广东版四年级上册Unit 2 School Activities-Lesson 3-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:a02e2).doc

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1、1 1 Book3 Unit 2 SchoolActivities 第三课时 Phonics 课题:actions 一、学生分析 经过一年的英语学习,学生对学习英语保持着较高的兴趣,且已打下一定的英语语音学 习基础,也发展了一些英语学习能力。在学习本课时之前,学生已经在第一、第二课时学习 了动词 ing 的发音。因此本课时将结合发音练习加强复习。 二、教材分析 本课时学习第 2 单元第 3 课时的 painting, reading, sleeping, singing, fishing and swimming 的发音,通过学习部分动词 ing 的发音让学生学会融会贯通,会读更多动词 ing

2、 的发音。 三、教学目标: 1知识目标 掌握 ing 的发音以及 ing 在单词末尾连读的发音。 2.技能目标 (1)听:能听出含有 ing 的单词。 (2)说:能使用学习的单词及句型来编歌谣,表演等。 (3)读:能读出有 ing 相关的单词和句子。 3. 情感目标 培养学生的语音语感,提高学生的英语学习水平,增强学生的自信。 4. 学习策略目标 通过情境教学法、小组合作学习的方法和游戏教学法来教学。 四、教学重点和难点 教学重点:ing 的发音。 教学难点:动词辅音结尾 ing 拼读的发音。 五、教具准备:ppt, 单词卡片等。 六、教学过程: Step 1 Warming up and l

3、ead-in (打招呼引入,直奔主打招呼引入,直奔主题题。复习复习已已经学过经学过的的动词动词 ing 形式,形式,为为展展开开新新课课作准作准备备。) 2 2 1. Greetings T:Good morning, boys and girls !Im your new teacher today. Do you know my name ? Ss: No. T:(ppt 1) Im Miss Yuan. Nice to meet you ! Ss: Nice to meet you ! T:Im an English teacher. I like apples.(PPT1) Do yo

4、u like apples?(个别学生) T:I like playing ping pong fishing. (PPT) Do you like playing ping pong ?fishing (个别学生,PPT34) S1:Yes. No. I like T:What do you like ? (个别提问) S: I like (如果有人答到 painting. reading. singing. swimming. 在 PPT6-9 上出示) (以教师的自我介绍为切入点,复习相关的动词以教师的自我介绍为切入点,复习相关的动词 ing 形式。形式。) Step 2 Present

5、ation T:You have so many different hobbies. You can attend our school activities. (ppt10)They are perfect for you. Look!(出示 ppt11) Ss: Wow T:If you like painting,(贴词卡) you can join in this group (ppt11) Do you like painting ? Hands up, please.(写人数) T:Do you like reading singingfishingswimming ? Hand

6、s up, please. (贴词卡, 写人数) T:Iknowwhatareyourhobbiesnow.Butdoyouknowaboutour friends,Tnoy,Jenny and Gogos hobbies ? (ppt12)what do they like ? (贴词卡) Ss:Tony and Jenny like swimming. T:What about Gogo ? Oh,no.Hes sleeping. (贴词卡) (ppt13) (以以参参加加第二课堂第二课堂为为情境,吸引情境,吸引学学生的生的兴 兴趣。趣。) 3 3 T:Excellent! Now loo

7、k at the blackboard. What are the same letters? Ss:They are “ing” T:Thats right. T:What do “i-n-g” sound? (做口型提示) Ss:ing T:Today, were going to learn the “ing” sound. Lets read the words.( singing painting. reading. swimming.)(ppt 14) T:Follow me, read in this way: ing-ing, singing

8、.(ppt15) ing,T-t, t-ing ting. painting.(PPT16 播放(pain)t-ing, (rea)d-ing, (slee)p-ing, (swim)m-ing, (fi)sh-ing.) (ing,ing,t-ing,painting,以此类推教读其他单词) (学习学习 ing 的的发发音音, 进进一步一步学习学习 ing 在常在常见辅见辅音字母的后面的音字母的后面的拼读拼读, 发发展展并并增强增强学学生的生的学习学习 能力。)能力。) T:You all did a good job. Now A chant for you.(ppt17) (带学生一起

9、chant) (以(以歌谣歌谣的形式加强的形式加强学学生生对动词对动词 ing 的的拼读拼读,以拓展,以拓展学学生的生的拼读拼读能力和能力和词汇词汇量。)量。) Step 3 Practice 1 Read more new words T:Well done.Now I have some new words with the “ing” sound, Please stand up and read them out as quickly as you can. (PPT18-19) (做示范) Are you ready?Lets go. Ss : Yes. 2T:(PPT20) Wow

10、, you can read very well. Can you write as well as read? Listen carefully and write down the letters.(以小黑板比赛的形式?) 3T:You are so great. I have a good news to you. This term our school has more school activities for you. (PPT21)展示其他 activities: playing chess, taking photos, 4 4 cutting paper, and maki

11、ng models)Do you like them ? If you want to join in the groups,you have to finish the roadblock first. Listen carefully and fill in the blanks.(PPT22). Hello, boys and girls. We have more school activities this term.They are playing chess, ta_ing photos, cut_ing paper and ma_ing models. Warmly welco

12、me you ! Step 4 Production T:(PPT23) Youre so activity. Im so glad to share this lesson with you all. Please remember a good hobby is a light to the soul.(良好的兴趣爱好能陶冶心灵) Step 5 Summary& homework(ppt24-25) 1T:Today we have learned the ing sound. Lets read these words.(PPT12) 2T:Please find more words of ing sound and try to read. And write them down in your exercise book.


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