Unit 2 Exploring English Period 2 Using language PPT课件(2021新外研版高中英语必修第一册(高一上学期英语)).ppt

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1、Period 2 Using language Unit 2 Exploring English Learning aims To learn some rules of word formation. Compounding; Conversion; Derivation; Acronym 2. To learn how to guess the meanings of the words. pineapple basketball Leading-in butterfly butterfly mooncake mooncake Can you find out a common featu

2、re of these red words? whether there was ham in a hamburger. We can sculpt a sculpture and paint a painting. We can get seasick at sea. They are invisible. Discussion 一种语言的词汇绝不能看作是无生命的、完全的整体。词一种语言的词汇绝不能看作是无生命的、完全的整体。词 汇是会通过其构词能力不断地生成和再生成的。汇是会通过其构词能力不断地生成和再生成的。 Grammar Word formation 构词法构词法 (根据一定的规(根

3、据一定的规 律构成新单词的律构成新单词的 方法)方法) Compounding(合成 ) Conversion(转化) Derivation(派生) Acronym(缩略) Compounding(合成)(合成) create a new word by compounding two or more existing words (由两个或更多的词合成一个词由两个或更多的词合成一个词) (1) n.+n.: air conditioner (空调);(空调);blood pressure(血压)(血压) (2) adj. + n.:central bank (中央银行);(中央银行);fas

4、t food(快餐)(快餐) (3) v-ing. + n.:washing machine (洗衣机);(洗衣机);driving license(驾驶证)(驾驶证) (4) n. + v-ing. :story-telling(讲故事);(讲故事);hand-writing(笔迹)(笔迹) (5) adv. + v.:outbreak(爆发);(爆发);output(产量)(产量) (6) v. + adv.:breakdown(故障);feedback(反馈) 1.合成名词 2.合成形容词 (1)词尾为过去分词或+ed: absent-minded(心不在焉的);hand-made(手工

5、的) (2)词尾为现在分词:good-looking(好看的);easy-going(随和的) (3)词尾为形容词:duty-free(免税的);homesick (想家的) 3.合成动词 overcome(战胜)(战胜);undergo(经历)(经历) 4.合成副词whole-heartedly (全心全意地); downstairs(在楼下) Find the Compounding words in the reading material and give the meanings. While were doing all this travelling, we can get se

6、asick at sea, airsick in the air and carsick in a car, but we dont get homesick when we get back home. And speaking of home, why arent homework and housework the same thing? seasick(晕船); airsick(晕机); carsick(晕车 ); homesick(想家); homework(家庭作业); housework(家务事) 【即学即练】【即学即练】 change the part of speech(词性

7、)(词性)(改变单词的词性改变单词的词性) Conversion(转化) (1)(1)动词动词 名词名词 Look at me. Let me have a look. (2)(2)名词名词 动词动词 Open your book. I must book the ticket. (3)(3)形容词形容词 动词动词 Our classroom is very clean. We clean our classroom every day. (4)(4)形容词形容词 名词名词 ( (意义改变意义改变) ) You are right. Citizens have the right to spe

8、ak freely. 请大家判断词性转化类型请大家判断词性转化类型, ,然后翻译句子然后翻译句子 (1) Let me have a try. (2) You could shoulder the task. (3) You should try your best to better your performance. (4)They are discussing the content of the story. v.-n.让我来试一试。让我来试一试。 n.-v. 你可以承担这项任务。你可以承担这项任务。 adj.-v.你应该尽最大努力让自己有更好的表现。你应该尽最大努力让自己有更好的表现

9、。 adj.-n. 他们正在讨论这个故事的内容。他们正在讨论这个故事的内容。 【即学即练】【即学即练】 Derivation 派生派生 by adding a prefix or (and) a suffix (在词根上加上前、后缀构成另外一个词在词根上加上前、后缀构成另外一个词) unemployment 单词=前缀词根后缀 改变词义词的本意改变词性 Prefix-前缀前缀 1.表示否定的前缀表示否定的前缀 : dis- il- im- ir- in- un- 2.表示空间位置,表示空间位置, 方向的前缀方向的前缀 : by- inter- mid- under- . 3.表示比较程度差别关

10、表示比较程度差别关 系的前缀:系的前缀: extra- over- super- under 4.表示时间的前缀:表示时间的前缀: ex- fore mid- post- 5.表示重复的前缀:表示重复的前缀: re- 6.表示动化的前缀:表示动化的前缀: en- 1.1.表示否定意义前缀:表示否定意义前缀: Prefix-前缀前缀 dis- in- il- im- ir- mis- non- un- convenient inconvenient (不方便的不方便的) legal illegal (不合法的不合法的) possible impossible (不可能的不可能的) respons

11、ible irresponsible (不负责的不负责的) ability disability (无能力无能力; 残疾残疾 ) understand misunderstand(误解) profit non-profit(非营利的) certain uncertain(不确定的) Prefix-前缀前缀 by- “附近,邻近”road byroad(侧道) under-“在.下面” ground underground(地铁) inter- “在间,相互”national international(国际的) mid- “中间中间” night midnight(午夜)(午夜), autum

12、n mid- autumn(中秋)(中秋) re- “又,再” arrange rearrange (重新安排) en- “使.” able enable (使能够) pre- “前” war pre-war(战前的) post-“后” war post-war(战后的) 2.2.表示空间位置,表示空间位置, 方向关系的前缀方向关系的前缀 4.4.表示其他意义表示其他意义 3.3.表示时间表示时间 advantage sensitive moral logical reversible(可逆的)可逆的) necessary disadvantage 不利的不利的 insensitive 不敏感

13、的不敏感的 immoral 不道德的不道德的 illogical 无逻辑的无逻辑的 irreversible 不可逆的不可逆的 unnecessary 没有必要的没有必要的 给以下单词加上前缀并猜测词义给以下单词加上前缀并猜测词义 【即学即练】【即学即练】 Suffix-后缀后缀 名词后缀形容词后缀动词后缀副词后缀 1.1.表示人的名词后缀表示人的名词后缀 Suffix-后缀后缀 -er: design designer(设计者) -or: act actor(演员) -ee: employ employee(雇员) -ist: art artist (艺术家) -ian: music mus

14、ician(音乐家) -ant: assist assistant (助手) -ess: god goddess (女神) -ness: careless carelessness(粗心)(粗心) -ment: achieve achievement (成就)(成就) -dom: free freedom(自由)(自由) -tion: attract attraction (吸引力)(吸引力) -ance: accept acceptance (接受)(接受) -ence: depend dependence (依赖)(依赖) -ture: mix mixture (混合,混合物)(混合,混合

15、物) -y: recover recovery (恢复(恢复, 痊愈)痊愈) 2.2.其他名词后缀其他名词后缀 3. 3. 形容词后缀形容词后缀 Suffix-后缀后缀 -able: avoid avoidable(可避免的) -tive: attract attractive (有吸引力的) -al: nation national (民族的) -(i)ous: danger dangerous (危 险的) -ful: help helpful (有帮助的) -less: care careless (粗心的) -some: trouble troublesome (有 麻烦的) -ial

16、: influence influential (有影响 力的) 4. 4. 动词后缀动词后缀 -en: sharp sharpen-en: sharp sharpen(使尖锐(使尖锐 ) -fy: simple simplify -fy: simple simplify ( 使简化)使简化) -ize: modern modernize -ize: modern modernize ( 使现代化)使现代化)5. 5. 副词后缀副词后缀 -ly: happy happily-ly: happy happily(高(高 兴地)兴地) -s: indoor indoors -s: indoor i

17、ndoors ( 在室内)在室内) -ward(s): toward-ward(s): toward(趋向)(趋向) 找出段落中的派生词并猜测词义找出段落中的派生词并猜测词义 The gesture “thumb-up” is commonly misinterpreted. In English, it is popularly known as thumbs up, despite the fact that the action is commonly performed with only one hand. English- speaking Caucasians use it to

18、 signal OK, which is the same meaning as O.K. ring gesture. The two can in fact be used almost interchangeably. commonly 通常地; misinterpret 误解; popularly 流行地; action 动作;interchangeably 可交换地 【即学即练】【即学即练】 Acronym(缩略) A word formed from the first letters of the words that make up the name of sth. (缩略法,即

19、将单词缩写,词义和词性保持不变)(缩略法,即将单词缩写,词义和词性保持不变) World Health Organization WHO Information Technology IT telephonephone aeroplaneplane 2.2.截头缩略截头缩略 1.1.首字母缩略首字母缩略 examinationexam laboratorylab 3.3.去尾缩略去尾缩略 Match the words in bold to the types of word formation. 1. changing the part of speech(词性(词性 ) 2. adding

20、 a prefix (前缀)(前缀)or suffix (后缀)(后缀) 3. abbreviating(缩略)(缩略) 4. combining two or more words a. Neither is there pine nor apple in pineapple. b. . sculpt a sculpture When wesee rain we can say “it raining” d. WHO 【即学即练】【即学即练】 Summary Word formation 合成法合成法转换法转换法派生法派生法缩略法缩略法 两个词合成一两个词合成一 个新词。个新词。 分类分类:

21、 :合成名词合成名词 ;合成形容词;合成形容词 ;合成动词;合成动词; 合成副词。合成副词。 词形不变,词性词形不变,词性 改变。改变。 分类:名词分类:名词- -动词动词 转化;动词转化;动词- -名词名词 转化;形容词转化;形容词- -动动 词转化;形容词词转化;形容词- - 名词转化。名词转化。 在词根上加上前在词根上加上前 、后缀构成另外、后缀构成另外 一个词。一个词。 分类:前缀分类:前缀+ +词词 根;词根根;词根+ +后缀后缀 。 用单词首尾字用单词首尾字 母组成一个新母组成一个新 词。词。 分类:首字母分类:首字母 缩略;截头缩缩略;截头缩 略;去尾缩略略;去尾缩略 。 rai

22、n(形容词形容词) _ agree(反义反义)_ nation(形容词形容词)_ farm(人人)_ recent(副词副词)_ friend(形容词形容词)_ hope(形容词形容词)_ job(形容词形容词)_ visit(名词名词)_ access(形容词形容词) _ eight(八十八十)_ true(名词名词)_ kind(名词名词)_ China(形容词形容词)_ 1. 按括号内的要求改写下列单词按括号内的要求改写下列单词 rainy national recently hopeful visitor eighty kindness disagree farmer friendly

23、 jobless accessible truth Chinese Exercis e 2.2.用括号中所给单词的正确形式填空:用括号中所给单词的正确形式填空: Harry Potter is a boy who is full of _(imagine).Harry Potter is a boy who is full of _(imagine). _ (congratulate)! You have done so well in the _ (congratulate)! You have done so well in the game.game. I received a lett

24、er of _ (invite) but I didnt I received a letter of _ (invite) but I didnt accept it.accept it. His late _(arrive) made a mess of our plan.His late _(arrive) made a mess of our plan. To the _(amaze) of the parents, their child can look To the _(amaze) of the parents, their child can look after himself after himself without their help. without their help. He did exercise to _ (strong) his muscles.He did exercise to _ (strong) his muscles. I went out to _( breath) the fresh air.I went out to _( breath) the fresh air. imagination Congratulations invitation arrival amazement strengthen breathe


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