广东版三年级上册Unit 1 Hello!-Lesson 2-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:20122).zip

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开心学英语开心学英语 Book1 电子教案(三年级备课组)电子教案(三年级备课组) 教学内容教学内容Unit 4 My family 主备教师主备教师 课时安排课时安排第 1 课时 教学目标教学目标 1.Learn the conversation and the sentences: Whos she? Shes . Whos he? Hes. 2.Learn the new words: family, father, mother, sister, brother, friend 教学重、难教学重、难 点点 1.Identifying people and asking about family and friends. 2. To distinguish the words “he and she” 3. To read the words: friend, brother,family correctly. 教学准备教学准备Picture cards, CD-ROM 教学活动过程设计教学活动过程设计 主备人预设的教与学过程 Step1:Warm up: 1、Free talk: 1) Hi./ Hello./ Good morning. 2) How are you? 3) Whats your name? What about you? How about you? How about me?(引出对话句子之一) 4) Whats this? (可以拿学生的文具,book,pencil, eraser,desk, pen 等提问。) (目的:使学生尽快进入学习状态,复习第 1-2 课的主要句型。) 2、Read the main sentences in Unit 1-2. (PPT) Step2:Learn the new words and sentences. 1、Elicit the new patterns: 1) PPT: Look and guess. (PPT 展示遮盖式图片) T: Whos he/she? (Jenny, Tony) Hes . (Shes .) 板书 2)PPT: Look at the 3 pictures and make senterns with: Hes . Shes . (目的:让学生知道男性用 he,女性用 she) 3) Look and guess. (目的:引出 Who.? 及其回答)(PPT 遮盖式图) a. T: Whos she? Shes Mei Yangyang. Whos he? Hes Hui Tailang. b. Ps say the sentences after the teacher. c. Check. (ask some pupils to read) 4) Practice in pairs. (PPT:四幅图) A: Whos he/she? B: Hes/ Shes. 方式:TP1 P2-T P1-P2 In Pairs. 5) Check. (抽查个别两人小组,看看对话情况) 2、Learn the new words:father mother brother sister family 1) PPT shows the photo of Gogos family. T: Whos he? Yes. Hes Gogo. And who are they? Shes Gogos mother/ sister. 板书 执教者二次备课 And who is he? Hes Gogos father / brother. 板书 And this is Gogos family. 板书 (老师如果看到学生不理解词义,可以用提问学生方法告知单词的意思, 单词的发音可以在呈现新单词时教读音规则) 2)Learn the word: friend. Show the picture P24 图一. Look, this is Tonys family. They are Tonys father, mother, sister and brother.But who is he?(指着图六 的 Ben 问) Hes Tonys friend. 板书 3、Practice the new words. 1) Read all the new words in PPT. 2) A game: Whats missing? Step3: Learn the conversation. 1. Show the three charaters Jenny,Tony and Gogo (课本 P23) T:Who is he/she? P: Hes /Shes . T: They are talking about the photos. Lets listen what they are talking about. 2. Answer according to the cartoon.(检查理解对话情况) PPT 3. Watch the cartoon of the conversation. Then listen and repeat. (听复述的目的是让孩子有认真听的习惯) 3. Read the conversation. (1) Read it by themselves. (2)Show their problems. (3) Role play and check. (PPT 提示主要句子) Step5: Homework 1.家庭表 Unit5 第 2 题 2.抄写单词。 3. 课本 P27,画出你的家庭成员,能用英语介绍家庭人员。 板板 书书 设设 计计 Unit 5 Whos she? father A:Who is he/she? mother B: Hes /Shes . Sister brother friend 课堂作业反思: 教教 学学 反反 思思 2、教学随想 教学内容教学内容Unit 4 My family 主备教师主备教师何 健 金老师课时安排课时安排第 2 课时 教学目标教学目标 1.Review the patterns: Whos he/she? Hes / Shes . 2.Revise the words: family, father, mother, sister, brother, friend 3. Review the conversation. 4.Learn Target 5. Activity 3 教学重、难教学重、难 点点 1)To read the words: family and friend 2) Use “he,she “correctly 教学准备教学准备Picture cards, CD-ROM 教学活动过程设计教学活动过程设计 主备人预设的教与学过程 Step1:A song.P26 CD-ROM 1.Watch the CD ROM and sing the song. 2.改编歌词唱一唱 (PPT) 目的:轻松的歌曲让学生快速进入 Whos he /she?的学习。 Step 2: Review the new words. 1. (PPT ) Read the words. 2. Match the words and the pictures. (PPT) 3.Listen and point. (two pupils one book. And see whos faster) 4. Read the words in groups. (合作记单词) 5. Check: read the word cards in groups.(小组成员轮读检查, family 和 friend 可能会较难,老师可以多让几个学生读) Step3: Review the conversation. 1) Watch CD ROM and read. 2) Read in groups of two. 3) Check some groups. Step4:Learn Target 1)Show the photo of Gogos family and make dialogue with pupils like this: (PPT) T: Hi, Gogo. Whos he? P1(扮演 Gogo): Hes my brother. T: And whos she? P1 (扮演 Gogo):Shes my mother. 2) T P1 P1P2 3) Activity 2: make dialogues in pairs. (学生可以看课本 P27 图开展对话) 执教者二次备课 4) Check 3-4 pairs. 5) Watch the cartoon and learn Target. (CD ROM) a. Listen and repeat. b. Read by themselves c. Read in pairs. 6) Check. Step 5: Homework 1. 家庭表 U5 第 3 题。 2. 抄写 Target 3. 书写本 P15-17 板板 书书 设设 计计 Unit 5 Whos she? family Whos he? Hes my father. friend Whos she? Shes my mother. 1、 课堂作业反思: 教教 学学 反反 思思 2、教学随想: 教学内容教学内容Unit 4 My family 主备教师主备教师何 健 金老师 课时安排课时安排第 3 课时 教学目标教学目标 1.Revise conversation, vocabulary and target. 2.A song: Shes my mom. 3. Practice 1&2 , Activity2 4. Alphabet: Jj Kk Ll 教学重、难教学重、难 点点 To read the words: juice jam 教学准备教学准备Picture cards, Letter cards, CD-ROM 教学活动过程设计教学活动过程设计 主备人预设的教与学过程 Step1:A song.P26 CD-ROM 1.Watch the CD ROM and sing the song. P26 2.Finish the exercise 活动册P18 第 3 题。 Step 2:Revision 1.Revise the conversation. Choose some Ps to recite them. 2.Look and read the picture cards. (主要复习本课的 6 个名词) 1) Read together. 2) Look at Ts mouth and guess the words. 3) Spell the words one by one. (练习拼读能力) 3. Review the patterns. ( PPT 提供图片) T: Hello. . How are you? P: Im fine. T: Whos he/she? P: He/Shes . TP1 (4) In pairs Check 3. Read the words and match. (课本 P26 Activity 1) 4. Practice 2 & 1 ( P25) Step3: Alphabet 1. Look at the picture and guess. (PPT) a. Whats this? Is this an orange? b. Is this juice? c. Whats this? Is this a cat? 执教者二次备课 d. Is this a book?/eraser? e. Is this a dog? f. What s this? 2. Practice: a. Read together. (PPT) b. Read one by one. c. High voice and low voice. d. Read for your partners. e. Check. (Listen and point in pairs) 3. Listen and chant. CDROM ( P28) 4. Exercise. (PPT) Step 5: Teach pupils to write the letters and the new words. Model: J j juice juice juice J j jam jam jam Step 6: Homework 1. 家庭表 Unit5 第 4 题。 2 .书写本 P18。 3. 抄写 6 个单词(格式如下) .J j juice juice juice 板板 书书 设设 计计 Unit 5 Whos she? juice kangaroo lion jam kite lemon 2、课堂作业反思: 教教 学学 反反 思思 2、教学随想 教学内容教学内容Unit 4 My family 主备教师主备教师 何 健 金老师课时安排课时安排第 4 课时 教学目标教学目标 1. Activity 3 2. Revise the sentence patterns in Unit5. 2. Review the Alphabet (P28) 3. Workbook & Writing book. 教学重、难教学重、难 点点 Finish the supplementary exercises correctly. 教学准备教学准备Picture cards, Letter cards, CD-ROM 教学活动过程设计教学活动过程设计 主备人预设的教与学过程 Step 1: Review the alphabet. 1. Recite from AaLl,全班到个人。 2. 请你指出听到的字母。 c b p J s d b G f l I j k i L k 3.Have a dictation. Step2:Review the words,patterns and the conversation. 1. Read the word cards. 2. Listen and order. (听,按顺序写出老师所读单词的序号) A. friend B. mother C. father D. family E. brother F. sister G. lion H. lemon I. kite J. kangaroo K. juice L. jam _ 3. Spell the words in the picture cards. 4. Ask some pupils to recite the conversation. 5. Review the patterns in U15. 1) Match A and B: A B 1) Whats your name? a. Yes, I can. 2) Can you draw?. b. Im Tony. 3) Whats this? c. Hes my brother. 4) Whos she? d. Its an eraser. 5) Whos he? e. Shes my sister. 执教者二次备课 2) Exercise: 你知道下列句子缺了什么单词吗?请你补充完整。 (1) _ you sing? No, I cant. But I _ draw. (2) Whats this? Its _ egg. (3) _ is she? Shes my mother. (4) Whos he? Hes Gogo. _ my friend. Step3: Activity 3 Draw your family and say. 1)Show your picture and introcuce your family member. T: Look, this is my family. Hes my. Shes my. Its me. Ilove my family. (老师可以用简笔画在黑板画出家庭成员然后示范如何介绍家人) 2) Make dialogue like this:(课前让学生在课本 P27 画出家人) T: Hello, . Whos he? P1: Hes my father. T: Whos she? P1: Shes my mother. T: Whos he? P1: Its me. (引导学生说,这是课外的句子) Step4: Finish the exercises in Wrting Book and Workbook. Step5: Homework 1. 家庭表 U5 第 5 题。 2. 拼读 P24, P28 的单词 2 次。 3. 默写字母 Aa-Ll。 板板 书书 设设 计计 Unit 5 Whos she? T: Hello, . Whos he? P1: Hes my father. T: Whos she? P1: Shes my mother. T: Whos he? P1: Its me 3、课堂作业反思: 教教 学学 反反 思思 2、教学随想 Unit One Hello! Gogo Jenny Tony Bonnie Boomer A:Hello! (Hi) Im Gogo. Whats your name? B:Im Tony. A:Nice to meet you! B:Nice to meet you, too! A:Goodbye! (Bye!) 角色扮演角色扮演: B:Goodbye! (Bye!) 主要句型: Hello! / Hi! Whats your name? 你好! 你叫什么名? Im Gogo. (Tony, Jenny, Boomer, Bonnie) 我叫 Nice to meet you! 很高兴认识你! Nice to meet you, too! 我也很高兴认识你! Goodbye!/Bye!再见! Bonnie Boomer GogoTony Jenny Song : Whats your name? Match A and B: A B 1.Whats your name? a. Hi. 2.Nice to meet you. b. Im Gogo. 3.Hello. c. Nice to meet you, too. 4.Hi. d. Hello. 5.Goodbye. e. Goodbye. Aa-apple Bb-banana Cc -cat Hello! Hi! Yeah! Aa Bb Cc, Cc Bb Aa. Aa for apple, / ,/, / Bb for banana, /b/, /b/, /b/ Cc for cat, /k/, /k/, /k/, A Chant 填入适当的字母“a,b,c” anana at pple c b a 复习字母A-G 1.你能背诵你能背诵Aa Gg 吗?吗? .请你指出听到的字母。请你指出听到的字母。 . A F5. a c 6. f e 7. d b 2. D B 3. E F 4. G C8. d g Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Can you ? 1.别人跟你说别人跟你说Goodbye,你如何应答?,你如何应答? 2.别人跟你说别人跟你说Hello,你如何应答?,你如何应答? 3.别人跟你说别人跟你说Nice to meet you,你如何应答?,你如何应答? 4.别人问你别人问你Whats your name?你如何应答?你如何应答? Goodbye/Bye Hello/Hi Nice to meet you, too Im 快速反应快速反应 Aa-apple an apple an ant Aa-ant Bb-banana a banana a bear Bb-bear a cat Cc-cat a carrot Cc -carrot Aa-ant Bb-bear Cc-cat Hello! Hi! Yeah! an applean anta banana a bear a cat a carrot an applean anta banana a bear a cat a carrot an applean anta banana a bear a cat a carrot an applean anta banana a bear a cat a carrot an applean anta banana a bear a cat a carrot 如何区别如何区别 a和和an? ? 1、你知道、你知道 a, an 的意思吗?的意思吗? a, an 一个一个 2、那么如何区别它们的用法呢?、那么如何区别它们的用法呢? 元音开头的单词用元音开头的单词用an, 其余单词一律其余单词一律 用用a 例如:例如: an apple an umbrella 还有类似的单词吗?还有类似的单词吗? apple ant banana bear cat carrot an an a a a a 请用请用a/an填空。填空。 Unit 1 banana banana bear bear 苹果苹果 蚂蚁蚂蚁 猫猫 胡萝卜胡萝卜 8/9 抄写单词抄写单词: apple apple ant t ant t 香蕉香蕉 熊熊 cat t cat t carrot t carrot t Hello H - e l l - o Hi H- i Goodbye G o o d b y e Bye B y e Unit 1 hi hi hi hi 你好你好 再见再见 9.18 抄写单词抄写单词: hello hello hello hello 你好你好 goodbye goodbye goodbye bye bye bye bye 再见再见
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