Unit 7 At weekends-Story time-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版五年级上册(编号:f01aa).zip

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Unit7 At weekends 练习纸练习纸 Unit7 At weekends 练习纸练习纸 Magic eyes play table tennis play football swim dance play the piano read books sing fly a kite play basketball draw pictures have a picnic (快速说出你看到的图片和词组) . play basketball fly a kite draw pictures have a picnic A: What do you do on Saturdays/Sundays? B: I usually. Learn and talk M 一 T 二 W 三 T 四 F 五 S 六 S 日 123456 7891 0 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 1 6 1 7 1 8 1 9 2 0 2 1 2 2 2 3 2 4 2 5 2 6 2 7 2 8 2 9 3 0 3 1 S S weekends 周末 at weekends 在 /i:/e/ What do you do at weekends? visitmy grandpa and grandmagrandparents 拜访我的祖父祖母 I always visit my grandparents at weekeneds. 总是 chat on the Internet 网上聊天chairat I often chat on the Internet at weekends. 经常 go to the cinema I sometimes go to the cinema at weekends. 有时候 What do you do at weekends? And how often ? What do you do at weekends? They are talking about . A. their weekends B. their friends weekends C. Both A&B Watch the cartoon, do some exercise. What do we know from it? (根据课文内容思考,判断对错) 1.Su Hai and Su Yang often visit their grandparents. 3.Mike and Liu Tao dont like sports. 4.Helen loves dancing lessons. 2.Mike doesnt care about(关心) his grandparents because he doesnt often visit his grandparents. What do we know from it? (根据课文内容思考,判断对错) Su Hai and Su Yang often visit their grandparents. Mike and Liu Tao dont like sports. Helen loves dancing lessons. Mike doesnt care about(关心) his grandparents because he doesnt often visit his grandparents. 幻灯片 11 visit grandparents play football fly a kite go to the cinema play with their cat Kitty have a picnic have a dancing lesson chat with grandparents on the Internet have dinner with grandparents 网上和祖父母们聊天 和他们的猫凯蒂玩 Listen and repeat. 注意录音中的语音和语调! What do you do at weekends, Su Hai? I usually visit my grandparents. Su Yang and I like playing with their cat kitty very much. We often have dinner with our grandparents at weekends. My grandparents live in the UK. I usually chat with them on the Internet at weekends. What does Helen do at weekends? She always has dancing lessons.She sometimes goes to the cinema with her friends. What about you, Mike? I usually play football with Liu Tao at weekends. I sometimes go to the park with my family. We usually fly a kite and have a picnic there. Do the exercise on Page 70 Please do it in groups. (请合作合作完成) Think and write 根据板书完成P70 练习 Lets check chat with my grandparents Lets check Lets check Read and act Read together. (齐读) Read in roles. (分角色读) Say something about your favourite weekends. (说说你最喜 欢谁的周末 ) 四人一组,以小组为单位,选择一种喜欢的方式读一读课 文。 周末生活图weekends Plan your study well, enjoy your weekends as well! 安排好学习,享受好周末! Homework 1. Read the story 3 times 2. Finish your survey and be ready for making a report 1 5A Unit7 At weekends 施教时间: 年 月 日 共几课时共几课时6 教教 学学 内内 容容 Unit7 At weekends Story time 第几课时第几课时1 课课 型型 新 授 教教 学学 目目 标标 1. 能听懂、会读、会说单词及词组:visit,often,always,sometimes,at weekends,grandparent,play with,chat,Internet,go to the cinema. 2. 能听懂、会读、会说日常用语:What do you do at weekends ? I always /usually /often /sometimes 3. 能正确的理解并朗读课文,在教师引导和帮助下尝试复述课文内容。 4. 能初步运用本课所学的词汇和句型谈论自己或他人的周末活动。 教学教学 重点重点 能正确的理解并朗读课文,在教师引导和帮助下尝试复述课文内容。 教教 学学 重重 难难 点点 教学教学 难点难点 能初步运用本课所学的词汇和句型谈论自己或他人的周末活动。 教教 学学 资资 源源 1. 学生已有的学习经验:学生已有的学习经验: 学生学过一些周末活动的短语,如 fly a kite, have a picnic, go to the park 等。 2. 学生可能遇到的问题:学生可能遇到的问题: 对第三人称 she/he/it 描述时,不能正确使用动词的第三人称单数形式。 3. 教学策略:教学策略: A. 通过观看光盘,创设情境,组织游戏等活动帮助学生理解故事,建构知识。 B. 在情境中教学新单词并加以操练。 C. 让学生在主动探究、合作学习的过程中,内化知识,提升能力。 4.教学准备:教学准备:PPT 预预 习习 作作 业业 听 U7 Story time 录音,试着朗读课文,大致理解课文意思。 学学 程程 预预 设设导导 航航 策策 略略调整与反思调整与反思 Step 1: Pre-reading(10 分钟分钟) 1. Free talk a.教师通过 Free talk 引出课题。 What day is it today? Tomorrow is. The day after tomorrow is. We call them weekend. b. Read the title:At weekends 边板书课题, 边带读。 2. Magic eyes: What do you do at weekends? 2 T:I think you do many things at weekends. Lets see some of them. 3.Learn the new word: a. Listen and say:复习 U2 Sound time 复 习短语 go to the cinema。 b. Learn the new words 适时引出并教授新单词。 Read after the teacher 4. Talk in pairs. What do you do at weekends? I always/usually/often/sometimes. Step 3: While-reading(15 分钟)分钟) 1. Watch and answer Watch the cartoon and answer the question: (1)What do you think of their weekends? Happy/ Wonderful/ Nice/weekends (2) Who are they talking about? Su Hai , Su Yang and Mike. 2. Read and answer Read the story and try to answer (1) Mike 问 What do you do at weekends? How does Su Hai ask? I usuallySu Yang and I We often (2)同法学习 a.What does Helen do at weekends? She alwaysShe sometimes b.What does Mike do at weekends? I usuallyI sometimesWe usually 3. Think and write a根据书本 P70 内容,指导如何正确填 写,补全句子 Week 周,end 末 Tips:visit, grandparent,play with, chat on the Internet ,often, always, sometimes。 (PPT 先出示图,后词, 最 后全部词组呈现:visit my grandparents ,play with their cat, chat on the Internet , go to the cinema ,have dancing lessons, go to the park, fly a kite, have a picnic.) 引导孩子看卡通,初步了 解课文大意。 Tips: 指导学生看书寻找答 案。学习词组: visit my grandparents. play with the cat, have dinner with grandparents. Tips: 指导学生读书寻找答 3 b 巡视了解学生是否能正确写出句子, 特别是一些单词的拼写是否错误。 c展示交流,指导朗读这三段句子。 4Read the story (1) Listen and repeat (2) Read in groups (3) Try to remember the story (4) Read in roles Step 4: Post- reading(8 分钟)分钟) 展示 1. Read fluently 流利的朗读 2. Read fluently and beautifully 流利、优美的朗读 3. Act it out with emotions 有感情地表演 4.根据课文图片和板书试着用自己的语言复 述课文。 Step 5:Checkout.(6 分钟)分钟) 书本 p70 Step4: Homework.(1 分钟)分钟) 1. Read the story. 2. Talk about your friendsweekends. 案。学习词组: have dancing lessons go to the cinema with her friends 学生找出相关句型,注意 区分第一人称和第三人称 所导致的动词形式的变化。 生生评价。 给学生提供不同层次的任 务,引导学生结合实际情 况选择适合自己的任务。 明确作业要求。 教学反思教学反思 4
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