人教版九年级Unit 12 Life is full of the unexpected.-Section B 2a—2e-ppt课件-(含教案+视频)-部级优课-(编号:f012e).zip

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  • 人教2011课标版_九年级全一册(2014年3月第1版)_初中英语_Unit 12 Life is full of the unexpected._Section B 2a—2e_ppt课件_(含教案+视频)_部级优课_(编号:f012e)
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Letsenjoyavideo. How much do you know about April Fools Day? AprilFoolsDay =AprilFoolsDay =AllFoolsDay Ithappens_everyyear. Itisa_thattakesplaceindiff erentcountriesaroundtheworld. Itisadaywhenmanypeople_ oneachother. onApril1st celebration playallkindsoftricksandjokes Para1 Haveyoueverfooledothers? Haveyoueverbeenfooledbyothers? HaveyoueverbeenanAprilFool? eg.WewillhaveanEnglishtesttomorrow. playajoke spread hoaxes Whatkindofjokesdoforeignersplay? 2b Read the passage quickly. Match each paragraph with the main idea. Paragraph1 Paragraph2 Paragraph3 Paragraph4 Themostfamoustrick played Examplesoffunnystories thathappenedonAprilFools Day. AnintroductiontoApril FoolsDay Asadstorythathappened onAprilFoolsDay USING BACKGROUND KNOWLEDGE Carefully reading the fi rst sentence in each paragraph can activate your own knowledge of the topic and help you guess what the whole text is about. Joke1AnEnglishreporterannounced thattherewouldbenomorespaghetti becausetheItalianfarmershad _. Joke2AEnglishTVshowreportedthe _ofspecialwater.Theysaidthe watercouldhelppeople_. stoppedgrowingit loseweight discovery Para3 WhydidtheTVstarsjokehaveabad ending? Helostbothhisgirlfriendandhisshow. Whywastheshowcanceled? Youcanneverseeit again. ReadPara4,andcompletetheform. WhenWhoWhatResult October, 1938 Orson Welles He announced onhisradio programthat aliensfrom Marshad landedon theearth. Bythetime policeofficers announced thatthestory wasahoax, thousandsof peoplehadleft theirhomes. Work in groups to tell your funny stories .The class will vote for: a. the funniest joke b.themostembarrassingjoke c.themostcreativejoke adj.使人害羞的(难 堪的或惭愧的) Read the passage in 2b. Write down your story about April Fools Day. Unit 12 Life is full of the unexpected. Section B 1 (2a-2e) 一、一、 教材与教学内容分析教材与教学内容分析 人教版 Go for it!新版教材按照“话题-结构-功能-任务”的模式,采用分 层结构和循环递进的方式来安排教学内容,倡导任务型教学,突出“以学生为 本” “以能力为主”的理念,引领学生通过参与、探究和合作等方式,学会用英 语与他人交流,表达自己的思想,提高综合语言运用能力。此外,教材把语言 知识和语言技能、情感态度、学习策略等有机结合起来,注重学生的全面发展。 本课教学内容为人教版 Go for it!新版教材九年级 Unit12 中 Section B 有关 愚人节的阅读板块,该语篇是一篇叙述性文章,讲述了四个与开玩笑有关的故 事,前三个均发生在愚人节,第四个故事与人愚人节没有关系,但却是闻名于 世的著名恶作剧之一。通过本单元前面几个课时的学习,学生已经有了一个开 放的心态来谈论生活中或者愚人节时出现的出人意料的玩笑或者闹剧。同时, 通过优秀的学生对于自己的有趣或者搞笑的生活经历进行过分享,学生们从情 感上已经能够理解愚人节的玩笑,学会用娱乐的精神来面对这些玩笑和闹剧。 这一切为本课时 April Fools Day 的学习垫定了良好的情感和背景基础。 二、学情分析二、学情分析 本班学生整体英语基础较好,学习动机明确,习惯于在小组活动中互相帮 助,积极与他人合作,敢于用英语进行表达。本课时内容与学生的生活和兴趣 紧密相连,学生在探究过程中不会感到枯燥乏味,因此有利于发挥学生的学习 主动性。教师应当使用恰当的阅读策略,引导学生从背景入手,通过读前讨论, 读中思考,读后分享,进行有效的阅读、思维及表达训练。 三、教学目标三、教学目标 1. 学生能够通过阅读文本,了解愚人节的故事,并能够运用其中的结构和语言 简单复述故事。 2. 学生能够运用略读、跳读、细读策略,学会寻找主题句,概括大意以及理解 文章细节信息。 3. 学生能基于阅读文本开展读后故事分享活动。 4.学生通过对批判性思维的理解,学会辨析和汲取西方文化中的精华,初步培 养跨文化意识。 四、教学过程四、教学过程 . Warming- up Have Ss watch a video and answer the question: A special day is mentioned in the video. What is it? . Free talk 1. Ask : How much do you know about April Fools Day? Let Ss share their information about April Fools Day in pairs. 2. Have Ss read Paragraph1and fill in the blanks It happens_ every year. It is a _ that takes place in di ff erent countries around the world. It is a day when many people _on each other. Answers: on April 1st , celebration , play all kinds of tricks and jokes 3. Let some Ss share their own experience on April Fools Day in class. III. Reading Fast Reading 1. Read the passage quickly. Match the paragraphs with the main idea. 2. Ask Ss : How can you get the right answer so quickly? Remind Ss the reading strategy: Carefully reading the fi rst sentence in each paragraph can activate your own knowledge of the topic and help you guess what the whole text is about. Careful Reading 1. Have Ss read Paragraph2 and answer the question: Which story is more believable? Why? Paragraph 1 The most famous trick played Paragraph 2 Examples of funny stories that happened on April Fools Day. Paragraph 3 An introduction to April Fools Day Paragraph 4 A sad story that happened on April Fools Day 2.Have Ss read Paragraph3 and answer the question: Why did the TV stars joke have a bad ending? 3. Have Ss read the last story, and complete the form. WhenWhoWhatResult October, 1938Orson Welles He announced on his radio program that aliens from Mars had landed on the earth. By the time police officers announced that the story was a hoax, thousands of people had left their homes. . Post reading Ss work in groups to tell their funny stories .The class will vote for: a. the funniest joke b. the most embarrassing joke c. the most creative joke . Homework 1. Read the passage in 2b. 2. Write down your story about April Fools Day.
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