Unit 4What can you do -A-教案、教学设计-部级公开课-人教版pep五年级上册英语(配套课件编号:60b11).docx

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Unit 4What can you do -A-教案、教学设计-部级公开课-人教版pep五年级上册英语(配套课件编号:60b11).docx_第1页
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Unit 4What can you do -A-教案、教学设计-部级公开课-人教版pep五年级上册英语(配套课件编号:60b11).docx_第2页
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Unit 4What can you do -A-教案、教学设计-部级公开课-人教版pep五年级上册英语(配套课件编号:60b11).docx_第3页
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Unit 4What can you do -A-教案、教学设计-部级公开课-人教版pep五年级上册英语(配套课件编号:60b11).docx_第4页
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Unit 4What can you do -A-教案、教学设计-部级公开课-人教版pep五年级上册英语(配套课件编号:60b11).docx_第5页
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1、教学主题教学主题 义务教育教科书 英语(PEP)五年级上册 Unit4 What can you do? A Lets learn 科目科目英语教学对象教学对象五年级学生课时课时一课时 一、教材设计一、教材设计想法想法 本单元的主题是文娱活动, 通过新的语境和趣味活动组成。 整个单元在内容上从能为 English Party 做什么到帮助别人学习新的文娱活动。本课为第二课时,课型定位为词汇课,本课时依旧 围绕 “English party”展开单词的学习。 结合第一课时的语言和内容,将内容分为以下几个步骤展开:结合第一课时的语言和内容,将内容分为以下几个步骤展开: 1.复习旧知。Well ha

2、ve 3 new teachers. What do you want to know about the new teachers? 根据真实情景,激发学生讨论欲望,在对话中复习词组和语言。 2.新授展开。What can they do? 观看视频、听音频了解新外教会做的事情,学习本课词组。 3.新知操练。What can you do? 询问同伴,以句带词,了解班级里同学们会的活动。 4.落实书写。 What can the students do for the English party? 回归书本, 承接第一课时 English party 的话题,了解更多的同学能为 Englis

3、h party 做的事情,进一步巩固新知。 5.自信展示,在活动中用语言。What can you do for the English party at our school? 给 出本校有 English Party 任务,让学生在活动中习得语言。 二、教学重点、难点二、教学重点、难点 重点:能够听、说、读、写新授词汇,能够使用正确句型在适合的情境中谈论运用词汇。 难点:词组 draw cartoons 和单词 songs 中 sz的发音 三、三、教学目标教学目标 知识与技能目标:知识与技能目标: 1.在语境中学习,能听说读写单词或词组:dance, sing English songs,

4、 do kung fu, play the pipa, draw cartoons, 理解并运用以上词汇。 2.在语境中学习,理解并运用以下句型: What can you do? I can谈论并表演文娱活动。 情感态度目标:情感态度目标: 鼓励学生了解身边同学具有的才艺,增进同学间的了解,做生活中的有心人。 四、教学四、教学准备准备 PPT 课件,人物头像、磁铁卡 五、教学过程五、教学过程 一、一、Warm-up/ Revision 1. Introduce the new teachers T:Hey, everyone! Ive got good news today. Well ha

5、ve three new teachers. Do you want to know something about them? S: Yes. T: Like what? S: What are their names? S: What are they like? S: Are they from the USA/ England? S: What can they do? . 设计意图设计意图结合学校要引进新外教的情境,引出学生不熟悉的对象,激发学生对新老师的好奇感,实现有信息 差的谈话内容。学生在问问题了解新老师的过程中,复习已学句型。 2.Talk about what the ne

6、w teachers can do. T: First, lets see who they are. Ss: Sam, Helen and Tony. T: Here are something that they can do. Have a guess. S: Maybe they can T: Why do you think of that? S: I think they can speak English, because they are from England and the USA. S: Maybe they can sing songs. Maybe they are

7、 music teachers. S: Maybe they can cook a big dinner. Because on Thanksgiving Day, they cook a big dinner. 设计意图设计意图 通过让学生猜一猜新老师能做的事情,复习适合谈论这个话题的词组。 二、二、Presentation and practice Get to know what the new teachers can do. 1. Watch the video and discuss T: I asked them the same question as well. Watch

8、the video and see what they can do. Ss watch the video 2. Discuss what theyve seen in the video in pairs. 设计意图设计意图 承接第一课时句型 What can you do ? 学生在情境中感知新词组。 2. Learn the new phrases (1). Listen again and match T: What can they do? Listen, choose one and talk about it. a.S: Sam can sing English songs.

9、T: Listen! (教师播放录音) 学生听音,尝试发音 出示单词,学生用自然拼音法拼读 朗读操练 教师呈现板书,将常见字母组合挖空,学生记忆,观看书写 b.S: Sam can draw cartoons. T: Listen! T: Which group are cartoons? 学生区别 pictures 和 cartoons T: What cartoons do you know? S: I know c. S: Helen can dance and do kung fu. d.S: Tony can play the pipa and play the guzheng. T

10、: Which picture is pipa? Which one is the guzheng? 单词教学顺序按照 sing English songs 的顺序展开。 设计意图设计意图以上活动主要是对词组的音、形教学。先出示单词的音,让学生感知这个单词的发音。再出现单词 的形,让学生观察后尽量用自然拼读法来拼读单词。通过将常见字母组合挖空,帮助学生记忆单词。 (2). Read and match T: Ive got some of their pictures. Look and match the things they can do. S: In picture1, Sam can

11、 sing English songs. S: In picture2, Sam can draw cartoons. S: In picture3, Helen can dance. S: In picture4, Helen can do kung fu. S: In picture5, Tony can play the pipa. 设计意图设计意图 本环节是对词组的形、义教学。通过观看教师文娱活动的图片,对上一个环节的词组 进行配对。在任务中习得本课词组的意义。 3. Think and discuss. (1)T: The new teachers can do so many th

12、ings. What about you? What can you do? S: I can sing English so ngs. T: Really? What English songs can sing? S: 生唱 (2) Pair work A: What can you do? B: I can 设计意图设计意图 在学习完新外教会做的事情后,学生讨论自己会做的事情。结合前一课时的句型,询 问同伴们会做的事情,在句子中操练词组。 三、三、Consolidation and extension 1. Listen and tick T: In the last lesson, M

13、iss Whites students are talking about the English party. When will be the English party? Ss: Next Tuesday. T: What can the students in Miss Whites class? Listen and tick 教师播放录音两次 S: They can play the pipa, dance, do kung fu, draw cartoons and sing English songs. 设计意图设计意图 回归课文,延续上一课时的话题,增加人物,了解书本中学生们

14、会做的事情。这次的 听力练习是对学生音形对应的巩固。学生从听单词到在句子中听单词,增加难度,进一步巩固学 生对新词组的掌握。 2. Listen and read Open your books and turn to page 39. Lets check. 听录音再跟读一遍;整体读一遍 设计意图设计意图 学生做完听力后到书本上去校对,再一次纠正发音。 3. Write a report to Miss White T: Miss White needs a report about what her students can do .Can you write the report to

15、Miss White? 学生写好后校对。 设计意图设计意图 通过设置写一个报告给 Miss White,向她报告学生们都能做什么的书写活动,巩固书写。 3.Task: Get ready for the English Party! (1)T: Miss White and her students will have an English party next Tuesday. Well have an English party next Friday! The three new teachers will come too. What can you do for the party?

16、 T: I need one student to introduce what your group can do. And the rest of the group members, try to tell and do the things if you can. (2) Group work S1: What can we do for the party? I can She can S2: Hey, I can.做动作 S3: I can做动作 S4: I can做动作 S3: Ss try to report and perform the things they can do

17、 for the party. 设计意图设计意图 在学习完课本的知识后,教师告知学生学校也将举行 English Party,将书本上的知识回 归到学生的真实生活中。基于刚才学生已经对同伴能做的文娱活动有所了解,教师设置了让学生 能在课堂上尝试准备节目的任务。最终帮助学生将本课的新知运用到实际生活中。 四、Homework 1. Listen and read the five phrases and sentences on Page39. (听、跟读课本第 39 页词组和对话。 ) 2. Do a survey. Ask the students from other classes. (

18、调查其他班的同学,看看他们能做什么。) 五、Blackboard Design Unit4 What can you do? A. Lets learn T: Ive got some of their pictures. Look and match the things they can do. S: In picture1, Sam can sing English songs. S: In picture2, Sam can draw cartoons. S: In picture3, Helen can dance. S: In picture4, Helen can do kung

19、 fu. S: In picture5, Tony can play the pipa. 设计意图设计意图 本环节是对词组的形、义教学。通过观看教师文娱活动的图片,对上一个环节的词组进行配对。在 任务中习得本课词组的意义。 3. Think and discuss. (1)T: The new teachers can do so many things. What about you? What can you do? S: I can sing English songs. T: Really? What English songs can sing? S: 生唱 (2) Pair wor

20、k A: What can you do? B: I can 设计意图设计意图 在学习完新外教会做的事情后,学生讨论自己会做的事情。结合前一课时的句型,询问同伴们会做的 事情,在句子中操练词组。 三、三、Consolidation and extension 1. Listen and tick T: In the last lesson, we know that Miss Whites students will have an English party. When will be the English party? Ss: Next Tuesday. T: What can the

21、students in Miss Whites class? Listen and tick 教师播放录音两次 S: They can play the pipa, dance, do kung fu, draw cartoons and sing English songs. 设计意图设计意图 回归课文,延续上一课时的话题,增加人物,了解书本中学生们会做的事情。这次的听力练习是对 学生音形对应的巩固。学生从听单词到在句子中听单词,增加难度,进一步巩固学生对新词组的掌握。 2. Listen and read T: Open your books and turn to page 39. Le

22、ts check. 听录音再跟读一遍;整体读一遍 设计意图学生做完听力后到书本上去校对,再一次纠正发音。 3. Write a report to Miss White T: Miss White needs a report about what her students can do .Can you write the report to Miss White? 学生写好后校对。学生写好后校对。 设计意图设计意图通过设置写一个报告给通过设置写一个报告给 Miss White,向她报告学生们都能做什么的书写活动,巩固书向她报告学生们都能做什么的书写活动,巩固书 写。写。 3.Task: G

23、et ready for the English Party! (1)T: Miss White and her students will have an English party next Tuesday. Well have an English party next Friday! The three new teachers will come too. What can you do for the party? T: I need one student to introduce what your group can do. And the rest of the group

24、 members, try to tell and do the things if you can. (2) Group work S1: What can we do for the party? I can She can S2: Hey, I can.做动作做动作 S3: I can做动作做动作 S4: I can做动作做动作 S3: Ss try to report and perform the things they can do for the party. 设计意图设计意图 在学习完课本的知识后在学习完课本的知识后, 教师告知学生学校也将举行教师告知学生学校也将举行 Engl

25、ish Party,将书本上的知识回将书本上的知识回 归到学生的真实生活中归到学生的真实生活中。基于刚才学生已经对同伴能做的文娱活动有所了解基于刚才学生已经对同伴能做的文娱活动有所了解,教师设置了让学生教师设置了让学生 能在课堂上尝试准备节目的任务。最终帮助学生将本课的新知运用到实际生活中。能在课堂上尝试准备节目的任务。最终帮助学生将本课的新知运用到实际生活中。 四、四、Homework 1. Listen and read the five phrases and sentences on Page39. (听、跟读课本第(听、跟读课本第 39 页词组和对话页词组和对话。 ) 2. Do a

26、 survey. Ask the students from other classes. (调查其他班的同学,看看他们能做什么。调查其他班的同学,看看他们能做什么。) 五、五、Blackboard Design Unit4 What can you do? A.Lets learn 听录音再跟读一遍;整体读一遍 设计意图设计意图 学生做完听力后到书本上去校对,再一次纠正发音。 3. Write a report to Miss White T: Miss White needs a report about what her students can do .Can you write th

27、e report to Miss White? 学生写好后校对。 设计意图设计意图 通过设置写一个报告给 Miss White,向她报告学生们都能做什么的书写活动,巩固书写。 4.Task: Get ready for the English Party! (1)T: Miss White and her students will have an English party next Tuesday. Well have an English party next Friday! The three new teachers will come too. What can you do fo

28、r the party? T: I need one student to introduce what your group can do. And the rest of the group members, try to tell and do the things if you can. (2) Group work S1: What can we do for the party? I can She can S2: Hey, I can.做动作 S3: I can做动作 S4: I can做动作 S3: Ss try to report and perform the things

29、 they can do for the party. 设计意图设计意图 在学习完课本的知识后,教师告知学生学校也将举行 English Party,将书本上的知识回归到学生的 真实生活中。基于刚才学生已经对同伴能做的文娱活动有所了解,教师设置了让学生能在课堂上尝试准备节目的 任务。最终帮助学生将本课的新知运用到实际生活中。 四、四、Homework 1. Listen and read the five phrases and sentences on Page39. (听、跟读课本第 39 页词组和对话。 ) 2. Do a survey. Ask the students from other classes. (调查其他班的同学,看看他们能做什么。) 五、五、Blackboard Design Unit4 What can you do? A.Lets learn


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