重庆大学版四年级下册Unit 3 There Is a Cake on the Table-Lesson 1-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)--(编号:921d8).zip

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UnitUnit 3 3 ThereThere is is a a cakecake onon thethe TableTable Lesson 1 (第二课时第二课时) 重庆大学出版社小学英语(教育部2013审定) 四年级下册 meeting bomb What can you see? Who are they? Where is the cake? They are Brother Panda, Little Panda and Ted. There is a birthday party for Ted. Its on the table. Self Study 自学自学 listen and circle. 听音圈出你不会的单词。 Group study 互学互学 Discuss in your group 小组讨论 Help each other to read 互相教读 Tips:a. Group leader lead to read 组长带领,教读、抽读、齐读 b. Ask for help 都不会的,向老师和其他组寻求帮助 Lets learn 全班交流学习全班交流学习 Alittle teacher or group leader choose the sentence to learn. (小老师 / 小组长上台选出要教读的句子。) Bteach it three times and choose a group or more to read the sentence. (小老师 / 小组长教读三遍,再抽读一个或几个大组/小组的同学 认读。) Rules for little teacher 1.Right and loud 语音正确,声音洪亮 2.Teach and check 教读并开展抽读 ListenListen againagain andand followfollow toto readread 再听音,跟读再听音,跟读 ListenListen againagain andand followfollow toto readread 再听音,跟读再听音,跟读 What can you see? There is a birthday party for Ted. There is a cake on the table role play Lets go and say “Happy Birthday!” to Ted. Good idea. Lets go to the party. role play 根据图片内容,根据图片内容, 任选其中之一,任选其中之一, 创编对创编对 话话: 1)repeat the story 原文表演 2)creat and act the new story 改编并表演 新故事 The words you may be used: cakes, apples, candles, cards, candies, present/presents, balloons The sentences you may be used: Hi, XX./ Hello, XX. What can you see? There is a birthday party for. What else can you see? There is /are .on the table. Lets go and say “Happy birthday!”to . Good idea./Ok. Lets go to the party. Standards for actor 1)Speak fluently 流利表达 2)Speak fluently and loud 大声并流利表达 3)Act fluently and loud 大声流利表达,并表演 Standards for audiences 1)respect 文明观看 2)score 合理评价 There is a birthday party for Ted. Lets go and say “Happy Birthday”to Ted. There is a birthday party to grandparents. Lets go and say _ to grandparents. “Happy birthday!” Mothers Day ThereThere is is a a MotherMother s s dayday stampstamp forfor mothersmothers . . Lets go and say _ to our mothers. “Happy Mothers Day!” ThereThere is is thethe TeachTeacherer s s dayday in in SeptemberSeptember . . Lets go and say _ to teachers. “Happy Teachers Day!” There is a dirty foot on the chair. Lets _. go and clean up There are some pieces of paper on the ground. Let s _. go and pick them up We are the civilized pupils. We love our school, our city and our life. 我们是文明小学生,我们爱我们的学校、城市和生 活。 Homework: 1.完成导学精要P27-28相关练习。 2.运用Lesson1的学习方法,预习Lesson2。 二、学习者分析 小学四年级的学生和低年级学生相比已具有一定的自行探究的能力,学生在观 察能力、思维能力、语言表达能力方面都有了较好的提高,有着强烈的好奇心与动 手操作的能力。他们喜欢在自己的探索中获取知识,喜欢在玩中学,喜欢在做中学, 喜欢在想中学,喜欢在用中学。对周边的事物产生着浓厚的兴趣,有着强烈的学习 愿望,但不能自觉地从生活中进行学习,也不能很好地把英语知识用于生活中。所 以我们将交互式电子白板等多媒体信息技术资源运用于学生们的互学、展学环节中, 让学生在学习的方式上,改变单一式的学习,培养合作学习的习惯,努力做到与人 交流,与人对话。 3、教学目标 1、知识目标:能熟练运用礼物类单词及句型:-What can you see? -There is/are .来正 确描述相关图片信息。 2、能力目标:能通过 PPT 演示提供的替换人物或场景,通过完成简单的思维导图改 编对话,进而运用于实际生活之中。 3、情感目标:能通过邮票信息等提示,运用 There is/are. Lets do sth. 感受“文明 守 纪我先行”的情感教育。 四、教学重难点分析及解决措施 1. 教学重点: 1)运用 Who? What?Where?描述图片信息,完成思维导图并改变对话。 2)运用 There is/are. Lets do sth. 句型,感受“文明守纪我先行”的情感教育。 2. 教学难点: 1)句型的运用和图片的描述。 2)运用思维导图改编对话。 5、教学过程 Unit 3 There is a cake on the table Step 1 Warm up Sing a song :Happy Birthday Step 2 presentation 1.Review (1)师指教室里的实物,如桌子。T: Whats this? Ss: Desk. 再如椅子、文具盒、书本、篮球等 师出示图片 1, 并提问:Where is the book? ( 板书 Where?) S1:Its on the desk. T: So we may say, There is a book on the desk. Ss: There is a book on the desk. 师出示图片 2、3、4 (2)师出示课件,T:Lets play a game: Meeting Bomb. Guess who is it? Cow, horse, pig, sheep, dog,cat Monkey, bear, tiger, lion, panda, duck, hen, bird T: Think about who is he/she? Lucy, Lu hua, Xiao mao, Hao tiao, Stanley, Wendy (3) 师:出示图片 What can you see? 板书 what? candle candles, presentpresents, candycandies, tabletables, cakecakes, cardcards,appleapples, bloomblooms 2. 出示图片 party(猪叔叔的生日) T: Look at the picture ,we say : There is a birthday party for Uncle Pig. 出示图片(小熊过生日)T: This is Ted. So what can you see? Ss:There is a birthday party for Ted. T: Then please think about: 1)Who are they? 1)They are Brother Panda, Little Panda and Ted. 2)What can you see? 2)There is a birthday party for Ted. 3)Where is the cake? 3)There is a cake on the table. Step 3 control practice 1. 板书课题:There is a Cake on the table. 2. T: Open your English book then turn to page 21, 1)Self study: listen and circle. 听音圈出你不会的单词。 2)Group study: Discuss in your group Help each other to read 小组讨论,互相教读 Tips:a. Group leader lead to read 组长带领,教读、抽读、齐读 b. Ask for help 都不会的,向老师和其他组寻求帮助 3)生上台圈词,并请小老师上台教读。师纠正发音,并板书。 生上台揭下暂时还不会的句型条,并请小老师教读。 3. Listen again and follow to read 再听音,跟读 4. Read in groups 小组分角色抠词齐读 Step 4 guided practice 1. 出示另一组过生日的照片,如小猪生日的图片 S: There is a birthday party for Uncle Pig.高文迪生日的图片 S: There is a birthday party for Wendy.等,师贴图于黑板,请学 生思考:Who?What?Where? T:There are another birthday party pictures. Can you change? Please make a new dialogue. 2. 根据图片内容,任选其一,创编对话: 1)repeat the story 原文表演 2)creat and act the new story 改编并表演新故事 Standards for actor 1)Speak fluently 流利表达 2)Speak fluently and loud 大声并流利表达 3)Act fluently and loud 大声流利表达,并表演 Standards for audiences 1)respect 文明观看 2)score 合理评价 The words you may be used: The sentences you may be used: Step 5 Free practice 师出示图片,T: Boys and girls, as you know if there is a birthday party for Ted, we should lets go and say “Happy Birthday”to Ted. 1)- There is a birthday party to Wendy. - Lets go and say _ to Ted. 2)- There _ a Mothers day party for mothers. - Lets go and say _ to our mothers. 3)- There _ some pencils near the box. - Lets _. 4)- There _ a dirty foot on the chair. - Lets _. 5)- There _some pieces of paper on the playgroud. - Lets _. T: We are the civilized pupils. We love our school, our city and our life. 我们是文明小学 生,我们爱我们的学校、城市和生活。 Homework: 1. 完成导学精要P27-28 相关练习。 2. 运用 Lesson1 的学习方法,预习 Lesson2。
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