人教PEP版四年级上册Unit 6 Meet my family!-B-ppt课件-(含教案)-市级优课-(编号:8062c).zip

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UnitUnit 6 6 MeetMeet mymy familyfamily Part B Lets learn Hello, Im Sarah. Nice to meet you! Come and meet my family! grandfather /grandpa Grandmother /grandma motherfather auntuncle Sarah cousin hospital Look! He works in the hospital. father - He is a _. job 职业,工职业,工 作作 - Whats your fathers job? doctor his My _is a doctor. My father is a doctor. - She is a _ . My aunt works in a hospital, too. But she is not a doctor. - Whats your aunts job ? nurse aunt her uncle - He is a _ . - Whats your uncles job ? drive + er = driver I drive(开车) a taxi everyday. Im a _.driver driver his driver bus taxi train driver driver Driver ,driver, go ,go, go. Let go to see her grandfather. He works on a farm( 在农场在农场). f fararm m - He is a _ . - Whats your grandfathers job ? farmer farm+ er= farmer his Lets do. Farmer ,farmer ,Im a farmer. AB C D E ( ) is for a _. farmer D Yes,you are right. Its my job. cousin 25 - He is a _ . - Whats your cousins job ? cook c coo ook k book look his I can cook(做饭做饭). Lets do! Cook ,cook ,Im a cook. I have no job. Im a student. -Im a _ . - Whats your job ? student nurse farmer driver doctorcook nurse farmer driver doctorcook Quick response (快速反应快速反应) Hello, Im Wu Yifan. Nice to meet you! Meet my family! Whats his fathers job? Hes a . driver father Whats his mothers job? Shes a . nurse mother Whats his job? Hes a .doctor grandfather Whats his job? He s a . farmer uncle Whats her job? She s a . teacher aunt A: Whats your fathers/mothers /aunts /uncles job? B: My father/ my mother is a (Hes / Shes a ) his/her Whats his job? Hes a farmer. My grandfather is a farmer, too! cleaner worker driver policeman 穿越时空隧道,未来,你想成为什么样(穿越时空隧道,未来,你想成为什么样( Through time and space tunnel, in the future, what do you want to be?)?)? Im going to be a . 1.Copy the words 5 times(抄写单词(抄写单词 cook driver doctor farmer nurse 5次次 ),),and the sentences 1 time. 2.Listen to the tape and imitate at least 3 times ) 3.Write about your family and make a report Unit6 Meet my family教案设计教案设计 B Lets learn 一、教学课题一、教学课题 Teaching aims: 1. Grasp the words: doctor, nurse, driver, farmer, baseball player. 2. Understand the dictation and do the same action. Difficulties and importance: Grasp the words. Preparation: Word cards, CAI 二、教材分析教材分析 Unit6 Meet my family是 PEP 四年级英语教材中的最后一单 元,本单元主要是在能听说家庭成员单词的基础上进一步学习单词 nurse, doctor, farmer, driver,baseball player 的认读。学生对家庭成员 单词已有印象,因此教学中可通过多种活动来让学生掌握职业单词 的听说认读。 四、教学方法教学方法 热身复习通过口语练习和改编 chant 来巩固上一课时所学单词 和句型。单词教学时,由于本单元的单词在前几册书中都已出现过, 教师不必逐词教读,学生直接看图说出单词。在学生能够说出单词 的基础上,对学生进行单词认读能力的训练。在引入职业单词教学 时,教师可以说:Im a teacher, but you are students now. What are you going to be?(教师指着图片提示学生:Are you going to be a driver?) 引导学生说出:Im going to be a 五、教学过程、教学过程 Step1 Warm-up 1. Sing a song: Meet my family. T: How many people are there in this song? Who are they? (唱本单元的歌曲, 既活跃课堂气氛,同时引入本课学习。) Step2 Presentation and practice 1. Hello, Im Sarah. Nice to meet you! Come and meet my family! 2. Look they are Sarahs family members. Whos he/she ? He/She s her Do you want to know their job? How to ask Sarah? Sa rah, Whats your _s job? 3. Learn the word: doctor Whos he? Hes Sarahs father. Look, He works in the hospital. Hes a doctor. Its his job. How to ask Sarah his job? Yes, Wh ats your fathers job, Sarah? 4. Sarah says “My father is a doctor.”Do you have a doctor in yo ur family? Who is doctor? For example my cousin is a doctor, how about you?引导学生描述她的做医生的家人。My_ is a d octor. 5. Learn the new word: nurse. Sarah says my aunt works in the hospital, too. But she is not a doctor. Whats Sarahs aunts job? Can you ask Sarah?引导学生 提问:Whats your aunts job?并回答 She is a nurse。 6. Learn the word: driver. Look, this is Sarahs uncle. Do you know whats his job? Can you ask Sarah?引导学生用重点句型提问:Whats your uncles j ob?让学生先猜一猜他的职业,接着出示他的话:look, he says: I drive(开车) a taxi everyday. Im a driver.引出新单词 driver. So, Hes a driver.教授新词 driver 7. 拓展环节:They are all drivers. Look, hes a bus driver拓展 各种车辆的司机。 Driver ,driver, go ,go, go.Let go to see my grandfather. 8. Learn the word: farmer. 9. Look, hes Sarahs grandfather. How to ask his job? Ss: Whats your grandfathers job? 教师出示农场的图片,引出农场的单词 。Do you know where is it? Its a farm. He works on a farm. So, he is a farmer.引出农民的单词:farmer 教师教授新词。 10.Look at Wuyifan, He is a farmer. Now lets do: farmer, farmer, Im a farmer. 11.Look at all the things. Do you know Which is for a farmer? Y es, D is for a farmer. And A is for思维训练环节,不同的物 品代表不同的职业。最后,E is for What?引出厨师的职业。 12.Learn the word: cook. 引出厨师的单词:当学生说出 cook 这个单词的时候,老师说:Y es, you are right. Cook is my job. Look this is Sarahs cousin. Hes 25 years old. He can make many delicious food. And he s ays: I can cook. So whats his job? Yes, hes a cook.教师教授 cook 这个单词。并引出 oo 发短音的 u。并引出发音相同的两个 单词 book 和 look。oo sounds /u/, how to read these words: boo k, look.Good. 13.Look at Chenjie, She is a cook now. Now lets do: , Cook ,co ok ,Im a cook. 14.Do you know whats Sarahs job? How to ask her? “What s y our job Sarah? ” “I have no job. Im a student.” 15.Step3 Consolidation and extension 1. Now lets read these words together. 2. Lets play! Can you say these words quickly? Ss: Yes! OK! 3. Look, this is Wuyifan, lets go and see Wuyifans family. 4. Ask and answer with your partner. And Play free talk 的游戏。 5. 价值观教育:360 行行行出状元。 Do you know whos he? Hes Yuanlongping. Hes the father of hybbrid rice. Hes a grade farmer. Look ,they are model workers: She is a cleaner. She is a worker. He is a driver. And he is a policeman. Different people have differ ent works. And they are all helpful! And we should helpful, too. Study hard and work hard, and make your dream come true. Through time and space tunnel, in the future, what do you want to be? Teacher ask one student whats her dream. Step4 Homework 1.Copy the words 5 times(抄写单词 cook driver doctor farmer nurse 5 次) ,and the sentences 1 time. 2.Listen to the tape and imitate at least 3 times. 3.Write about your family and make a report. 六、六、 教学反思教学反思 本节课成功的地方: 1. 情境创设的比较好,过程比较完整。大情境通过 Sarah 的 family 来讲授新词,然后过度到 Wu Yifans family.进行巩固操练,最后 过度到自己的 family,达到学以致用的目的。 2. 重难点突破的比较好,特别是能在语境和句子中进行难点的突破。 并利用板书呈现重点的内容。 3. 情感教育方面也比较好,首先,通过 360 行,行行出状元 (Every profession produces its own topmost master. )让学生学会 尊重劳动者,并指导 Do what you love, and love what you do.其次, 利用穿越时光,你将来想要成为怎样的一个人?让学生自己说一 说,并引出要努力学习实现梦想。study hard and work hard,to make your dream come true. 4. 本节课一改拖沓的习惯,节奏比较紧凑,环节比较完整。 需要改进的方面: 首先是板书设计方面还需要改进,例如写的和贴的如何配合使用, 图片过大,不利于板书的呈现。 其次,教师领读过多,教师展示的过多,而没有给学生展示的机会。 另外,教师的指令语不够简洁,教师需要重复多次才能让学生了解。 第三,教师领读,重复的过多,过犹不及。 第五,单词呈现的方法比较单一,应该采用多种方法进行呈现,除 了看最后一个 cook 使用工具引出来说的,其余的都是通过图片引出 来的,可以改变一下,比如 doctor 采用 hospital 引入的话,nurse 就 可以采用 Sarah 的话来引出让学生猜一猜:She works in the hospital, too. But she is not a doctor. Whats her aunts job? driver 是让学生阅读 来猜他的工作,I drive a taxi everyday. Whats my job.而 farmer 通过 在农场工作来引出 Farmer is the man or person who works on the farm. 第四,也是最重要的问题:关于学本课堂的问题,没有体现以学生 为本,把更多的机会留给孩子,没有很好的做到:教师作为一个引 导者的角色。改进建议:在授课环节加入写的练习去掉 chant 的环 节,加入提单。先利用提单小组检查预习情况,列出比较难发音的 单词。其次,教师授课突破难点,并板书新单词。小组合作以自己 喜欢的方式读单词和句型并展示(可以创编新对话) 。 七、七、 教学资源教学资源 课件、图片、单词卡片、录音机
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