重庆大学版六年级下册Unit 2 A Terrible Day-Lesson 1-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:10046).zip

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Unit 2 A Terrible Day Lesson 2 重大版小学英语六年级下册重大版小学英语六年级下册 Bomb Game 炸弹游戏 遇到炸弹就大声说遇到炸弹就大声说“Bomb”“Bomb” 遇到短语就大声读出来遇到短语就大声读出来 不出错者得分不出错者得分 Lets talk. What did you do last Saturday? How does Hao Tians mum feel now? She didnt feel well. How does Hao Tians mum feel now? She didnt feel well. Much better. Self-Study 自学探 究 1.Read and mark.(自读课文标出答案) What did Hao Tian do at home? _ 2.Mark the new words.(标出不会的单词) Tips:不会的单词可以查词汇表。 Listen and read (听音朗读) tips:模仿语音语 调 Listen and judge 正确的写T,错误的 写F 1.Dad took good care of mum. ( ) 2.Hao Tian made the bed , cleaned the rooms, and cooked the meals. ( ) 3. Mum felt much better. ( ) 4. Dad cooked the dinner ( ) F T T F Group work(小组合作学习) 1.Read together( 组内互助学习) 2.Prepre to report(准备汇报,齐读,开火车 读,分角色读) Discuss(讨论) When your mum fells ill? What can you do? (当你的妈妈生病了,你会怎么做?) I can take her to the hospital take care of my mum cook a meal make the bed clean the room wash the clothes do housework Homework(2选1) 1. Read the text. 读课文,注意语音语调(3星) 2. Survey in groups(5星) 1. What did you do last week? 英语小调查,询问同桌上周末在家做了什么 Unit2 A Terrible Day教学设计教学设计 教材版本重庆大学出版社 课题第( 2)课时 教材分析 本教材以话题-功能-结构-运用性语言学习这一总体 编写思路,体现了以话题为纲,以交际功能为主线兼顾语言结 构,逐步引导学生完成有意义的语言活动.本课主要是通过培 养学生英语听,说能力,从而达到综合应用语言的目的.从现 实生活出发,以激发学生的兴趣,使学生在生动有趣,轻松活 泼的氛围中进行自主学习. 学情分析 本课教学对象为六年级的孩子,他们通过六年的英语学习,具 备了一定的英语基础和英语学习能力,能在课堂上用英语和 老师间进行简单的交流,能表达简单的情感和感觉.能在图片 的帮助下听懂和读懂简单的小故事. 理念与方法 本课利用自制 的短片,PPt,小视频来促进学生综合素养教学 理念的落实和任务的完成. 教学目标 1.复习巩固本课短语 took care of his mum, made the bed, cleaned the room, cooked a meal 2.学习句型 How do you feel now?-Much better. What did Hao Tian do last night?- He took care of his mum. 3.通过学习,学生能在实际情景中运用 Hes really a good boy/girl. Dinner/breakfast/lunch is ready. He made the bed 教学重点 1.能熟练运用并掌握本课短语 took care of his mum, made the bed, cleaned the room, cooked a meal 2.熟练运用句型 How do you feel now?-Much better. 教学难点 学生能在实际情景中运用 Hes really a good boy/girl. Dinner/breakfast/lunch is ready. He made the bed 信息化环境多媒体课件、电子白板、教学平台及各类学科性应用等 补充教学资源音频,视频,一起作业 前置作业(可选) 完成一起作业的预习作业 过程教师活动学生活动 信息化支撑 (环节上可选) 设计意图 环节 1 1.Greetings. 2.Play a Bomb game. 1. Greetings 2Play games. 播放视频,提 问、抢答 活跃课堂 氛围,导 入新课 3.Watch a video then answer to questions What did you do last Saturday? 3. watch the video, then answer to the questions. I made the bed/ didS homework 环节 2 1.T:(PPT 出示 郝天妈妈生病 的图片) T: Who is she? What was wrong with her? Hao Tians mom didnt feel well. Hao Tian took her to the hospital and took good care of her. so How does she feel now? 2. 听录音回答 问题: How does HaoTians mum feel now? Much better(同过发 烧和好多了的 图片来对比学 习这个短语) 1.根据 T 提问 做出回答 S1: Shes HaoTians mum. S2: She had a fever. She didnt feel well 2.听课文录音 并找出问题的 答案 学习短语 Much better. 3. 小组内自 学,并在课文 中找出问题答 案。 He made the bed, cleaned the rooms, and cooked the meals. 4. Read the text in groups. 通过 PPT 引导 学生回答 问 题,观看视频 学习文本内容. 导入新课, 呈现讲解 知识点, 学生能够 理解并运 用所学句 型。 3. Self- study. (1)学生通过 在小组内自学 并找出问题的 答案,并在书 上用横线画出 来。 What did HaoTian do at home? (2)Mark the new words. (3) Check the sentences. 环节 3 1. listen and read. 2. listen and judge. 3.Goup work (1)Read together. (2) prepare to report 1.Listen and repeat. 2.Do xercise. Prepare to report. 通过听一 听,读一 读来检验 学生是否 学会本课 内容,起 到巩固新 知的作用. 环节 4 1. Disguss: When your mum feels ill? What can you do? 2. Watch a video(Family) T: When we are young ,our mum/dad 1. Discuss in group then answer to the questions. I can clean the room, I can take her to the hospital and 视频进行情感 教育 创设语境 拓展所学 内容并贴 近实际生 活. take care of us. When our mum/dad feel ill. We should take care of them. Because we are family. We should take care of each other. take care of her 2. Watch the video and think it over. 环节 5 根据学生在课 堂上的表现进 行加小花奖励。 课堂上积极思 考并回答问题, 争取获得更多 的奖励。 激发学生 的兴趣 环节 6 Homework(2 选 1) 1. Read the text. 读课文,注意语音语调 (3 星) 2. Survey in groups(5 星) What did you do last week? 英语小调查,询问同桌上 周末在家做了什么 自选作业并完 成 课堂评价方式根据学生在课堂上的表现进行加小花奖励。 板书设计思路 Unit3 A Terrible Day Lesson 2 How do you feel now, dear? Much better. Hao Tian took good care of me. Hes really a good boy. He made the bed, cleaned the rooms, and cooked the meals. Dad and Mum, dinner is ready. Thank you, my dear
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