(2019版)外研版高中英语必修第一册Unit 5 Into the wild Starting out & Understanding ideas 同步练习(含答案).doc

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1、第 1页(共 12页) Unit5 Into the wild Section A Starting out she only had to beg. Every night, the spaniel ate her food in a few seconds. Then shed sit and stare at the cat and every night, Toby would be nice. Using his paw, hed get several pieces of tasty food down to the waiting dog. Apparently, Katie a

2、ppreciated it, because whenever she was curled up in her beanbag bed and the cat walked over, she would give up her nice, warm spot. “Toby would then lie down in the center of the beanbag, ” says Gustafson, “and Katie would lie on the floor.” 5The reason why some animals prefer to live in groups lie

3、s in that _. Athey have to follow natural rulesBthey are afraid of staying alone 第 6页(共 12页) Cthey cannot find food by themselvesDliving alone would make their lives harder 6According to Bekoff, animals try their best to do whats right because _. Ait feels good to be kindBanimals are friendly by nat

4、ure Cthey have learned to do so for a long timeDthey want their owners to like them 7It can be inferred from the last paragraph that _. ALinda always lets the animals eat togetherBKatie sometimes gets her food by stealing CToby is generous but Katie isntDKatie and Toby help each other 8The passage m

5、ainly tells us that _. Awe should protect animals and live with them peacefully B animals, like humans, can be connected by friendly social ties Crules only exist in human societies and not in animal societies Danimals will make the world more beautiful and peaceful 四、阅读七选五 The worlds African elepha

6、nts are in serious danger. _1_ And if we do nothing to put an end to the illegal ivory trade, elephants will be extinct in the wild within the next 20 years. Many believe that an illegal hunter could get ivory without 第 7页(共 12页) killing the elephantthis is not true. _2_ And the rest lies beneath th

7、e surface like an iceberg (冰山)in water. The tusk (长牙) is not just bone but rather it is alive, filled with nerves and blood vessels (血管)and when broken off, the tusks would likely become infected and lead to a slow and painful death. However, there is a new form of hope rising from nature itself. Af

8、rican elephants are being born without the tusks that illegal hunters have targeted for decades. But why is the largest land mammal on earth now being born tuskless? _3_ Is such change beneficial to elephants survival in the long term? As we know, elephant tusks are not just glorious looking. _4_ Th

9、erefore, scientists are just beginning to track the newly tuskless among them to see how this unfortunate adaptation affects the species. Ivory hunters are not the only danger faced by elephants today. And more support is needed than ever to create a safe world where elephants can live together with

10、 humans happily, tusks and all. _5_ AAction should be taken to protect animals in the world. BThey also have important uses such as selfdefense and digging. COnly twothirds of an elephants ivory sticks out of their mouth. DIt is estimated that one is killed every 15 minutes for 第 8页(共 12页) their ivo

11、ry. EThats because elephants without tusks have a better chance of surviving. FAfter centuries of being hunted by humans, many African elephants are tuskless. GAnd its in our power to make this happen by cutting demand and raising awareness. 第 9页(共 12页) 一、单词拼写 1.measure2.determine3.crashed4.charity

12、5.solutions 6.destroyed7.survived8.sought9.position 10.amazing 二、单句语法填空 1measures2.annually3.survivor4.harder5.amazed 6.to7.Eventually8.butterflies 三、阅读理解 1.C细节理解题。根据第一段中“They made the town look so ugly that we decided to start a group to make people stop dropping butts.”可知,她们成立该组织的最初原因是烟头让城 市变得非常难看

13、,故选 C。 2.A细节理解题。根据第三段“Later,we wrote to companies and asked them for money to help us.We used the money to buy ashtrays to give smokers.We wanted smokers to carry the ashtrays with them so they didnt have to drop butts.”可知, 作者找公司赞助买了烟灰缸给那些抽烟的人,故选 A。 3.B推理判断题。根据倒数第二段中“We just want to make the Earth a

14、 better and cleaner place for animals,plants and people.”和最后一段“One day,it will be.”可以推测出,作者 相信地球终有一天会变得更好、更干净,故选 B。 4.A标题归纳题。根据第一段中“They made the town look so ugly that we decided to start a group to make people stop dropping butts.We called it No Butts About It ”可知,本 第 10页(共 12页) 文主要讲述了作者和他的姐姐一直设法呼

15、吁人们不要乱扔烟头, 故选 A。 5答案与解析:D细节判断题。由文章第一段第三句“.and would have a harder time hunting and raising their young.” 可知它们单独生存会非常困难。 6 答案与解析: A细节理解题。 由文章第二段第三句 “It might simply feel good to be kind, just as it does for humans.” 可知这样做是动物的一种友好的感觉。 7答案与解析:D推理判断题。由文章最后一段可知它们两个 都很慷慨,Toby 经常把自己的饭给 Katie 吃,而 Katie 经常把自

16、己 温暖的床让给 Toby,自己睡地板,它们相互帮助,相互关照。 8答案与解析:B主旨大意题。本文主要讲述了动物世界也存 在友好的社会关系。 四、阅读七选五 1D根据上句 The worlds African elephants are in serious danger.可知非洲象面临着危险。选项 D“据估计,每 15 分钟就有一 头大象因为象牙而被猎杀”是对前句的说明,故选 D。 2C根据下文 And the rest lies beneath the surface like an iceberg (冰山) in water.可知其余的隐藏在里面,就像水中的 冰山。选项 C“大象的象牙只

17、有三分之二伸出他们的嘴”与此对应。 故选 C。 3E根据上文 But why is the largest land mammal on earth now being born tuskless?可知,此句问的是为什么地球上最大的 陆地哺乳动物现在出生时没有象牙。选项 E“那是因为没有象牙的大 象有更好的生存机会”正与上文的问题相符,故选 E。 第 11页(共 12页) 4B根据上文 As we know, elephant tusks are not just gloriouslooking.可知,众所周知,象牙不仅仅好看。选项 B“它 们也有重要的用途,如自卫和挖掘”与上文衔接。故选 B。 5G上文讲述的是大象面临很多的威胁,我们要保护大象,给 它们提供一个安全的生活环境。选项 G“我们有能力通过减少需求和 增强意识来实现这一目标”与上文衔接。故选 G。 第 12页(共 12页)


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