广东版六年级上册Unit 5 A Circus in the Park-Lesson 4-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频)-市级优课-(编号:2003a).zip

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  • 粤人2011课标版三年级起点_六年级上册(2014年7月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 5 A Circus in the Park_Lesson 4_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+音频)_市级优课_(编号:2003a)
    • Unit5 A Circle in the Park.pptx--点击预览
    • Unit5 Chant.swf
    • Unit5 Reading 音频.mp3
    • 教案2003a.docx--点击预览


Reading and Writing Revision visit-visited like-likedplayed play- lovedlove- is /am- are- do- dont- come- have- swim- take- cant- make- go- was were did didnt came had swam took couldnt went made 动词过去式规则变化:1.一般情况下 加-ed; 2.以不发音的-e结尾的动词, 动词词尾直接加d;3.不规则动词 We are twins. We look the same. I like eating fruit , I dont like meat. I like eating meat, so tasty! I dont like fruit. I like playing the drum. I like playing the piano. She looks happy. She looks unhappy. They are twin sisters . One is Heather, One is Louise. Do you know which is Heather? And which is Louise? Listening Which is Louise? Which is Heather?. Which city they were in last winner? What was the weather like? Task1 Listen to the tape and answer the following questions: Louise Heather They were in Canada. It was snowy. Scanning(寻读 ) Judge(对的写T,错的写F) Task2 ( )1.The twins were in Canada last summer. ( )2.Heather took lots of photos. ( )3.They went to skiing and ice-skating. ( )4. Louise hurt her leg. ( )5.They are at home now. F F F T T skiing Read in groups About the weather About the activities About the food About the travel Louise Heather Task3 Feeling Name Read in groups and fill in the blanks. snowy and beautiful snow everywhere 1.took lots of photos 2.made snowmen 3.went skiing and ice - skating 1.made snowmen, but didnt make a good one 2.went skiing, but hurt her leg liked the food The food was OK. It was so fun. not happy Listen and Retell Task4 Louise and Heather are _ sisters. They were in _ last winter. The weather was _. They _ snowmen, but Heather didnt make a _ one. They went skiing and _, but Heather _ her leg. Louise liked the _ but Heather didnt . Louise was _ but Heather wasnt. Listen to the tape again and retell the passage. twin Canada snowy made hurtice-skating good food happy Discuss in group and make a report. Extension when where feeling how what food Autumn Outing Autumn Outing _,we went to Bai Wan Kui Yuan in _. It was November. The weather _. We went there _. I _. I _. The food there _. I was _. 1.Write a composition about your last autumn outing. HomeworkHomeworkHomeworkHomework 2.Read the passage for three times after class. Unit5 A Circus in the Park Reading and Writing 一教材分析 本单元主要学习过去式的表达,这篇文章讲的是双胞胎对同样事情的不同 感受。通过学习,让学生更加熟练地用过去式来表达过去发生的事情。理解不 同人对同一事物会有不同感受。 二教学设计 本篇阅读是 Unit5 Reading and Writing 部分,按照英语新课程标准的要求, 这堂课应以“以任务贯穿听说读写的活动,让学生通过感知-概括-应用的思维 来增长知识,发展英语能力” 。基于这一要求,教学设计目的如下:1.通过听力 任务助于学生感知文章大概,获取文章信息;2.通过自主阅读,助于学生提高 阅读能力,自主学习和寻找信息能力。3.通过合作阅读,进行语音词汇句子的 处理,在理解,思辨过程中培养学生的语言输出能力,即说话和写作能力。 三教学目标 a.知识目标:Enable to grasp the new words and sentences; Enable to use the past tense to describe the things that happened in the past. b.能力目标:用过去式表达自己对事物的感受 c.情感目标:理解人们感受的差异。 四教学重点难点 (To use the past tense to describe things that happened before.) 五教具:PPT,Blackboard. 六教学过程 Step1.Warming up 1.师生通过问答进行口语交际。 What is the weather like today? / What was the weather like yesterday? 2.复习本单元所学的过去式 3.展示双胞胎照片引出文章。 (设计说明:问答对话调动课堂气氛,复习旧知识,为接下去的学习做铺垫, 可爱双胞胎引出文章) Step2.Reading(文章阅读) Task 1 Listening .(Listen to the tape and answer the following questions.) (通过听力及问题整体感知文章) Task 2. Scanning (寻读) Read the passage by yourselves and judge the sentences. (学生自主阅读文章,初步了解课文内容并判断,助于学生进一步了解文章, 为下一步合作阅读做好准备。 ) Task 3. Read in groups .(合作阅读) Read in groups and fill in the blanks. Then ask some students to show their answers. (在合作中学习找出文章中各信息点,能够激发学生竞争意识与团队精神,同时 加深了学生对课文的理解,加强了学生听说能力的训练;分享答案,使学生更 大胆的表达,提高自信心。) Task4. Listen again and retell. Listen to the tape again and then retell the passage. (再次听录音,训练听力能力,再通过复述文章大意训练学生概括能力,表达能 力,口语能力) Step3 Extension(拓展练习) Show a picture about the autumn outing last month , and lead students to describe it by using the past tense. (引导学生运用过去式描述上个月的秋游,贴近学生生活,助于学生的学以致用, 利于学生的口头表达能力以及书写能力的提高) Step4. Homework 1.Write a composition about the autumn outing. 2. Read the passage for three times after class. 七板书设计(略)
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