重庆大学版六年级下册Unit 1 Our Winter Holidays-Lesson 1-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:6055b).doc

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1、课题:课题:Unit3Unit3 HolidayHoliday FunFun 教学目标教学目标: 1.听懂会说、会读、会写单词 holiday, National Day, Great Wall, excited, paper, ask, bottle, at first 2 能听懂会说、会读词汇 call, Bund, Shanghai Museum, star , Palace Museum, Summer Palace, Tianan men Square, fashion show, go well, heavy rain 3 听懂、会说、会读、会写句型 What did you /

2、he do/go for the holiday?I / He Did you / he ?Yes, I / he did. / No, I / he didnt 4.能理解,听懂,发音准确,语调适当的读好歌谣(Sound time) 。 5.了解英国学生的放假情况。体会中西方在放假上的文化差异。 教学重、难点教学重、难点: 1.能掌握本单元的四会单词、句型。 2.正确掌握,灵活运用 was,did 构成的一般过去时句型表达于真实情景中。 3. 能理解,正确朗读,表演 storytime 和 cartoon time 中的故事。并能自编类 似情景正确掌握,灵活运用 was,did 构成的一般过

3、去时句型表达于真实情景中。 课前准备课前准备: 课时安排:课时安排: PeriodPeriod 1 1 教教 学学 过过 程程 二次备课二次备课 Step1:Step1: WarmWarm upup 1. Read and understand the name of the unit. Show the aims of teaching (Ticking time) 2. 小结一般过去时句型的基本用法:主语+was/were+其他。 语+动词过去式+其他 Step2Step2 : : PresentationPresentation T:Do you know the places of i

4、nterest ? Can you choose one tell us(Tip: Look. This is _ . Its in_. Its _. ) I went there _years ago. /I saw it on TV/ the Internet.(出 示新词汇的图片)S: . T: 指名作介绍的学生当小老师领读新词汇。 带领其他同学 学习这些词汇。 T: 配乐滚动播放这些景观的图片,组织学生欣赏。 Do you want to visit these beautiful places? S: T: Our good friend, Liu Tao went to Shang

5、 Hai a short time ago. You can ask him to understand more .What do you want to ask ? 引导学生问出相关的问题?(Tip: Hi, Liu Tao. When/Where/whatdo)When did you go to Shang Hai? Where did you go ?What did you do ? S: 自读 P.26 课文,找到所有问题的答案,并读一读,了解 含义。 相机学习新词汇:holiday, National Day. T: How was Liu Taos holiday? S: I

6、ts _.(wonderful/great fun) T : Liu Tao had a good time. He didnt stay at home at that time. So he didnt answer the phone. Who called him? S : Mike. T :组织学生找出课文中的相关内容,表演(假如 Liu Tao 也 打电话给 Mike 的)情景。 Liu Tao : Is that Mike ? Mike : This is Mike speaking. Hi, Liu Tao.Where_ you _. I called you ,But you

7、 _at home. Liu Tao: I_ and _ Mike :What _ you do there? Liu Tao: I _and _ Mike :Great! Wish you a fun holiday. T : Liu Taos National Day holiday is so fun. How about Mikes holiday? S : Its fun,too. T : Why do you think so ? 组织学生倾听课文中有关叙述 Mike 过国庆假期的内容。 完成问答。 Did Mike go to shanghai, too ? No, he did

8、nt . He_ Did Mike pick any oranges ? Yes, he did. Did Mike water trees? No, he didnt. Did Mike go fishing ? Yes, he did. He _. T: Finally, where was the fish? S: T: 引导学生学习 eat 的过去式 ate. 引导学生小结一般过去时一般疑问句的问法和回答。 S:跟录音朗读课文中的相关内容。 S Steptep 3 3 PracticePractice 1.完整的欣赏课文内容视频,模仿人物的语音语调。尝试配 音。 2. Read the

9、 text in different roles in groups. S Steptep 4 4 ConclusionConclusion 1.完成书 P.28 Think and write 和 Ask and answer. 2.请你作为校报记者,采访 Liu Tao 和 Mike 的好朋友。 (小组操练并 汇报) 3. Judge and tick.(Ticking time) 板书设计板书设计 Unit 3Holiday fun National Day holiday When ?Wherego Whatdo? How? 教教 学学 反反 思思 课题:课题:Unit3Unit3 H

10、olidayHoliday FunFun 教学目标教学目标: 1.能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词: holiday, National Day 2.能听懂、 会说、 会读和会拼写句型: What did you / he do for the holiday?I / He Did you / he ?Yes, I / he did. / No, I / he didnt 3.能听懂、会说、会读单词:call, Bund, Shanghai Museum, star , Palace Museum,Summer Palace,Tiananmen Square, 4.能听懂, 会说, 会运用日常交

11、际用语: Where did you / he go for the holiday ? I went to How was your holiday ? It was Why did you call me ? I 2.能力目标 通过课文重点语言知识点的学习,提高对语篇的阅读能力,进一步提高学生 听、说、读、写综合语言运用能力。能自然流畅地给课文内容配音和表演。 3.情感目标 引导学生学会用英语描述自己的假期生活,了解同伴的假期经历,激发学生 了解祖国乃至世界的欲望。 教学重、难点教学重、难点: 1.能掌握本单元的四会单词、句型。 2.正确掌握,灵活运用 was,did 构成的一般过去时句型

12、表达于真实情景中。 3. 能理解,正确朗读,表演 storytime 和 cartoon time 中的故事。并能自编类 似情景正确掌握,灵活运用 was,did 构成的一般过去时句型表达于真实情景中。 课前准备课前准备: 课时安排:课时安排: PeriodPeriod 2 2 教教 学学 过过 程程 二次备课二次备课 Step 1: Free talk and revision 1. T: Hi, boys and girls. Do you like holidays? Our friends: Liu Tao and Mike like holidays, too. Do you kno

13、w where did they go for the National Day holiday? And what did they do during the holiday? Ss:回忆课文内容,完成填空。 On the National Day holiday, Liu Tao and Mike _(not) stayathome.LiuTao_(go)to_and _(visit) _. Mike_(go) to _. He _(pick) _and _(go) fishing. He _(catch) a big fish and _(call)Liu Tao. He _(want

14、) to give the fish to Liu Tao. But Liu Tao _(not)athome.Mike_(eat)thefish. They_(be) very happy. 2. T: 板书填空部分的动词原形和过去式,引导学生读一读, 记一记。发现 did 和 was/were 的用法。 1. Read and understand the name of the unit. Show the aims of teaching (Ticking time) 2. 小结一般过去时句型的基本用法:主语+was/were+其他。 语+动词过去式+其他 Step2Step2 : :

15、 PresentationPresentation andand practicepractice 1. Show the aims of teaching (Ticking time) 2. T: Mike went to a farm. He had a good time. Do you want to play with him? 播放 Sound time 录音, 让学生注意倾听语音, 语调并跟读。 播放背景音乐,指名学生扮演 Mike,领着大家读一读。 3. T: Did you have a great fun holiday? Our classmates has been t

16、o many interesting places. You can ask them and understand. Boysandgirls,pleaseshareyourwonderfultravel experiences with us. What can we ask? S: 复习新句型并在黑板上默写。 4. T: 提问一名学生,了解该生的旅游经历。并根据学生的叙 述提问: Did you .? 作为范例,组织学生利用新学词 汇,句型相互询问旅游经历。 S: 分组汇报一名成员的旅游经历。 T:组织学生将自己或他人的旅游经历写下来,汇报交流。 Look, This is _. I w

17、ent there _(when).I_ (whatdo) Its_(how) I hope you can go there, too! My friend _ had a great fun holiday. He went to _. He _and _.He was very_. 5. T: We all like holidays. We have two main school holidays: the summer holiday and the winter holiday. Do you know what holiday is in the UK? Lets look a

18、t the culture time. 相机介绍 Easter,Easter holiday. Step 3: Consolidation 1. 给与学生三组人名,三组动词过去式短语,三组时间。让 学生猜测 Did Wang Bing? 操练一般过去时一般疑问句的问法及其回答。 2. Judge and tick.(Ticking time) Step 4: Homework 1. 记忆 P.29 的动词过去式和重点句型问答。 2. 熟读 Sound time 3. 完成书 p.34 Check time 填空。 板书设计板书设计 Unit 3Holiday fun What/where di

19、d you do/go for the holiday? I_. How was your holiday? Its_ Did you _ ? Yes, I did./ No, I didnt. 教教 学学 反反 思思 课题:课题:Unit3Unit3 HolidayHoliday FunFun 教学目标教学目标: 1.能听懂会说、会读、会写单词 excited, paper, ask, bottle, at first 2.能听懂会说、会读词汇 fashion show, go well, heavy rain 3. 能理解,正确朗读,表演 cartoon time 中的故事。 4. 能运用

20、新学文章和词汇写想象短文。 教学重、难点教学重、难点: 1.能理解,正确朗读,表演 cartoon time 中的故事。 2. 能运用新学文章和词汇写想象短文。 课前准备课前准备:1.PPT2.学案 课时安排:课时安排: PeriodPeriod 3 3 教教 学学 过过 程程 二次备课二次备课 Step 1: Free talk and revision 组织学生汇报交流所写的短文“My holiday” Step2Step2 : : PresentationPresentation andand practicepractice 1. Show the aims of teaching (

21、Ticking time) 2. T: You all didnt at home . Because you went to same interesting places. And Bobby wasnt at home. Do you know where did he go? S: 自读第一幅图内容,回答:Where did Bobby go ? What did he do? 相机教词汇: fashion show T: Bobby is late for home .His mother and sister is very worry about him. Can you act

22、 this scene? Mother/Sister: Oh, Its time for dinner. Bobby, youre late. Where did you go ? Bobby :I Mother/Sister: What did you do there ? Bobby :I Mother/Sister: Dont be late for home again! 3. T: I like watching fashion shows.Because I can see manybeautiful and interesting clothes. Theyre very coo

23、l. 展 示一些 fashion show 图片。介绍:The man/woman wore Its cool. 相机教 wear 的过去式 wore. 4. T: 询问一下问题,帮助学生理解故事: What did Bobby wear? How was he at that time ? What did Sam wear? How was he at that time ? Did the show go well ? At last, how was the fashion show ? Why ? S: 看视频动画,找到答案,并演一演。 T:相机教新词汇 excited, paper

24、, ask, bottle, go well, heavy rain Step 3: Consolidation 1. 组织学生完整的欣赏课文内容视频, 模仿人物的语音语调。 尝试配 音。 2.Act the text in different roles in groups. 3. Judge and tick.(Ticking time) Step 4: Homework 1. 背诵 Cartoon time 中的四会词汇,熟读,熟记三会词汇。 2. 跟录音熟读 Cartoon time,在小组中分角色尝试演一演 组织学生针对 Cartoon time 的内容进行相互的提问,回答。 ? ?

25、 板书设计板书设计 Unit 3 Holiday fun (Bobby comes home late) Mother/Sister: Where did you go ? Bobby :I Mother/Sister: What did you do there ? Bobby :I 教教 学学 反反 思思 课题:课题:Unit3Unit3 HolidayHoliday FunFun 教学目标教学目标: 教学重、难点教学重、难点: 课前准备课前准备:1.PPT2.学案 课时安排:课时安排: PeriodPeriod 4 4 教教 学学 过过 程程 二次备课二次备课 Step 1: Free

26、talk and revision 1.复习,巩固本单元设计四会词汇和句型。 进一步复习、小结 Unit 1-3 中出现过的的动词过去式, 并会读,会 用。能正确掌握,灵活运用一般过去时的否定句用法,一般疑问句和 特殊疑问句问法及其回答。 Step2Step2 : : PresentationPresentation andand practicepractice Step1: Revision 1. Show the aims of teaching (Ticking time) 2. 写出下列动词的过去式: am- laugh-is -are- becomebring- can- go-s

27、ee-like-live- - look- do take- catch- get- eat- have- wear-tell- say- fly-point- shout- - visit-show- pick- walk- play- turn-rain- 组织学生读一读,发现规律(第一竖排是不规则的动词过 去式。第二竖排是规则的动词不定时)并记一记。 Step 3: Consolidation 1. 组织学生用上面的动词过去式造句并板书。 2. 组织学生尝试将黑板上的句子全部改为否定句,并小结 改法,总结一般过去式句型的否定句结构。 3. 组织学生尝试将黑板上的句子全部改为一般疑问句,并

28、 小结改法,总结一般过去式句型的一般疑问句句结构。 4. 指名交流上节课布置的想象短文。 5. 组织学生就想象短文相互之间小组问答:Where did you go ? What did you do/see ? How was the fashion show ? 6. 板书问题,小结一般过去式划线提问的改法,总结特殊 疑问句的结构。 1. 理解,记忆一般过去时的否定句一般疑问句和特殊疑问句 及其回答的结构。 2. Judge and tick.(Ticking time) Step 4: Homework 1. 背诵的动词过去式 2. 理解,背诵语法小结。 完成一般过去时语法填空 一般过去

29、时的基本句型结构是 1. I/he/she/it + _ + 非动词的其他内容。 You /复数主语+ _ + 非动词的其他内容。 任意主语+ + _ + 含有动词的其他内容。 2. 如果句中有 was 时,否定句中将 was 改为。 如 果 句 中 有 were 时 , 否 定 句 中 将 were 改 为。 3. 如果句中有 was。were 时,一般疑问句中将 was、were 调 到。 如果句中有动词过去式时,一般疑问句中在添, 句中的动词过去式改为。 4. 完成划线提问时, 先问恰当的问题, 如果句中有 was。 were, 将 was、were 调到。如果句中有动词过去式时, 在添

30、,句中的动词过去式改 为。 【巩固延伸】【巩固延伸】 完成下列改写句子。 1.The king wore new clothes.(改为否定句) 2.The two men gave the king beautiful clothes.(改为一般疑问 句并作否定回答) 3.There is a house on the mountain. (加上 Long long ago) 4.We brought some dumplings, some bread and honey and some drinks.(对划线提问) 5.Mike went to a farm near Star Lak

31、e. (对划线提问) 6.He called Liu Tao because he wanted to give Liu Tao a fish. (对划线提 板书设计板书设计 Unit 3 Holiday fun 一般过去时的基本句型结构是 I/he/she/it + _ + 非动词的其他内容。 You /复数主语+ _ + 非动词的其他内容。 任意主语+ + _ + 含有动词的其他内容。 教教 学学 反反 思思 课题:课题:Unit3Unit3 HolidayHoliday FunFun 教学目标教学目标: 1.复习,巩固本单元设计四会词汇和句型。 2.进一步复习、小结 Unit 1-3 中

32、出现过的的动词过去式, 并会读,会用。 3.能正确掌握,灵活运用一般过去时的否定句用法,一般疑问句和特殊疑问句问 法及其回答。 教学重、难点教学重、难点: 1.复习,巩固本单元设计四会词汇和句型。 2.进一步复习、小结 Unit 1-3 中出现过的的动词过去式, 并会读,会用。 能正确掌握,灵活运用一般过去时的否定句用法,一般疑问句和特殊疑问句问法 及其回答。 课前准备课前准备:1.PPT2.学案 课时安排:课时安排: PeriodPeriod 5 5 教教 学学 过过 程程 二次备课二次备课 Step 1: Free talk and revision 写出下列动词的过去式: am- lau

33、gh-is -like-are-live- become- look-bring- point- can- shout- fly- show-go- walk-see-pick-take-visit-catch- play- do-turn- eat- rain- get- have- wear- tell- say-get- Step2Step2 : : PresentationPresentation andand practicepractice :完成一般过去时语法填空 一般过去时的基本句型结构是 1. I/he/she/it + _ + 非动词的其他内容。 You /复数主语+ _

34、+ 非动词的其他内容。 任意主语+ + _ + 含有动词的其他内容。 2. 如果句中有 was 时,否定句中将 was 改为。 如果句中有 were 时,否定句中将 were 改为。 3. 如果句中有 was。were 时,一般疑问句中将 was、were 调 到。 如果句中有动词过去式时,一般疑问句中在添, 句中的动词过去式改为。 4. 完成划线提问时, 先问恰当的问题, 如果句中有 was。 were, 将 was、were 调到。如果句中有动词过去式时,在 添,句中的动词过去式改为Revision 1. Show the aims of teaching (Ticking time) 2

35、. 写出下列动词的过去式: am- laugh-is -are- becomebring- can- go-see-like-live- - look- do take- catch- get- eat- have- wear-tell- say- fly-point- shout- - visit-show- pick- walk- play- turn- rain- 组织学生读一读,发现规律(第一竖排是不规则的动词过 去式。第二竖排是规则的动词不定时)并记一记。 Step 3: Consolidation 完成下列改写句子。 1.The king wore new clothes.(改为否

36、定句) 2.The two men gave the king beautiful clothes.(改为一般疑问 句并作否定回答) 3.There is a house on the mountain. (加上 Long long ago) 4.We brought some dumplings, some bread and honey and some drinks.(对划线提问) 5.Mike went to a farm near Star Lake. (对划线提问) 6.He called Liu Tao because he wanted to give Liu Tao a fish. (对划线提问) 板书设计板书设计 Unit 3 Holiday fun 一般过去时的基本句型结构是 I/he/she/it + _ + 非动词的其他内容。 You /复数主语+ _ + 非动词的其他内容。 任意主语+ + _ + 含有动词的其他内容。 教教 学学 反反 思思


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