 都力求从之都力求从之 前风格的束缚中挣脱出来。前风格的束缚中挣脱出来。 like-minded having similar ideas a

13、nd interests e.g. He regarded it to be a good chance to meet like-minded people. I had a great time in my university, for I was constantly learning and surrounded by lots of like-minded people. An adjective plus minded makes another adjective, such as open-minded, narrow-minded, absent-minded, etc.

14、e.g. The boy is always absent-minded in class. She is quite open-minded about most things If you fail to consider others viewpoints, you may become narrow-minded. 5. Everyday subject matter was the main focus of their works, as opposed to the history paintings that had traditionally dominated Europe

15、an art. 印象派的作品主要关注日常主题印象派的作品主要关注日常主题, 这与传统上欧洲艺术界占这与传统上欧洲艺术界占 主流的历史题材画作大相径庭。主流的历史题材画作大相径庭。 opposed adj. (of a person) disagreeing strongly with sth. and trying to stop it 强烈反对的强烈反对的 (of ideas, opinions, etc.) very different from sth. 截然不同的截然不同的 as opposed to used to make a contrast between two things

16、 (表示对比表示对比)而而, 相对于相对于 e.g. 200 people attended, as opposed to 300 the previous year. 【链接链接】 be opposed to 反对反对 e.g. She is very much opposed to your going abroad. 6. They employed free brushwork and used colours to show the effect of light on things, creating paintings that were far less realistic t

17、han the works that came before. 他们运用自由的笔法他们运用自由的笔法, 使用色彩来表现光线投射在物体上的使用色彩来表现光线投射在物体上的 效果效果, 创作的画远不如前人之作那么写实创作的画远不如前人之作那么写实。 employ v. to give sb. a job to do for payment 雇用雇用 to use sth. such as a skill, method, etc. for a particular purpose 运用运用; 使用使用 e.g. A number of people have been employed to de

18、al with the backlog of work. The police had to employ force to enter the building. 【拓展拓展】 be employed in 忙于忙于(某事某事),从事,从事(某活动某活动) e.g. She was employed in making a list of all the jobs to be done. A third of the population is employed in agriculture. 【运用运用】 根据汉语提示补全下列根据汉语提示补全下列句子句子(每每空一空一词词)。 1) 别别打

19、扰他,他正忙着写作文呢。打扰他,他正忙着写作文呢。 Dont trouble him. He _ _ _ writing a composition. 2) 她失业两年之后被当地的一家书店雇用了。她失业两年之后被当地的一家书店雇用了。 Having been out of work for two years, she _ _ _ a local bookstore. employed by is employed in was 7. It is also worthy of note that Post-Impressionist painters were not the only one

20、s to be influenced by Impressionism - the movement has had a lasting influence on modern art, encouraging artists to look at the world from an entirely new point of view. 值得注意的是值得注意的是, 后印象派画家并不是唯一受印象派影响的群后印象派画家并不是唯一受印象派影响的群 体体 - 这场运动还对现代艺术产生了持久的影响这场运动还对现代艺术产生了持久的影响, 鼓励着艺鼓励着艺 术家们从一个全新的视角去看待世界。术家们从一个全

21、新的视角去看待世界。 worthy adj. having the qualities that deserve sb./sth. 值得值得(或应得或应得)的的 having qualities that deserve your respect, attention or admiration 值得尊敬的值得尊敬的, 值得注意的值得注意的 of (doing) sth. to do sth. be worthy 【归纳归纳】 【运用运用】汉译英。汉译英。 1) 他们他们的努力值得你的支持。的努力值得你的支持。(worthy) Their efforts are worthy of your

22、support. 2) 莉莉莉的妈妈是一位值得尊敬的老师。莉的妈妈是一位值得尊敬的老师。(worthy) Lilys mother is a teacher worthy of respect / to be respected. 8. While it was hard to pick a favourite painting out of so many amazing works, the artists who made the deepest impression on me were two of the greatest Impressionist painters, Claud

23、e Monet and Pierre-Auguste Renoir. e.g. While I am willing to help, I do not have much time available. Even though/Although 9. Although the paintings had very different settings, it was their similarities that stayed with me long after I left the Muse dOrsay - similarities which can be seen througho

24、ut the Impressionists paintings. Their similarities stayed with me long after I left the Muse dOrsay. . it was their similarities that stayed with me long after I left the Muse dOrsay 强调句式强调句式 10. They employed free brushwork and used colours to show the effect of light on things, creating paintings that were far less realistic than the works that came before. 伴随状语伴随状语 that引导定语从句修饰引导定语从句修饰paintings that引导定语从句修饰引导定语从句修饰works


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