人教版九年级Unit 10 You are suppoed to shake hands.-Section A Grammar focus 4a—4c-ppt课件-(含教案)-市级公开课-(编号:f0901).zip

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  • 人教2011课标版_九年级全一册(2014年3月第1版)_初中英语_Unit 10 You are suppoed to shake hands._Section A Grammar focus 4a—4c_ppt课件_(含教案)_市级优课_(编号:f0901)
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Different countries have different customs. Can you say anything about them? You can choose one(1minute to prepare, then hands up) Its in Europe. Its the capital of clocks and watches. n. 首都首都 Answer:It is Swizerland(瑞士) Which country is it? What about this country? Its in South America.It is famous for its coffee. It is Colombia(哥伦比亚哥伦比亚) Itsname starts with C Match the meanings with the phrases. (pks) 1. 大动肝火 a. be relaxed about (doing) sth. 2. 有点晚 b. a little/a bit/ a little bit late 3. 做有趣的事情 c. drop by 4. 毕竟,终究 d. at noon 5. 在中午 e. after all 6. 对某事随意/宽松 f. get mad 7. 顺便来访 g. do something interesting 8. 和家人共度时光 h. spend time with family Preview the key phrases. 快速默读3a, (3分钟)回答下面问题: Whats the attitude(态度态度) towards time in Switzerland and in Colombia? In Switzerland, People in Colombia its very important to be on time. are relaxed about the time Read again to find out answers to the following questions (5mins) write your answers on your notebooks. 1.In which country is it ok to be 15 minutes late for dinner? 2.Do they usually make plans to meet their friends in Colombia? 3.What is very important in Switzerland? 4.What will happen if youre 15 minutes late in Switerland? 5.Do they usually make plans to see friends in Switerland? No To be on time My friend may get mad Yes In Colombia 1.Fill in the blanks.write your answers on your notebooks. 2minutes In Colombia Where Im from,people are pretty _(要求宽要求宽 松松) time. They dont like to rush around.They_( 珍惜)珍惜)the time they spend with their family and friends in our everyday lives. They often just _(顺便来(顺便来 访)访) their friends homes. They dont usually have to make plans to meet their friends. Often they just walk around the town center, _ (尽可能多地见其他朋友)。(尽可能多地见其他朋友)。 1.Fill in the blanks.write your answers on your notebooks. In Colombia Where Im from,people are pretty _(要求宽要求宽 松松) time. They dont like to rush around.They_( 珍惜)珍惜)the time they spend with their family and friends in our everyday lives. They often just _(顺便来(顺便来 访)访) their friends homes. They dont usually have to make plans to meet their friends. Often they just walk around the town center, _ (尽可能多地见其他朋友)。(尽可能多地见其他朋友)。 drop by relaxed about value seeing as many of their friends as they can Value v. 珍惜,重视珍惜,重视Valuable adj 有价值的,珍贵的有价值的,珍贵的 我一直很重视老师们所给的建议我一直很重视老师们所给的建议 Ive always_Valued teachers advice relaxed adjadj bebe relaxedrelaxed aboutabout 放松的,自在的放松的,自在的 对对感到放松感到放松 不要害怕,轻松考试不要害怕,轻松考试 pk Dont be afraid, just be relaxed about the exam drop by 今晚你能顺便来我家一趟吗?今晚你能顺便来我家一趟吗?pkpk 顺便拜访,随便访问顺便拜访,随便访问 Can you drop by my house this evening? seeing as many of their friends as they can seeing as.as sb can 是现在分词短语在句子中做是现在分词短语在句子中做伴随状语伴随状语, 表示表示谓语动作谓语动作发生的同时,发生的同时,另一个动作另一个动作也在发生。也在发生。 eg . 我爷爷坐在椅子上,读着报纸。我爷爷坐在椅子上,读着报纸。pk My grandfather sits on a chair,_ as .as sb can/could某人尽可能某人尽可能.=as.as possible 我将尽我所能帮助你我将尽我所能帮助你 pk I will do as much as I can to help you In Switzerland, its very important to be on time. It is the capital of clocks and watches, _ (毕竟毕竟). If someone invites you to meet him or her at noon.If you are even 15 minutes late ,your friend may _(气愤)(气愤).So I _(做出努力)做出努力) be on time when I meet my friends.They _visit a friends house_(没有打电话没有打电话)first. They usually make plans to see friends. They usually plan to do something interesting, or go somewhere together. In Switzerland, its very important to be on time. It is the capital of clocks and watches, _ (毕竟毕竟). If someone invites you to meet him or her at noon.If you are even 15 minutes late ,your friend may _(气愤)(气愤).So I _(做出努力)做出努力)be on time when I meet my friends.They _visit a friends house_(没有打电话没有打电话)first. They usually make plans to see friends. They usually plan to do something interesting, or go somewhere together. after all without calling make an effort toget mad never after all AfterAfter allall,hehe isis onlyonly a a kidkid 毕竟毕竟 毕竟他只是个孩子毕竟他只是个孩子 pk get mad Whatever I say,Please dont get mad at/with me 无论我说什么,请不要生我的气无论我说什么,请不要生我的气 pk 生气生气 get mad with/at sb生某人的气生某人的气 make an effort (to do) I will make an effort to stop smoking. 努力努力(去做去做) 我会努力戒烟我会努力戒烟 pk we never visit a friends house without calling first. never和和without都表示否定,合在一起表达肯定意义,翻都表示否定,合在一起表达肯定意义,翻 译为译为“一定会一定会”。这是一个。这是一个双重否定句双重否定句, ,译为译为我们到朋友 家拜访一定会事先打电话。 e.g. You will hardly ever be able to speak good English without practicing.英译汉英译汉 pkpk 你不练习几乎是不可能把英语说好的你不练习几乎是不可能把英语说好的/你练习就会把英语说好你练习就会把英语说好 课文难点句子翻译(可以小组内同学讨论)课文难点句子翻译(可以小组内同学讨论)pk 1Where I am from, we are pretty relaxed about time. We dont like to rush around _ 2.We dont usually have to make plans to meet our friends 3.We often just walk around the town center, seeing as many of our friends as we can. _ 4We never visit a friends house without calling first 在我们那里,人们的时间观念不强,我们不喜欢匆匆忙忙的 我们通常不必特意安排与朋友见面 我们常常只是在镇中心走一走,尽可能多地见见我们的朋友 我们到朋友家拜访一定事先打电话 What have you learned in this class? 1对对.感到放松感到放松 2珍惜你所有拥有的珍惜你所有拥有的 3顺便访问顺便访问 4.的首都的首都 5毕竟毕竟 6生某人的气生某人的气 7努力做某事努力做某事 8没有敲门没有敲门 1.be relaxed about 2.value what you have 3.drop by 4.the capital of 5.after all 6.get mad with sb 7.make an effort to 8.without knocking A small test in class pay attention to your handwriting The answers to the small test in class 1.keep sb doing 2.avoid doing 3.at noon 4.in our daily life 1.be relaxed about 2.value what you have 3.drop by 4.the capital of 5.after all 6.get mad with sb 7.make an effort to 8without knocking 1.retell the two passages. 2.find out the concept of time in different countries(at least 3 countries,free talk in next class ) 1 课课 题题Unit 10.You are supposed to shake hands section A 3a授新 重重 点点 单词短语 教教 学学 目标目标 1 单词 capital valued 2 短语:be relaxed about, drop by, after all, get mad ,make an afford to 3 句式:seeing as many of their friends As they can hardly.without 4.了解不同国家对于时间的不同观念 难点难点 现在分词短语做伴随状语 双重否定句 教教 法法 学练考教教 具具PPT 教学过程教学过程教学内容 师生师生 互动互动 设计设计 意图意图 预计时间预计时间 学情分析学情分析本班学生性格内向,不自信,不爱张扬,发言不积极 定 向 自 学 讲讲 好好 一一 节节 课课 是是 享享 受受 教学过程教学内容 师生 互动 设计 意图 预计时间 2 释 疑 探 究 互 测 自 结 1 .导入新课 2.学习课文 1)速读课文,回答 5 个问题(任务型阅读) 3.跟读课文 4.课文填空 5.学习语言点 6.课文难点翻译 7.课堂小测 T:Where are the Two countries? S:guess the answer S:5 分钟后自己对答案。 T:放课文录音 S:听并跟读 S:学生对答案,改正, 一分钟记忆 S:学生针对每个语言 点造句子,抢答 S:学生抢答 S:学生互批 引起学 生对本 节要学 习的两 个国家 的注意 培养学 生带着 问题快 速浏览 文章能 力 提高学 生的跟 读模仿 语音语 调能力 培养学 生运用 知识点 的能力 提高学 生翻译 能力 提高学 生写的 能力 2 分钟 5 分钟 3 分钟 3 分钟 14 分钟 7 分钟 5 分钟
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