Unit 8 Dolls-Sound time, Rhyme time, Checkout time & Ticking time-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-新牛津译林版四年级上册(配套课件编号:11005).doc

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Unit 8 Dolls-Sound time, Rhyme time, Checkout time & Ticking time-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-新牛津译林版四年级上册(配套课件编号:11005).doc_第1页
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Unit 8 Dolls-Sound time, Rhyme time, Checkout time & Ticking time-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-新牛津译林版四年级上册(配套课件编号:11005).doc_第2页
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Unit 8 Dolls-Sound time, Rhyme time, Checkout time & Ticking time-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-新牛津译林版四年级上册(配套课件编号:11005).doc_第3页
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Unit 8 Dolls-Sound time, Rhyme time, Checkout time & Ticking time-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-新牛津译林版四年级上册(配套课件编号:11005).doc_第4页
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1、4AUnit 8Dolls(教学设计) 一教学目标: 1 知识目标:I can use “ his” and “her ”. 我会使用 “ his” 和 “her” 。 2 能力目标: I can describe people and animals.我能描述人物和动物。 3 情感目标:I can understand “Dont judge by appearances,Ill be nicer to others.我能明白 “不以貌取人”道理,我将更友好地接人待物。 二学情分析: 单词 his、her 是 4AUnit8 的新单词,但个别学生在第三甚至第四课时时,仍不能自如 表达由这两个

2、单词带头的句子,如单复数表达错误、男女对应词用错等;单词 small、big、 tall 分别在 3BP10、P54 出现过,在 4A U8 再次复现,其它单词均为新单词。 本课是第五课时,即复习课,所以我就進行“查漏补缺式”复习和“小组合作式”拓展。 中年段的学生好胜、好强、好奇,我就在课前把座位变成四人一组合坐式,同时本课中 设置游戏、竞猜、比赛、讨论、写作、交流、表演等活动,让他们自如表达、大胆描述自己 喜欢的或身边的人与物。 针对四年级学生心理年龄偏低,同学间可能有“以貌取人”的现象,我希望孩子们去读 一读The ugly duckling (丑小鸭) ,让他们理解“不能以貌取人”道理

3、。同时,我让男女生 表演唱Thin and fat ,在歌声中学会接纳他人不同的长相或性格等固有特征,多交朋友。 三教学重难点: 1. 恰当运用本单元的四对反义词(big-small; fat-thin; long-short; tall-short) ,辨析 和使用对应词 he 和 she、his 和 her 力争不错; 2. 主语单数/不可数用 is;主语复数用 are; 3. 通过游戏、竞猜、比赛、讨论、写作、交流、表演等活动,让学生自如表达、大胆 描述自己喜欢的或身边的人与物。 四教学过程: (Greeting) Step 1warning up and singing (铺垫与热身)

4、 1 review some words , introduce the competition of today: T: Boys and girls, look at the blackboard. What is this ? What are these? (课前已贴好本课的五个单词对应的图片) S1: Its a nose/mouth. S2: Theyre eyes/ears. T: Well done! Today well continue to learn Unit 8 Dolls. Look, whats this?( showing two pictures) Ss:It

5、s a boy.(出示并贴好一男孩图片) T: What is it?Ss: Its a girl.(出示并贴好一女孩图片) T: Yes. Boys and girls, lets have a PK, OK? I will give you many stars.( T points the stars on the edge .)Ss : OK! (明确男女生 PK,而不是我们平日里的四大组比赛) (激发学生更大兴趣,又有“story time” 的“影子”- 男女对比。 ) 2 T: Lets sing an English song,OK?Ss: OK. THe is lovely;

6、 He is clever; He is naughty) B, T shows the picture of“Barbie”(芭比公主) , lets Ss discuss and fill in the blanks: 1. ()dressis(). 2. ()hair()long . 3.Hereyes()(). 4.()ears()small. 5.()noseis(). 6. ()mouthis() . 7.()is() andthin. 8. ()is()! (其中第 “8” 小题也属于半开放式, 如,She is tall; She is nice;She is beautifu

7、l;She is lovely) Step 6Magictime ( “魔法”时间) 1. T: Barbie gives a magic thing- a nice telescope. Look , whocanyou see?Canyou describe ?(PPT shows a cartoon character - Xiao Huihui ) (承接上一环节, 由芭比送 “礼” 一个魔力望远镜, 过渡到男女生比赛- “自由说话” ) Boys and girls have a competition- Using own sentences to describe Xiao Hu

8、ihui : He is (). His() is () . His () are () .His () and () are () . (鼓励学生们用自己的语言来说一说!用上 tall,short ,handsome,cute,cool,lovely 等词 He can/ he likes) Then the students have a discussion in fours and fill in the blanks on the sheet. 2. T: Make up a new sentence with the words!大声读出你看到的单词,再把这些单词组 合成一句话!(

9、PPT shows some “ bubbles ” from the telescope. ) (此处由“魔力望远镜” ,过渡到男女生比赛-“连词成句” 。 ) The students try to make new sentences as follows: S1 :He is tall and fat.。 S2 :His tail is short. S3: She is fat but lovely.( T gives stars one by one.) (这三句的句式不一样,最后一句还有一点儿“德育”的味道。 ) 3. T: Look carefully, who can you

10、 see now?Where? S1: She is Barbie. T: Yes. She is in her dream house. She says, “ Welcome to my house ,my friends!“ She has many friends,guess: Who are they? (此处由 “魔力望远镜” , 让孩子们的注意力回到芭比身上, 再过渡到男女生竞猜- “芭 比的好朋友是谁” 。 ) Step 7Guessingtime (竞猜时间) 1 .cover the part and guess(遮挡式竞猜): Picture 1 : Her dress

11、is long and beautiful,her shoes are nice! (S1: Cinderella) (灰姑娘) Picture 2 : His nose is big. He can play Chinese Kung Fu (S2: Cheng Long ).(成龙) Picture 3 : Her hair is short, her English is great! (S3: Dora )(朵拉) ( T gives stars one by one.) 2. read three short passages and guess(文字型竞猜): Character

12、1 : His head and eyes are big.Hes fat and short. He can do magic. His best friend is Da Xiong. S1: Doraemon(哆啦 A 梦). T: Wonderful! Character 2 : Her ears are long. Shelikes jumping. Her eyes are small. Her little mouth look likes a cross (). Her tail is short. S2: Miffy. (米菲) T: Great! Character 3 :

13、 His head is very, very small.Hes white .He is tall and fat.He is very kind(善良) . S3: Da Bai. (大白) T: You are clever! (Boys and girls continue to have a PK -T gives stars one by one.) 3. listen to the computer ( one girl imitates Barbies sound )and guess: Character 1 : She is beautiful. She is tall

14、and thin.Her mouth is red. She has seven little good friends. ( Snow White )(白雪公主) Character 2 : His head and mouth are big, his eyes are small.He is fat. He is cool. He has many friends,such as Tiger, Piglet, Robin . (Winne the Pooth )(小熊维尼) Character 3 :His head ,eyes and mouth are big. His father

15、 has a small head small eyes and a big mouth . ( Xiao Tou )(大头儿子) ( Boys and girls continue to have a competition-T gives stars one by one.) PPT“gives”a sound: Barbie, its time for Cinderellas party. Another Sound (Barbie) : OK! Boys and girls, bye-bye! See you next time! Send me a letter to introdu

16、ce your toy or doll. (通过有人提醒芭比- “灰姑娘的派对时间到了” ,过渡到“请孩子们介绍自己的玩具” 。 ) Step 8Discussingtime(讨论时间) The students discuss in fours: Hello,Barbie. My . is.His/Her hair isHis/Her eyes areHis/Her ears areHis/Her nose isHis/Her mouth isHe/She is .I like/love my . ! T shows the learning tip: 男女要注意区分,个别词语若两人以上合作

17、,要做适当调整。 (给足孩子讨论时间,让他们畅所欲言。老师巡视并给予点拨。 ) Step 9Writingtime (写作时间) PPT plays the music- Kiss with the rain, the students write the letter to the Barbie by themselves. T walks around and gives the students some help. (给足孩子写作时间,让他们仔细思考、慢慢书写。老师巡视并给予提示。 ) Step 10Showtime (表演时间) T: Boys and girls, you can

18、choose your favorite way - show by yourself; show in a small group; show with your desk mate; show with your friend. T invites some students to come to the front and show the letters ,adding your gestures, moods and so on. (允许孩子们选择表演性描述自己玩具的方式-个人独秀,同桌合演,与同伴演,小 组表演,搭建交流更好的平台。 ) Step 11Recommendingtim

19、e (推荐时间) T:Its time for recommending. The ugly ducklingis a good picture book. ( 丑小鸭的故事总能提醒孩子们“不以貌取人”的道理。 ) Step 12Songtime (歌曲时间) T: Well done!Lets sing the song Thin and fat. Boys and girls sing and act it in turns. (男女轮流表演唱这首歌。 ) Step 13Tickingtime (评价时间) According todays learning aims to tick tw

20、ice , evaluate by yourselves and your desk mates. Step 14Homework(布置作业) 1 write a short article (短文) to introduceyourclassmate / friend /teacher / family member to us and read for us tomorrow. 2 make a wish or write a letter to Father Christmas( I want to have a new toy/doll.His/Her.) before Christmas Day. 3 Ill be nicer to others(我将更善待他人). (这里有书面作业,也有口头作业,并融入一定的思想教育。 )


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