冀教版(三起)五上Unit 3 A Travel Plan-Lesson 17 The Travel Plan-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频)-部级优课-(编号:7034c).zip

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  • 冀教2011课标版三年级起点_五年级上册(2014年7月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 3 A Travel Plan_Lesson 17 The Travel Plan_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+音频)_部级优课_(编号:7034c)
    • Make A Travel Plan.pptx--点击预览
    • 教案7034c.docx--点击预览
    • 景点视频.wmv
    • 课文音频.mp3


知识技能目标: 1.学生能理解、朗读并复述课文内容。 2.学生能初步理解一般将来时时态,并运用下列基本句型结构: We will/are going to+动词原形 3.学生能用一般将来时制定并介绍一个基本的旅行计划。 学习策略目标: 1. 学生通过观察句子,感知并发现语言规律。 2. 学生在活动中积极与同学合作,共同完成任务。 情感态度目标: 学生通过制定旅行计划,感受旅行的快乐与生活的美好。 教学目标教学目标 冀教版 小学英语五年级上册 MakeATravelPlanMakeATravelPlan What places do you see? What places do you see? Where do you want to go in this winter holiday? What do we need for a trip ? Listen and tick the dates in the plan. 听音,选出你听到的旅行日期。 Feb.3 Feb.4 Feb.6 Feb.7 Feb.2Feb.5 What will they do in the five days? Read silently and underline.默读课文,划出答 案。 What will they do in five days? Read silently and underline. We We We We We What can you find? 你发现什么规律了吗 ? are going to take are going to visit will go will eat will go will/ be going to+ 主语+动词原形 将要、打算 a train to Beijing Tiananmen Square to the Palace Museum Beijing Duck and go shopping home on February 3. on February 4. on February 5. on February 6. on February 7. 语言小贴士: 一般将来时表示: 将来某个时刻要发生的动作, 或打算做的事情,常与表示将 来的时间连用。 Listen and imitate. I will visit Beijing with Danny and Jenny in February. Here is our travel plan. Listen and imitate. On February 3, we are going to take a train to Beijing. Listen and imitate. On February 4, we are going to visit Tiananmen Square. Its big and beautiful. Listen and imitate. On February 5, we will go to the Palace Museum. Listen and imitate. We will eat Beijing Duck and go shopping on February 6. Listen and imitate. We will go home on February 7. We will have a wonderful trip. We will _ hot pot on February 3. Word List: are going to will eat We _ visit Chengdu on February 1. We _see the pandas on February 2. We are going to fly home on February 4. will are going to eat MyTravelPlanMyTravelPlan Make a travel plan. Step 1 Discuss what you will do. 讨论你们打算做什么 。 Step2 Stick or draw. 粘贴景点卡片或画图。 Step3 Use ”will, be going to” to say your plan. 使用“will或be going to ”口头介绍你们的计 划。 HomeworkHomework Write down your travel plan. My Travel Plan I will go to Shanghai with my friends in this winter holiday. We will We are going to Beijing Sichuan Shanghai Hainan the U.S. 一教学内容分析:一教学内容分析: 本课围绕李明的旅行计划展开,课文内容是基于冀教版五年级上册 17 The Travel Plan 改编而来。课文主要运用一般将来时时态描述旅行计划,内容清 晰,贴近学生生活。 二学情分析二学情分析 本课学习对象为五年级学生,五年级的学生具备简单语言表达力。学生在 第二单元中,已经学习五个国家的一些基本信息和著名景点的名称,为本课的 旅行话题奠定了一定语言基础。学生在本课初次学习一般将来时,需要在理解 课文内容的基础上,理解并运用“We will/are going to+动词原形”这一句型结 构。 三教学目标三教学目标 知识技能目标知识技能目标: 1.学生能理解、朗读并复述课文内容。 2.学生能初步理解一般将来时时态,并运用下列基本句型结构: We will/are going to+动词原形 3. 学生能用一般将来时制定并介绍一个基本的旅行计划。 学习策略目标:学习策略目标: 1. 学生通过观察句子,感知并发现语言规律。 2. 学生在活动中积极与同学合作,共同完成任务。 情感态度目标情感态度目标 : 学生通过制定旅行计划,感受旅行的快乐与生活的美好。 四教学重难点四教学重难点 重点:重点:1. 学生能初步理解一般将来时时态,并运用下列基本句型结构: We will/are going to+动词原形 2. 学生能用一般将来时制定并介绍一个基本的旅行计划。 难点:难点:学生能用一般将来时制定并介绍一个基本的旅行计划。 五教学过程五教学过程 Step1 Lead-in 1. Greeting. T: Good morning, boys and girls. Nice to see you! S: Good morning, Ms. Chen. Nice to see you, too. T: Im very happy to see you here. Are you ready for our class? S: Yes, Im ready. 2. Watch and talk. T: First, I have a wonderful video for you. Please enjoy it, then tell me the places you see. S: 观看视频,并说出视频中自己认识的景点名称。 T: What places do you see? Tell me. S: I see 抢答说出自己刚刚看到的地方。 T: So many wonderful places. After watching, I want to travel in this winter holiday. Do you? S: Yes. T: Where do you want to go? S: I want to go to T: Before travel, what do we need? S: We need some clothes. S: We need some food and tickets T: Youre right. I think we also need a plan. This class lets learn to make a travel plan.板书贴课题 (设计意图:首先观看精彩的景点视频,调动课课堂气氛 同时帮助学生复习了 第二单元学到的各国景点。在之后的 free talk 部分,学生就三个问题自由发 言,激发对旅游的向往,自然引出本课主题。 ) Step 2 New Concept 1. Listen and choose. T: Danny, Jenny and Li Ming will travel in winter holiday, too. T: Take out your paper. Please listen to their travel plan, and tick the dates. S: 听音,选择听到的旅行时间。 T: Good listener. Their trip is from Feb.3 to Feb. 7. 出示旅行日期。贴板书 2. Read silently and underline. T: How many days are there in the plan? S: There are five days. T: What will they do in the five days? Take out your paper, read the plan silently and underline. S:默读课文,划出答案。 T: Lets share the answers. S: They are going to take a train to Beijing on February 3. T: Great! Here is the key sentence. (板书 go to Beijing by train) What will they do next day? S: They are going to visit Tiananmen Square. T: Good reader. (出示关键句,并贴板书图片。同理依次找出计划中后三天的活 动。) T: Are you all right? How wonderful you are. (设计意图:设计具有挑战性的问题,要求学生默读并划出正确答案,使学生 进一步理解课文内容,并在语篇中初步感知 will 和 be going to 的意义。 ) 3. Find the rules. T: Now, I put the key sentences together. Who wants to read for us? S: 大声朗读五个关键句。 T: Pay attention to these sentences. What can you find? S: 观察句子,发现句子特点,,并在老师的引导下总结出: (1)句中都使用了 will 或 are going to (2)will 和 be going to 前都加主语 we,后加动词原形 (3)每句话中都有一个将来的时间 T: So great. What does it mean? The present or the future? S: The future. T: Youre right. It means the future thing. T: 出示板书,领读 we will we are going to This is called “the simple future tense”. Here is a language tip for you. Who can read for us? S: 为大家读出课件中的语言小贴士。 T: Thank you so much. (设计意图:学生在理解文本内容的基础上,通过观察分析句子,感知并发现 语言规律,并总结出一般将来时的基本句式。 ) 4. Listen and imitate. T: Lets listen and imitate Li Mings plan. S: Listen and imitate. T: A wonderful plan can make a wonderful trip. Look at the blackboard, lets say the plan together. S: On February 3, we are going to take a train to Beijing. On February 4, we are going to (设计意图:学生在老师的引导下,根据板书复述课文内容,巩固一般将来时 时态中 will,be going to 的用法。 ) Step3 Practice and Extension 1. Read and write. T: I want to travel in this winter holiday, too. So I make a plan. Can you help me to finish it? Do this on your paper. S: 填空。 (设计意图:这一环节为语言规则的简单运用。通过练习,检测学生是否能正 确使用一般将来时的句式结构:We will/are going to+动词原形。 ) 2. Group work. Make the travel plan. T: Thanks for your help. Now I have my plan. Its time to make your plan for the winter holiday. Look, I have some surprise travels for you. Each group, please choose one. S:各组组长抽取一个信封(信封中装有景点卡片和地图) 。并告诉大家:We will go to T: Youre so excited! Now, make a travel plan in your group. Pay attention to the tips: S:小组活动,讨论并绘制旅行计划。之后展示自己的计划。 (设计意图:这一环节为语言规律的综合运用,通过制定小组旅行计划,学生 能将本课所学运用到实际情景中,同时也培养了学生小组合作的能力。 ) Step4 Class closing 1. T: Boys and girls, Now, we have the great plans. When you travel, dont forget to take it. And dont forget to take a phone. There are many useful APPs on the phone. 向学生推荐当下实用的旅行 app,例如携程、百度地图、天气预报等等。 2. Homework. Write down your travel plan. 板书设计:板书设计: 作课教师课后反思:作课教师课后反思: 本课是一节基于语篇教学的语法课,核心语法内容为一般将来时时态的基 本句型结构:We will/are going to+动词原形。整节课的设计思路是:视频复 习导入新授语篇发现并总结语言规则简单运用规则综合运用规则。 学生通过听音、默读理解语篇内容,在此基础上发现并总结 will 和 be going to 的使用规则,初步理解一般将来时时态。在练习和运用环节,首先通 过一个简单的填空练习,初步检测学生对“We will/are going to+动词原形” 这一句式结构的掌握程度。再通过制定小组旅行计划,将本课语法句式灵活运 用到实际生活情境中。 从整节课的教学效果来看,活动设计精炼有效,目标明确,教学目标基本 达成。学生能够在老师的引导下,由浅入深,由感知到运用,一步步掌握本课 知识。 但在这一过程中,也存在个别问题。在复述课文内容的环节,我没有给学 生自主练习和表达的时间,因此,个别学生缺失了自主回忆课文内容,组织语 言并表达这个思维过程。在今后处理类似活动的时候,应该给学生提供更多的 机会。 指导教师点评:指导教师点评: 本课目标定位准确,每个活动都指向教学目标,充分考虑了学生已有的知 识背景,设计的活动由易到难,循序渐进,指向并达成目标。教师在活动的实 施过程中能够抓住重点,突破难点。本课特别体现了任务教学,学生由理论到 实践,学以致用。 本课最大的亮点在于对教材的深度挖掘和创造性的使用,教师将文本内容进行 改编,学生们对本课要掌握的句型一目了然。教师注重学生对语篇的整体理解, 在理解第一部分语篇时,注重培养学生寻读的阅读策略。本课教师也特别注重 学生的自主学习,在处理一般将来时句型结构时,让学生自己找出一般将来时 的两种表达方式,充分发挥了学生的主观能动性,加深了学生的理解。本课的 活动也与学生的实际生活相联系,通过学习制定旅行计划,到后面小组内制定 真实的寒假旅行计划,由理论到实践,学以致用。 纵观本课,学生非常积极地参与到每一个活动中,课堂气氛活跃,教师评 价准确、及时。在第一个活动,看视频说国家的环节,学生开始只是看,在老 师的带领下学生开始说出国家的名字,如果改成学生抢答国家名字的话,学生 能够更快地进入学习状态,激发学生的表达欲望,后面的课堂气氛也会更加活 跃。
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