Unit 6 At the snack bar-Sound time, Rhyme time, Checkout time & Ticking time-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-新牛津译林版四年级上册(配套课件编号:a000a).docx

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Unit 6 At the snack bar-Sound time, Rhyme time, Checkout time & Ticking time-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-新牛津译林版四年级上册(配套课件编号:a000a).docx_第1页
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Unit 6 At the snack bar-Sound time, Rhyme time, Checkout time & Ticking time-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-新牛津译林版四年级上册(配套课件编号:a000a).docx_第2页
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Unit 6 At the snack bar-Sound time, Rhyme time, Checkout time & Ticking time-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-新牛津译林版四年级上册(配套课件编号:a000a).docx_第3页
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Unit 6 At the snack bar-Sound time, Rhyme time, Checkout time & Ticking time-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-新牛津译林版四年级上册(配套课件编号:a000a).docx_第4页
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Unit 6 At the snack bar-Sound time, Rhyme time, Checkout time & Ticking time-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-新牛津译林版四年级上册(配套课件编号:a000a).docx_第5页
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1、四上 Unit 6At the snack bar 自然拼读绘本课 一、教学目标: 1. 知识与技能: a. 能听懂、会说、会读单词: ham, mouse, anywhere, goat, could, may, will b. 能用句型: Do you like? I do not like Would you like? I would not like Would you? Could you? You may like them. You will see. I could not I will not I do so like I would I will 2. 过程与方法 a.

2、能基本了解故事内容,并掌握字母 It 的发音。 b. 了解一些直拼组合发音,比如:house, mouse; here, there, anywhere; would, could; boat, goat; rain, train; tree, be; box, fox。 c. 结合本单元重点句型,使用新交际用语进行交流: Do you like? I do not like; Would you like? I would not like d. 能够使用句型,展开想象,猜测故事情节,创编小诗。 2. 情感目标: 在情节支撑下,培养孩子对角色语气的表演技巧。 培养学生正确观点,有志者事竟成,

3、要学会相信,勇于尝试新事物。 二、教学重点: 通过教学字母 Ii 的发音, 让学生能够自己通过发音规则, 会读更多的单 词, 并且有效利用这些单词让学生创编小诗, 促进单词教学。 通过创造情景, 了解基本的故事情节,并且基于第六单元的重点句型,展开合理想象,猜测 故事发展,构建新故事,在自主对话中有意识地进行合理运用。将之前学习 到一些发音规则融入故事情节中,形成一个语音故事,将语音、单词教学与 日常交流联系起来,更能让学生有所收获,并且初步了解故事的基本构成。 三、教学难点: a.掌握字母 It 发音的相关短语和单词。 b.能使用 Do you like.? Would you like.?

4、交际用语进行交流。 四、课前准备: 1.PPT 课件 2.文本资料、视频资料。 五、教学过程: Step I: Warm up and lead in 1. Lets enjoy: Enjoy the song about the letter Ii 2. Classes begins 3. T: What words can you hear in this song? Show: pig, big, sit, hill, ride, bike, fly, kite Read the word and try to know:Ii for /aI/ 4. Read and find: Ple

5、ase try to read them. 5. T: How to read these words? Can you read them quickly? T: Look at this boy. Hes Mike. Lets make a rhyme for him. T: So boys and girls, wheres Mike now? At the snack bar (设计意图设计意图: 在上课一开始,通过节奏欢快的歌曲,让学生初步了解字母 Ii 的 发音,并且通过歌曲中重复性的单词和音标,不断复现这些知识,为快速朗读新 单词做铺垫,创设故事情景埋下伏笔,更好的帮助学生理解本

6、节课的内容,使迅 速进入学习状态。 ) Step 2: Lead in 1. Free talk: T:At the snack bar, what would you like? Would you like a / an/ any? How/ What about you? Anything else? , please. 2. T:At the snack bar, this is my rhyme. Please listen to me. How about yours? Please try to say a rhyme. 3. T: Look at this man? Do yo

7、u know him? I think you have a lot of questions about him. S: (Ask some questions) (设计意图设计意图: 在 free talk 中复习第六单元的重点单词和句型, 唤醒学生对于 like 和 would like 的记忆,利用本单元的场景 at the snack bar, 重新建构新故事,引入新 人物,并且导入小诗的创编环节,新旧交替,课内外融合,充分利用小诗,发挥 学生的创造力、想象力、总结能力和综合运用能力。) Step 3. Before- reading 1. T: Everybody, lets wa

8、tch the cartoon and get his name. S: ( watch the cartoon about Sam) 2. T: Have you got it? Whats his name? -Sam What did Sam say? (Show the pictures about Sam and listen to Sam) Who can be Sam? Please say like him. 3. Show the pictures about Dr. Seuss. T: How about this man? Whos he? - Dr. Seuss. Wh

9、ats his job? Please look at his hands. Whats in his hands? Show the introduction about Dr. Seuss. T: Hes a writer. Hes so famous. Because he wrote a lot of picture books for children. 4. T: Please listen to Dr. Seuss now. What did he say? Who wants to be Dr. Seuss? 5. (Show the picture: Sam and Dr.

10、Seuss at the snack bar) T:Sam and Dr. Seuss are at the snack bar, too. What will they say? Can you guess? Look at Sam. Hes excited. But Dr. Seuss is very impatient. Why? (Show the pictures about green eggs and ham) T:Yes, because of them. What are these? How do you think of them? Do you like them? W

11、ould you like to eat them? Teach the word: h-am-ham 6. T: Now boys and girls, today lets enjoy a story about Sam and Dr. Seuss. Look at the cover carefully. Please give a name to this story. OK? Look, this is the title of this book. The name is GREEN EGGS AND HAM. And this is the writer. Hes Dr. Seu

12、ss. (板书: Green eggs and ham) (设计意图:设计意图:通过观看卡通片,获取书中人物的人名、性格和职业等信息;通过 猜测书名,介绍这本书的封面,为接下来的阅读整本书,做好充分的准备。在本 环节设计了猜测主人公对话, 直拼法学习新单词和谈感受的方式培养学生的自学 能力。) Step 4. While- reading(Beginning) Scene 1 1. T: Please look at Sam. Hes happy. So how to read this sentences. Please act it out. (板书:Do you like?) 2. T:

13、 Look at Dr. Seuss. Is he happy? Oh, no. Maybe hes angry. So what will he say? Can you say and act it out? (板书:I do not like) 3. T: Look at Sam now. In this picture what will he say? And How to say? Yes, he said it happily. But I think he said it confirmedly. Right? So who can say it like Sam? (板书:W

14、ould you like?) T: How about Dr. Seuss? He turned and walked away. Who can act like Dr. Seuss? Please read in confused. (板书:I would not like) 4. T: Everybody, read in roles. You can also do the action. Read again, and what can you find? 5. T: Please make a rhyme for Dr. Seuss. (设计意图:设计意图:正式进入绘本阅读环节,

15、在场景 1 中,通过对人物的性格分析,引 导学生表演,体会人物心情,并将本课中的重点句型及时总结。通过学生反复朗 读,找到本书句型结构和单词结构的一些共通之处,为接下来猜测故事发展,形 成完成故事作充分准备。利用小诗,巩固句型,加强语音训练,理清故事脉络, 提升创造能力。) Step 5. While-reading(Development) Scene 2 1. T: Lets go on. What can Dr. Seuss see? What will Sam say? What will Dr. Seuss say? Can you read? Who can read for us

16、? Teach: in the house with a mouse anywhere 2. T: This time read in pairs. One is Sam. One is Dr. Seuss. Of course, you can do the action. Read again, what can you find now? 3. Make a new rhyme for Dr. Seuss again. Scene 3 here, there, anywhere; would, could; boat, goat; rain, train; tree, be; box,

17、fox (设计意图:设计意图:在场景 2 中,学生根据之前第一场景得到的经验,能够自主猜测主 人公的对话,形成场景 2 的故事语言。正式进入故事文本学习时,学生们看动 画片、排图片;看图片、猜对话;观察图片、回忆语言;读语言、发现规律等方 式,不断主动参加学习,完善知识体系,提升总结能力。) Step 6 Summary Look at the blackboard and retell the story Show and guess: Whats the end of the book? Let the students guess. (设计意图:设计意图:回顾情节,看图复述故事,让学生想

18、象故事最后的结局) Step 7 While reading-Ending 1. Enjoy the ending. 2. Look at Dr. Seuss now. Hes happy now. Why? Show and teach: I do so like I would I will (设计意图设计意图:在本环节中,通过 Dr. Seuss 前后表情变化对比,比较语言使用上的 不同,让学生自我感知,最终形成自己的语言,内化为自己的知识,通汇贯通, 提升灵活运用语言的能力。) Step 8After-reading 1. T: This is a happy ending. Do y

19、ou like this book? Why? Show: Where theres a will, theres a way Learn to trust, try new things. Try them and you may. 2. T: Dr. Seuss is happy now. So I think we can make a new rhyme for happy Dr. Seuss. (设计意图:设计意图:英语学科的学习,不仅在于知识要点的教学,更重要的是进行人文 精神的传播和人性的关怀。既要获得故事阅读的乐趣,更要从主人公身上学到可 取品质和精神。利用小诗的创编,进一步巩固知识,总结全文,升华主旨!) Step 9 Homework 六、板书设计 Unit 6 At the snack bar -Green eggs and ham BeginningDevelopmentEnding Do you like? Would you like? Would you? Could you? Eat them. Here they are. You may like them. You will see. I do not like. I would not I could not I will not I do so like I would I will


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