Project 2 My snack bar-Part A B C ,D & E-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-新牛津译林版四年级上册(配套课件编号:41177).docx

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Project 2 My snack bar-Part A B C ,D & E-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-新牛津译林版四年级上册(配套课件编号:41177).docx_第1页
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Project 2 My snack bar-Part A B C ,D & E-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-新牛津译林版四年级上册(配套课件编号:41177).docx_第2页
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1、四年级上册四年级上册 ProjectProject 2 2 (Unit5-Unit8(Unit5-Unit8 复习复习) ) 教学简案教学简案 一、Teaching aims: By the end of this lesson, all the students are able to: (1)know what to review and how to review when they need to review the whole unit. (2)follow the rules of learning projects, not only at this lesson, but a

2、lso in the future. (3)review some key and difficult language points by refining what they have learned by themselves. 二、Teaching procedures: Step1Step1 GreetingsGreetings andand briefbrief introductionintroduction ofof thethe wholewhole 设计意图:让学生对本册书的结构有所了解,尤其加深学生对 project 部分的认识。 Step2 Rul

3、es of learning projects and ways to review the whole unit. (1)rules of learning projects: go over the bookthink and saywork in groupsuse more words (2)ways to review: W Whathat: words; sentences;grammar;writing HowHow: read the contents of the units; do some exercise;summarize what has been learned

4、before WaysWays: rememberrecallrefine 设计意图: 学法指导, 让学生知道如何学习 project 板块以及如何复习。 Step3Step3 RevisionRevision ofof Unit5Unit5 toto Unit8Unit8 (1)Unit8: Say something about the boy,Migue. 设计意图:以米格人物为主线,在情境中复习每一单元,第一步以 介绍人物的形式复习第八单元。 (2)Unit5: Station1 (At home) Encourage the students to help Migue ask qu

5、estions about where his things are by using “Where is/are?” 设计意图:学生自主问答事物的地点,复习第五单元重点句型并辅以 两组典型易错题。 (3)Unit6:Station2 (At a snack bar) Get the students to recall what the family would like at the snack bar and the main sentences that may be used. 设计意图: 回忆本单元文本中一家人在小吃店的点餐以及点餐和服务 时用到的重点句型,易错题重点提醒学生区分容

6、易混淆的句型。 (4)Unit7:Station3(At a charity sale) Get the students to retell the story by using the main pattern “How much is/are?” 设计意图:以复述的形式复习如何表达东西的价格,提高学生的概括 和用英语表达的能力。 整体意图:复习以上单元的重点句型,为进入 project2 环节作好铺垫。 Step4Step4 Project2Project2 (make(make a a snacksnack bar)bar) (1)know some food: review the

7、names of the food and what they must pay attention to. 设计意图:让学生为设计自己的小吃店作好准备,并且通过学生自己总结 的方法复习这些食品饮料类单词的注意点。 (2)design the snack bar: work in groups of two and design the snack bar by asking “Where is/are?” 设计意图: 通过问答形式复习句型并且设计自己小吃店事物和饮料的摆布, 并鼓励学生大胆展示自己的小吃店。 (3)make the menu: tell the students what i

8、s a menu and how to make a menu.Ask and answer in pairs by using “How much is/are?” 设计意图:让学生了解菜单和菜单的制作方法,并复习询问价格的句型。 (4)sell the food: Get the students to work in groups of six and try to act out the dialogue at the snack bar. 设计意图:通过小组合作让小组内成员去自己设计的小吃店,用学过的句 型点餐和购买食物。 Step5Step5 SummarySummary Summarize what the students have learned at this lesson and remind them to remember what and how to review in the coming days.


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